-`XDG_ADAPTIVE_ICON=ON`: install the icon file following [freedesktop.org Icon Theme Specification](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html) for adaptiveness to themes and sizes. Required by AppImage; recommended for Linux packaging if `PREFIX` set to `/usr`.
-`LINUX_STATIC_IME_PLUGIN=ON` (make phase): link to static ime plugin. Recommended for building with static version of Qt; **DO NOT** set for dynamic version of Qt.
A reference PKGBUILD is available at `packages/archlinux`. Build RedPanda C++ with [makepkg](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Makepkg) and then install.
Enter `RedPandaIDE` to launch RedPanda C++.
Note that makepkg checks out HEAD of the repo, so any change should be committed before building.
./dist/RedPandaIDE-x86_64.AppImage # or *-aarch64.AppImage
Note: AppImage, in which format AppImageKit is shipped, is incompatable with QEMU user space emulator, so you cannot build AArch64 AppImage on x86-64, and vice versa.