Compiler Compile Result: 编译结果: - Errors: %1 - 错误数: %1 - Warnings: %1 - 警告数: %1 - Time Elasped: %1 secs - 编译时间: %1 秒 CompilerSetDirectoriesWidget Form Add Delete Remove Invalid Choose Folder CompilerSetOptionWidget Form Compiler set to config ... General Add the following arguments when calling the compiler Add the following arguments when calling the linker Add Charset arguments when calling the compiler Settings Directories Programs TextLabel Resource Compiler(windres) C++ Compiler(g++) Choose C++ Compiler Choose C Compiler C Compiler(gcc) Debugger(gdb) Profiler(gprof) make Choose make Choose Debugger Choose Resource Compiler Choose Profiler Confirm Red Panda C++ will clear current compiler list and search for compilers in the following locations: '%1' '%2' Are you really want to continue? Compiler Set Name Name Compiler Set Folder New name Editor untitled 无标题 Error Can't Open File %1:%2 Failed to Save file %1: %2 Failed to Open file %1: %2 Fail Save As 另存为 FileCompiler Compiling single file... - Filename: %1 - Compiler Set Name: %1 Can't delete the old executable file "%1". Can't the compiler for file %1 Processing %1 source file: %1 Compiler: %2 Command: %1 %2 MainWindow Red Panda C++ 小熊猫C++ Tab 1 Tab 2 Compiler Output File 文件 Tools Run Edit toolBar toolBar_2 New 新建 Ctrl+N Open... 打开... Ctrl+O Save 保存 Ctrl+S Save As... 另存为... Save As 另存为 Save All 全部保存 Ctrl+Shift+S Options Compile F9 F10 Undo Ctrl+Z Redo Ctrl+Y Cut Ctrl+X Copy Ctrl+C Paste Ctrl+V Select All Ctrl+A Indent UnIndent Line: %1 Col: %2 Lines: %3 Chars: %4 Open QObject Save 保存 Save changes to %1? Save changes to %s? 保存修改后的内容到"%s"? File %s is not writable! C files C++ files Header files Text files All files Error Can't create configuration folder %1 Can't write to configuration file %1 C options Code Generation Binaries Libraries C Includes C++ Includes No Yes Settings::CompilerSet Support all ANSI standard C programs (-ansi) Do not recognize asm,inline or typeof as a keyword (-fno-asm) Imitate traditional C preprocessors (-traditional-cpp) Optimize for the following machine (-march) Optimize less, while maintaining full compatibility (-tune) Enable use of specific instructions (-mx) Optimization level (-Ox) Compile with the following pointer size (-mx) Language standard (-std) Generate debugging information (-g3) Generate profiling info for analysis (-pg) Warnings Inhibit all warning messages (-w) Show most warnings (-Wall) Show some more warnings (-Wextra) Check ISO C/C++/C++0x conformance (-pedantic) Only check the code for syntax errors (-fsyntax-only) Make all warnings into errors (-Werror) Abort compilation on first error (-Wfatal-errors) Linker Link an Objective C program (-lobjc) Do not use standard system libraries (-nostdlib) Do not create a console window (-mwindows) Strip executable (-s) Link libraries statically (-static) Output -fverbose-asm Use pipes instead of temporary files during compilation (-pipe) Do not assemble, compile and generate the assemble code (-S) SettingsDialog Options TextLabel OK Apply Cancle Compiler Set Compiler Save Changes There are changes in the settings, do you want to save them before swtich to other page?