* add compiler hint addon interface
* add architecture info in about dialog
* detect user install
* add qmake variable to control OpenConsole.exe preference
* enable asan/hwasan option on all platforms for cross toolchain
* fix lldb-server
* force to lldb-server when using lldb-mi
* add qt.conf for windows
* add windows domain installer with compiler hint
* add compiler hint for arch linux
* fix mainwindow actionInterrupt visibility
* update news
* update arch linux packaging
* update windows domain packaging
* allow parallel packaging in windows domain installer
* fix compiler set persistence in compiler hint interface
- custom terminal on Windows now require explicit enablement
- customizable terminal arguments pattern and its auto detection
- move hard-coded terminals to resource files
* add runner args abstraction to allow different args patterns in various terminal apps; fix macOS shm IPC
* extend platform support from Linux to XDG desktop
* update build docs for Unix
* improve terminal args pattern migration for macOS
- enhancement: When problem case's expected output is not too large (<= 5000 line), highlight text in the first different line in the expected output.
- enhancement: Highlight text in the first different line using the error color.
- enhancement: Add the option "redirect stderr to the Tools output panel" in the options dialog -> executor -> problem set page.
- enhancement: Add "ASM Generation" page in the options dialog.
- change: Move "Custom C/C++ keywords" from group "Editor" to "Lanauges" in the options dialog.
- change: Rename "Folder" page to "Folder / Reset default settings" in the options dialog.
- enhancement: Generate asm with/without SEH directives.
- enhancement: Generate asm using intel style/att style.
- enhancement: make description for jump/cmov/setb instructions more explicit. (used for signed or unsigned)
- enhancement: If breakpoint is setted but executable doesn't have debug info ,inform user and stop.
- enhancement: If current compiler set has "strip addition infos(-s)" enabled, inform user and stop.
- enhancement: Auto disable the "in project" option in the "search in files" dialog, if no project is opened.
- enhancement: Auto disable the "search again" button in the search panel if the current search history item is search in the project, and no project is opened.
- fix: Unit for memory limit is not correctly loaded when open problem properties dialog.
- enhancement: Auto open the properties dialog, after add a new problem.
- change: Don't auto disable compile and debug buttons.
- enhancement: Better error messages for missing compile/debug/make programs.
- enhancement: "Show special chars" in options / editor / font
- fix: Lost compiler set settings if a compiler set's bin dirs is empty.
- enhancement: Better error message when trying to debug with Release compile set.