Var /GLOBAL osArch Var /GLOBAL sectionDepFlag Var /GLOBAL sectionDepTemp !macro DetectOsArch ${If} ${IsNativeIA32} StrCpy $osArch "x86" ${ElseIf} ${IsNativeAMD64} StrCpy $osArch "x64" ${ElseIf} ${IsNativeARM64} StrCpy $osArch "arm64" ${Else} StrCpy $osArch "unknown" ${EndIf} !macroend !macro CheckOsArch ; special check for OpenConsole.exe: ; - 32-bit cannot be installed on 64-bit OS ; - x64 can be install on arm64 OS, following general rule !ifdef HAVE_OPENCONSOLE !if "${ARCH}" == "x86" ${If} $osArch != "x86" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(ErrorArchMismatch)" Abort ${EndIf} !endif !endif ; x64 cannot be installed on arm64 prior to Windows 11 !if "${ARCH}" == "x64" ${If} $osArch == "arm64" ${AndIfNot} ${AtLeastBuild} 22000 ${OrIf} $osArch == "x86" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(ErrorArchMismatch)" Abort ${EndIf} !endif !if "${ARCH}" == "arm64" ${If} $osArch != "arm64" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(ErrorArchMismatch)" Abort ${EndIf} !endif ; warning if not matching ${If} $osArch != "${ARCH}" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$(WarningArchMismatch)" ${EndIf} !macroend !macro CheckOsBuild ${IfNot} ${IsNT} ${OrIfNot} ${AtLeastBuild} ${REQUIRED_WINDOWS_BUILD} MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "$(ErrorWindowsBuildRequired)" Abort ${EndIf} !macroend !macro CheckV2Installer SetRegView 32 Call UninstallV2 SetRegView 64 Call UninstallV2 !macroend !macro CheckPreviousInstaller SetRegView 32 Call UninstallExisting SetRegView 64 Call UninstallExisting !if "${ARCH}" == "x86" SetRegView 32 !else SetRegView 64 !endif !macroend !macro DisableSection section SectionGetFlags ${section} $sectionDepFlag ; unset SF_SELECTED IntOp $sectionDepTemp ${SF_SELECTED} ~ IntOp $sectionDepFlag $sectionDepFlag & $sectionDepTemp ; set SF_RO IntOp $sectionDepFlag $sectionDepFlag | ${SF_RO} SectionSetFlags ${section} $sectionDepFlag !macroend !macro SectionAction_CheckMingw64 !ifdef HAVE_MINGW64 ${If} $osArch == "arm64" ${AndIfNot} ${AtLeastBuild} 22000 ${OrIf} $osArch == "x86" !insertmacro DisableSection ${SectionMingw64} ${EndIf} !endif !macroend !macro SectionAction_CheckCompress ; compact os is available since windows 10 ${IfNot} ${AtLeastBuild} 10240 !insertmacro DisableSection ${SectionCompress} ${EndIf} !macroend