diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index d5078d19..9e5b01c9 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.4
- enhancement: batch set cases ( in problem case table's context menu )
- enhancement: add Portugese translation
- fix: crash when eval statements like "fsm::stack fsm;"
+ - enhancement: add Traditional Chinese translation
Red Panda C++ Version 1.0.3
- fix: when oj problem grabbed by competitive companion received,
diff --git a/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE.pro b/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE.pro
index 41ea7625..5946ed80 100644
--- a/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE.pro
+++ b/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE.pro
@@ -425,6 +425,7 @@ linux: {
RedPandaIDE_zh_CN.ts \
+ RedPandaIDE_zh_TW.ts \
#CONFIG += lrelease embed_translations
diff --git a/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_pt.ts b/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_pt.ts
index 8aaeccdc..b06a83d6 100644
--- a/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_pt.ts
+++ b/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_pt.ts
@@ -1518,6 +1518,10 @@
Simplified Chinese
+ Traditional Chinese
diff --git a/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_zh_CN.ts b/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_zh_CN.ts
index ccf87abd..fdf34611 100644
--- a/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_zh_CN.ts
+++ b/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_zh_CN.ts
@@ -2118,6 +2118,11 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Simplified Chinese
+ Traditional Chinese
+ 繁体中文
@@ -3816,11 +3821,11 @@ Are you really want to continue?
@@ -4253,7 +4258,7 @@ Are you really want to continue?
New Problem Set
@@ -4272,14 +4277,14 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Save Problem Set
Load Problem Set
@@ -4618,7 +4623,7 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Clear all breakpoints
@@ -4760,7 +4765,7 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Rename Symbol
@@ -4781,13 +4786,13 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Export As RTF
Export As HTML
@@ -5296,7 +5301,7 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Problem Set %1
@@ -5344,12 +5349,12 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Set Problem Set Name
Problem Set Name:
@@ -5369,16 +5374,16 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Bookmark Description
@@ -5402,12 +5407,12 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Break point condition
Enter the condition of the breakpoint:
@@ -5429,17 +5434,17 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Add Folder
New folder
Folder name:
@@ -5495,15 +5500,15 @@ Are you really want to continue?
New Folder
@@ -5563,83 +5568,83 @@ Are you really want to continue?
C/C++源代码文件 (*.c *.cpp *.cc *.cxx)
New Folder %1
Untitled %1
Do you really want to delete %1?
Do you really want to delete %1 files?
Save project
The project '%1' has modifications.
Do you want to save it?
File Changed
New Project File?
Do you want to add the new file to the project?
Save Error
Change Project Compiler Set
Change the project's compiler set will lose all custom compiler set options.
Do you really want to do that?
@@ -5648,171 +5653,171 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Choose input files
Input data files (*.in)
输入数据文件 (*.in)
Do you really want to clear all breakpoints in this file?
New project
Close %1 and start new project?
Folder not exist
Folder '%1' doesn't exist. Create it now?
Can't create folder
Failed to create folder '%1'.
Save new project as
Folder %1 is not empty.
Do you really want to delete it?
Change working folder
File '%1' is not in the current working folder.
File '%1' is not in the current working folder
Do you want to change working folder to '%1'?
Can't Commit
Git needs user info to commit.
Choose Input Data File
All files (*.*)
所有文件 (*.*)
Choose Expected Output Data File
Choose Expected Input Data File
Line %1
Choose Working Folder
Header Exists
Header file "%1" already exists!
Source Exists
Source file "%1" already exists!
Can't commit!
The following files are in conflicting:
Commit Message
Commit Message:
Commit Failed
Commit message shouldn't be empty!
@@ -5821,52 +5826,52 @@ Are you really want to continue?
小熊猫Dev-C++项目文件 (*.dev)
New project fail
Can't assign project template
Remove file
Remove the file from disk?
New Project File Name
File Name:
File Already Exists!
File '%1' already exists!
Add to project
@@ -5881,75 +5886,75 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Red Panda C++ project file (*.dev)
Rename Error
Symbol '%1' is defined in system header.
New Name
Replace Error
Can't open file '%1' for replace!
Contents has changed since last search!
Rich Text Format Files (*.rtf)
RTF格式文件 (*.rtf)
HTML Files (*.html)
HTML文件 (*.html)
The current problem set is not empty.
Problem %1
Problem Set Files (*.pbs)
试题集文件 (*.pbs)
Load Error
Problem Case %1
@@ -5963,12 +5968,12 @@ Are you really want to continue?
@@ -5995,77 +6000,77 @@ Are you really want to continue?
File '%1' was changed.
Reload its content from disk?
File '%1' was removed.
Keep it open?
Compile Failed
Run Failed
Confirm Convertion
The editing file will be saved using %1 encoding. <br />This operation can't be reverted. <br />Are you sure to continue?
当前编辑器中的文件将会使用%1编码保存。<br />这项操作无法被撤回。<br />你确定要继续吗?
New Watch Expression
Enter Watch Expression (it is recommended to use 'this->' for class members):
Parsing file %1 of %2: "%3"
Done parsing %1 files in %2 seconds
(%1 files per second)
@@ -7796,12 +7801,12 @@ Are you really want to continue?
@@ -8284,7 +8289,7 @@ Are you really want to continue?
@@ -8360,15 +8365,15 @@ Are you really want to continue?
Program Runner
Problem Set
diff --git a/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_zh_TW.ts b/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_zh_TW.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0000b4eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RedPandaIDE/RedPandaIDE_zh_TW.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6582 @@
+ AboutDialog
+ About
+ <html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:600;">Red Panda C++</span></h1></body></html>
+ Based on Qt %1 (%2)
+ Build time: %1 %2
+ Copyright(C) 2021-2022 瞿华(royqh1979@gmail.com)
+ <html><head/><body><p>Homepage: <a href="Homepage: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dev-cpp-2020/">https://sourceforge.net/projects/dev-cpp-2020/</a></p></body></html>
+ GNU General Public License
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ Version:
+ Non-GCC Compiler
+ Website: <a href="%1">%1</a>
+ AppTheme
+ Theme file '%1' doesn't exist!
+ Error in json file '%1':%2 : %3
+ Can't open the theme file '%1' for read.
+ AutolinkModel
+ Header
+ Link options
+ Header exists
+ Header already exists.
+ BacktraceModel
+ Function
+ Filename
+ Line
+ BookmarkModel
+ Save file '%1' failed.
+ Can't open file '%1' for write.
+ Error in json file '%1':%2 : %3
+ Can't open file '%1' for read.
+ Description
+ Line
+ Filename
+ BreakpointModel
+ Filename
+ Line
+ Condition
+ Save file '%1' failed.
+ Can't open file '%1' for write.
+ Error in json file '%1':%2 : %3
+ Can't open file '%1' for read.
+ CPUDialog
+ CPU Info
+ Disassemble
+ Step over one machine instruction
+ Step into one machine instruction
+ AT&&T
+ Intel
+ Blend Mode
+ CharsetInfoManager
+ Arabic
+ Greek
+ Baltic
+ Western Europe
+ Central Europe
+ Cyrillic
+ Turkish
+ Northern Europe
+ Hebrew
+ Thai
+ Japanese
+ Chinese
+ Korean
+ Vietnamese
+ Eastern Europe
+ Celtic
+ ChooseThemeDialog
+ Choose Theme
+ Dark Theme
+ Light Theme
+ Ok
+ CodeSnippetsManager
+ Load default code snippets failed
+ Can't copy default code snippets '%1' to '%2'.
+ Read code snippets failed
+ Can't open code snippet file '%1' for read.
+ Read code snippet file '%1' failed:%2
+ Save code snippets failed
+ Can't open code snippet file '%1' for write.
+ Write to code snippet file '%1' failed.
+ Load new file template failed
+ Can't open new file template file '%1' for read.
+ Save new file template failed
+ Can't open new file template file '%1' for write.
+ CodeSnippetsModel
+ Caption
+ Completion Prefix
+ Description
+ Menu Section
+ ColorEdit
+ Color
+ Compiler
+ Clean before rebuild failed.
+ Compile Result:
+ - Errors: %1
+ - Warnings: %1
+ - Output Filename: %1
+ - Output Size: %1
+ - Compilation Time: %1 secs
+ [Error]
+ [Warning]
+ [Info]
+ [Note]
+ The compiler process for '%1' failed to start.
+ The compiler process crashed after starting successfully.
+ The last waitFor...() function timed out.
+ An error occurred when attempting to write to the compiler process.
+ An error occurred when attempting to read from the compiler process.
+ An unknown error occurred.
+ CompilerAutolinkWidget
+ Form
+ Enable auto link
+ Add
+ Remove
+ Save failed.
+ CompilerManager
+ No compiler set
+ No compiler set is configured.
+ Can't start debugging.
+ Encoding not support
+ Clang only support utf-8 encoding.
+ Strings in the program might be wrongly processed.
+ Can't find Console Pauser
+ Console Pauser "%1" doesn't exists!
+ CompilerSetDirectoriesWidget
+ Form
+ Add
+ Remove
+ Remove Invalid
+ Choose Folder
+ CompilerSetOptionWidget
+ Form
+ Compiler set to config
+ Auto Find Compilers
+ Find Compiler in the Folder
+ Add Blank Compiler Set
+ Rename
+ Remove
+ General
+ Convert Executable's Charset as
+ Statically link libraries
+ Add the following arguments when calling the compiler
+ Add the following arguments when calling the linker
+ Settings
+ Directories
+ Programs
+ TextLabel
+ Choose make
+ ...
+ C Compiler(gcc)
+ Choose Profiler
+ C++ Compiler(g++)
+ Choose C++ Compiler
+ Profiler(gprof)
+ make
+ Choose Debugger
+ Choose C Compiler
+ gdb
+ Choose Resource Compiler
+ gdb server
+ Resource Compiler(windres)
+ UTF-8
+ Red Panda C++ will clear current compiler list and search for compilers in the following locations:<br /> '%1'<br /> '%2'<br />Are you really want to continue?
+ Red Panda C++ will clear current compiler list and search for compilers in the the PATH. <br />Are you really want to continue?
+ Confirm
+ Failed
+ Can't find any compiler.
+ Compiler Set Name
+ Name
+ Compiler Set Folder
+ New name
+ CppRefacter
+ Rename Symbol Error
+ Can't rename symbols not defined in this file.
+ New symbol already exists!
+ CustomMakefileInfoDialog
+ Information for custom makefile
+ Ok
+ <html><head/><body><p>Red Panda C++'s Makefile has two important targets:</p><p>- all (which builds the executable)</p><p>- clean (which cleans up object files)</p><p><br/>"all" depends on 2 targets: all-before and all-after. All-before</p><p>gets called before the compilation process, and all-after gets</p><p>called after the compilation process.</p><p><br/>"clean" depends on the target clean-custom, which gets called</p><p>before the cleaning process.<br/></p><p>You can change the Makefile's behavior by defining the targets</p><p>that "all" and "clean" depend on.</p></body></html>
+ DebugGeneralWidget
+ Form
+ Use GDB Server to debug
+ GDB Server Port
+ Skip system header and library files when step into
+ Skip project header and library files when step into
+ Skip custom header and library files when step into
+ Debug Console
+ Font:
+ Show only monospaced fonts
+ Size:
+ Show detail debug logs
+ Autosave
+ Autosave breakpoints
+ Autosave watches
+ Show CPU Window when signal received
+ CPU Window
+ Disassembly Coding Style:
+ Intel
+ AT&&T
+ Show disassembly code in blend mode
+ Debugger
+ No compiler set
+ No compiler set is configured.
+ Can't start debugging.
+ Debugger not exists
+ Can''t find debugger in : "%1"
+ GDB Server path error
+ GDB Server's path "%1" contains non-ascii characters.
+ This prevents it from executing.
+ GDB Server not exists
+ Can''t find gdb server in : "%1"
+ Execute to evaluate
+ Compile
+ Source file is more recent than executable.
+ Recompile?
+ Signal "%1" Received:
+ Editor
+ untitled
+ Error
+ Save As
+ File %1 already openned!
+ The text to be copied exceeds count limit!
+ The text to be copied exceeds character limit!
+ The text to be cut exceeds count limit!
+ The text to be cut exceeds character limit!
+ Print Document
+ Ctrl+click for more info
+ astyle not found
+ Can't find astyle in "%1".
+ Break point condition
+ Enter the condition of the breakpoint:
+ Readonly
+ EditorAutoSaveWidget
+ Form
+ Enable auto save
+ Time interval:
+ minutes
+ Objects to save
+ Current File
+ All files openned
+ Project files
+ Save strategy
+ Overwrite
+ Append UNIX timestamp
+ Append formatted timestamp
+ Demo file name:
+ Demo file name:
+ EditorClipboardWidget
+ Form
+ Copy Size Limit
+ Don't copy text larger than
+ Lines
+ Size(kilo characters):
+ Copy with format as
+ Copy && Export As HTML
+ Use background color
+ Use editor's color scheme
+ Color scheme
+ Export As RTF
+ EditorCodeCompletionWidget
+ Form
+ Enable code competion
+ Minimum id length to show completion
+ Clear all parsed symbols when editor is hidden
+ Show completion suggestions while typing
+ Engine options
+ Scan local header files
+ Scan system header files
+ Show keywords in suggestions
+ Show code snippets in suggestions
+ Append () when complete functions
+ Ignore case when search suggestions
+ Prefer local symbols
+ Hide symbols start with underscore
+ Hide symbols start with two underscores
+ Prefer symbols mostly used
+ Clear usage data
+ Completion suggestion window width:
+ Completion suggestion window height:
+ EditorColorSchemeWidget
+ Form
+ Scheme
+ ...
+ Background:
+ Foreground:
+ Font Styles
+ Bold
+ Italic
+ Strikeout
+ Underlined
+ Rainbow parenthesis
+ Duplicate...
+ Rename...
+ Restore to Default
+ Import Scheme...
+ Export...
+ Delete...
+ Error
+ Open
+ Color Scheme Files (*.scheme)
+ '%1' is not a valid name for color scheme file.
+ New scheme name
+ '%1' is not a valid scheme name!
+ Save
+ Confirm Delete Scheme
+ Scheme '%1' will be deleted!<br />Do you really want to continue?
+ EditorFontWidget
+ Form
+ Font:
+ Show only monospaced fonts
+ Enable Ligatures Support
+ Size:
+ Font for non-ascii Text:
+ Gutter
+ Gutter is visible
+ Left Offset
+ Right Offset
+ Show Line Numbers
+ Add leading zeros to line numbers
+ Line numbers starts at zero
+ Auto calculate the digit count of line number
+ Digit count
+ Use Custom Font
+ EditorGeneralWidget
+ Vertical Line
+ Horizontal Line
+ Half Block
+ Block
+ EditorMiscWidget
+ Form
+ Open system header files in read only mode
+ Auto load files being open when Red Panda C++ last exited.
+ Auto detect encoding when openning files
+ Max Undo Steps
+ Default file encoding
+ Default file type
+ C++ files
+ C files
+ UTF-8
+ EditorSnippetWidget
+ Form
+ Code Snippets
+ Add
+ Remove
+ New File Template
+ EditorSymbolCompletionWidget
+ Form
+ Complete Symbols
+ Details
+ Complete Braces{}
+ Complete Brackets []
+ Complete Parenthesis ()
+ Complete Multiline Comments /**/
+ Complete Single Quotations ''
+ Complete Double Quotations ""
+ Complete #include <>
+ Skip matching symbols while typing
+ Remove symbol pairs when delete chars
+ EditorSyntaxCheckWidget
+ Form
+ Enable Auto Syntax Check
+ Check when save/load file
+ Check when count of lines changed
+ EditorTooltipsWidget
+ Form
+ Show function tips
+ Enable mouse hover tooltips
+ Show syntax issue tooltips
+ Show full header filename tooltips
+ Show identifier definition tooltips
+ Show expression value tooltips when debugging
+ EnvironmentAppearenceWidget
+ Form
+ Font:
+ *Needs restart
+ Theme:
+ Language:
+ Font Size:
+ Use custom theme
+ Icon Set:
+ Use custom icon set
+ English
+ Portuguese
+ Simplified Chinese
+ Traditional Chinese
+ EnvironmentFileAssociationWidget
+ Form
+ Open Each File In
+ Independant Red Panda C++ applications
+ The same Red Panda C++ application
+ File Types:
+ Just check or uncheck for which file types Red Panda C++ wil be registered as the default application to open them ...
+ EnvironmentFoldersWidget
+ Form
+ Open in browser
+ Custom icon sets folder:
+ Remove all custom settings and exit
+ Configuration folder:
+ Custom theme folder:
+ Open custom theme folder in file browser
+ Confirm
+ Do you really want to delete all custom settings?
+ Error
+ Failed to delete custom settings.
+ EnvironmentPerformanceWidget
+ Form
+ Reduce Memory Usage
+ Auto clear parsed symbols when editor hidden
+ EnvironmentProgramsWidget
+ Form
+ ...
+ Terminal
+ Choose Terminal Program
+ All files (%1)
+ EnvironmentShortcutModel
+ action
+ Function
+ Shortcut
+ EnvironmentShortcutWidget
+ Form
+ ExecutableRunner
+ The runner process '%1' failed to start.
+ The last waitFor...() function timed out.
+ An error occurred when attempting to write to the runner process.
+ An error occurred when attempting to read from the runner process.
+ ExecutorGeneralWidget
+ Form
+ Pause console programs after return
+ Minimize IDE when running programs
+ Parameters to pass to your program
+ Redirect input to the following file:
+ Debugger doesn't support this feature in Linux.
+ Note:
+ Debugger only support this feature in gdb server mode in windows.
+ Browse
+ Choose input file
+ All files (%1)
+ ExecutorProblemSetWidget
+ Form
+ Enable Problem Set
+ Listen for Competitive Companion
+ Port Number
+ Ignore spaces when validating problem cases
+ Timeout for Case Valdation
+ Sec
+ Case Editor Font
+ Font Size:
+ Font:
+ Only Monospaced
+ FileAssociationModel
+ Register File Association Error
+ Don't have privilege to register file types!
+ Register File Type Error
+ FileCompiler
+ Compiling single file...
+ - Filename: %1
+ - Compiler Set Name: %1
+ Can't delete the old executable file "%1".
+ Can't find the compiler for file %1
+ The Compiler '%1' doesn't exists!
+ Processing %1 source file:
+ %1 Compiler: %2
+ Command: %1 %2
+ FilePropertiesDialog
+ File Properties
+ File name:
+ Path:
+ Project:
+ Relative to Project:
+ Comment lines:
+ Code lines:
+ Total lines:
+ Including files:
+ Empty lines:
+ File size:
+ File date:
+ OK
+ FormatterGeneralWidget
+ Form
+ Predefined format style
+ <html><head/><body><p>Note for the predefined format style</p></body></html>
+ Basic
+ Brace modifications
+ Attach braces to namespace statements
+ Attach braces to classes
+ Attach braces to class inline function definitions
+ Attach braces to extern "C" statements
+ Attach the closing while of do-while to the close brace
+ Convert tabs to the appropriate number of spaces
+ Indentation 1
+ Indent with:
+ Indent using spaces
+ Spaces
+ Indent using tabs
+ Tabs
+ Tab Size:
+ Indent for continuation lines:
+ Minimal indent for a continuous conditional beloning to a conditional header:
+ Maximal indent spaces for a continuation line
+ Indentation 2
+ Indent labels
+ Indent class blocks
+ Indent namespaces
+ Indent class access modifiers
+ Indent after parenthesis '(' or assignment '='
+ Indent preprocessor conditional statements
+ Indent multi-line preprocessor #define statements
+ Indent line comments that start in column one
+ Indent preprocessor blocks
+ Indent switch blocks
+ Indent cases
+ Padding 1
+ Insert spaces around operators
+ Insert spaces after commas
+ Insert spaces after parenthesis headers ('if','for',...)
+ Insert spaces around parenthesis on the outside only
+ Insert spaces around parenthesis on the inside only
+ Insert empty lines arround unrelated blocks
+ Insert empty lines around all blocks
+ Insert spaces around first parenthesis in a series on the out side only
+ Insert spaces around parenthesis
+ Padding 2
+ Remove all empty lines. It will NOT delete lines added by the padding options.
+ Attach a pointer operator to its :
+ Remove all consecutive empty lines. It will NOT delete lines added by the padding options.
+ type(left)
+ middle
+ Fill empty lines with the white space of the previous lines.
+ name(right)
+ Remove unnecessary space adding around parenthesis
+ Attach a reference operator to its :
+ none
+ Other 1
+ Break one line headers ('if','while','else'...) from the statement on the same line
+ Add one line braces to unbraced one line conditional statements
+ Break braces before close headers ('else','catch"...)
+ Remove braces from a braced one line conditional statements
+ Break 'else if' statements into two lines
+ Add braces to unbraced one line conditional statements
+ Other 2
+ Break return type from the function name in its definition
+ Don't break blocks residing completely on one line
+ Attach return type to the function name in its definition
+ Don't break multimple statements residing on one line
+ Break return type from the function name in its declaration
+ Attach return type to the function name in its declaration
+ Other 3
+ Break lines exceeds
+ characters
+ Remove the leading '*' prefix on multi-line comments and indent the comment text one line indent.
+ Close ending angle brackets on template definitions
+ Place the logical conditional to the last on the previous line, when break lines
+ FormatterPathWidget
+ Form
+ Path to astyle
+ ...
+ All files (%1)
+ FormatterStyleModel
+ Default
+ The opening braces will not be changed and closing braces will be broken from the preceding line.
+ Allman
+ Broken braces.
+ Java
+ Attached braces.
+ K&R
+ Linux braces.
+ Stroustrup
+ Linux braces, with broken closing headers.
+ Whitesmith
+ Broken, indented braces.
+ Indented class blocks and switch blocks.
+ Broken, indented braces except for the opening braces.
+ Ratliff
+ Attached, indented braces.
+ Broken braces, indented blocks.
+ Linux
+ Linux braces, minimum conditional indent is one-half indent.
+ Horstmann
+ Run-in braces, indented switches.
+ One True Brace
+ Linux braces, add braces to all conditionals.
+ Google
+ Attached braces, indented class modifiers.
+ Mozilla
+ Linux braces, with broken braces for structs and enums, and attached braces for namespaces.
+ Webkit
+ Linux braces, with attached closing headers.
+ Pico
+ Run-in opening braces and attached closing braces.
+ Uses keep one line blocks and keep one line statements.
+ Lisp
+ Attached opening braces and attached closing braces.
+ Uses keep one line statements.
+ GitBranchDialog
+ Branch/Switch
+ Switch To
+ Branch
+ Options
+ Overwrite working tree changed(force)
+ Track
+ Pass --track to git
+ Force Track
+ Pass --no-track to git
+ Force No Track
+ Neither --track nor --no-track is passed to git
+ Not Specifiied
+ Create New Branch
+ Merge between original branch, working tree contents and the branch to switch to
+ Merge
+ Force Creation (Reset branch if exists)
+ Ok
+ Cancel
+ GitFetchDialog
+ Dialog
+ GitLogDialog
+ Git Log
+ Close
+ Reset
+ Revert
+ branch
+ Tag
+ Reset "%1" to this...
+ Revert "%1" to this...
+ Create Branch at this version...
+ Create Tag at this version...
+ GitLogModel
+ Date
+ Author
+ Title
+ GitManager
+ Folder "%1" already has a repository!
+ GitMergeDialog
+ Merge
+ From
+ Branch
+ Option
+ No Commit
+ Squash
+ No Fast Forward
+ Fast Forward Only
+ Merge Message
+ Ok
+ Cancel
+ GitPullDialog
+ Dialog
+ GitPushDialog
+ Dialog
+ GitRemoteDialog
+ Git Remote
+ Add Remote
+ Add
+ Remove Remote
+ Remove
+ Detail
+ Name
+ Close
+ Ok
+ Update
+ GitResetDialog
+ Reset
+ Reset current branch "%1" to
+ Branch
+ Tag
+ Commit
+ Reset Type
+ <html><head/><body><p>Leave working tree and index untouched</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Reset working tree and index (discarding local changes)</p></body></html>
+ Soft
+ Hard
+ Leave working tree untouched, reset index
+ Mixed
+ Ok
+ Cancel
+ GitUserConfigDialog
+ Fill User Info
+ User Email:
+ Ok
+ Cancel
+ User Name:
+ Git needs the following info to commit:
+ InfoMessageBox
+ Message
+ Ok
+ IssuesModel
+ Filename
+ Line
+ Col
+ Description
+ IssuesTable
+ Filename
+ Line
+ Col
+ Description
+ MacroInfoModel
+ The default directory
+ Path to the Red Panda C++'s executable file.
+ Version of the Red Panda C++
+ PATH to the Red Panda C++'s installation folder.
+ Current date
+ Current date and time
+ The first include directory of the working compiler set.
+ The first lib directory of the working compiler set.
+ The compiled filename
+ Full path to the compiled file
+ Filename of the current source file
+ Full path to the current source file
+ Path to the current source file's parent folder
+ Word at the cursor in the active editor
+ Name of the current project
+ Full path to the current project file
+ Name of the current project file
+ Path to the current project's folder
+ MainWindow
+ Red Panda C++
+ Files
+ Project
+ Watch
+ Structure
+ Problem Set
+ New Problem Set
+ Add Problem
+ Remove Problem
+ Save Problem Set
+ Load Problem Set
+ Issues
+ Tools Output
+ Debug
+ Evaluate:
+ Debug Console
+ Call Stack
+ Breakpoints
+ Locals
+ Memory
+ Address Expression:
+ Search
+ History:
+ Search Again
+ Replace with:
+ Replace
+ Cancel
+ Bookmark
+ Problem
+ Add Probem Case
+ Remove Problem Case
+ Open Anwser Source File
+ Run All Cases
+ Problem Cases Validation Options
+ %v/%m
+ Input
+ Choose Input File
+ Clear
+ Output
+ Expected
+ ...
+ File
+ Tools
+ Execute
+ Edit
+ Code
+ Window
+ Help
+ Refactor
+ View
+ Tool Panels
+ Git
+ Main
+ Compile
+ Compiler Set
+ New Source File
+ Ctrl+N
+ Open...
+ Ctrl+O
+ Save
+ Ctrl+S
+ Save As...
+ Save As
+ Save All
+ Ctrl+Shift+S
+ Options
+ F9
+ Run
+ F10
+ Undo
+ Ctrl+Z
+ Redo
+ Ctrl+Y
+ Cut
+ Ctrl+X
+ Copy
+ Ctrl+C
+ Paste
+ Ctrl+V
+ Select All
+ Ctrl+A
+ Indent
+ Tab
+ UnIndent
+ Shift+Tab
+ Toggle Comment
+ Ctrl+/
+ Collapse All
+ Uncollapse All
+ Encode in ANSI
+ Encode in UTF-8
+ Auto Detect
+ Convert to ANSI
+ Convert to UTF-8
+ Compile & Run
+ F11
+ Rebuild All
+ F12
+ Stop Execution
+ F6
+ F5
+ Step Over
+ F8
+ Step Into
+ F7
+ Step Out
+ Ctrl+F8
+ Run To Cursor
+ Ctrl+F5
+ Continue
+ F4
+ Add Watch...
+ View CPU Window...
+ Exit
+ Find...
+ Ctrl+F
+ Find in Files...
+ Ctrl+Shift+F
+ Replace...
+ Ctrl+R
+ Find Next
+ F3
+ Find Previous
+ Shift+F3
+ Remove Watch
+ Remove All Watches
+ Modify Watch...
+ Reformat Code
+ Ctrl+Shift+A
+ Go back
+ Ctrl+Alt+Left
+ Forward
+ Ctrl+Alt+Right
+ Close
+ Ctrl+W
+ Close All
+ Ctrl+Shift+W
+ Maximize Editor
+ Ctrl+F11
+ Next
+ Ctrl+Tab
+ Previous
+ Ctrl+Shift+Tab
+ Toggle breakpoint
+ Ctrl+F4
+ Clear all breakpoints
+ Breakpoint property...
+ Goto Declaration
+ Ctrl+Shift+G
+ Goto Definition
+ Ctrl+G
+ Find references
+ Open containing folder
+ Ctrl+B
+ Open a terminal here
+ File Properties...
+ Close Project
+ Project options
+ New Project...
+ New Project File
+ Add to project...
+ Remove from project
+ View Makefile
+ Clean
+ Open Folder in Explorer
+ Open In Terminal
+ About
+ Rename Symbol
+ Shift+F6
+ Print...
+ Ctrl+P
+ Export As RTF
+ Export As HTML
+ Move To Other View
+ Ctrl+M
+ C++ Reference
+ EGE Manual
+ Add Bookmark
+ Remove Bookmark
+ Modify Bookmark Description
+ Locate in Files View
+ Choose Working Folder
+ Running Parameters...
+ C Reference
+ Show Tool Panels
+ Status Bar
+ Delete Line
+ Ctrl+E
+ Duplicate Line
+ Ctrl+D
+ Delete Word
+ Ctrl+Shift+D
+ Delete to EOL
+ Ctrl+Del
+ Delete to BOL
+ Ctrl+Backspace
+ Interrupt
+ Delete To Word Begin
+ Ctrl+Shift+B
+ Delete to Word End
+ Ctrl+Shift+E
+ New Class...
+ New Header...
+ Create Git Repository
+ Commit
+ Revert
+ Reset
+ Add Files
+ Restore
+ Website
+ F1
+ Branch/Switch
+ Merge
+ Show Log
+ Remotes...
+ Fetch
+ Pull
+ Push
+ Hide Non Support Files
+ Toggle Block Comment
+ Alt+Shift+A
+ Match Bracket
+ Ctrl+]
+ Move Selection Up
+ Ctrl+Shift+Up
+ Move Selection Down
+ Ctrl+Shift+Down
+ Error
+ New
+ Export
+ Recent Projects
+ Recent Files
+ Insert Snippet
+ Problem Set %1
+ Load Theme Error
+ Debugging
+ Running
+ Compiling
+ Clear History
+ Line:%1 Col:%2 Selected:%3 Lines:%4 Length:%5
+ Read Only
+ Insert
+ Overwrite
+ Close project
+ Are you sure you want to close %1?
+ Confirm
+ Source file is not compiled.
+ Compile now?
+ Source file is more recent than executable.
+ Recompile now?
+ Rebuild Project
+ Project has been modified, do you want to rebuild it?
+ No compiler set
+ No compiler set is configured.
+ Can't start debugging.
+ Enable debugging
+ You have not enabled debugging info (-g3) and/or stripped it from the executable (-s) in Compiler Options.<BR /><BR />Do you want to correct this now?
+ Project not built
+ Project hasn't been built. Build it now?
+ Host applcation missing
+ DLL project needs a host application to run.
+ But it's missing.
+ Host application not exists
+ Host application file '%1' doesn't exist.
+ Recompile?
+ Auto Save Error
+ Auto save "%1" to "%2" failed:%3
+ Save last open info error
+ Can't remove old last open information file '%1'
+ Can't save last open info file '%1'
+ Load last open info error
+ Can't load last open info file '%1'
+ Properties...
+ Open Source File
+ Run Current Case
+ Batch Set Cases
+ Remove
+ Remove All Bookmarks
+ Modify Description
+ Show detail debug logs
+ Copy all
+ Remove this search
+ Clear all searches
+ Breakpoint condition...
+ Remove All Breakpoints
+ Remove Breakpoint
+ Rename File
+ Add Folder
+ Rename Folder
+ Remove Folder
+ Switch to normal view
+ Switch to custom view
+ Sort By Type
+ Sort alphabetically
+ Show inherited members
+ Goto declaration
+ Goto definition
+ New Folder
+ New File
+ Delete
+ Open in Editor
+ Open in External Program
+ Open in Terminal
+ Open in Windows Explorer
+ Character sets
+ File Encoding
+ Convert to %1
+ Confirm Convertion
+ The editing file will be saved using %1 encoding. <br />This operation can't be reverted. <br />Are you sure to continue?
+ %1 files autosaved
+ Version Control
+ Set answer to...
+ select other file...
+ Select Answer Source File
+ C/C++ Source Files (*.c *.cpp *.cc *.cxx)
+ This operation will remove all cases for the current problem.
+ Do you really want to do that?
+ Choose input files
+ Input data files (*.in)
+ Problem Case %1
+ New Folder %1
+ Untitled
+ Untitled %1
+ Do you really want to delete %1?
+ Do you really want to delete %1 files?
+ Set Problem Set Name
+ Problem Set Name:
+ Bookmark Description
+ Description:
+ New folder
+ Folder name:
+ Break point condition
+ Enter the condition of the breakpoint:
+ Save project
+ The project '%1' has modifications.
+ Do you want to save it?
+ File Changed
+ File '%1' was changed.
+ Reload its content from disk?
+ File '%1' was removed.
+ Keep it open?
+ New Project File?
+ Do you want to add the new file to the project?
+ Open
+ Save Error
+ Change Project Compiler Set
+ Change the project's compiler set will lose all custom compiler set options.
+ Compile Failed
+ Run Failed
+ New Watch Expression
+ Enter Watch Expression (it is recommended to use 'this->' for class members):
+ Parsing file %1 of %2: "%3"
+ Done parsing %1 files in %2 seconds
+ (%1 files per second)
+ Do you really want to clear all breakpoints in this file?
+ New project
+ Close %1 and start new project?
+ Folder not exist
+ Folder '%1' doesn't exist. Create it now?
+ Can't create folder
+ Failed to create folder '%1'.
+ Save new project as
+ Red Panda C++ project file (*.dev)
+ New project fail
+ Can't assign project template
+ Add to project
+ Remove file
+ Remove the file from disk?
+ untitled
+ New Project File Name
+ File Name:
+ File Already Exists!
+ File '%1' already exists!
+ Folder %1 is not empty.
+ Do you really want to delete it?
+ Rename Error
+ Symbol '%1' is defined in system header.
+ New Name
+ Replace Error
+ Can't open file '%1' for replace!
+ Contents has changed since last search!
+ Rich Text Format Files (*.rtf)
+ HTML Files (*.html)
+ Change working folder
+ File '%1' is not in the current working folder.
+ Do you want to change working folder to '%1'?
+ The current problem set is not empty.
+ Problem %1
+ Problem Set Files (*.pbs)
+ Load Error
+ Header Exists
+ Header file "%1" already exists!
+ Source Exists
+ Source file "%1" already exists!
+ Can't commit!
+ The following files are in conflicting:
+ Commit Message
+ Commit Message:
+ Commit Failed
+ Commit message shouldn't be empty!
+ Can't Commit
+ Git needs user info to commit.
+ Choose Input Data File
+ All files (*.*)
+ Choose Expected Output Data File
+ Line %1
+ NewClassDialog
+ New Class
+ Header Name:
+ Class Name:
+ Create
+ Cancel
+ Path:
+ Base Class:
+ ...
+ Source Name:
+ Path
+ NewHeaderDialog
+ New Header
+ Header:
+ Browse
+ Path:
+ Create
+ Cancel
+ Path
+ NewProjectDialog
+ New Project
+ Make default language
+ C Project
+ C++ Project
+ Name:
+ ...
+ Create in
+ Use as the default project location
+ Project%1
+ Default
+ Choose directory
+ NewProjectUnitDialog
+ New Project Unit
+ Folder
+ Filename
+ Browse
+ Ok
+ Cancel
+ untitled
+ Choose directory
+ OJProblemCasesRunner
+ Case Timeout
+ The runner process '%1' failed to start.
+ The last waitFor...() function timed out.
+ An error occurred when attempting to write to the runner process.
+ An error occurred when attempting to read from the runner process.
+ OJProblemModel
+ Name
+ Time(sec)
+ OJProblemPropertyWidget
+ Form
+ TextLabel
+ Description
+ OK
+ Cancel
+ Project
+ untitled
+ Can't save file
+ Can't save file '%1'
+ Error Load File
+ File Exists
+ File '%1' is already in the project
+ Project Updated
+ Your project was succesfully updated to a newer file format!
+ If something has gone wrong, we kept a backup-file: '%1'...
+ Headers
+ Sources
+ Others
+ Settings need update
+ The compiler settings format of Red Panda C++ has changed.
+ Please update your settings at Project >> Project Options >> Compiler and save your project.
+ Compiler not found
+ The compiler set you have selected for this project, no longer exists.
+ It will be substituted by the global compiler set.
+ Developed using the Red Panda C++ IDE
+ ProjectCompileParamatersWidget
+ Form
+ Additional build options:
+ C Compiler
+ C++ Compiler
+ Linker
+ ProjectCompiler
+ Building makefile...
+ - Filename: %1
+ Can't open '%1' for write!
+ - Resource File: %1
+ Compiling project changes...
+ - Project Filename: %1
+ - Compiler Set Name: %1
+ Processing makefile:
+ - makefile processer: %1
+ - Command: %1 %2
+ ProjectCompilerWidget
+ Form
+ Tab 1
+ Tab 2
+ Base compiler set:
+ Customize (apply to this project only):
+ Statically link libraries
+ Add encoding options to compiler
+ ProjectDLLHostWidget
+ Form
+ Browse
+ Host application for DLL:
+ Choose host application
+ All files (%1)
+ ProjectDirectoriesWidget
+ Form
+ Libraries
+ Includes
+ Resources
+ ProjectFilesWidget
+ Form
+ File Options
+ Build Priority:
+ Include in compilation
+ Include in linking
+ Compile files as C++
+ Encoding
+ Override build command:
+ Auto detect
+ UTF-8
+ ProjectGeneralWidget
+ Form
+ Name:
+ File Name:
+ Files:
+ TextLabel
+ Default encoding:
+ Icon
+ Remove
+ Browse
+ Type
+ Win32 GUI
+ Win32 Console
+ Win32 Static Library
+ Win32 DLL
+ Default to C++ when creating new files
+ Support Windows XP Themes
+ Output File:
+ %1 files [ %2 sources, %3 headers, %4 resources, %5 other files ]
+ Can't remove old icon file
+ Can't remove old icon file '%1'
+ Select icon file
+ Image Files (*.ico *.png *.jpg)
+ ProjectMakefileWidget
+ Form
+ Use custom make file
+ Browse
+ Information about using a custom make file
+ Include the following files into the makefile:
+ Custom makefile
+ All files (%1)
+ ProjectModel
+ File exists
+ File '%1' already exists. Delete it now?
+ Remove failed
+ Failed to remove file '%1'
+ Rename failed
+ Failed to rename file '%1' to '%2'
+ ProjectOutputWidget
+ Form
+ Executable output directory
+ browse
+ Object file output directory
+ Auto save compile log
+ Override output filename
+ Object files output directory
+ Log file
+ All files (%1)
+ ProjectPreCompileWidget
+ Form
+ Use precompiled header
+ Browse
+ <html><head/><body><p>For more information about gcc precompiled header, see:</p><p><a href="https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Precompiled-Headers.html"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#007af4;">https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Precompiled-Headers.html</span></a></p></body></html>
+ Precompiled header
+ header files (*.h)
+ ProjectTemplate
+ Read failed.
+ Can't read template file '%1'.
+ Can't Open Template
+ Can't open template file '%1' for read.
+ Old version template
+ Template file '%1' has version '%2', which is unsupported.
+ ProjectVersionInfoWidget
+ Form
+ Include version info in project
+ Major
+ Minor
+ Rlease
+ Build
+ Language:
+ Original filename
+ Sync product with file version
+ Internal name
+ File version
+ Legal trademarks
+ Product name
+ Company name
+ Auto-increase build number on compile
+ File description
+ Product version
+ Legal copyright
+ QApplication
+ Error
+ QObject
+ Can't open file '%1' for read.
+ Can't open file '%1' for write.
+ Can't open file '%1' for read
+ Can't parse json file '%1' at offset %2! Error Code: %3
+ Can't parse json file '%1' is not a color scheme config file!
+ Can't open file '%1' for write
+ Can't Find the color scheme file %1!
+ Can't remove the color scheme file %1!
+ Assembler
+ Syntax
+ Character
+ Comment
+ Class
+ Float
+ Function
+ Gloabal Variable
+ Hexadecimal Integer
+ Identifier
+ Illegal Char
+ Local Variable
+ Integer
+ Octal Integer
+ Preprocessor
+ Reserve Word
+ Space
+ String
+ Escape Sequences
+ Symbol
+ Variable
+ Brace/Bracket/Parenthesis Level 1
+ Brace/Bracket/Parenthesis Level 2
+ Brace/Bracket/Parenthesis Level 3
+ Brace/Bracket/Parenthesis Level 4
+ Gutter
+ Editor
+ Gutter Active Line
+ Active Line
+ Breakpoint
+ Active Breakpoint
+ Fold Line
+ Selection
+ Editor Text
+ Current Highlighted Word
+ Error
+ Syntax Check
+ Warning
+ Rename file '%1' to '%2' failed!
+ Scheme '%1' already exists!
+ default
+ untitled
+ Save
+ Save changes to %1?
+ Can't create configuration folder %1
+ Can't write to configuration file %1
+ Can't load autolink settings
+ constructor
+ destructor
+ Can't open file '%1' to write!
+ Failed to write data.
+ Untitled
+ The following %1 directories don't exist:
+ binary
+ No %1 directories have been specified.
+ C include
+ C++ include
+ Cannot find the %1 "%2"
+ C Compiler
+ C++ Compiler
+ Maker
+ Debugger
+ C options
+ Support all ANSI standard C programs (-ansi)
+ Do not recognize asm,inline or typeof as a keyword (-fno-asm)
+ Imitate traditional C preprocessors (-traditional-cpp)
+ Code Generation
+ Optimize for the following machine (-march)
+ Optimize less, while maintaining full compatibility (-tune)
+ Enable use of specific instructions (-mx)
+ Optimization level (-Ox)
+ Compile with the following pointer size (-mx)
+ Language standard (-std)
+ Warnings
+ Inhibit all warning messages (-w)
+ Show most warnings (-Wall)
+ Show some more warnings (-Wextra)
+ Check ISO C/C++/C++0x conformance (-pedantic)
+ Only check the code for syntax errors (-fsyntax-only)
+ Make all warnings into errors (-Werror)
+ Abort compilation on first error (-Wfatal-errors)
+ Profile
+ Generate profiling info for analysis (-pg)
+ Linker
+ Link an Objective C program (-lobjc)
+ Do not use standard system libraries (-nostdlib)
+ Do not create a console window (-mwindows)
+ Strip executable (-s)
+ Generate debugging information (-g3)
+ Output
+ Put comments in generated assembly code (-fverbose-asm)
+ Do not assemble, compile and generate the assemble code (-S)
+ Use pipes instead of temporary files during compilation (-pipe)
+ Confirm
+ The following problems were found during validation of compiler set "%1":
+ Would you like Red Panda C++ to remove them for you and add the default paths to the valid paths?
+ Leaving those directories will lead to problems during compilation.<br /><br />Unless you know exactly what you're doing, it is recommended that you click Yes.
+ Compiler set not configuared.
+ Would you like Red Panda C++ to search for compilers in the following locations: <BR />'%1'<BR />'%2'?
+ Would you like Red Panda C++ to search for compilers in PATH?
+ Binaries
+ Libraries
+ C Includes
+ C++ Includes
+ No
+ Yes
+ All files
+ Dev C++ Project files
+ C files
+ C++ files
+ Header files
+ Icon files
+ Index %1 out of range
+ bytes
+ KB
+ MB
+ GB
+ <Auto Generated by Git>
+ Can't parse problem set file '%1':%2
+ RegisterModel
+ Register
+ Value
+ SearchDialog
+ Dialog
+ Text to Find:
+ Replace with:
+ Options:
+ Case Sensitive
+ Whole words only
+ Regular Expression
+ Wrap Around
+ Prompt on replace
+ Scope:
+ Global
+ Selection
+ Origin:
+ From cursor
+ Entire scope
+ Direction:
+ Forward
+ Backward
+ Where:
+ Current File
+ Files In Project
+ Open Files
+ Find
+ Cancel
+ Replace
+ Find in files
+ Replace in files
+ Continue Search
+ End of file has been reached.
+ Do you want to continue from file's beginning?
+ Replace this occurrence of ''%1''?
+ Continue Replace
+ SearchResultListModel
+ Current File:
+ Files In Project:
+ Open Files:
+ Find Usages in Current File: '%1'
+ Find Usages in Project: '%1'
+ SearchResultTreeModel
+ Line
+ SearchResultTreeViewDelegate
+ Line
+ SettingsDialog
+ Options
+ TextLabel
+ OK
+ Apply
+ Cancel
+ General
+ Program Runner
+ Problem Set
+ Appearence
+ Environment
+ File Association
+ Shortcuts
+ Folders
+ Terminal
+ Performance
+ Compiler Set
+ Compiler
+ Auto Link
+ Editor
+ Font
+ Copy & Export
+ Color
+ Code Completion
+ Symbol Completion
+ Snippet
+ Auto Syntax Checking
+ Tooltips
+ Auto save
+ Misc
+ Debugger
+ Code Formatter
+ Program
+ Tools
+ Git
+ Project Options
+ Project
+ Files
+ Custom Compile options
+ Directories
+ Precompiled Header
+ Makefile
+ Output
+ DLL host
+ Version info
+ Save Changes
+ There are changes in the settings, do you want to save them before swtich to other page?
+ SettingsWidget
+ Load Error
+ Save Error
+ ShortcutManager
+ Read shortcut config failed
+ Can't open shortcut config file '%1' for read.
+ Read shortcut config file '%1' failed:%2
+ Save shortcut config failed
+ Can't open shortcut config file '%1' for write.
+ Write to shortcut config file '%1' failed.
+ SignalMessageDialog
+ Signal Received
+ TextLabel
+ Open CPU Info Dialog
+ StdinCompiler
+ Checking file syntax...
+ - Filename: %1
+ - Compiler Set Name: %1
+ Can't find the compiler for file %1
+ The Compiler '%1' doesn't exists!
+ Processing %1 source file:
+ %1 Compiler: %2
+ Command: %1 %2
+ SymbolUsageManager
+ Load symbol usage info failed
+ Can't open symbol usage file '%1' for read.
+ Can't parse symbol usage file '%1': %2
+ Save symbol usage info failed
+ Can't open symbol usage file '%1' for write.
+ Write to symbol usage file '%1' failed.
+ SynEdit
+ The highlighter seems to be in an infinite loop
+ SynEditStringList
+ Can't open file '%1' for read!
+ Can't open file '%1' for save!
+ TodoModel
+ Filename
+ Line
+ Column
+ Content
+ ToolsGeneralWidget
+ Form
+ Add
+ Remove
+ Browse
+ Parameters
+ Ok
+ Cancel
+ Title
+ Pause console after the program exit
+ Program
+ Working Directory
+ Insert Macro
+ Save Changes?
+ Do you want to save changes to the current tool?
+ Choose Folder
+ Select program
+ Executable files (*.exe)
+ ToolsGitWidget
+ Git
+ Test
+ Browse
+ ...
+ Path to Git Executable:
+ TextLabel
+ Git Executable
+ All files (%1)
+ ToolsManager
+ Remove Compiled
+ Read tools config failed
+ Can't open tools config file '%1' for read.
+ Read tools config file '%1' failed:%2
+ Save tools config failed
+ Can't open tools config file '%1' for write.
+ Write to tools config file '%1' failed.
+ WatchModel
+ Not Valid
+ Execute to evaluate
+ Save file '%1' failed.
+ Can't open file '%1' for write.
+ Error in json file '%1':%2 : %3
+ Can't open file '%1' for read.
+ Expression
+ Type
+ Value
+ editorgeneralwidget
+ Form
+ Indents
+ Auto Indent
+ Replace tab with spaces
+ Tab Width
+ Show Indent Lines
+ Indent Line Color
+ Fill Indents
+ Caret
+ Move caret to the first non-space char in the current line when press HOME key
+ Move caret to the last non-space char in the current line when press END key
+ Keep X position of the caret when moving vertically
+ Caret for inserting mode
+ Caret Color
+ Caret for overwriting mode
+ Use text color as caret color
+ Highlight
+ Highlight matching braces
+ Highlight current word
+ Scroll
+ Auto hide scroll bars
+ Can scroll the last char to the left edge of the editor
+ Can scroll the last line to the top edge of the editor
+ Page Up/Down scrolls half a page
+ Forces page scroll to be one line less
+ Mouse Wheel Scroll Speed
+ Mouse Selection/Dragging Scroll Speed
+ Show right edge line
+ Right egde width
+ Right edge line color
diff --git a/RedPandaIDE/settingsdialog/environmentappearencewidget.cpp b/RedPandaIDE/settingsdialog/environmentappearencewidget.cpp
index f17e6b39..fd665f33 100644
--- a/RedPandaIDE/settingsdialog/environmentappearencewidget.cpp
+++ b/RedPandaIDE/settingsdialog/environmentappearencewidget.cpp
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ void EnvironmentAppearenceWidget::init()
ui->cbLanguage->addItem(tr("Simplified Chinese"),"zh_CN");
+ ui->cbLanguage->addItem(tr("Traditional Chinese"),"zh_TW");
QList iconSets = pIconsManager->listIconSets();
foreach(const PIconSet& iconSet, iconSets) {