* add compiler hint addon interface
* add architecture info in about dialog
* detect user install
* add qmake variable to control OpenConsole.exe preference
* enable asan/hwasan option on all platforms for cross toolchain
* fix lldb-server
* force to lldb-server when using lldb-mi
* add qt.conf for windows
* add windows domain installer with compiler hint
* add compiler hint for arch linux
* fix mainwindow actionInterrupt visibility
* update news
* update arch linux packaging
* update windows domain packaging
* allow parallel packaging in windows domain installer
* fix compiler set persistence in compiler hint interface
* improve Qt 5.6 support
* switch registry API to Windows XP compatible Unicode API
* update docs
* add comment for `CONFIG += c++14 c++17` in qmake .pro files
* fix logic for lockFile
* fix linux build error
* Linux packaging: remove Alacritty from AppImage
* limit APP_DIR trick to Windows only
* implement Windows search path
* fix terminal search
- custom terminal on Windows now require explicit enablement
- customizable terminal arguments pattern and its auto detection
- move hard-coded terminals to resource files
* add runner args abstraction to allow different args patterns in various terminal apps; fix macOS shm IPC
* extend platform support from Linux to XDG desktop
* update build docs for Unix
* improve terminal args pattern migration for macOS
* KDE theme: fix visual problems with KDE dark mode; add system theme
* Make "Light" theme truly light under Breeze Dark theme.
* With this fix also expose dark mode support on Windows.
* Add "Auto" (system) theme that follows system style and color.
* Add "Adaptive" color scheme for system theme (using transparent background).
* Add support for transparent background in color schemes.
* move `alphaBlend` to utils
* hide Auto (system) theme on Windows
- fix: Search dialog's "Match whole word" option doesn't work with "Use Regular expresion".
- fix:Search dialog's "Close after search" option doesn't work.
- change: Fill the search dialog with the current selection if it's available.
- enhancement: Generate debug info for nasm files in Linux/MacOS.
- enhancement: Compile/Run/Debug GAS source files.
- enhancement: Compile/Debug GAS source files in project.
- fix: ctrl+click on #include_next header name doesn't open the right file
- enhancement: parser used for non-project C files won't find header files in C++ include folders.
- enhancement: double clicking a non-text file in the files view, will open it with external program
- enhancement: double clicking a non-text file in the project's view, will open it with external program
- enhancement: add option "hide symbols start with underscore" and "hide synbols start with two underscore"
- fix: can't rename project files that not openned in editor
- fix: dpi changes in CPU window shouldn't affect main window
- fix: If project's compiler set is not the same with the default compiler set, auto openned project's file will use wrong compiler set to do syntax check.
- enhancement: auto update watch, local and memory view after expression evaluated
- enhancement: auto update watch, local and memory view after memory modified