#include "TextPainter.h" #include "SynEdit.h" #include "Constants.h" #include #include SynEditTextPainter::SynEditTextPainter(SynEdit *edit, QPainter *painter, int FirstRow, int LastRow, int FirstCol, int LastCol) { this->edit = edit; this->painter = painter; this->aFirstRow = FirstRow; this->aLastRow = LastRow; this->FirstCol = FirstCol; this->LastCol = LastCol; } void SynEditTextPainter::paintTextLines(const QRect& clip) { AClip = clip; vFirstLine = edit->rowToLine(aFirstRow); vLastLine = edit->rowToLine(aLastRow); bCurrentLine = false; // If the right edge is visible and in the invalid area, prepare to paint it. // Do this first to realize the pen when getting the dc variable. bDoRightEdge = false; if (edit->mRightEdge > 0) { // column value nRightEdge = edit->textOffset()+ edit->mRightEdge * edit->mCharWidth; // pixel value if (nRightEdge >= AClip.left() &&nRightEdge <= AClip.right()) { bDoRightEdge = true; QPen pen(edit->mRightEdgeColor,1); painter->setPen(pen); } } // Paint the visible text lines. To make this easier, compute first the // necessary information about the selected area: is there any visible // selected area, and what are its lines / columns? if (vLastLine >= vFirstLine) { ComputeSelectionInfo(); PaintLines(); } //painter->setClipping(false); // If anything of the two pixel space before the text area is visible, then // fill it with the component background color. if (AClip.left() mGutterWidth + 2) { rcToken = AClip; rcToken.setLeft( std::max(AClip.left(), edit->mGutterWidth)); rcToken.setRight(edit->mGutterWidth + 2); // Paint whole left edge of the text with same color. // (value of WhiteAttribute can vary in e.g. MultiSyn) painter->fillRect(rcToken,colEditorBG()); // Adjust the invalid area to not include this area. AClip.setLeft(rcToken.right()); } // If there is anything visible below the last line, then fill this as well. rcToken = AClip; rcToken.setTop((aLastRow - edit->mTopLine + 1) * edit->mTextHeight); if (rcToken.top() < rcToken.bottom()) { painter->fillRect(rcToken,colEditorBG()); // Draw the right edge if necessary. if (bDoRightEdge) { QPen pen(edit->mRightEdgeColor,1); painter->setPen(pen); painter->drawLine(nRightEdge, rcToken.top(),nRightEdge, rcToken.bottom() + 1); } } // This messes with pen colors, so draw after right margin has been drawn PaintFoldAttributes(); } void SynEditTextPainter::paintGutter(const QRect& clip) { int cRow; QRect rcLine, rcFold; QString s; int vLine; int vLineTop; int x; AClip = clip; //todo: Does the following comment still apply? // Changed to use fTextDrawer.BeginDrawing and fTextDrawer.EndDrawing only // when absolutely necessary. Note: Never change brush / pen / font of the // canvas inside of this block (only through methods of fTextDrawer)! // If we have to draw the line numbers then we don't want to erase // the background first. Do it line by line with TextRect instead // and fill only the area after the last visible line. //painter->setClipRect(AClip); painter->fillRect(AClip,edit->mGutter.color()); rcLine=AClip; if (edit->mGutter.showLineNumbers()) { // prepare the rect initially rcLine = AClip; rcLine.setRight( std::max(rcLine.right(), edit->mGutterWidth - 2)); rcLine.setBottom(rcLine.top()); if (edit->mGutter.useFontStyle()) { painter->setFont(edit->mGutter.font()); } else { QFont newFont = painter->font(); newFont.setBold(false); newFont.setItalic(false); newFont.setStrikeOut(false); newFont.setUnderline(false); painter->setFont(newFont); } if (edit->mGutter.textColor().isValid()) { painter->setPen(edit->mGutter.textColor()); } else { painter->setPen(edit->palette().color(QPalette::Text)); } // draw each line if it is not hidden by a fold for (int cRow = aFirstRow; cRow <= aLastRow; cRow++) { vLine = edit->rowToLine(cRow); if ((vLine > edit->mLines->count()) && (edit->mLines->count() > 0 )) break; vLineTop = (cRow - edit->mTopLine) * edit->mTextHeight; // next line rect rcLine.setTop(vLineTop); rcLine.setBottom(rcLine.top() + edit->mTextHeight); s = edit->mGutter.formatLineNumber(vLine); edit->onGutterGetText(vLine,s); QRectF textRect; textRect = painter->boundingRect(textRect, Qt::AlignLeft,s); painter->drawText( (edit->mGutterWidth - edit->mGutter.rightOffset() - 2) - textRect.width(), rcLine.bottom() + ((edit->mTextHeight - int(textRect.height())) / 2 - painter->fontMetrics().descent()), s ); } } // Draw the folding lines and squares if (edit->mUseCodeFolding) { for (cRow = aFirstRow; cRow<=aLastRow; cRow++) { vLine = edit->rowToLine(cRow); if ((vLine > edit->mLines->count()) && (edit->mLines->count() != 0)) break; // Form a rectangle for the square the user can click on //rcFold.Left := Gutter.RealGutterWidth(CharWidth) - Gutter.RightOffset; rcFold.setLeft(edit->mGutterWidth - edit->mGutter.rightOffset()); rcFold.setRight(rcFold.left() + edit->mGutter.rightOffset() - 4); rcFold.setTop((cRow - edit->mTopLine) * edit->mTextHeight); rcFold.setBottom(rcFold.top() + edit->mTextHeight); painter->setPen(edit->mCodeFolding.folderBarLinesColor); // Need to paint a line? if (edit->foldAroundLine(vLine)) { x = rcFold.left() + (rcFold.width() / 2); painter->drawLine(x,rcFold.top(), x, rcFold.bottom()); } // Need to paint a line end? if (edit->foldEndAtLine(vLine)) { x = rcFold.left() + (rcFold.width() / 2); painter->drawLine(x,rcFold.top(), x, rcFold.top() + rcFold.height() / 2); painter->drawLine(x, rcFold.top() + rcFold.height() / 2, rcFold.right() - 2 , rcFold.top() + rcFold.height() / 2); } // Any fold ranges beginning on this line? PSynEditFoldRange FoldRange = edit->foldStartAtLine(vLine); if (FoldRange) { // Draw the bottom part of a line if (!FoldRange->collapsed) { x = rcFold.left() + (rcFold.width() / 2); painter->drawLine(x, rcFold.top() + rcFold.height() / 2, x, rcFold.bottom()); } // make a square rect inflateRect(rcFold,-2, 0); rcFold.setTop( rcFold.top() + ((edit->mTextHeight - rcFold.width()) / 2)); rcFold.setBottom(rcFold.top() + rcFold.width()); // Paint the square the user can click on painter->setBrush(edit->mGutter.color()); painter->setPen(edit->mCodeFolding.folderBarLinesColor); painter->drawRect(rcFold); // Paint minus sign painter->drawLine( rcFold.left() + 2, rcFold.top() + (rcFold.height() / 2 ), rcFold.right() - 2, rcFold.top() + (rcFold.height() / 2 )); // Paint vertical line of plus sign if (FoldRange->collapsed) { x = rcFold.left() + (rcFold.width() / 2); painter->drawLine(x, rcFold.top() + 2, x, rcFold.bottom() + 2); } } } } // // the gutter separator if visible // if (edit->mGutter.borderStyle <> gbsNone) and (AClip.Right >= fGutterWidth - 2) then // with Canvas do begin // Pen.Color := fGutter.BorderColor; // Pen.Width := 1; // with AClip do begin // if fGutter.BorderStyle = gbsMiddle then begin // MoveTo(fGutterWidth - 2, Top); // LineTo(fGutterWidth - 2, Bottom); // Pen.Color := fGutter.Color; // end; // MoveTo(fGutterWidth - 1, Top); // LineTo(fGutterWidth - 1, Bottom); // end; // end; // // now the gutter marks // if BookMarkOptions.GlyphsVisible and (Marks.Count > 0) and (aLastRow >= aFirstRow) then begin // aGutterOffs := AllocMem((aLastRow - aFirstRow + 1) * SizeOf(integer)); // vFirstLine := RowToLine(aFirstRow); // vLastLine := RowToLine(aLastRow); // try // // Instead of making a two pass loop we look while drawing the bookmarks // // whether there is any other mark to be drawn // bHasOtherMarks := FALSE; // for cMark := 0 to Marks.Count - 1 do // with Marks[cMark] do // if Visible and (Line >= vFirstLine) and (Line <= vLastLine) then begin // if IsBookmark <> BookMarkOptions.DrawBookmarksFirst then // bHasOtherMarks := TRUE // else begin // vMarkRow := LineToRow(Line); // if vMarkRow >= aFirstRow then // DrawMark(Marks[cMark], aGutterOffs[vMarkRow - aFirstRow], vMarkRow); // end // end; // if bHasOtherMarks then // for cMark := 0 to Marks.Count - 1 do // with Marks[cMark] do begin // if Visible and (IsBookmark <> BookMarkOptions.DrawBookmarksFirst) // and (Line >= vFirstLine) and (Line <= vLastLine) then begin // vMarkRow := LineToRow(Line); // if vMarkRow >= aFirstRow then // DrawMark(Marks[cMark], aGutterOffs[vMarkRow - aFirstRow], vMarkRow); // end; // end; // if Assigned(OnGutterPaint) then // for cRow := aFirstRow to aLastRow do begin // OnGutterPaint(Self, cRow, aGutterOffs[cRow - aFirstRow], // (vGutterRow - TopLine) * LineHeight); // end; // finally // FreeMem(aGutterOffs); // end; // end; for (cRow = aFirstRow; cRow <=aLastRow; cRow++) { vLine = edit->rowToLine(cRow); edit->onGutterPaint(*painter,vLine, 0, (cRow - edit->mTopLine) * edit->mTextHeight); } } QColor SynEditTextPainter::colEditorBG() { if (edit->mActiveLineColor.isValid() && bCurrentLine) { return edit->mActiveLineColor; } else { if (edit->mHighlighter) { PSynHighlighterAttribute attr = edit->mHighlighter->whitespaceAttribute(); if (attr && attr->background().isValid()) { return attr->background(); } } } return edit->palette().color(QPalette::Base); } void SynEditTextPainter::ComputeSelectionInfo() { BufferCoord vStart; BufferCoord vEnd; bAnySelection = false; // Only if selection is visible anyway. if (!edit->mHideSelection || edit->hasFocus()) { bAnySelection = true; // Get the *real* start of the selected area. if (edit->mBlockBegin.Line < edit->mBlockEnd.Line) { vStart = edit->mBlockBegin; vEnd = edit->mBlockEnd; } else if (edit->mBlockBegin.Line > edit->mBlockEnd.Line) { vEnd = edit->mBlockBegin; vStart = edit->mBlockEnd; } else if (edit->mBlockBegin.Char != edit->mBlockEnd.Char) { // No selection at all, or it is only on this line. vStart.Line = edit->mBlockBegin.Line; vEnd.Line = vStart.Line; if (edit->mBlockBegin.Char < edit->mBlockEnd.Char) { vStart.Char = edit->mBlockBegin.Char; vEnd.Char = edit->mBlockEnd.Char; } else { vStart.Char = edit->mBlockEnd.Char; vEnd.Char = edit->mBlockBegin.Char; } } else bAnySelection = false; if (edit->mInputPreeditString.length()>0) { if (vStart.Line == edit->mCaretY && vStart.Char >=edit->mCaretX) { vStart.Char+=edit->mInputPreeditString.length(); } if (vEnd.Line == edit->mCaretY && vEnd.Char >edit->mCaretX) { vEnd.Char+=edit->mInputPreeditString.length(); } } // If there is any visible selection so far, then test if there is an // intersection with the area to be painted. if (bAnySelection) { // Don't care if the selection is not visible. bAnySelection = (vEnd.Line >= vFirstLine) && (vStart.Line <= vLastLine); if (bAnySelection) { // Transform the selection from text space into screen space vSelStart = edit->bufferToDisplayPos(vStart); vSelEnd = edit->bufferToDisplayPos(vEnd); if (edit->mInputPreeditString.length() && vStart.Line == edit->mCaretY) { QString sLine = edit->lineText().left(edit->mCaretX-1) + edit->mInputPreeditString + edit->lineText().mid(edit->mCaretX-1); vSelStart.Column = edit->charToColumn(sLine,vStart.Char); } if (edit->mInputPreeditString.length() && vEnd.Line == edit->mCaretY) { QString sLine = edit->lineText().left(edit->mCaretX-1) + edit->mInputPreeditString + edit->lineText().mid(edit->mCaretX-1); vSelEnd.Column = edit->charToColumn(sLine,vEnd.Char); } // In the column selection mode sort the begin and end of the selection, // this makes the painting code simpler. if (edit->mActiveSelectionMode == SynSelectionMode::smColumn && vSelStart.Column > vSelEnd.Column) std::swap(vSelStart.Column, vSelEnd.Column); } } } } void SynEditTextPainter::setDrawingColors(bool Selected) { if (Selected) { painter->setPen(colSelFG); painter->setBrush(colSelBG); painter->setBackground(colSelBG); } else { painter->setPen(colFG); painter->setBrush(colBG); painter->setBackground(colBG); } } int SynEditTextPainter::ColumnToXValue(int Col) { return edit->textOffset() + (Col - 1) * edit->mCharWidth; } void SynEditTextPainter::PaintToken(const QString &Token, int TokenCols, int ColumnsBefore, int First, int Last, bool) { bool startPaint; int nX; if (Last >= First && rcToken.right() > rcToken.left()) { // qDebug()<<"Paint Token"<fillRect(rcToken,painter->brush()); if (First > TokenCols) { } else { int tokenColLen=0; startPaint = false; for (int i=0;imTabWidth - ((ColumnsBefore+tokenColLen) % edit->mTabWidth); } else { charCols = edit->charColumns(Token[i]); } if (tokenColLen+charCols>=First) { if (!startPaint && (tokenColLen+1!=First)) { nX-= (First - tokenColLen - 1) * edit->mCharWidth; } startPaint = true; } if (tokenColLen+charCols > Last) break; //painter->drawText(nX,rcToken.bottom()-painter->fontMetrics().descent()*edit->dpiFactor() , Token[i]); if (startPaint) { painter->drawText(nX,rcToken.bottom()-painter->fontMetrics().descent() , Token[i]); nX += charCols * edit->mCharWidth; } tokenColLen += charCols; } } rcToken.setLeft(rcToken.right()); } } void SynEditTextPainter::PaintEditAreas(const SynEditingAreaList &areaList) { QRect rc; int x1,x2; int offset; //painter->setClipRect(rcLine); rc=rcLine; rc.setBottom(rc.bottom()-1); setDrawingColors(false); for (const PSynEditingArea& p:areaList) { if (p->beginX > LastCol) continue; if (p->endX < FirstCol) continue; if (p->beginX < FirstCol) x1 = FirstCol; else x1 = p->beginX; if (p->endX > LastCol) x2 = LastCol; else x2 = p->endX; rc.setLeft(ColumnToXValue(x1)); rc.setRight(ColumnToXValue(x2)); painter->setPen(p->color); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); switch(p->type) { case SynEditingAreaType::eatRectangleBorder: painter->drawRect(rc); break; case SynEditingAreaType::eatUnderLine: painter->drawLine(rc.left(),rc.bottom(),rc.right(),rc.bottom()); break; case SynEditingAreaType::eatWaveUnderLine: offset=3; int lastX=rc.left(); int lastY=rc.bottom()-offset; int t = rc.left(); while (trc.right()) t = rc.right(); offset = 3 - offset; painter->drawLine(lastX,lastY,t,rc.bottom()-offset); lastX = t; lastY = rc.bottom()-offset; } } } } void SynEditTextPainter::PaintHighlightToken(bool bFillToEOL) { bool bComplexToken; int nC1, nC2, nC1Sel, nC2Sel; bool bU1, bSel, bU2; int nX1, nX2; // Compute some helper variables. nC1 = std::max(FirstCol, TokenAccu.ColumnsBefore + 1); nC2 = std::min(LastCol, TokenAccu.ColumnsBefore + TokenAccu.Columns + 1); if (bComplexLine) { bU1 = (nC1 < nLineSelStart); bSel = (nC1 < nLineSelEnd) && (nC2 >= nLineSelStart); bU2 = (nC2 >= nLineSelEnd); bComplexToken = bSel && (bU1 || bU2); } else { bSel = bLineSelected; bComplexToken = false; // bU1 = false; // to shut up compiler warning. // bU2 = false; // to shut up compiler warning. } // Any token chars accumulated? if (TokenAccu.Columns > 0) { // Initialize the colors and the font style. if (!bSpecialLine) { colBG = TokenAccu.BG; colFG = TokenAccu.FG; } if (bSpecialLine && edit->mOptions.testFlag(eoSpecialLineDefaultFg)) colFG = TokenAccu.FG; QFont font = edit->font(); font.setBold(TokenAccu.Style & SynFontStyle::fsBold); font.setItalic(TokenAccu.Style & SynFontStyle::fsItalic); font.setStrikeOut(TokenAccu.Style & SynFontStyle::fsStrikeOut); font.setUnderline(TokenAccu.Style & SynFontStyle::fsUnderline); painter->setFont(font); // Paint the chars if (bComplexToken) { // first unselected part of the token if (bU1) { setDrawingColors(false); rcToken.setRight(ColumnToXValue(nLineSelStart)); PaintToken(TokenAccu.s,TokenAccu.Columns,TokenAccu.ColumnsBefore,nC1,nLineSelStart,false); } // selected part of the token setDrawingColors(true); nC1Sel = std::max(nLineSelStart, nC1); nC2Sel = std::min(nLineSelEnd, nC2); rcToken.setRight(ColumnToXValue(nC2Sel)); PaintToken(TokenAccu.s, TokenAccu.Columns, TokenAccu.ColumnsBefore, nC1Sel, nC2Sel,true); // second unselected part of the token if (bU2) { setDrawingColors(false); rcToken.setRight(ColumnToXValue(nC2)); PaintToken(TokenAccu.s, TokenAccu.Columns, TokenAccu.ColumnsBefore,nLineSelEnd, nC2,false); } } else { setDrawingColors(bSel); rcToken.setRight(ColumnToXValue(nC2)); PaintToken(TokenAccu.s, TokenAccu.Columns, TokenAccu.ColumnsBefore, nC1, nC2,bSel); } } // Fill the background to the end of this line if necessary. if (bFillToEOL && rcToken.left() < rcLine.right()) { if (!bSpecialLine) colBG = colEditorBG(); if (bComplexLine) { nX1 = ColumnToXValue(nLineSelStart); nX2 = ColumnToXValue(nLineSelEnd); if (rcToken.left() < nX1) { setDrawingColors(false); rcToken.setRight(nX1); // if (TokenAccu.Len != 0 && TokenAccu.Style != SynFontStyle::fsNone) // AdjustEndRect(); painter->fillRect(rcToken,painter->brush()); rcToken.setLeft(nX1); } if (rcToken.left() < nX2) { setDrawingColors(true); rcToken.setRight(nX2); painter->fillRect(rcToken,painter->brush()); rcToken.setLeft(nX2); } if (rcToken.left() < rcLine.right()) { setDrawingColors(false); rcToken.setRight(rcLine.right()); painter->fillRect(rcToken,painter->brush()); } } else { setDrawingColors(bLineSelected); rcToken.setRight(rcLine.right()); // if (TokenAccu.Len != 0 && TokenAccu.Style != SynFontStyle::fsNone) // AdjustEndRect(); painter->fillRect(rcToken,painter->brush()); } } } bool SynEditTextPainter::TokenIsSpaces(bool &bSpacesTest, const QString& Token, bool& bIsSpaces) { if (!bSpacesTest) { bSpacesTest = true; for (QChar ch:Token) { //todo: should include tabs? if (ch!= ' ') { bIsSpaces = false; return bIsSpaces; } } bIsSpaces = true; } return bIsSpaces; } // Store the token chars with the attributes in the TokenAccu // record. This will paint any chars already stored if there is // a (visible) change in the attributes. void SynEditTextPainter::AddHighlightToken(const QString &Token, int ColumnsBefore, int TokenColumns, int cLine, PSynHighlighterAttribute p_Attri) { bool bCanAppend; QColor Foreground, Background; SynFontStyles Style; bool bSpacesTest,bIsSpaces; // qDebug()<<"Add highlight token"<foreground(); Background = p_Attri->background(); Style = p_Attri->styles(); } else { Foreground = colFG; Background = colBG; Style = getFontStyles(edit->font()); } if (!Background.isValid() || (edit->mActiveLineColor.isValid() && bCurrentLine)) { Background = colEditorBG(); } if (!Foreground.isValid()) { Foreground = edit->palette().color(QPalette::Text); } edit->onPreparePaintHighlightToken(cLine,edit->mHighlighter->getTokenPos()+1, Token,p_Attri,Style,Foreground,Background); // Do we have to paint the old chars first, or can we just append? bCanAppend = false; bSpacesTest = false; if (TokenAccu.Columns > 0) { // font style must be the same or token is only spaces if (TokenAccu.Style == Style || ( (Style & SynFontStyle::fsUnderline) == (TokenAccu.Style & fsUnderline) && TokenIsSpaces(bSpacesTest,Token,bIsSpaces)) ) { // either special colors or same colors if ((bSpecialLine && !(edit->mOptions.testFlag(SynEditorOption::eoSpecialLineDefaultFg))) || bLineSelected || // background color must be the same and ((TokenAccu.BG == Background) && // foreground color must be the same or token is only spaces ((TokenAccu.FG == Foreground) || (TokenIsSpaces(bSpacesTest,Token,bIsSpaces) && !edit->mOptions.testFlag(eoShowSpecialChars))))) { bCanAppend = true; } } // If we can't append it, then we have to paint the old token chars first. if (!bCanAppend) PaintHighlightToken(false); } // Don't use AppendStr because it's more expensive. if (bCanAppend) { TokenAccu.s.append(Token); TokenAccu.Columns+=TokenColumns; } else { TokenAccu.Columns = TokenColumns; TokenAccu.s = Token; TokenAccu.ColumnsBefore = ColumnsBefore; TokenAccu.FG = Foreground; TokenAccu.BG = Background; TokenAccu.Style = Style; } } void SynEditTextPainter::PaintFoldAttributes() { int TabSteps, LineIndent, LastNonBlank, X, Y, cRow, vLine; // Paint indent guides. Use folds to determine indent value of these // Use a separate loop so we can use a custom pen // Paint indent guides using custom pen if (edit->mCodeFolding.indentGuides) { QPen dottedPen(Qt::PenStyle::DashLine); dottedPen.setColor(edit->mCodeFolding.indentGuidesColor); QPen oldPen = painter->pen(); painter->setPen(dottedPen); // Now loop through all the lines. The indices are valid for Lines. for (cRow = aFirstRow; cRow<=aLastRow;cRow++) { vLine = edit->rowToLine(cRow); if (vLine > edit->mLines->count() && edit->mLines->count() > 0) break; // Set vertical coord Y = (vLine - edit->mTopLine) * edit->mTextHeight; // limit inside clip rect if (edit->mTextHeight % 2 == 1 && vLine % 2 == 0) { Y++; } // Get next nonblank line LastNonBlank = vLine - 1; while (LastNonBlank + 1 < edit->mLines->count() && edit->mLines->getString(LastNonBlank).trimmed().isEmpty()) LastNonBlank++; LineIndent = edit->getLineIndent(edit->mLines->getString(LastNonBlank)); int braceLevel = edit->mLines->ranges(LastNonBlank).braceLevel; int indentLevel = braceLevel ; if (edit->mTabWidth>0) indentLevel = LineIndent / edit->mTabWidth; int levelDiff = std::max(0,braceLevel - indentLevel); // Step horizontal coord //TabSteps = edit->mTabWidth; TabSteps = 0; indentLevel = 0; while (TabSteps < LineIndent) { X = TabSteps * edit->mCharWidth + edit->textOffset() - 2; TabSteps+=edit->mTabWidth; indentLevel++ ; if (edit->mHighlighter) { PSynHighlighterAttribute attr = edit->mHighlighter->symbolAttribute(); GetBraceColorAttr(indentLevel,attr); if (attr!=edit->mHighlighter->symbolAttribute()) { dottedPen.setColor(attr->foreground()); painter->setPen(dottedPen); } } // Move to top of vertical line painter->drawLine(X,Y,X,Y+edit->mTextHeight); } } painter->setPen(oldPen); } if (!edit->mUseCodeFolding) return; // Paint collapsed lines using changed pen if (edit->mCodeFolding.showCollapsedLine) { painter->setPen(edit->mCodeFolding.collapsedLineColor); for (int i=0; i< edit->mAllFoldRanges.count();i++) { PSynEditFoldRange range = edit->mAllFoldRanges[i]; if (range->collapsed && !range->parentCollapsed() && (range->fromLine <= vLastLine) && (range->fromLine >= vFirstLine) ) { // Get starting and end points Y = (edit->lineToRow(range->fromLine) - edit->mTopLine + 1) * edit->mTextHeight - 1; painter->drawLine(AClip.left(),Y, AClip.right(),Y); } } } } void SynEditTextPainter::GetBraceColorAttr(int level, PSynHighlighterAttribute &attr) { if (!edit->mOptions.testFlag(SynEditorOption::eoShowRainbowColor)) return; if (attr != edit->mHighlighter->symbolAttribute()) return; PSynHighlighterAttribute oldAttr = attr; switch(level % 4) { case 0: attr = edit->mRainbowAttr0; break; case 1: attr = edit->mRainbowAttr1; break; case 2: attr = edit->mRainbowAttr2; break; case 3: attr = edit->mRainbowAttr3; break; } if (!attr) attr = oldAttr; } void SynEditTextPainter::PaintLines() { int cRow; // row index for the loop int vLine; QString sLine; // the current line QString sToken; // highlighter token info int nTokenColumnsBefore, nTokenColumnLen; PSynHighlighterAttribute attr; int vFirstChar; int vLastChar; SynEditingAreaList areaList; PSynEditFoldRange foldRange; PSynHighlighterAttribute preeditAttr; int nFold; QString sFold; // Initialize rcLine for drawing. Note that Top and Bottom are updated // inside the loop. Get only the starting point for this. rcLine = AClip; rcLine.setBottom((aFirstRow - edit->mTopLine) * edit->mTextHeight); TokenAccu.Columns = 0; TokenAccu.ColumnsBefore = 0; // Now loop through all the lines. The indices are valid for Lines. for (cRow = aFirstRow; cRow<=aLastRow; cRow++) { vLine = edit->rowToLine(cRow); if (vLine > edit->mLines->count() && edit->mLines->count() != 0) break; // Get the line. sLine = edit->mLines->getString(vLine - 1); // determine whether will be painted with ActiveLineColor bCurrentLine = (edit->mCaretY == vLine); if (bCurrentLine && !edit->mInputPreeditString.isEmpty()) { sLine = sLine.left(edit->mCaretX-1) + edit->mInputPreeditString + sLine.mid(edit->mCaretX-1); } // Initialize the text and background colors, maybe the line should // use special values for them. colFG = edit->palette().color(QPalette::Text); colBG = colEditorBG(); bSpecialLine = edit->onGetSpecialLineColors(vLine, colFG, colBG); if (bSpecialLine) { // The selection colors are just swapped, like seen in Delphi. colSelFG = colBG; colSelBG = colFG; } else { colSelFG = edit->mSelectedForeground; colSelBG = edit->mSelectedBackground; } edit->onGetEditingAreas(vLine, areaList); // Removed word wrap support vFirstChar = FirstCol; vLastChar = LastCol; // Get the information about the line selection. Three different parts // are possible (unselected before, selected, unselected after), only // unselected or only selected means bComplexLine will be FALSE. Start // with no selection, compute based on the visible columns. bComplexLine = false; nLineSelStart = 0; nLineSelEnd = 0; // Does the selection intersect the visible area? if (bAnySelection && (cRow >= vSelStart.Row) && (cRow <= vSelEnd.Row)) { // Default to a fully selected line. This is correct for the smLine // selection mode and a good start for the smNormal mode. nLineSelStart = FirstCol; nLineSelEnd = LastCol + 1; if ((edit->mActiveSelectionMode == SynSelectionMode::smColumn) || ((edit->mActiveSelectionMode == SynSelectionMode::smNormal) && (cRow == vSelStart.Row)) ) { if (vSelStart.Column > LastCol) { nLineSelStart = 0; nLineSelEnd = 0; } else if (vSelStart.Column > FirstCol) { nLineSelStart = vSelStart.Column; bComplexLine = true; } } if ( (edit->mActiveSelectionMode == SynSelectionMode::smColumn) || ((edit->mActiveSelectionMode == SynSelectionMode::smNormal) && (cRow == vSelEnd.Row)) ) { if (vSelEnd.Column < FirstCol) { nLineSelStart = 0; nLineSelEnd = 0; } else if (vSelEnd.Column < LastCol) { nLineSelEnd = vSelEnd.Column; bComplexLine = true; } } } //endif bAnySelection // Update the rcLine rect to this line. rcLine.setTop(rcLine.bottom()); rcLine.setBottom(rcLine.bottom()+edit->mTextHeight); bLineSelected = (!bComplexLine) && (nLineSelStart > 0); rcToken = rcLine; if (!edit->mHighlighter || !edit->mHighlighter->enabled()) { sToken = sLine; if (bCurrentLine) { nTokenColumnLen = edit->stringColumns(sLine,0); } else { nTokenColumnLen = edit->mLines->lineColumns(vLine-1); } if (edit->mOptions.testFlag(eoShowSpecialChars) && (!bLineSelected) && (!bSpecialLine) && (nTokenColumnLen < vLastChar)) { sToken = sToken + SynLineBreakGlyph; nTokenColumnLen += edit->charColumns(SynLineBreakGlyph); } if (bComplexLine) { setDrawingColors(true); rcToken.setLeft(std::max(rcLine.left(), ColumnToXValue(nLineSelStart))); rcToken.setRight(std::min(rcLine.right(), ColumnToXValue(nLineSelEnd))); PaintToken(sToken, nTokenColumnLen, 0, nLineSelStart, nLineSelEnd,false); setDrawingColors(false); rcToken.setLeft(std::max(rcLine.left(), ColumnToXValue(FirstCol))); rcToken.setRight(std::min(rcLine.right(), ColumnToXValue(nLineSelStart))); PaintToken(sToken, nTokenColumnLen, 0, FirstCol, nLineSelStart,false); rcToken.setLeft(std::max(rcLine.left(), ColumnToXValue(nLineSelEnd))); rcToken.setRight(std::min(rcLine.right(), ColumnToXValue(LastCol))); PaintToken(sToken, nTokenColumnLen, 0, nLineSelEnd, LastCol,true); } else { setDrawingColors(bLineSelected); PaintToken(sToken, nTokenColumnLen, 0, FirstCol, LastCol,bLineSelected); } //Paint editingAreaBorders if (bCurrentLine && edit->mInputPreeditString.length()>0) { PSynEditingArea area = std::make_shared(); area->beginX = edit->charToColumn(sLine,edit->mCaretX); area->endX = edit->charToColumn(sLine,edit->mCaretX + edit->mInputPreeditString.length()); area->type = SynEditingAreaType::eatUnderLine; area->color = colFG; areaList.append(area); PaintEditAreas(areaList); } } else { // Initialize highlighter with line text and range info. It is // necessary because we probably did not scan to the end of the last // line - the internal highlighter range might be wrong. if (vLine == 1) { edit->mHighlighter->resetState(); } else { edit->mHighlighter->setState( edit->mLines->ranges(vLine-2)); } edit->mHighlighter->setLine(sLine, vLine - 1); // Try to concatenate as many tokens as possible to minimize the count // of ExtTextOut calls necessary. This depends on the selection state // or the line having special colors. For spaces the foreground color // is ignored as well. TokenAccu.Columns = 0; nTokenColumnsBefore = 0; // Test first whether anything of this token is visible. while (!edit->mHighlighter->eol()) { sToken = edit->mHighlighter->getToken(); // Work-around buggy highlighters which return empty tokens. if (sToken.isEmpty()) { edit->mHighlighter->next(); if (edit->mHighlighter->eol()) break; sToken = edit->mHighlighter->getToken(); // Maybe should also test whether GetTokenPos changed... if (sToken.isEmpty()) { qDebug()<charToColumn(sLine,edit->mHighlighter->getTokenPos()+1)-1; nTokenColumnLen = edit->stringColumns(sToken, nTokenColumnsBefore); if (nTokenColumnsBefore + nTokenColumnLen >= vFirstChar) { if (nTokenColumnsBefore + nTokenColumnLen >= vLastChar) { if (nTokenColumnsBefore >= vLastChar) break; //*** BREAK *** nTokenColumnLen = vLastChar - nTokenColumnsBefore - 1; } // It's at least partially visible. Get the token attributes now. attr = edit->mHighlighter->getTokenAttribute(); if (sToken == "[") { GetBraceColorAttr(edit->mHighlighter->getRangeState().bracketLevel,attr); } else if (sToken == "]") { GetBraceColorAttr(edit->mHighlighter->getRangeState().bracketLevel+1,attr); } else if (sToken == "(") { GetBraceColorAttr(edit->mHighlighter->getRangeState().parenthesisLevel,attr); } else if (sToken == ")") { GetBraceColorAttr(edit->mHighlighter->getRangeState().parenthesisLevel+1,attr); } else if (sToken == "{") { GetBraceColorAttr(edit->mHighlighter->getRangeState().braceLevel,attr); } else if (sToken == "}") { GetBraceColorAttr(edit->mHighlighter->getRangeState().braceLevel+1,attr); } if (bCurrentLine && edit->mInputPreeditString.length()>0) { int startPos = edit->mHighlighter->getTokenPos()+1; int endPos = edit->mHighlighter->getTokenPos() + sToken.length(); qDebug()<mCaretX<<":"<mCaretX+edit->mInputPreeditString.length(); if (!(endPos < edit->mCaretX || startPos >= edit->mCaretX+edit->mInputPreeditString.length())) { if (!preeditAttr) { preeditAttr = attr; } else { attr = preeditAttr; } } } AddHighlightToken(sToken, nTokenColumnsBefore - (vFirstChar - FirstCol), nTokenColumnLen, vLine,attr); } // Let the highlighter scan the next token. edit->mHighlighter->next(); } // Don't assume HL.GetTokenPos is valid after HL.GetEOL == True. nTokenColumnsBefore += edit->stringColumns(sToken,nTokenColumnsBefore-1); if (edit->mHighlighter->eol() && (nTokenColumnsBefore < vLastChar)) { int lineColumns = edit->mLines->lineColumns(vLine-1); // Draw text that couldn't be parsed by the highlighter, if any. if (nTokenColumnsBefore < lineColumns) { if (nTokenColumnsBefore + 1 < vFirstChar) nTokenColumnsBefore = vFirstChar - 1; nTokenColumnLen = std::min(lineColumns, vLastChar) - (nTokenColumnsBefore + 1); if (nTokenColumnLen > 0) { sToken = edit->substringByColumns(sLine,nTokenColumnsBefore+1,nTokenColumnLen); AddHighlightToken(sToken, nTokenColumnsBefore - (vFirstChar - FirstCol), nTokenColumnLen, vLine, PSynHighlighterAttribute()); } } // Draw LineBreak glyph. if (edit->mOptions.testFlag(eoShowSpecialChars) && (!bLineSelected) && (!bSpecialLine) && (edit->mLines->lineColumns(vLine-1) < vLastChar)) { AddHighlightToken(SynLineBreakGlyph, edit->mLines->lineColumns(vLine-1) - (vFirstChar - FirstCol), edit->charColumns(SynLineBreakGlyph),vLine, edit->mHighlighter->whitespaceAttribute()); } } // Paint folding foldRange = edit->foldStartAtLine(vLine); if ((foldRange) && foldRange->collapsed) { sFold = " ... } "; nFold = edit->stringColumns(sFold,edit->mLines->lineColumns(vLine-1)); attr = edit->mHighlighter->symbolAttribute(); GetBraceColorAttr(edit->mHighlighter->getRangeState().braceLevel,attr); AddHighlightToken(sFold,edit->mLines->lineColumns(vLine-1)+1 - (vFirstChar - FirstCol) , nFold, vLine, attr); } // Draw anything that's left in the TokenAccu record. Fill to the end // of the invalid area with the correct colors. PaintHighlightToken(true); //Paint editingAreaBorders foreach (const PSynEditingArea& area, areaList) { if (bCurrentLine && edit->mInputPreeditString.length()>0) { if (area->beginX > edit->mCaretX) { area->beginX+=edit->mInputPreeditString.length(); } if (area->endX > edit->mCaretX) { area->endX+=edit->mInputPreeditString.length(); } } area->beginX = edit->charToColumn(sLine, area->beginX); area->endX = edit->charToColumn(sLine,area->endX); } if (bCurrentLine && edit->mInputPreeditString.length()>0) { PSynEditingArea area = std::make_shared(); area->beginX = edit->charToColumn(sLine, edit->mCaretX); area->endX = edit->charToColumn(sLine, edit->mCaretX + edit->mInputPreeditString.length()); area->type = SynEditingAreaType::eatUnderLine; if (preeditAttr) { area->color = preeditAttr->foreground(); } else { area->color = colFG; } areaList.append(area); } PaintEditAreas(areaList); } // Now paint the right edge if necessary. We do it line by line to reduce // the flicker. Should not cost very much anyway, compared to the many // calls to ExtTextOut. if (bDoRightEdge) { painter->setPen(edit->mRightEdgeColor); painter->drawLine(nRightEdge, rcLine.top(),nRightEdge,rcLine.bottom()+1); } bCurrentLine = false; } } void SynEditTextPainter::drawMark(PSynEditMark , int &, int ) { //todo }