- enhancement: Support optional enum name.
- enhancement: Support optional enum type.
- enhancement: Support simple const expression evaluation for enum values.
- fix: Accessibilty for inherited members are not correct calculated in multiple inheritance.
- fix: Can't handle full class name when handle inheritance.
- fix: Can't correctly show enum values in the class browser.
- fix: Can't correctly create project, if template's encoding setting is not valid.
- enhancement: Add "embed assembly" template.
- fix: class members not correctly displayed in the class browser
- fix: when project is opened with no file opened, class browser not correctly updated
- fix: correctly display statements whose parent is not in the current file
- fix: statements is the class browser is correctly sorted
- enhancement: Weither double click on the class browser should goto definition/declaration, depends on the current cursor position
- enhancement: can use different colors to highlight the current word and the selections
- enhancement: can set editor's default background / foreground color. They must be setted to make the custom color schemes correctly.
- enhancement: can set the color for the current line's number in the gutter
- all predefined color schemes updated.
- fix: Custom editor colors shouldn't be tested for high contrast with the default background color
- fix: Custom color settings not correctly displayed in the options widget
- enhancement: add hit counts in the search result view
- fix: editor actions' state not correctly updated after close editors.
- fix: can't correctly get system default encoding name when save file
- fix: Tokenizer can't correctly handle array parameters
- fix: debug actions enabled states not correct updated when processing debug mouse tooltips