#include "editor.h" #include <QtCore/QFileInfo> #include <QFont> #include <QTextCodec> #include <QVariant> #include <QWheelEvent> #include <memory> #include "settings.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "systemconsts.h" #include <QFileDialog> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QDebug> #include <QMimeData> #include "qsynedit/highlighter/cpp.h" #include "HighlighterManager.h" #include "qsynedit/exporter/synrtfexporter.h" #include "qsynedit/exporter/synhtmlexporter.h" #include "qsynedit/Constants.h" #include <QGuiApplication> #include <QClipboard> #include <QPainter> #include <QToolTip> #include <QApplication> #include <QInputDialog> #include "iconsmanager.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "editorlist.h" #include <QDebug> using namespace std; SaveException::SaveException(const QString& reason) { mReason = reason; mReasonBuffer = mReason.toLocal8Bit(); } SaveException::SaveException(const QString&& reason) { mReason = reason; mReasonBuffer = mReason.toLocal8Bit(); } const QString& SaveException::reason() const noexcept{ return mReason; } const char* SaveException::what() const noexcept { return mReasonBuffer; } int Editor::newfileCount=0; Editor::Editor(QWidget *parent): Editor(parent,QObject::tr("untitled"),ENCODING_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,false,true,nullptr) { } Editor::Editor(QWidget *parent, const QString& filename, const QByteArray& encoding, bool inProject, bool isNew, QTabWidget* parentPageControl): SynEdit(parent), mEncodingOption(encoding), mFilename(filename), mParentPageControl(parentPageControl), mInProject(inProject), mIsNew(isNew), mSyntaxErrorColor(QColorConstants::Red), mSyntaxWarningColor("orange"), mLineCount(0), mActiveBreakpointLine(-1), mLastIdCharPressed(0), mCurrentWord(), mSelectionWord(), mOldSelectionWord(), mCurrentTipType(TipType::None) { mUseCppSyntax = pSettings->editor().defaultFileCpp(); if (mFilename.isEmpty()) { newfileCount++; mFilename = tr("untitled%1").arg(newfileCount); } QFileInfo fileInfo(mFilename); if (mParentPageControl!=nullptr) { int index = mParentPageControl->addTab(this,QString()); updateCaption(); } PSynHighlighter highlighter; if (!isNew) { loadFile(); highlighter = highlighterManager.getHighlighter(mFilename); } else { if (mEncodingOption == ENCODING_AUTO_DETECT) mFileEncoding = ENCODING_ASCII; else mFileEncoding = mEncodingOption; highlighter=highlighterManager.getCppHighlighter(); } if (highlighter) { setHighlighter(highlighter); setUseCodeFolding(true); } else { setUseCodeFolding(false); } if (inProject) { //todo: } else { initParser(); } if (pSettings->editor().readOnlySytemHeader() && (mParser->isSystemHeaderFile(filename) || mParser->isProjectHeaderFile(filename))) { this->setModified(false); setReadOnly(true); updateCaption(); } mCompletionPopup = pMainWindow->completionPopup(); mHeaderCompletionPopup = pMainWindow->headerCompletionPopup(); applySettings(); applyColorScheme(pSettings->editor().colorScheme()); connect(this,&SynEdit::statusChanged,this,&Editor::onStatusChanged); connect(this,&SynEdit::gutterClicked,this,&Editor::onGutterClicked); onStatusChanged(SynStatusChange::scOpenFile); setAttribute(Qt::WA_Hover,true); connect(this,&SynEdit::linesDeleted, this, &Editor::onLinesDeleted); connect(this,&SynEdit::linesInserted, this, &Editor::onLinesInserted); setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(this, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onEditorContextMenu); } Editor::~Editor() { pMainWindow->caretList().removeEditor(this); pMainWindow->updateCaretActions(); if (mParentPageControl!=nullptr) { int index = mParentPageControl->indexOf(this); mParentPageControl->removeTab(index); } this->setParent(0); } void Editor::loadFile() { QFile file(mFilename); this->lines()->LoadFromFile(file,mEncodingOption,mFileEncoding); this->setModified(false); updateCaption(); pMainWindow->updateForEncodingInfo(); switch(getFileType(mFilename)) { case FileType::CppSource: mUseCppSyntax = true; break; case FileType::CSource: mUseCppSyntax = false; break; default: mUseCppSyntax = pSettings->editor().defaultFileCpp(); } if (highlighter() && mParser) { reparse(); if (pSettings->editor().syntaxCheckWhenLineChanged()) { checkSyntaxInBack(); } } } void Editor::saveFile(const QString &filename) { QFile file(filename); this->lines()->SaveToFile(file,mEncodingOption,mFileEncoding); pMainWindow->updateForEncodingInfo(); if (pSettings->editor().syntaxCheckWhenSave()) checkSyntaxInBack(); } void Editor::convertToEncoding(const QByteArray &encoding) { mEncodingOption = encoding; setModified(true); save(); } bool Editor::save(bool force, bool doReparse) { if (this->mIsNew) { return saveAs(); } QFileInfo info(mFilename); //is this file writable; if (!force && !info.isWritable()) { QMessageBox::critical(pMainWindow,tr("Error"), tr("File %1 is not writable!").arg(mFilename)); return false; } if (this->modified()|| force) { pMainWindow->fileSystemWatcher()->removePath(mFilename); try { saveFile(mFilename); pMainWindow->fileSystemWatcher()->addPath(mFilename); setModified(false); mIsNew = false; this->updateCaption(); } catch (SaveException& exception) { if (!force) { QMessageBox::critical(pMainWindow,tr("Error"), exception.reason()); } pMainWindow->fileSystemWatcher()->addPath(mFilename); return false; } } if (doReparse && mParser) { reparse(); } return true; } bool Editor::saveAs(){ QString selectedFileFilter; if (pSettings->editor().defaultFileCpp()) selectedFileFilter = pSystemConsts->defaultCPPFileFilter(); else selectedFileFilter = pSystemConsts->defaultCFileFilter(); QString newName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(pMainWindow, tr("Save As"), QString(), pSystemConsts->defaultFileFilters().join(";;"), &selectedFileFilter); if (newName.isEmpty()) { return false; } pMainWindow->fileSystemWatcher()->removePath(mFilename); if (pSettings->codeCompletion().enabled() && mParser) mParser->invalidateFile(mFilename); try { mFilename = newName; saveFile(mFilename); mIsNew = false; setModified(false); this->updateCaption(); } catch (SaveException& exception) { QMessageBox::critical(pMainWindow,tr("Error"), exception.reason()); return false; } pMainWindow->fileSystemWatcher()->addPath(mFilename); switch(getFileType(mFilename)) { case FileType::CppSource: mUseCppSyntax = true; break; case FileType::CSource: mUseCppSyntax = false; break; default: mUseCppSyntax = pSettings->editor().defaultFileCpp(); } //update (reassign highlighter) PSynHighlighter newHighlighter = HighlighterManager().getHighlighter(mFilename); if (newHighlighter) { setUseCodeFolding(true); } else { setUseCodeFolding(false); } setHighlighter(newHighlighter); applyColorScheme(pSettings->editor().colorScheme()); reparse(); if (pSettings->editor().syntaxCheckWhenSave()) pMainWindow->checkSyntaxInBack(this); return true; } void Editor::activate() { if (mParentPageControl!=nullptr) mParentPageControl->setCurrentWidget(this); setFocus(); } const QByteArray& Editor::encodingOption() const noexcept{ return mEncodingOption; } void Editor::setEncodingOption(const QByteArray& encoding) noexcept{ mEncodingOption = encoding; if (!isNew()) loadFile(); else pMainWindow->updateForEncodingInfo(); } const QByteArray& Editor::fileEncoding() const noexcept{ return mFileEncoding; } const QString& Editor::filename() const noexcept{ return mFilename; } bool Editor::inProject() const noexcept{ return mInProject; } bool Editor::isNew() const noexcept { return mIsNew; } QTabWidget* Editor::pageControl() noexcept{ return mParentPageControl; } void Editor::undoSymbolCompletion(int pos) { PSynHighlighterAttribute Attr; QString Token; bool tokenFinished; SynHighlighterTokenType tokenType; if (!highlighter()) return; if (!pSettings->editor().removeSymbolPairs()) return; if (!GetHighlighterAttriAtRowCol(caretXY(), Token, tokenFinished, tokenType, Attr)) return; if ((tokenType == SynHighlighterTokenType::Comment) && (!tokenFinished)) return ; //convert caret x to string index; pos--; if (pos<0 || pos+1>=lineText().length()) return; QChar DeletedChar = lineText().at(pos); QChar NextChar = lineText().at(pos+1); if ((tokenType == SynHighlighterTokenType::Character) && (DeletedChar != '\'')) return; if (tokenType == SynHighlighterTokenType::StringEscapeSequence) return; if (tokenType == SynHighlighterTokenType::String) { if ((DeletedChar!='"') && (DeletedChar!='(')) return; if ((DeletedChar=='"') && (Token!="\"\"")) return; if ((DeletedChar=='(') && (!Token.startsWith("R\""))) return; } if ((DeletedChar == '\'') && (tokenType == SynHighlighterTokenType::Number)) return; if ((DeletedChar == '<') && ((tokenType != SynHighlighterTokenType::PreprocessDirective) || !lineText().startsWith("#include"))) return; if ( (pSettings->editor().completeBracket() && (DeletedChar == '[') && (NextChar == ']')) || (pSettings->editor().completeParenthese() && (DeletedChar == '(') && (NextChar == ')')) || (pSettings->editor().completeGlobalInclude() && (DeletedChar == '<') && (NextChar == '>')) || (pSettings->editor().completeBrace() && (DeletedChar == '{') && (NextChar == '}')) || (pSettings->editor().completeSingleQuote() && (DeletedChar == '\'') && (NextChar == '\'')) || (pSettings->editor().completeDoubleQuote() && (DeletedChar == '\"') && (NextChar == '\"'))) { CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecDeleteChar); } } void Editor::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { if ( (event->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)!=0) { int size = pSettings->editor().fontSize(); if (event->angleDelta().y()>0) { size = std::min(99,size+1); pSettings->editor().setFontSize(size); pMainWindow->updateEditorSettings(); event->accept(); return; } else if (event->angleDelta().y()<0) { size = std::max(2,size-1); pSettings->editor().setFontSize(size); pMainWindow->updateEditorSettings(); event->accept(); return; } } SynEdit::wheelEvent(event); } void Editor::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) { SynEdit::focusInEvent(event); if (mParser) { connect(mParser.get(), &CppParser::onEndParsing, this, &SynEdit::invalidate); } pMainWindow->updateEditorActions(); pMainWindow->updateStatusbarForLineCol(); pMainWindow->updateForStatusbarModeInfo(); pMainWindow->updateClassBrowserForEditor(this); } void Editor::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event) { SynEdit::focusOutEvent(event); if (mParser) { disconnect(mParser.get(), &CppParser::onEndParsing, this, &SynEdit::invalidate); } pMainWindow->updateClassBrowserForEditor(nullptr); pMainWindow->updateEditorActions(); pMainWindow->updateStatusbarForLineCol(); pMainWindow->updateForStatusbarModeInfo(); } void Editor::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { bool handled = false; auto action = finally([&,this]{ if (!handled) { SynEdit::keyPressEvent(event); } else { event->accept(); } }); if (readOnly()) return; switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Delete: // remove completed character mLastIdCharPressed = 0; undoSymbolCompletion(caretX()); return; case Qt::Key_Backspace: // remove completed character mLastIdCharPressed = 0; undoSymbolCompletion(caretX()-1); return; } QString t = event->text(); if (t.isEmpty()) return; QChar ch = t[0]; if (isIdentChar(ch)) { mLastIdCharPressed++; if (pSettings->codeCompletion().enabled() && pSettings->codeCompletion().showCompletionWhileInput() ) { if (mLastIdCharPressed==1) { if (mParser->isIncludeLine(lineText())) { // is a #include line setSelText(ch); showHeaderCompletion(false); handled=true; return; } else { QString lastWord = getPreviousWordAtPositionForSuggestion(caretXY()); if (!lastWord.isEmpty()) { if (CppTypeKeywords.contains(lastWord)) { //last word is a type keyword, this is a var or param define, and dont show suggestion // if devEditor.UseTabnine then // ShowTabnineCompletion; return; } PStatement statement = mParser->findStatementOf( mFilename, lastWord, caretY()); StatementKind kind = mParser->getKindOfStatement(statement); if (kind == StatementKind::skClass || kind == StatementKind::skEnumClassType || kind == StatementKind::skEnumType || kind == StatementKind::skTypedef) { //last word is a typedef/class/struct, this is a var or param define, and dont show suggestion // if devEditor.UseTabnine then // ShowTabnineCompletion; return; } } setSelText(ch); showCompletion(false); handled=true; return; } } } } else { //preprocessor ? if ((mLastIdCharPressed=0) && (ch=='#') && lineText().isEmpty()) { if (pSettings->codeCompletion().enabled() && pSettings->codeCompletion().showCompletionWhileInput() ) { mLastIdCharPressed++; setSelText(ch); showCompletion(false); handled=true; return; } } //javadoc directive? if ((mLastIdCharPressed=0) && (ch=='#') && lineText().trimmed().startsWith('*')) { if (pSettings->codeCompletion().enabled() && pSettings->codeCompletion().showCompletionWhileInput() ) { mLastIdCharPressed++; setSelText(ch); showCompletion(false); handled=true; return; } } mLastIdCharPressed = 0; switch (ch.unicode()) { case '"': case '\'': case '(': case ')': case '{': case '}': case '[': case ']': case '<': case '>': case '*': handled = handleSymbolCompletion(ch); return; } } // Spawn code completion window if we are allowed to if (pSettings->codeCompletion().enabled()) handled = handleCodeCompletion(ch); } void Editor::onGutterPaint(QPainter &painter, int aLine, int X, int Y) { // Get point where to draw marks //X := (fText.Gutter.RealGutterWidth(fText.CharWidth) - fText.Gutter.RightOffset) div 2 - 3; X = 5; Y += (this->textHeight() - 16) / 2; if (mActiveBreakpointLine == aLine) { painter.drawPixmap(X,Y,*(pIconsManager->activeBreakpoint())); } else if (hasBreakpoint(aLine)) { painter.drawPixmap(X,Y,*(pIconsManager->breakpoint())); } else { PSyntaxIssueList lst = getSyntaxIssuesAtLine(aLine); if (lst) { bool hasError=false; for (const PSyntaxIssue& issue : *lst) { if (issue->issueType == CompileIssueType::Error) { hasError = true; break;; } } if (hasError) { painter.drawPixmap(X,Y,*(pIconsManager->syntaxError())); } else { painter.drawPixmap(X,Y,*(pIconsManager->syntaxWarning())); } return; } } } void Editor::onGetEditingAreas(int Line, SynEditingAreaList &areaList) { areaList.clear(); // if (fTabStopBegin >=0) and (fTabStopY=Line) then begin // areaType:=eatEditing; // System.new(p); // spaceCount := fText.LeftSpacesEx(fLineBeforeTabStop,True); // spaceBefore := Length(fLineBeforeTabStop) - Length(TrimLeft(fLineBeforeTabStop)); // p.beginX := fTabStopBegin + spaceCount - spaceBefore ; // p.endX := fTabStopEnd + spaceCount - spaceBefore ; // p.color := dmMain.Cpp.StringAttri.Foreground; // areaList.Add(p); // ColBorder := dmMain.Cpp.StringAttri.Foreground; // Exit; // end; // StrToThemeColor(tc,devEditor.Syntax.Values[cWN]); PSyntaxIssueList lst = getSyntaxIssuesAtLine(Line); if (lst) { for (const PSyntaxIssue& issue: *lst) { PSynEditingArea p=std::make_shared<SynEditingArea>(); p->beginX = issue->col; p->endX = issue->endCol; if (issue->issueType == CompileIssueType::Error) { p->color = mSyntaxErrorColor; } else { p->color = mSyntaxWarningColor; } p->type = SynEditingAreaType::eatWaveUnderLine; areaList.append(p); } } } bool Editor::onGetSpecialLineColors(int Line, QColor &foreground, QColor &backgroundColor) { if (Line == mActiveBreakpointLine && mActiveBreakpointForegroundColor.isValid() && mActiveBreakpointBackgroundColor.isValid()) { foreground = mActiveBreakpointForegroundColor; backgroundColor = mActiveBreakpointBackgroundColor; return true; } else if (hasBreakpoint(Line) && mBreakpointForegroundColor.isValid() && mBreakpointBackgroundColor.isValid()) { foreground = mBreakpointForegroundColor; backgroundColor = mBreakpointBackgroundColor; return true; } // end else if Line = fErrorLine then begin // StrToThemeColor(tc, devEditor.Syntax.Values[cErr]); // BG := tc.Background; // FG := tc.Foreground; // if (BG <> clNone) or (FG<>clNone) then // Special := TRUE; // end; return false; } void Editor::onPreparePaintHighlightToken(int line, int aChar, const QString &token, PSynHighlighterAttribute attr, SynFontStyles &style, QColor &foreground, QColor &background) { if (token.isEmpty()) return; //selection if (selAvail() && highlighter()) { if (( (attr->name() == SYNS_AttrIdentifier) || (attr->name() == SYNS_AttrReservedWord) || (attr->name() == SYNS_AttrPreprocessor) ) && (token == mSelectionWord)) { foreground = selectedForeground(); background = selectedBackground(); return; } } // qDebug()<<token<<"-"<<attr->name()<<" - "<<line<<" : "<<aChar; if (mParser && mCompletionPopup && (attr->name() == SYNS_AttrIdentifier)) { BufferCoord p{aChar,line}; BufferCoord pBeginPos,pEndPos; QString s= getWordAtPosition(this,p, pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpInformation); // qDebug()<<s; PStatement statement = mParser->findStatementOf(mFilename, s , p.Line); StatementKind kind = mParser->getKindOfStatement(statement); if (kind == StatementKind::skUnknown) { if ((pEndPos.Line>=1) && (pEndPos.Char>=0) && (pEndPos.Char < lines()->getString(pEndPos.Line-1).length()) && (lines()->getString(pEndPos.Line-1)[pEndPos.Char] == '(')) { kind = StatementKind::skFunction; } else { kind = StatementKind::skVariable; } } foreground = mCompletionPopup->colors().value(kind, highlighter()->identifierAttribute()->foreground()); return; } } bool Editor::event(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::HoverEnter || event->type() == QEvent::HoverMove) { QHoverEvent *helpEvent = static_cast<QHoverEvent *>(event); BufferCoord p; TipType reason = getTipType(helpEvent->pos(),p); PSyntaxIssue pError; int line ; if (reason == TipType::Error) { pError = getSyntaxIssueAtPosition(p); } else if (PointToLine(helpEvent->pos(),line)) { //it's on gutter //see if its error; PSyntaxIssueList issues = getSyntaxIssuesAtLine(line); if (issues && !issues->isEmpty()) { reason = TipType::Error; pError = issues->front(); } } // Get subject bool isIncludeLine = false; BufferCoord pBeginPos,pEndPos; QString s; switch (reason) { case TipType::Preprocessor: // When hovering above a preprocessor line, determine if we want to show an include or a identifier hint s = lines()->getString(p.Line - 1); isIncludeLine = mParser->isIncludeLine(s); if (!isIncludeLine) s = WordAtRowCol(p); break; case TipType::Identifier: if (pMainWindow->debugger()->executing()) s = getWordAtPosition(this,p, pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpEvaluation); // debugging else if (//devEditor.ParserHints and !mCompletionPopup->isVisible() && !mHeaderCompletionPopup->isVisible()) s = getWordAtPosition(this,p, pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpInformation); // information during coding break; case TipType::Selection: s = selText(); // when a selection is available, always only use that break; case TipType::Error: s = pError->token; break; case TipType::None: cancelHint(); event->ignore(); return true; } //qDebug()<<s<<" -- "<<(int)reason; // Don't rescan the same stuff over and over again (that's slow) // if (s = fCurrentWord) and (fText.Hint<>'') then s = s.trimmed(); if ((s == mCurrentWord) && (mCurrentTipType == reason)) { // QApplication* app = dynamic_cast<QApplication *>(QApplication::instance()); // if (app->keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)) { if (helpEvent->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); } else { setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); } event->ignore(); return true; // do NOT remove hint when subject stays the same } // Remove hint cancelHint(); mCurrentWord = s; mCurrentTipType = reason; // Determine what to do with subject QString hint = ""; switch (reason) { case TipType::Preprocessor: if (isIncludeLine) { hint = getFileHint(s); } else if (//devEditor.ParserHints and !mCompletionPopup->isVisible() && !mHeaderCompletionPopup->isVisible()) { hint = getParserHint(s,p.Line); } break; case TipType::Identifier: case TipType::Selection: if (!mCompletionPopup->isVisible() && !mHeaderCompletionPopup->isVisible()) { if (pMainWindow->debugger()->executing()) { showDebugHint(s,p.Line); } else { //if devEditor.ParserHints { hint = getParserHint(s, p.Line); } } break; case TipType::Error: hint = getErrorHint(pError); } // qDebug()<<"hint:"<<hint; if (!hint.isEmpty()) { // QApplication* app = dynamic_cast<QApplication *>(QApplication::instance()); // if (app->keyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier)) { if (helpEvent->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) { setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); } else { setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); } QToolTip::showText(mapToGlobal(helpEvent->pos()),hint); event->ignore(); } else { event->ignore(); } return true; } else if (event->type() == QEvent::HoverLeave) { cancelHint(); return true; } else if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease ) { if (!mCurrentWord.isEmpty()) { QKeyEvent* keyEvent = dynamic_cast<QKeyEvent*>(event); if (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Control) { QApplication* app = dynamic_cast<QApplication *>(QApplication::instance()); QHoverEvent* hoverEvent=new QHoverEvent(QEvent::HoverMove, mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()), mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()), Qt::ControlModifier ); app->postEvent(this,hoverEvent); } } } return SynEdit::event(event); } void Editor::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() | Qt::LeftButton) { mLastIdCharPressed = 0; } // if ctrl+clicked if ((event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) && (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)) { BufferCoord p; if (PointToCharLine(event->pos(),p)) { QString s = lines()->getString(p.Line - 1); if (mParser->isIncludeLine(s)) { QString filename = mParser->getHeaderFileName(mFilename,s); Editor * e = pMainWindow->editorList()->getEditorByFilename(filename); if (e) { e->setCaretPositionAndActivate(1,1); return; } } else { gotoDeclaration(p); return; } } } SynEdit::mouseReleaseEvent(event); } void Editor::copyToClipboard() { if (pSettings->editor().copySizeLimit()) { int startLine = blockBegin().Line; int endLine = blockEnd().Line; if ((endLine-startLine+1) > pSettings->editor().copyLineLimits()) { QMessageBox::critical(pMainWindow,tr("Error"), tr("The text to be copied exceeds count limit!")); return; } if ((selText().length()) > pSettings->editor().copyCharLimits() * 1000) { QMessageBox::critical(pMainWindow,tr("Error"), tr("The text to be copied exceeds character limit!")); return; } } switch(pSettings->editor().copyWithFormatAs()) { case 1: //HTML copyAsHTML(); break;; default: SynEdit::copyToClipboard(); } } void Editor::cutToClipboard() { if (pSettings->editor().copySizeLimit()) { if (lines()->count() > pSettings->editor().copyLineLimits()) { QMessageBox::critical(pMainWindow,tr("Error"), tr("The text to be cut exceeds count limit!")); return; } if (lines()->getTextLength() > pSettings->editor().copyCharLimits() * 1000) { QMessageBox::critical(pMainWindow,tr("Error"), tr("The text to be cut exceeds character limit!")); return; } } SynEdit::cutToClipboard(); } void Editor::copyAsHTML() { if (!selAvail()) return; SynHTMLExporter SynExporterHTML; SynExporterHTML.setTitle(QFileInfo(mFilename).fileName()); SynExporterHTML.setExportAsText(false); SynExporterHTML.setUseBackground(pSettings->editor().copyHTMLUseBackground()); SynExporterHTML.setFont(font()); PSynHighlighter hl = highlighter(); if (!pSettings->editor().copyHTMLUseEditorColor()) { hl = highlighterManager.copyHighlighter(highlighter()); highlighterManager.applyColorScheme(hl,pSettings->editor().copyHTMLColorScheme()); } SynExporterHTML.setHighlighter(hl); SynExporterHTML.setCreateHTMLFragment(true); SynExporterHTML.ExportRange(lines(),blockBegin(),blockEnd()); QMimeData * mimeData = new QMimeData; //sethtml will convert buffer to QString , which will cause encoding trouble mimeData->setData(SynExporterHTML.clipboardFormat(),SynExporterHTML.buffer()); mimeData->setText(selText()); QGuiApplication::clipboard()->clear(); QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(mimeData); } void Editor::setCaretPosition(int line, int col) { this->uncollapseAroundLine(line); this->setCaretXYCentered(true,BufferCoord{col,line}); } void Editor::setCaretPositionAndActivate(int line, int col) { this->uncollapseAroundLine(line); if (!this->hasFocus()) this->activate(); this->setCaretXYCentered(true,BufferCoord{col,line}); } void Editor::addSyntaxIssues(int line, int startChar, int endChar, CompileIssueType errorType, const QString &hint) { PSyntaxIssue pError; BufferCoord p; QString token; SynHighlighterTokenType tokenType; int tokenKind,start; PSynHighlighterAttribute attr; PSyntaxIssueList lst; if ((line<1) || (line>lines()->count())) return; pError = std::make_shared<SyntaxIssue>(); p.Char = startChar; p.Line = line; if (startChar >= lines()->getString(line-1).length()) { start = 1; token = lines()->getString(line-1); } else if (endChar < 1) { if (!GetHighlighterAttriAtRowColEx(p,token,tokenType,tokenKind,start,attr)) return; } else { start = startChar; token = lines()->getString(line-1).mid(start-1,endChar-startChar); } pError->startChar = start; pError->endChar = start + token.length(); pError->col = charToColumn(line,pError->startChar); pError->endCol = charToColumn(line,pError->endChar); pError->hint = hint; pError->token = token; pError->issueType = errorType; if (mSyntaxIssues.contains(line)) { lst = mSyntaxIssues[line]; } else { lst = std::make_shared<SyntaxIssueList>(); mSyntaxIssues[line] = lst; } lst->append(pError); } void Editor::clearSyntaxIssues() { mSyntaxIssues.clear(); } void Editor::gotoNextSyntaxIssue() { auto iter = mSyntaxIssues.find(caretY()); if (iter==mSyntaxIssues.end()) return; iter++; if (iter==mSyntaxIssues.end()) return; BufferCoord p; p.Char = (*iter)->at(0)->startChar; p.Line = iter.key(); setCaretXY(p); } void Editor::gotoPrevSyntaxIssue() { auto iter = mSyntaxIssues.find(caretY()); if (iter==mSyntaxIssues.end()) return; if (iter==mSyntaxIssues.begin()) return; iter--; BufferCoord p; p.Char = (*iter)->at(0)->startChar; p.Line = iter.key(); setCaretXY(p); } bool Editor::hasNextSyntaxIssue() const { auto iter = mSyntaxIssues.find(caretY()); if (iter==mSyntaxIssues.end()) return false; iter++; if (iter==mSyntaxIssues.end()) return false; return true; } bool Editor::hasPrevSyntaxIssue() const { auto iter = mSyntaxIssues.find(caretY()); if (iter==mSyntaxIssues.end()) return true; if (iter==mSyntaxIssues.begin()) return true; return false; } Editor::PSyntaxIssueList Editor::getSyntaxIssuesAtLine(int line) { if (mSyntaxIssues.contains(line)) return mSyntaxIssues[line]; return PSyntaxIssueList(); } Editor::PSyntaxIssue Editor::getSyntaxIssueAtPosition(const BufferCoord &pos) { PSyntaxIssueList lst = getSyntaxIssuesAtLine(pos.Line); if (!lst) return PSyntaxIssue(); foreach (const PSyntaxIssue& issue, *lst) { if (issue->startChar<=pos.Char && pos.Char<=issue->endChar) return issue; } return PSyntaxIssue(); } void Editor::onModificationChanged(bool) { updateCaption(); } void Editor::onStatusChanged(SynStatusChanges changes) { if (!changes.testFlag(SynStatusChange::scReadOnly) && !changes.testFlag(SynStatusChange::scInsertMode) && (lines()->count()!=mLineCount) && (lines()->count()!=0) && ((mLineCount>0) || (lines()->count()>1))) { reparse(); if (pSettings->editor().syntaxCheckWhenLineChanged()) checkSyntaxInBack(); } mLineCount = lines()->count(); if (changes.testFlag(scModified)) { updateCaption(); } // if (fTabStopBegin >=0) and (fTabStopY=fText.CaretY) then begin // if StartsStr(fLineBeforeTabStop,fText.LineText) and EndsStr(fLineAfterTabStop, fText.LineText) then // fTabStopBegin := Length(fLineBeforeTabStop); // if fLineAfterTabStop = '' then // fTabStopEnd := Length(fText.LineText)+1 // else // fTabStopEnd := Length(fText.LineText) - Length(fLineAfterTabStop); // fXOffsetSince := fTabStopEnd - fText.CaretX; // if (fText.CaretX < fTabStopBegin) or (fText.CaretX > (fTabStopEnd+1)) then begin // fTabStopBegin :=-1; // end; // end; // scSelection includes anything caret related if (changes.testFlag(SynStatusChange::scSelection)) { mSelectionWord=""; if (selAvail()) { BufferCoord wordBegin,wordEnd,bb,be; bb = blockBegin(); be = blockEnd(); wordBegin = WordStartEx(bb); wordEnd = WordEndEx(be); if (wordBegin.Line == bb.Line && wordBegin.Char == bb.Char && wordEnd.Line == be.Line && wordEnd.Char == be.Char) { if (wordBegin.Line>=1 && wordBegin.Line<=lines()->count()) { QString line = lines()->getString(wordBegin.Line-1); mSelectionWord = line.mid(wordBegin.Char-1,wordEnd.Char-wordBegin.Char); } } // qDebug()<<QString("(%1,%2)").arg(bb.Line).arg(bb.Char) // <<" - "<<QString("(%1,%2)").arg(be.Line).arg(be.Char) // <<" - "<<QString("(%1,%2)").arg(wordBegin.Line).arg(wordBegin.Char) // <<" - "<<QString("(%1,%2)").arg(wordEnd.Line).arg(wordEnd.Char) // <<" : "<<mSelectionWord; } if (mOldSelectionWord != mSelectionWord) { invalidate(); mOldSelectionWord = mSelectionWord; } pMainWindow->updateStatusbarForLineCol(); // // Update the function tip // fFunctionTip.ForceHide := false; // if Assigned(fFunctionTipTimer) then begin // if fFunctionTip.Activated and FunctionTipAllowed then begin // fFunctionTip.Parser := fParser; // fFunctionTip.FileName := fFileName; // fFunctionTip.Show; // end else begin // Reset the timer // fFunctionTipTimer.Enabled := false; // fFunctionTipTimer.Enabled := true; // end; } // // Remove error line colors // if not fIgnoreCaretChange then begin // if (fErrorLine <> -1) and not fText.SelAvail then begin // fText.InvalidateLine(fErrorLine); // fText.InvalidateGutterLine(fErrorLine); // fErrorLine := -1; // end; // end else // fIgnoreCaretChange := false; // if fText.SelAvail then begin // if fText.GetWordAtRowCol(fText.CaretXY) = fText.SelText then begin // fSelChanged:=True; // BeginUpdate; // EndUpdate; // end else if fSelChanged then begin // fSelChanged:=False; //invalidate to unhighlight others // BeginUpdate; // EndUpdate; // end; // end else if fSelChanged then begin // fSelChanged:=False; //invalidate to unhighlight others // BeginUpdate; // EndUpdate; // end; // end; if (changes.testFlag(scInsertMode) | changes.testFlag(scReadOnly)) pMainWindow->updateForStatusbarModeInfo(); pMainWindow->updateEditorActions(); if (changes.testFlag(SynStatusChange::scCaretY)) { pMainWindow->caretList().addCaret(this,caretY(),caretX()); pMainWindow->updateCaretActions(); } } void Editor::onGutterClicked(Qt::MouseButton button, int , int , int line) { if (button == Qt::LeftButton) { toggleBreakpoint(line); } mGutterClickedLine = line; } void Editor::onTipEvalValueReady(const QString &value) { if (mCurrentWord == mCurrentDebugTipWord) { QToolTip::showText(QCursor::pos(), mCurrentDebugTipWord + " = " + value ); } disconnect(pMainWindow->debugger(), &Debugger::evalValueReady, this, &Editor::onTipEvalValueReady); } void Editor::onLinesDeleted(int first, int count) { pMainWindow->caretList().linesDeleted(this,first,count); } void Editor::onLinesInserted(int first, int count) { pMainWindow->caretList().linesInserted(this,first,count); } QChar Editor::getCurrentChar() { if (lineText().length()<caretX()) return QChar(); else return lineText().at(caretX()-1); } bool Editor::handleSymbolCompletion(QChar key) { if (!pSettings->editor().completeSymbols() || selAvail()) return false; if (!insertMode()) return false; //todo: better methods to detect current caret type if (caretX() <= 1) { if (caretY()>1) { if (highlighter()->isLastLineCommentNotFinished(lines()->ranges(caretY() - 2).state)) return false; if (highlighter()->isLastLineStringNotFinished(lines()->ranges(caretY() - 2).state) && (key!='\"') && (key!='\'')) return false; } } else { BufferCoord HighlightPos = BufferCoord{caretX()-1, caretY()}; // Check if that line is highlighted as comment PSynHighlighterAttribute Attr; QString Token; bool tokenFinished; SynHighlighterTokenType tokenType; if (GetHighlighterAttriAtRowCol(HighlightPos, Token, tokenFinished, tokenType,Attr)) { if ((tokenType == SynHighlighterTokenType::Comment) && (!tokenFinished)) return false; if ((tokenType == SynHighlighterTokenType::String) && (!tokenFinished) && (key!='\'') && (key!='\"') && (key!='(') && (key!=')')) return false; if (( key=='<' || key =='>') && (tokenType != SynHighlighterTokenType::PreprocessDirective)) return false; if ((key == '\'') && (Attr->name() == "SYNS_AttrNumber")) return false; } } // Check if that line is highlighted as string or character or comment // if (Attr = fText.Highlighter.StringAttribute) or (Attr = fText.Highlighter.CommentAttribute) or SameStr(Attr.Name, // 'Character') then // Exit; QuoteStatus status; switch(key.unicode()) { case '(': if (pSettings->editor().completeParenthese()) { return handleParentheseCompletion(); } return false; case ')': if (pSettings->editor().completeParenthese() && pSettings->editor().overwriteSymbols()) { return handleParentheseSkip(); } return false; case '[': if (pSettings->editor().completeBracket()) { return handleBracketCompletion(); } return false; case ']': if (pSettings->editor().completeBracket() && pSettings->editor().overwriteSymbols()) { return handleBracketSkip(); } return false; case '*': status = getQuoteStatus(); if (pSettings->editor().completeComment() && (status == QuoteStatus::NotQuote)) { return handleMultilineCommentCompletion(); } return false; case '{': if (pSettings->editor().completeBrace()) { return handleBraceCompletion(); } return false; case '}': if (pSettings->editor().completeBrace() && pSettings->editor().overwriteSymbols()) { return handleBraceSkip(); } return false; case '\'': if (pSettings->editor().completeSingleQuote()) { return handleSingleQuoteCompletion(); } return false; case '\"': if (pSettings->editor().completeDoubleQuote()) { return handleDoubleQuoteCompletion(); } return false; case '<': if (pSettings->editor().completeGlobalInclude()) { // #include <> return handleGlobalIncludeCompletion(); } return false; case '>': if (pSettings->editor().completeGlobalInclude() && pSettings->editor().overwriteSymbols()) { // #include <> return handleGlobalIncludeSkip(); } return false; } return false; } bool Editor::handleParentheseCompletion() { QuoteStatus status = getQuoteStatus(); if (status == QuoteStatus::RawString || status == QuoteStatus::NotQuote) { beginUpdate(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'('); BufferCoord oldCaret = caretXY(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,')'); setCaretXY(oldCaret); endUpdate(); return true; } // if (status == QuoteStatus::NotQuote) && FunctionTipAllowed then // fFunctionTip.Activated := true; return false; } bool Editor::handleParentheseSkip() { if (getCurrentChar() != ')') return false; QuoteStatus status = getQuoteStatus(); if (status == QuoteStatus::RawStringNoEscape) { setCaretXY( BufferCoord{caretX() + 1, caretY()}); // skip over return true; } if (status != QuoteStatus::NotQuote) return false; BufferCoord pos = getMatchingBracket(); if (pos.Line != 0) { setCaretXY( BufferCoord{caretX() + 1, caretY()}); // skip over return true; } // if FunctionTipAllowed then // fFunctionTip.Activated := false; return false; } bool Editor::handleBracketCompletion() { // QuoteStatus status = getQuoteStatus(); // if (status == QuoteStatus::RawString || status == QuoteStatus::NotQuote) { beginUpdate(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'['); BufferCoord oldCaret = caretXY(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,']'); setCaretXY(oldCaret); endUpdate(); return true; // } } bool Editor::handleBracketSkip() { if (getCurrentChar() != ']') return false; BufferCoord pos = getMatchingBracket(); if (pos.Line != 0) { setCaretXY( BufferCoord{caretX() + 1, caretY()}); // skip over return true; } return false; } bool Editor::handleMultilineCommentCompletion() { if (((caretX() > 1) && (caretX()-1 < lineText().length())) && (lineText()[caretX() - 1] == '/')) { beginUpdate(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'*'); BufferCoord oldCaret = caretXY(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'*'); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'/'); setCaretXY(oldCaret); endUpdate(); return true; } return false; } bool Editor::handleBraceCompletion() { QString s = lineText().trimmed(); int i= caretY()-2; while ((s.isEmpty()) && (i>=0)) { s=lines()->getString(i); i--; } beginUpdate(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'{'); BufferCoord oldCaret = caretXY(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'}'); if ( ( (s.startsWith("struct") || s.startsWith("class") || s.startsWith("union") || s.startsWith("typedef") || s.startsWith("public") || s.startsWith("private") || s.startsWith("enum") ) && !s.contains(';') ) || s.endsWith('=')) { CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,';'); } setCaretXY(oldCaret); endUpdate(); return true; } bool Editor::handleBraceSkip() { if (getCurrentChar() != '}') return false; BufferCoord pos = getMatchingBracket(); if (pos.Line != 0) { bool oldInsertMode = insertMode(); setInsertMode(false); //set mode to overwrite CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'}'); setInsertMode(oldInsertMode); // setCaretXY( BufferCoord{caretX() + 1, caretY()}); // skip over return true; } return false; } bool Editor::handleSingleQuoteCompletion() { QuoteStatus status = getQuoteStatus(); QChar ch = getCurrentChar(); if (ch == '\'') { if (status == QuoteStatus::SingleQuote) { setCaretXY( BufferCoord{caretX() + 1, caretY()}); // skip over return true; } } else { if (status == QuoteStatus::NotQuote) { if (ch == 0 || highlighter()->isWordBreakChar(ch) || highlighter()->isSpaceChar(ch)) { // insert '' beginUpdate(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'\''); BufferCoord oldCaret = caretXY(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'\''); setCaretXY(oldCaret); endUpdate(); return true; } } } return false; } bool Editor::handleDoubleQuoteCompletion() { QuoteStatus status = getQuoteStatus(); QChar ch = getCurrentChar(); if (ch == '"') { if (status == QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote || status == QuoteStatus::RawString) { setCaretXY( BufferCoord{caretX() + 1, caretY()}); // skip over return true; } } else { if (status == QuoteStatus::NotQuote) { if ((ch == 0) || highlighter()->isWordBreakChar(ch) || highlighter()->isSpaceChar(ch)) { // insert "" beginUpdate(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'"'); BufferCoord oldCaret = caretXY(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'"'); setCaretXY(oldCaret); endUpdate(); return true; } } } return false; } bool Editor::handleGlobalIncludeCompletion() { if (!lineText().startsWith('#')) return false; QString s= lineText().mid(1).trimmed(); if (!s.startsWith("include")) //it's not #include return false; beginUpdate(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'<'); BufferCoord oldCaret = caretXY(); CommandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecChar,'>'); setCaretXY(oldCaret); endUpdate(); return true; } bool Editor::handleGlobalIncludeSkip() { if (getCurrentChar()!='>') return false; QString s= lineText().mid(1).trimmed(); if (!s.startsWith("include")) //it's not #include return false; BufferCoord pos = getMatchingBracket(); if (pos.Line != 0) { setCaretXY( BufferCoord{caretX() + 1, caretY()}); // skip over return true; } return false; } bool Editor::handleCodeCompletion(QChar key) { if (!mCompletionPopup->isEnabled()) return false; switch(key.unicode()) { case '.': setSelText(key); showCompletion(false); return true; case '>': setSelText(key); if ((caretX() > 1) && (lineText().length() >= 1) && (lineText()[caretX() - 2] == '-')) showCompletion(false); return true; case ':': setSelText(key); if ((caretX() > 1) && (lineText().length() >= 1) && (lineText()[caretX() - 2] == ':')) showCompletion(false); return true; case '/': case '\\': setSelText(key); if (mParser->isIncludeLine(lineText())) { showHeaderCompletion(false); } return true; default: return false; } } void Editor::initParser() { mParser = std::make_shared<CppParser>(); mParser->setOnGetFileStream( std::bind( &EditorList::getContentFromOpenedEditor,pMainWindow->editorList(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); resetCppParser(mParser); mParser->setEnabled((highlighter() && highlighter()->getClass() == SynHighlighterClass::CppHighlighter)); } Editor::QuoteStatus Editor::getQuoteStatus() { QuoteStatus Result = QuoteStatus::NotQuote; if ((caretY()>1) && highlighter()->isLastLineStringNotFinished(lines()->ranges(caretY() - 2).state)) Result = QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote; QString Line = lines()->getString(caretY()-1); int posX = caretX()-1; if (posX >= Line.length()) { posX = Line.length()-1; } for (int i=0; i<posX;i++) { if (i+1<Line.length() && (Line[i] == 'R') && (Line[i+1] == '"') && (Result == QuoteStatus::NotQuote)) { Result = QuoteStatus::RawString; i++; // skip R } else if (Line[i] == '(') { switch(Result) { case QuoteStatus::RawString: Result=QuoteStatus::RawStringNoEscape; break; //case RawStringNoEscape: do nothing } } else if (Line[i] == ')') { switch(Result) { case QuoteStatus::RawStringNoEscape: Result=QuoteStatus::RawString; break; } } else if (Line[i] == '"') { switch(Result) { case QuoteStatus::NotQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::SingleQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::SingleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::SingleQuoteEscape: Result = QuoteStatus::SingleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::NotQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::DoubleQuoteEscape: Result = QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::RawString: Result=QuoteStatus::NotQuote; break; //RawStringNoEscape: do nothing } } else if (Line[i] == '\'') { switch(Result) { case QuoteStatus::NotQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::SingleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::SingleQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::NotQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::SingleQuoteEscape: Result = QuoteStatus::SingleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::DoubleQuoteEscape: Result = QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote; break; } } else if (Line[i] == '\\') { switch(Result) { case QuoteStatus::NotQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::NotQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::SingleQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::SingleQuoteEscape; break; case QuoteStatus::SingleQuoteEscape: Result = QuoteStatus::SingleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::DoubleQuoteEscape; break; case QuoteStatus::DoubleQuoteEscape: Result = QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote; break; } } else { switch(Result) { case QuoteStatus::NotQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::NotQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::SingleQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::SingleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::SingleQuoteEscape: Result = QuoteStatus::SingleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote: Result = QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote; break; case QuoteStatus::DoubleQuoteEscape: Result = QuoteStatus::DoubleQuote; break; } } } return Result; } void Editor::reparse() { parseFile(mParser,mFilename,mInProject); } void Editor::showCompletion(bool autoComplete) { if (!pSettings->codeCompletion().enabled()) return; if (!mParser->enabled()) return; if (mCompletionPopup->isVisible()) // already in search, don't do it again return; QString word=""; QString s; PSynHighlighterAttribute attr; bool tokenFinished; SynHighlighterTokenType tokenType; BufferCoord pBeginPos, pEndPos; if (GetHighlighterAttriAtRowCol( BufferCoord{caretX() - 1, caretY()}, s, tokenFinished,tokenType, attr)) { if (tokenType == SynHighlighterTokenType::PreprocessDirective) {//Preprocessor word = getWordAtPosition(this,caretXY(),pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpDirective); if (!word.startsWith('#')) { //showTabnineCompletion(); return; } } else if (tokenType == SynHighlighterTokenType::Comment) { //Comment, javadoc tag word = getWordAtPosition(this,caretXY(),pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpJavadoc); if (!word.startsWith('@')) { return; } } else if ( (tokenType != SynHighlighterTokenType::Symbol) && (tokenType != SynHighlighterTokenType::Space) && (tokenType != SynHighlighterTokenType::Identifier) ) { return; } } // Position it at the top of the next line QPoint p = RowColumnToPixels(displayXY()); p+=QPoint(0,textHeight()+2); mCompletionPopup->move(mapToGlobal(p)); mCompletionPopup->setRecordUsage(pSettings->codeCompletion().recordUsage()); mCompletionPopup->setSortByScope(pSettings->codeCompletion().sortByScope()); mCompletionPopup->setShowKeywords(pSettings->codeCompletion().showKeywords()); mCompletionPopup->setShowCodeIns(pSettings->codeCompletion().showCodeIns()); mCompletionPopup->setIgnoreCase(pSettings->codeCompletion().ignoreCase()); mCompletionPopup->resize(pSettings->codeCompletion().width(), pSettings->codeCompletion().height()); // fCompletionBox.CodeInsList := dmMain.CodeInserts.ItemList; // fCompletionBox.SymbolUsage := dmMain.SymbolUsage; // fCompletionBox.ShowCount := devCodeCompletion.MaxCount; //Set Font size; mCompletionPopup->setFont(font()); // Redirect key presses to completion box if applicable //todo: mCompletionPopup->setKeypressedCallback([this](QKeyEvent *event)->bool{ return onCompletionKeyPressed(event); }); mCompletionPopup->setParser(mParser); mCompletionPopup->setUseCppKeyword(mUseCppSyntax); mCompletionPopup->show(); // Scan the current function body mCompletionPopup->setCurrentStatement( mParser->findAndScanBlockAt(mFilename, caretY()) ); if (word.isEmpty()) word=getWordAtPosition(this,caretXY(),pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpCompletion); //if not fCompletionBox.Visible then mCompletionPopup->prepareSearch(word, mFilename, pBeginPos.Line); // Filter the whole statement list if (mCompletionPopup->search(word, autoComplete)) { //only one suggestion and it's not input while typing completionInsert(pSettings->codeCompletion().appendFunc()); } } void Editor::showHeaderCompletion(bool autoComplete) { if (!pSettings->codeCompletion().enabled()) return; // if not devCodeCompletion.Enabled then // Exit; if (mHeaderCompletionPopup->isVisible()) // already in search, don't do it again return; // Position it at the top of the next line QPoint p = RowColumnToPixels(displayXY()); p.setY(p.y() + textHeight() + 2); mHeaderCompletionPopup->move(mapToGlobal(p)); mHeaderCompletionPopup->setIgnoreCase(pSettings->codeCompletion().ignoreCase()); mHeaderCompletionPopup->resize(pSettings->codeCompletion().width(), pSettings->codeCompletion().height()); //Set Font size; mHeaderCompletionPopup->setFont(font()); // Redirect key presses to completion box if applicable mHeaderCompletionPopup->setKeypressedCallback([this](QKeyEvent* event)->bool{ return onHeaderCompletionKeyPressed(event); }); mHeaderCompletionPopup->setParser(mParser); BufferCoord pBeginPos,pEndPos; QString word = getWordAtPosition(this,caretXY(),pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpHeaderCompletionStart); if (word.isEmpty()) return; if (!word.startsWith('"') && !word.startsWith('<')) return; if (word.lastIndexOf('"')>0 || word.lastIndexOf('>')>0) return; mHeaderCompletionPopup->show(); mHeaderCompletionPopup->setSearchLocal(word.startsWith('"')); word.remove(0,1); mHeaderCompletionPopup->prepareSearch(word, mFilename); // Filter the whole statement list if (mHeaderCompletionPopup->search(word, autoComplete)) //only one suggestion and it's not input while typing headerCompletionInsert(); // if only have one suggestion, just use it } bool Editor::testInFunc(int x, int y) { bool result = false; QString s = lines()->getString(y); int posY = y; int posX = std::min(x,s.length()-1); // x is started from 1 int bracketLevel=0; while (true) { while (posX < 0) { posY--; if (posY < 0) return false; s = lines()->getString(posY); posX = s.length()-1; } if (s[posX] == '>' || s[posX] == ']') { bracketLevel++; } else if (s[posX] == '<' || s[posX] == '[') { bracketLevel--; } else if (bracketLevel==0) { switch (s[posX].unicode()) { case '(': return true; case ';': case '{': return false; } if (!(isIdentChar(s[posX]) || s[posX] == ' ' || s[posX] == '\t' || s[posX] == '*' || s[posX] == '&')) break;; } posX--; } return result; } void Editor::completionInsert(bool appendFunc) { PStatement statement = mCompletionPopup->selectedStatement(); if (!statement) return; // if devCodeCompletion.RecordUsage and (Statement^._Kind <> skUserCodeIn) then begin // idx:=Utils.FastIndexOf(dmMain.SymbolUsage,Statement^._FullName); // if idx = -1 then begin // usageCount:=1; // dmMain.SymbolUsage.AddObject(Statement^._FullName, pointer(1)) // end else begin // usageCount := 1 + integer(dmMain.SymbolUsage.Objects[idx]); // dmMain.SymbolUsage.Objects[idx] := pointer( usageCount ); // end; // Statement^._UsageCount := usageCount; // end; QString funcAddOn = ""; // delete the part of the word that's already been typed ... BufferCoord p = WordEnd(); setBlockBegin(WordStart()); setBlockEnd(p); // if we are inserting a function, if (appendFunc) { if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skFunction || statement->kind == StatementKind::skConstructor || statement->kind == StatementKind::skDestructor) { if ((p.Char >= lineText().length()) // it's the last char on line || (lineText().at(p.Char) != '(')) { // it don't have '(' after it if (statement->fullName!="std::endl") funcAddOn = "()"; } } } // ... by replacing the selection if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) { // it's a user code template //insertUserCodeIn(Statement->value); } else { if ( (statement->kind == StatementKind::skKeyword || statement->kind == StatementKind::skPreprocessor) && (statement->command.startsWith('#') || statement->command.startsWith('@')) ) { setSelText(statement->command.mid(1)); } else setSelText(statement->command + funcAddOn); if (!funcAddOn.isEmpty()) mLastIdCharPressed = 0; // Move caret inside the ()'s, only when the user has something to do there... if (!funcAddOn.isEmpty() && (statement->args != "()") && (statement->args != "(void)")) { setCaretX(caretX() - funcAddOn.length()+1); //todo: function hint // immediately activate function hint // if devEditor.ShowFunctionTip and Assigned(fText.Highlighter) then begin // fText.SetFocus; // fFunctionTip.Parser := fParser; // fFunctionTip.FileName := fFileName; // fFunctionTip.Show; // end; } } mCompletionPopup->hide(); } void Editor::headerCompletionInsert() { QString headerName = mHeaderCompletionPopup->selectedFilename(); if (headerName.isEmpty()) return; // delete the part of the word that's already been typed ... BufferCoord p = caretXY(); int posBegin = p.Char-1; int posEnd = p.Char-1; QString sLine = lineText(); while ((posBegin>0) && (isIdentChar(sLine[posBegin-1]) || (sLine[posBegin-1]=='.'))) posBegin--; while ((posEnd < sLine.length()) && (isIdentChar(sLine[posEnd]) || (sLine[posEnd]=='.'))) posEnd++; p.Char = posBegin+1; setBlockBegin(p); p.Char = posEnd+1; setBlockEnd(p); setSelText(headerName); mCompletionPopup->hide(); } bool Editor::onCompletionKeyPressed(QKeyEvent *event) { bool processed = false; if (!mCompletionPopup->isEnabled()) return false; QString oldPhrase = mCompletionPopup->phrase(); WordPurpose purpose = WordPurpose::wpCompletion; if (oldPhrase.startsWith('#')) { purpose = WordPurpose::wpDirective; } else if (oldPhrase.startsWith('@')) { purpose = WordPurpose::wpJavadoc; } QString phrase; BufferCoord pBeginPos,pEndPos; switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Backspace: ExecuteCommand( SynEditorCommand::ecDeleteLastChar, QChar(), nullptr); // Simulate backspace in editor phrase = getWordAtPosition(this,caretXY(), pBeginPos,pEndPos, purpose); mLastIdCharPressed = phrase.length(); mCompletionPopup->search(phrase, false); return true; case Qt::Key_Escape: mCompletionPopup->hide(); return true; case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Tab: completionInsert(pSettings->codeCompletion().appendFunc()); return true; default: if (event->text().isEmpty()) { //stop completion mCompletionPopup->hide(); keyPressEvent(event); return true; } } QChar ch = event->text().front(); if (isIdentChar(ch)) { setSelText(ch); phrase = getWordAtPosition(this,caretXY(), pBeginPos,pEndPos, purpose); mLastIdCharPressed = phrase.length(); mCompletionPopup->search(phrase, false); return true; } else { //stop completion mCompletionPopup->hide(); keyPressEvent(event); return true; } return processed; } bool Editor::onHeaderCompletionKeyPressed(QKeyEvent *event) { bool processed = false; if (!mCompletionPopup->isEnabled()) return false; QString phrase; BufferCoord pBeginPos,pEndPos; switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Backspace: ExecuteCommand( SynEditorCommand::ecDeleteLastChar, QChar(), nullptr); // Simulate backspace in editor phrase = getWordAtPosition(this,caretXY(), pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpHeaderCompletion); mLastIdCharPressed = phrase.length(); mHeaderCompletionPopup->search(phrase, false); return true; case Qt::Key_Escape: mHeaderCompletionPopup->hide(); return true; case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Tab: headerCompletionInsert(); mHeaderCompletionPopup->hide(); return true; default: if (event->text().isEmpty()) { //stop completion mHeaderCompletionPopup->hide(); keyPressEvent(event); return true; } } QChar ch = event->text().front(); if (isIdentChar(ch)) { setSelText(ch); phrase = getWordAtPosition(this,caretXY(), pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpHeaderCompletion); mLastIdCharPressed = phrase.length(); mHeaderCompletionPopup->search(phrase, false); return true; } else { //stop completion mHeaderCompletionPopup->hide(); keyPressEvent(event); return true; } return processed; } Editor::TipType Editor::getTipType(QPoint point, BufferCoord& pos) { // Only allow in the text area... if (PointToCharLine(point, pos)) { if (!pMainWindow->debugger()->executing() && getSyntaxIssueAtPosition(pos)) { return TipType::Error; } PSynHighlighterAttribute attr; QString s; // Only allow hand tips in highlighted areas if (GetHighlighterAttriAtRowCol(pos,s,attr)) { // Only allow Identifiers, Preprocessor directives, and selection if (attr) { if (selAvail()) { // do not allow when dragging selection if (IsPointInSelection(pos)) return TipType::Selection; } else if (attr->name() == SYNS_AttrIdentifier) return TipType::Identifier; else if (attr->name() == SYNS_AttrPreprocessor) return TipType::Preprocessor; } } } return TipType::None; } void Editor::cancelHint() { //MainForm.Debugger.OnEvalReady := nil; // disable editor hint QToolTip::hideText(); mCurrentWord = ""; mCurrentTipType = TipType::None; setCursor(Qt::IBeamCursor); } QString Editor::getFileHint(const QString &s) { QString fileName = mParser->getHeaderFileName(mFilename, s); if (QFileInfo(fileName).exists()) { return fileName + " - " + tr("Ctrl+click for more info"); } return ""; } QString Editor::getParserHint(const QString &s, int line) { // This piece of code changes the parser database, possibly making hints and code completion invalid... QString result; PStatement statement = mParser->findStatementOf(mFilename, s, line); if (!statement) return result; if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skFunction || statement->kind == StatementKind::skConstructor || statement->kind == StatementKind::skDestructor) { PStatement parentScope = statement->parentScope.lock(); if (parentScope && parentScope->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace) { PStatementList namespaceStatementsList = mParser->findNamespace(parentScope->command); if (namespaceStatementsList) { foreach (const PStatement& namespaceStatement, *namespaceStatementsList) { QString hint = getHintForFunction(statement,namespaceStatement, mFilename,line); if (!hint.isEmpty()) { if (!result.isEmpty()) result += "<BR />"; result += hint; } } } } else result = getHintForFunction(statement, parentScope, mFilename,line); } else if (statement->line>0) { QFileInfo fileInfo(statement->fileName); result = mParser->prettyPrintStatement(statement,mFilename, line) + " - " + QString("%1(%2) ").arg(fileInfo.fileName()).arg(line) + tr("Ctrl+click for more info"); } else { // hard defines result = mParser->prettyPrintStatement(statement, mFilename); } // Result := StringReplace(Result, '|', #5, [rfReplaceAll]); return result; } void Editor::showDebugHint(const QString &s, int line) { PStatement statement = mParser->findStatementOf(mFilename,s,line); if (statement) { if (statement->kind != StatementKind::skVariable && statement->kind != StatementKind::skGlobalVariable && statement->kind != StatementKind::skLocalVariable && statement->kind != StatementKind::skParameter) { return; } } if (pMainWindow->debugger()->commandRunning()) return; connect(pMainWindow->debugger(), &Debugger::evalValueReady, this, &Editor::onTipEvalValueReady); mCurrentDebugTipWord = s; pMainWindow->debugger()->sendCommand("print",s,false); } QString Editor::getErrorHint(const PSyntaxIssue& issue) { if (issue) { return issue->hint; } else { return ""; } } QString Editor::getHintForFunction(const PStatement &statement, const PStatement &scopeStatement, const QString& filename, int line) { QString result; const StatementMap& children = mParser->statementList().childrenStatements(scopeStatement); foreach (const PStatement& childStatement, children){ if (statement->command == childStatement->command && statement->kind == childStatement->kind) { if ((line < childStatement->line) && childStatement->fileName == filename) continue; if (!result.isEmpty()) result += "<BR />"; QFileInfo fileInfo(childStatement->fileName); result = mParser->prettyPrintStatement(childStatement,filename,line) + " - " + QString("%1(%2) ").arg(fileInfo.fileName()).arg(line) + tr("Ctrl+click for more info"); } } return result; } void Editor::gotoDeclaration(const BufferCoord &pos) { // Exit early, don't bother creating a stream (which is slow) BufferCoord pBeginPos, pEndPos; QString phrase = getWordAtPosition(this,pos,pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpInformation); if (phrase.isEmpty()) return; PStatement statement = mParser->findStatementOf( mFilename,phrase,pos.Line); if (!statement) { pMainWindow->updateStatusbarMessage(tr("Symbol '%1' not found!").arg(phrase)); return; } QString filename; int line; if (statement->fileName == mFilename && statement->line == pos.Line) { filename = statement->definitionFileName; line = statement->definitionLine; } else { filename = statement->fileName; line = statement->line; } Editor* e = pMainWindow->editorList()->getEditorByFilename(filename); if (e) { e->setCaretPositionAndActivate(line,1); } } void Editor::gotoDefinition(const BufferCoord &pos) { // Exit early, don't bother creating a stream (which is slow) BufferCoord pBeginPos, pEndPos; QString phrase = getWordAtPosition(this,pos,pBeginPos,pEndPos, WordPurpose::wpInformation); if (phrase.isEmpty()) return; PStatement statement = mParser->findStatementOf( mFilename,phrase,pos.Line); if (!statement) { pMainWindow->updateStatusbarMessage(tr("Symbol '%1' not found!").arg(phrase)); return; } QString filename; int line; filename = statement->definitionFileName; line = statement->definitionLine; Editor* e = pMainWindow->editorList()->getEditorByFilename(filename); if (e) { e->setCaretPositionAndActivate(line,1); } } QString getWordAtPosition(SynEdit *editor, const BufferCoord &p, BufferCoord &pWordBegin, BufferCoord &pWordEnd, Editor::WordPurpose purpose) { QString result = ""; QString s; if ((p.Line<1) || (p.Line>editor->lines()->count())) { pWordBegin = p; pWordEnd = p; return ""; } s = editor->lines()->getString(p.Line - 1); int len = s.length(); int wordBegin = p.Char - 1 - 1; //BufferCoord::Char starts with 1 int wordEnd = p.Char - 1 - 1; // Copy forward until end of word if (purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpEvaluation || purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpInformation) { while (wordEnd + 1 < len) { if ((purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpEvaluation) && (s[wordEnd + 1] == '[')) { if (!findComplement(s, '[', ']', wordEnd, 1)) break; } else if (editor->isIdentChar(s[wordEnd + 1])) { wordEnd++; } else break; } } // Copy backward until # if (purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpDirective) { while ((wordBegin >= 0) && (wordBegin < len)) { if (editor->isIdentChar(s[wordBegin])) wordBegin--; else if (s[wordBegin] == '#') { wordBegin--; break; } else break; } } // Copy backward until @ if (purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpJavadoc) { while ((wordBegin >= 0) && (wordBegin < len)) { if (editor->isIdentChar(s[wordBegin])) wordBegin--; else if (s[wordBegin] == '@') { wordBegin--; break; } else break; } } // Copy backward until begin of path if (purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpHeaderCompletion) { while ((wordBegin >= 0) && (wordBegin < len)) { if (editor->isIdentChar(s[wordBegin])) wordBegin--; else if (s[wordBegin] == '/' || s[wordBegin] == '\\' || s[wordBegin] == '.') { wordBegin--; break; } else break; } } if (purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpHeaderCompletionStart) { while ((wordBegin >= 0) && (wordBegin < len)) { if (s[wordBegin] == '"' || s[wordBegin] == '<') { wordBegin--; break; } else if (s[wordBegin] == '/' || s[wordBegin] == '\\' || s[wordBegin] == '.') { wordBegin--; } else if (editor->isIdentChar(s[wordBegin])) wordBegin--; else break; } } // && ( wordBegin < len) // Copy backward until begin of word if (purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpCompletion || purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpEvaluation || purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpInformation) { while ((wordBegin >= 0) && (wordBegin<len)) { if (s[wordBegin] == ']') { if (!findComplement(s, ']', '[', wordBegin, -1)) break; else wordBegin++; // step over mathing [ } else if (editor->isIdentChar(s[wordBegin])) { wordBegin--; } else if (s[wordBegin] == '.' || s[wordBegin] == ':' || s[wordBegin] == '~') { // allow destructor signs wordBegin--; } else if ( (s[wordBegin] == '>') && (wordBegin+2<len) && (s[wordBegin+1]==':') && (s[wordBegin+2]==':') ) { // allow template if (!findComplement(s, '>', '<', wordBegin, -1)) break; else wordBegin--; // step over > } else if ((wordBegin-1 >= 0) && (s[wordBegin - 1] == '-') && (s[wordBegin] == '>')) { wordBegin-=2; } else if ((wordBegin-1 >= 0) && (s[wordBegin - 1] == ':') && (s[wordBegin] == ':')) { wordBegin-=2; } else if ((wordBegin > 0) && (s[wordBegin] == ')')) { if (!findComplement(s, ')', '(', wordBegin, -1)) break; else wordBegin--; // step over mathing ( } else break; } } // Get end result result = s.mid(wordBegin+1, wordEnd - wordBegin); pWordBegin.Line = p.Line; pWordBegin.Char = wordBegin+1; pWordEnd.Line = p.Line; pWordEnd.Char = wordEnd; // last line still have part of word if (!result.isEmpty() && ( result[0] == '.' || result[0] == '-') && (purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpCompletion || purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpEvaluation || purpose == Editor::WordPurpose::wpInformation)) { int i = wordBegin; int line=p.Line; while (line>=1) { while (i>=0) { if (s[i] == ' ' || s[i] == '\t') i--; else break; } if (i<0) { line--; if (line>=1) { s=editor->lines()->getString(line-1); i=s.length(); continue; } else break; } else { BufferCoord highlightPos; BufferCoord pDummy; highlightPos.Line = line; highlightPos.Char = i+1; result = getWordAtPosition(editor, highlightPos,pWordBegin,pDummy,purpose)+result; break; } } } // Strip function parameters int paramBegin,paramEnd; while (true) { paramBegin = result.indexOf('('); if (paramBegin > 0) { paramEnd = paramBegin; if ((paramBegin==0) && findComplement(result, '(', ')', paramEnd, 1) && (paramEnd = result.length()-1) ) { //remove the enclosing parenthese pair result = result.mid(1,result.length()-2); continue; } else { paramEnd = paramBegin; if (findComplement(result, '(', ')', paramEnd, 1)) { result.remove(paramBegin, paramEnd - paramBegin + 1); } else break; } } else break; } paramBegin = 0; while ((paramBegin < result.length()) && (result[paramBegin] == '*')) { paramBegin++; } result.remove(0,paramBegin); return result; } QString Editor::getPreviousWordAtPositionForSuggestion(const BufferCoord &p) { QString result; if ((p.Line<1) || (p.Line>lines()->count())) { return ""; } bool inFunc = testInFunc(p.Char-1,p.Line-1); QString s = lines()->getString(p.Line - 1); int wordBegin; int wordEnd = p.Char-1; if (wordEnd >= s.length()) wordEnd = s.length()-1; while (true) { int bracketLevel=0; bool skipNextWord=false; while (wordEnd > 0) { if (s[wordEnd] == '>' || s[wordEnd] == ']') { bracketLevel++; } else if (s[wordEnd] == '<' || s[wordEnd] == '[') { bracketLevel--; } else if (bracketLevel==0) { //we can't differentiate multiple definition and function parameter define here , so we don't handle ',' if (s[wordEnd] == ',') { if (inFunc) // in func, dont skip ',' break; else skipNextWord=true; } else if (s[wordEnd] != ' ' && s[wordEnd] != '\t') { break; } } wordEnd--; } if (wordEnd<0) return ""; if (bracketLevel > 0) return ""; if (!isIdentChar(s[wordEnd])) return ""; wordBegin = wordEnd; while ((wordBegin >= 0) && isIdentChar(s[wordBegin])) { wordBegin--; } wordBegin++; if (s[wordBegin]>='0' && s[wordBegin]<='9') // not valid word return ""; result = s.mid(wordBegin, wordEnd - wordBegin+1); if ((result != "const") && !skipNextWord) break; wordEnd = wordBegin-1; } return result; } void Editor::reformat() { if (readOnly()) return; QFile file(":/codes/formatdemo.cpp"); if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) return; QByteArray content = lines()->text().toUtf8(); QStringList args = pSettings->codeFormatter().getArguments(); QByteArray newContent = runAndGetOutput("astyle.exe", pSettings->dirs().app(), args, content); selectAll(); setSelText(QString::fromUtf8(newContent)); reparse(); } void Editor::checkSyntaxInBack() { if (readOnly()) return; if(pSettings->editor().syntaxCheck()) pMainWindow->checkSyntaxInBack(this); } const PCppParser &Editor::parser() { return mParser; } int Editor::gutterClickedLine() const { return mGutterClickedLine; } void Editor::toggleBreakpoint(int line) { if (hasBreakpoint(line)) { mBreakpointLines.remove(line); pMainWindow->debugger()->removeBreakpoint(line,this); } else { mBreakpointLines.insert(line); pMainWindow->debugger()->addBreakpoint(line,this); } invalidateGutterLine(line); invalidateLine(line); } void Editor::clearBreakpoints() { pMainWindow->debugger()->deleteBreakpoints(this); mBreakpointLines.clear(); invalidate(); } bool Editor::hasBreakpoint(int line) { return mBreakpointLines.contains(line); } void Editor::removeBreakpointFocus() { if (mActiveBreakpointLine!=-1) { int oldLine = mActiveBreakpointLine; mActiveBreakpointLine = -1; invalidateGutterLine(oldLine); invalidateLine(oldLine); } } void Editor::modifyBreakpointProperty(int line) { int index; PBreakpoint breakpoint = pMainWindow->debugger()->breakpointAt(line,this,index); if (!breakpoint) return; bool isOk; QString s=QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Break point condition"), tr("Enter the condition of the breakpoint:"), QLineEdit::Normal, breakpoint->condition,&isOk); if (isOk) { pMainWindow->debugger()->setBreakPointCondition(index,s); } } void Editor::setActiveBreakpointFocus(int Line, bool setFocus) { if (Line != mActiveBreakpointLine) { removeBreakpointFocus(); // Put the caret at the active breakpoint mActiveBreakpointLine = Line; if (setFocus) setCaretPositionAndActivate(Line,1); else setCaretPosition(Line,1); // Invalidate new active line invalidateGutterLine(Line); invalidateLine(Line); } } void Editor::applySettings() { SynEditorOptions options = eoAltSetsColumnMode | eoDragDropEditing | eoDropFiles | eoKeepCaretX | eoTabsToSpaces | eoRightMouseMovesCursor | eoScrollByOneLess | eoTabIndent | eoHideShowScrollbars; //options options.setFlag(eoAddIndent,pSettings->editor().addIndent()); options.setFlag(eoAutoIndent,pSettings->editor().autoIndent()); options.setFlag(eoTabsToSpaces,pSettings->editor().tabToSpaces()); options.setFlag(eoKeepCaretX,pSettings->editor().keepCaretX()); options.setFlag(eoEnhanceHomeKey,pSettings->editor().enhanceHomeKey()); options.setFlag(eoEnhanceEndKey,pSettings->editor().enhanceEndKey()); options.setFlag(eoHideShowScrollbars,pSettings->editor().autoHideScrollbar()); options.setFlag(eoScrollPastEol,pSettings->editor().scrollPastEol()); options.setFlag(eoScrollPastEof,pSettings->editor().scrollPastEof()); options.setFlag(eoScrollByOneLess,pSettings->editor().scrollByOneLess()); options.setFlag(eoHalfPageScroll,pSettings->editor().halfPageScroll()); setOptions(options); setTabWidth(pSettings->editor().tabWidth()); setInsertCaret(pSettings->editor().caretForInsert()); setOverwriteCaret(pSettings->editor().caretForOverwrite()); setCaretColor(pSettings->editor().caretColor()); QFont f=QFont(pSettings->editor().fontName(),pSettings->editor().fontSize()); f.setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferAntialias); setFont(f); // Set gutter properties gutter().setLeftOffset(pSettings->editor().gutterLeftOffset()); gutter().setRightOffset(pSettings->editor().gutterRightOffset()); gutter().setBorderStyle(SynGutterBorderStyle::None); gutter().setUseFontStyle(pSettings->editor().gutterUseCustomFont()); if (pSettings->editor().gutterUseCustomFont()) { f=QFont(pSettings->editor().gutterFontName(),pSettings->editor().gutterFontSize()); } else { f=QFont(pSettings->editor().fontName(),pSettings->editor().fontSize()); } f.setStyleStrategy(QFont::PreferAntialias); gutter().setFont(f); gutter().setDigitCount(pSettings->editor().gutterDigitsCount()); gutter().setVisible(pSettings->editor().gutterVisible()); gutter().setAutoSize(pSettings->editor().gutterAutoSize()); gutter().setShowLineNumbers(pSettings->editor().gutterShowLineNumbers()); gutter().setLeadingZeros(pSettings->editor().gutterAddLeadingZero()); if (pSettings->editor().gutterLineNumbersStartZero()) gutter().setLineNumberStart(0); else gutter().setLineNumberStart(1); //font color } void Editor::applyColorScheme(const QString& schemeName) { highlighterManager.applyColorScheme(highlighter(),schemeName); PColorSchemeItem item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName,COLOR_SCHEME_ACTIVE_LINE); if (item) { setActiveLineColor(item->background()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName,COLOR_SCHEME_GUTTER); if (item) { gutter().setTextColor(item->foreground()); gutter().setColor(item->background()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName,COLOR_SCHEME_FOLD_LINE); if (item) { codeFolding().folderBarLinesColor = item->foreground(); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName,COLOR_SCHEME_INDENT_GUIDE_LINE); if (item) { codeFolding().indentGuidesColor = item->foreground(); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName,COLOR_SCHEME_ERROR); if (item) { this->mSyntaxErrorColor = item->foreground(); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName,COLOR_SCHEME_WARNING); if (item) { this->mSyntaxWarningColor = item->foreground(); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName,COLOR_SCHEME_SELECTION); if (item) { setSelectedForeground(item->foreground()); setSelectedBackground(item->background()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName,COLOR_SCHEME_ACTIVE_BREAKPOINT); if (item) { this->mActiveBreakpointForegroundColor = item->foreground(); this->mActiveBreakpointBackgroundColor = item->background(); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName,COLOR_SCHEME_BREAKPOINT); if (item) { this->mBreakpointForegroundColor = item->foreground(); this->mBreakpointBackgroundColor = item->background(); } //color for code completion popup if (mCompletionPopup) { item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName, SYNS_AttrFunction); if (item) { mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skFunction,item->foreground()); mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skConstructor,item->foreground()); mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skDestructor,item->foreground()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName, SYNS_AttrClass); if (item) { mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skClass,item->foreground()); mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skTypedef,item->foreground()); mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skAlias,item->foreground()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName, SYNS_AttrIdentifier); if (item) { mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skEnumType,item->foreground()); mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skEnumClassType,item->foreground()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName, SYNS_AttrVariable); if (item) { mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skVariable,item->foreground()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName, SYNS_AttrLocalVariable); if (item) { mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skLocalVariable,item->foreground()); mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skParameter,item->foreground()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName, SYNS_AttrGlobalVariable); if (item) { mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skGlobalVariable,item->foreground()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName, SYNS_AttrGlobalVariable); if (item) { mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skGlobalVariable,item->foreground()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName, SYNS_AttrPreprocessor); if (item) { mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skPreprocessor,item->foreground()); mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skEnum,item->foreground()); mHeaderCompletionPopup->setSuggestionColor(item->foreground()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName, SYNS_AttrReservedWord); if (item) { mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skKeyword,item->foreground()); mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skUserCodeIn,item->foreground()); } item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName, SYNS_AttrString); if (item) { mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skNamespace,item->foreground()); mCompletionPopup->colors().insert(StatementKind::skNamespaceAlias,item->foreground()); } } this->invalidate(); } void Editor::updateCaption(const QString& newCaption) { if (mParentPageControl==nullptr) { return; } int index = mParentPageControl->indexOf(this); if (index==-1) return; if (newCaption.isEmpty()) { QString caption = QFileInfo(mFilename).fileName(); if (this->modified()) { caption.append("[*]"); } if (this->readOnly()) { caption.append("["+tr("Readonly")+"]"); } mParentPageControl->setTabText(index,caption); } else { mParentPageControl->setTabText(index,newCaption); } }