#include "debugger.h" #include "utils.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "editor.h" #include "settings.h" #include "widgets/cpudialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include Debugger::Debugger(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { mBreakpointModel=new BreakpointModel(this); mBacktraceModel=new BacktraceModel(this); mWatchModel = new WatchModel(this); mRegisterModel = new RegisterModel(this); mExecuting = false; mUseUTF8 = false; mReader = nullptr; mCommandChanged = false; mLeftPageIndexBackup = -1; } bool Debugger::start() { Settings::PCompilerSet compilerSet = pSettings->compilerSets().defaultSet(); if (!compilerSet) { QMessageBox::critical(pMainWindow, tr("No compiler set"), tr("No compiler set is configured.")+tr("Can't start debugging.")); return false; } mExecuting = true; QString debuggerPath = compilerSet->debugger(); QFile debuggerProgram(debuggerPath); if (!debuggerProgram.exists()) { mExecuting = false; QMessageBox::critical(pMainWindow, tr("Debugger not exists"), tr("Can''t find debugger in : \"%1\"").arg(debuggerPath)); return false; } mReader = new DebugReader(this); mReader->setDebuggerPath(debuggerPath); connect(mReader, &QThread::finished,this,&Debugger::clearUpReader); connect(mReader, &DebugReader::parseFinished,this,&Debugger::syncFinishedParsing,Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); connect(mReader, &DebugReader::changeDebugConsoleLastLine,this,&Debugger::onChangeDebugConsoleLastline); connect(this, &Debugger::localsReady,pMainWindow,&MainWindow::onLocalsReady); connect(mReader, &DebugReader::cmdStarted,pMainWindow, &MainWindow::disableDebugActions); connect(mReader, &DebugReader::cmdFinished,pMainWindow, &MainWindow::enableDebugActions); mReader->start(); mReader->mStartSemaphore.acquire(1); pMainWindow->updateAppTitle(); //Application.HintHidePause := 5000; return true; } void Debugger::stop() { if (mExecuting) { mReader->stopDebug(); } } void Debugger::clearUpReader() { if (mExecuting) { mExecuting = false; //stop debugger mReader->deleteLater(); mReader=nullptr; // if WatchVarList.Count = 0 then // nothing worth showing, restore view // MainForm.LeftPageControl.ActivePageIndex := LeftPageIndexBackup; // // Close CPU window if (pMainWindow->cpuDialog()!=nullptr) { pMainWindow->cpuDialog()->close(); } // Free resources pMainWindow->removeActiveBreakpoints(); pMainWindow->txtLocals()->clear(); pMainWindow->updateAppTitle(); pMainWindow->updateDebugEval(""); mBacktraceModel->clear(); for(PWatchVar var:mWatchModel->watchVars()) { invalidateWatchVar(var); } pMainWindow->updateEditorActions(); } } RegisterModel *Debugger::registerModel() const { return mRegisterModel; } WatchModel *Debugger::watchModel() const { return mWatchModel; } void Debugger::sendCommand(const QString &command, const QString ¶ms, bool updateWatch, bool showInConsole, DebugCommandSource source) { if (mExecuting && mReader) { mReader->postCommand(command,params,updateWatch,showInConsole,source); } } bool Debugger::commandRunning() { if (mExecuting && mReader) { return mReader->commandRunning(); } return false; } void Debugger::addBreakpoint(int line, const Editor* editor) { addBreakpoint(line,editor->filename()); } void Debugger::addBreakpoint(int line, const QString &filename) { PBreakpoint bp=std::make_shared(); bp->line = line; bp->filename = filename; bp->condition = ""; mBreakpointModel->addBreakpoint(bp); if (mExecuting) { sendBreakpointCommand(bp); } } void Debugger::deleteBreakpoints(const QString &filename) { for (int i=mBreakpointModel->breakpoints().size()-1;i>=0;i--) { PBreakpoint bp = mBreakpointModel->breakpoints()[i]; if (bp->filename == filename) { mBreakpointModel->removeBreakpoint(i); } } } void Debugger::deleteBreakpoints(const Editor *editor) { deleteBreakpoints(editor->filename()); } void Debugger::deleteBreakpoints() { for (int i=mBreakpointModel->breakpoints().size()-1;i>=0;i--) { removeBreakpoint(i); } } void Debugger::removeBreakpoint(int line, const Editor *editor) { removeBreakpoint(line,editor->filename()); } void Debugger::removeBreakpoint(int line, const QString &filename) { for (int i=mBreakpointModel->breakpoints().size()-1;i>=0;i--) { PBreakpoint bp = mBreakpointModel->breakpoints()[i]; if (bp->filename == filename && bp->line == line) { removeBreakpoint(i); } } } void Debugger::removeBreakpoint(int index) { sendClearBreakpointCommand(index); mBreakpointModel->removeBreakpoint(index); } PBreakpoint Debugger::breakpointAt(int line, const QString& filename, int &index) { const QList& breakpoints=mBreakpointModel->breakpoints(); for (index=0;indexline == line && breakpoint->filename == filename) return breakpoint; } index=-1; return PBreakpoint(); } PBreakpoint Debugger::breakpointAt(int line, const Editor *editor, int &index) { return breakpointAt(line,editor->filename(),index); } void Debugger::setBreakPointCondition(int index, const QString &condition) { PBreakpoint breakpoint=mBreakpointModel->setBreakPointCondition(index,condition); if (condition.isEmpty()) { sendCommand("cond", QString("%1").arg(breakpoint->line)); } else { sendCommand("cond", QString("%1 %2").arg(breakpoint->line).arg(condition)); } } void Debugger::sendAllBreakpointsToDebugger() { for (PBreakpoint breakpoint:mBreakpointModel->breakpoints()) { sendBreakpointCommand(breakpoint); } } void Debugger::addWatchVar(const QString &namein) { // Don't allow duplicates... PWatchVar oldVar = mWatchModel->findWatchVar(namein); if (oldVar) return; PWatchVar var = std::make_shared(); var->parent= nullptr; var->name = namein; var->value = tr("Execute to evaluate"); var->gdbIndex = -1; mWatchModel->addWatchVar(var); sendWatchCommand(var); } void Debugger::renameWatchVar(const QString &oldname, const QString &newname) { // check if name already exists; PWatchVar var = mWatchModel->findWatchVar(newname); if (var) return; var = mWatchModel->findWatchVar(oldname); if (var) { var->name = newname; if (mExecuting && var->gdbIndex!=-1) sendRemoveWatchCommand(var); invalidateWatchVar(var); if (mExecuting) { sendWatchCommand(var); } } } void Debugger::refreshWatchVars() { for (PWatchVar var:mWatchModel->watchVars()) { if (var->gdbIndex == -1) sendWatchCommand(var); } } void Debugger::removeWatchVars(bool deleteparent) { if (deleteparent) { mWatchModel->clear(); } else { for(const PWatchVar& var:mWatchModel->watchVars()) { sendRemoveWatchCommand(var); invalidateWatchVar(var); } } } void Debugger::removeWatchVar(const QModelIndex &index) { mWatchModel->removeWatchVar(index); } void Debugger::invalidateAllVars() { mReader->setInvalidateAllVars(true); } void Debugger::sendAllWatchvarsToDebugger() { for (PWatchVar var:mWatchModel->watchVars()) { sendWatchCommand(var); } } void Debugger::invalidateWatchVar(const QString &name) { PWatchVar var = mWatchModel->findWatchVar(name); if (var) { invalidateWatchVar(var); } } void Debugger::invalidateWatchVar(PWatchVar var) { var->gdbIndex = -1; QString value; if (mExecuting) { value = tr("Not found in current context"); } else { value = tr("Execute to evaluate"); } var->value = value; if (var->children.isEmpty()) { mWatchModel->notifyUpdated(var); } else { mWatchModel->beginUpdate(); var->children.clear(); mWatchModel->endUpdate(); } } PWatchVar Debugger::findWatchVar(const QString &name) { return mWatchModel->findWatchVar(name); } //void Debugger::notifyWatchVarUpdated(PWatchVar var) //{ // mWatchModel->notifyUpdated(var); //} void Debugger::notifyBeforeProcessWatchVar() { mWatchModel->beginUpdate(); } void Debugger::notifyAfterProcessWatchVar() { mWatchModel->endUpdate(); } void Debugger::updateDebugInfo() { sendCommand("backtrace", ""); sendCommand("info locals", ""); sendCommand("info args", ""); } bool Debugger::useUTF8() const { return mUseUTF8; } void Debugger::setUseUTF8(bool useUTF8) { mUseUTF8 = useUTF8; } BacktraceModel* Debugger::backtraceModel() { return mBacktraceModel; } BreakpointModel *Debugger::breakpointModel() { return mBreakpointModel; } void Debugger::sendWatchCommand(PWatchVar var) { sendCommand("display", var->name); } void Debugger::sendRemoveWatchCommand(PWatchVar var) { sendCommand("undisplay",QString("%1").arg(var->gdbIndex)); } void Debugger::sendBreakpointCommand(PBreakpoint breakpoint) { if (breakpoint && mExecuting) { // break "filename":linenum QString condition; if (!breakpoint->condition.isEmpty()) { condition = " if " + breakpoint->condition; } QString filename = breakpoint->filename; filename.replace('\\','/'); sendCommand("break", QString("\"%1\":%2").arg(filename) .arg(breakpoint->line)+condition); } } void Debugger::sendClearBreakpointCommand(int index) { sendClearBreakpointCommand(mBreakpointModel->breakpoints()[index]); } void Debugger::sendClearBreakpointCommand(PBreakpoint breakpoint) { // Debugger already running? Remove it from GDB if (breakpoint && mExecuting) { //clear "filename":linenum QString filename = breakpoint->filename; filename.replace('\\','/'); sendCommand("clear", QString("\"%1\":%2").arg(filename) .arg(breakpoint->line)); } } void Debugger::syncFinishedParsing() { bool spawnedcpuform = false; // GDB determined that the source code is more recent than the executable. Ask the user if he wants to rebuild. if (mReader->doreceivedsfwarning) { if (QMessageBox::question(pMainWindow, tr("Compile"), tr("Source file is more recent than executable.")+"

" + tr("Recompile?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes ) == QMessageBox::Yes) { stop(); pMainWindow->compile(); return; } } // The program to debug has stopped. Stop the debugger if (mReader->doprocessexited) { stop(); return; } // An evaluation variable has been processed. Forward the results if (mReader->doevalready) { //pMainWindow->updateDebugEval(mReader->mEvalValue); emit evalValueReady(mReader->mEvalValue); mReader->mEvalValue=""; mReader->doevalready = false; } if (mReader->doupdatememoryview) { emit memoryExamineReady(mReader->mMemoryValue); mReader->mMemoryValue.clear(); mReader->doupdatememoryview=false; } if (mReader->doupdatelocal) { emit localsReady(mReader->mLocalsValue); mReader->mLocalsValue.clear(); mReader->doupdatelocal=false; } // show command output if (pSettings->debugger().showCommandLog() || (mReader->mCurrentCmd && mReader->mCurrentCmd->showInConsole)) { if (pSettings->debugger().showAnnotations()) { QString strOutput = mReader->mOutput; strOutput.replace(QChar(26),'>'); pMainWindow->addDebugOutput(strOutput); pMainWindow->addDebugOutput(""); pMainWindow->addDebugOutput(""); } else { QStringList strList = TextToLines(mReader->mOutput); QStringList outStrList; bool addToLastLine=false; for (int i=0;i0) { outStrList[outStrList.size()-1]+=strOutput; } else { outStrList.append(strOutput); } addToLastLine = false; } } for (const QString& line:outStrList) { pMainWindow->addDebugOutput(line); } } } // Some part of the CPU form has been updated if (pMainWindow->cpuDialog()!=nullptr && !mReader->doreceivedsignal) { if (mReader->doregistersready) { mRegisterModel->update(mReader->mRegisters); mReader->mRegisters.clear(); mReader->doregistersready = false; } if (mReader->dodisassemblerready) { pMainWindow->cpuDialog()->setDisassembly(mReader->mDisassembly); mReader->mDisassembly.clear(); mReader->dodisassemblerready = false; } } if (mReader->doupdateexecution) { if (mReader->mCurrentCmd && mReader->mCurrentCmd->source == DebugCommandSource::Console) { pMainWindow->setActiveBreakpoint(mReader->mBreakPointFile, mReader->mBreakPointLine,false); } else { pMainWindow->setActiveBreakpoint(mReader->mBreakPointFile, mReader->mBreakPointLine); } refreshWatchVars(); // update variable information } if (mReader->doreceivedsignal) { //SignalDialog := CreateMessageDialog(fSignal, mtError, [mbOk]); //SignalCheck := TCheckBox.Create(SignalDialog); //// Display it on top of everything //SignalDialog.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop; //SignalDialog.Height := 150; //with SignalCheck do begin // Parent := SignalDialog; // Caption := 'Show CPU window'; // Top := Parent.ClientHeight - 22; // Left := 8; // Width := Parent.ClientWidth - 16; // Checked := devData.ShowCPUSignal; //end; //MessageBeep(MB_ICONERROR); //if SignalDialog.ShowModal = ID_OK then begin // devData.ShowCPUSignal := SignalCheck.Checked; // if SignalCheck.Checked and not Assigned(CPUForm) then begin // MainForm.ViewCPUItemClick(nil); // spawnedcpuform := true; // end; //end; //SignalDialog.Free; } // CPU form updates itself when spawned, don't update twice! if ((mReader->doupdatecpuwindow && !spawnedcpuform) && (pMainWindow->cpuDialog()!=nullptr)) { pMainWindow->cpuDialog()->updateInfo(); } } void Debugger::onChangeDebugConsoleLastline(const QString &text) { //pMainWindow->changeDebugOutputLastline(text); pMainWindow->addDebugOutput(text); } int Debugger::leftPageIndexBackup() const { return mLeftPageIndexBackup; } void Debugger::setLeftPageIndexBackup(int leftPageIndexBackup) { mLeftPageIndexBackup = leftPageIndexBackup; } bool Debugger::executing() const { return mExecuting; } DebugReader::DebugReader(Debugger* debugger, QObject *parent) : QThread(parent), mStartSemaphore(0) { mDebugger = debugger; mProcess = nullptr; mUseUTF8 = false; mCmdRunning = false; mInvalidateAllVars = false; } void DebugReader::postCommand(const QString &Command, const QString &Params, bool UpdateWatch, bool ShowInConsole, DebugCommandSource Source) { QMutexLocker locker(&mCmdQueueMutex); if (mCmdQueue.isEmpty() && UpdateWatch) { emit pauseWatchUpdate(); mUpdateCount++; } PDebugCommand pCmd = std::make_shared(); pCmd->command = Command; pCmd->params = Params; pCmd->updateWatch = UpdateWatch; pCmd->showInConsole = ShowInConsole; pCmd->source = Source; mCmdQueue.enqueue(pCmd); // if (!mCmdRunning) // runNextCmd(); } void DebugReader::clearCmdQueue() { QMutexLocker locker(&mCmdQueueMutex); mCmdQueue.clear(); if (mUpdateCount>0) { emit updateWatch(); mUpdateCount=0; } } bool DebugReader::findAnnotation(AnnotationType annotation) { AnnotationType NextAnnotation; do { NextAnnotation = getNextAnnotation(); if (NextAnnotation == AnnotationType::TEOF) return false; } while (NextAnnotation != annotation); return true; } AnnotationType DebugReader::getAnnotation(const QString &s) { if (s == "pre-prompt") { return AnnotationType::TPrePrompt; } else if (s == "prompt") { return AnnotationType::TPrompt; } else if (s == "post-prompt") { AnnotationType result = AnnotationType::TPostPrompt; int IndexBackup = mIndex; QString t = getNextFilledLine(); mIndex = IndexBackup; //hack to catch local if ((mCurrentCmd) && (mCurrentCmd->command == "info locals")) { result = AnnotationType::TLocal; } else if ((mCurrentCmd) && (mCurrentCmd->command == "info args")) { //hack to catch params result = AnnotationType::TParam; } else if ((mCurrentCmd) && (mCurrentCmd->command == "info") && (mCurrentCmd->params=="registers")) { // Hack fix to catch register dump result = AnnotationType::TInfoReg; } else if ((mCurrentCmd) && (mCurrentCmd->command == "disas")) { // Another hack to catch assembler result = AnnotationType::TInfoAsm; } else if ((mCurrentCmd) && (mCurrentCmd->command.startsWith("x/"))) { result = AnnotationType::TMemory; } return result; } else if (s == "error-begin") { return AnnotationType::TErrorBegin; } else if (s == "error-end") { return AnnotationType::TErrorEnd; } else if (s == "display-begin") { return AnnotationType::TDisplayBegin; } else if (s == "display-expression") { return AnnotationType::TDisplayExpression; } else if (s == "display-end") { return AnnotationType::TDisplayEnd; } else if (s == "frame-source-begin") { return AnnotationType::TFrameSourceBegin; } else if (s == "frame-source-file") { return AnnotationType::TFrameSourceFile; } else if (s == "frame-source-line") { return AnnotationType::TFrameSourceLine; } else if (s == "frame-function-name") { return AnnotationType::TFrameFunctionName; } else if (s == "frame-args") { return AnnotationType::TFrameArgs; } else if (s == "frame-begin") { return AnnotationType::TFrameBegin; } else if (s == "frame-end") { return AnnotationType::TFrameEnd; } else if (s == "frame-where") { return AnnotationType::TFrameWhere; } else if (s == "source") { return AnnotationType::TSource; } else if (s == "exited") { return AnnotationType::TExit; } else if (s == "arg-begin") { return AnnotationType::TArgBegin; } else if (s == "arg-name-end") { return AnnotationType::TArgNameEnd; } else if (s == "arg-value") { return AnnotationType::TArgValue; } else if (s == "arg-end") { return AnnotationType::TArgEnd; } else if (s == "array-section-begin") { return AnnotationType::TArrayBegin; } else if (s == "array-section-end") { return AnnotationType::TArrayEnd; } else if (s == "elt") { return AnnotationType::TElt; } else if (s == "elt-rep") { return AnnotationType::TEltRep; } else if (s == "elt-rep-end") { return AnnotationType::TEltRepEnd; } else if (s == "field-begin") { return AnnotationType::TFieldBegin; } else if (s == "field-name-end") { return AnnotationType::TFieldNameEnd; } else if (s == "field-value") { return AnnotationType::TFieldValue; } else if (s == "field-end") { return AnnotationType::TFieldEnd; } else if (s == "value-history-value") { return AnnotationType::TValueHistoryValue; } else if (s == "value-history-begin") { return AnnotationType::TValueHistoryBegin; } else if (s == "value-history-end") { return AnnotationType::TValueHistoryEnd; } else if (s == "signal") { return AnnotationType::TSignal; } else if (s == "signal-name") { return AnnotationType::TSignalName; } else if (s == "signal-name-end") { return AnnotationType::TSignalNameEnd; } else if (s == "signal-string") { return AnnotationType::TSignalString; } else if (s == "signal-string-end") { return AnnotationType::TSignalStringEnd; } else if (mIndex >= mOutput.length()) { return AnnotationType::TEOF; } else { return AnnotationType::TUnknown;; } } AnnotationType DebugReader::getLastAnnotation(const QByteArray &text) { int curpos = text.length()-1; // Walk back until end of #26's while ((curpos >= 0) && (text[curpos] != 26)) curpos--; curpos++; // Tiny rewrite of GetNextWord for special purposes QString s = ""; while ((curpos < text.length()) && (text[curpos]>32)) { s = s + text[curpos]; curpos++; } return getAnnotation(s); } AnnotationType DebugReader::getNextAnnotation() { // Skip until end of #26's, i.e. GDB formatted output skipToAnnotation(); // Get part this line, after #26#26 return getAnnotation(getNextWord()); } QString DebugReader::getNextFilledLine() { // Walk up to an enter sequence while (mIndex=mOutput.length()) return ""; // Skip ONE enter sequence (CRLF, CR, LF, etc.) if ((mOutput[mIndex] == '\r') && (mOutput[mIndex] == '\n')) // DOS mIndex+=2; else if (mOutput[mIndex] == '\r') // UNIX mIndex++; else if (mOutput[mIndex] == '\n') // MAC mIndex++; // Return next line return getRemainingLine(); } QString DebugReader::getNextWord() { QString Result; // Called when at a space? Skip over skipSpaces(); // Skip until a space while (mIndex32) { Result += mOutput[mIndex]; mIndex++; } return Result; } QString DebugReader::getRemainingLine() { QString Result; // Return part of line still ahead of us while (mIndexfindWatchVar(watchName); if (watchVar) { // Advance up to the value if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TDisplayExpression)) return;; // Refresh GDB index so we can undisplay this by index watchVar->gdbIndex = s.toInt(); mDebugger->notifyBeforeProcessWatchVar(); processWatchOutput(watchVar); mDebugger->notifyAfterProcessWatchVar(); //mDebugger->notifyWatchVarUpdated(watchVar); } } void DebugReader::handleError() { QString s = getNextLine(); // error text if (s.startsWith("Cannot find bounds of current function")) { //We have exited handleExit(); } else if (s.startsWith("No symbol \"")) { int head = s.indexOf('\"'); int tail = s.lastIndexOf('\"'); QString watchName = s.mid(head+1, tail-head-1); // Update current.. mDebugger->invalidateWatchVar(watchName); } } void DebugReader::handleExit() { doprocessexited=true; } void DebugReader::handleFrames() { QString s = getNextLine(); // Is this a backtrace dump? if (s.startsWith("#")) { if (s.startsWith("#0")) { mDebugger->backtraceModel()->clear(); } // Find function name if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TFrameFunctionName)) return; PTrace trace = std::make_shared(); trace->funcname = getNextLine(); // Find argument list start if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TFrameArgs)) return; // Arguments are either () or detailed list s = getNextLine(); while (peekNextAnnotation() == AnnotationType::TArgBegin) { // argument name if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TArgBegin)) return; s = s + getNextLine(); // = if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TArgNameEnd)) return; s = s + ' ' + getNextLine() + ' '; // should be = // argument value if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TArgValue)) return; s = s + getNextLine(); // argument end if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TArgEnd)) return; s = s + getNextLine(); } trace->funcname = trace->funcname + s.trimmed(); // source info if (peekNextAnnotation() == AnnotationType::TFrameSourceBegin) { // Find filename if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TFrameSourceFile)) return; trace->filename = getNextLine(); // find line if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TFrameSourceLine)) return; trace->line = getNextLine().trimmed().toInt(); } else { trace->filename = ""; trace->line = 0; } mDebugger->backtraceModel()->addTrace(trace); // Skip over the remaining frame part... if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TFrameEnd)) return; // Not another one coming? Done! if (peekNextAnnotation() != AnnotationType::TFrameBegin) { // End of stack trace dump! dobacktraceready = true; } } else doupdatecpuwindow = true; } void DebugReader::handleLocalOutput() { // name(spaces)hexvalue(tab)decimalvalue QString s = getNextFilledLine(); bool nobreakLine = false; QString line; while (true) { if (!s.startsWith("\032\032")) { s = TrimLeft(s); if (s == "No locals.") { return; } if (s == "No arguments.") { return; } //todo: update local view if (nobreakLine && pMainWindow->txtLocals()->document()->lineCount()>0) { line += s; // emit addLocalWithoutLinebreak(s); } else { mLocalsValue.append(line); line = s; } nobreakLine=false; } else { nobreakLine = true; } s = getNextLine(); if (!nobreakLine && s.isEmpty()) break; } if (!line.isEmpty()) { mLocalsValue.append(line); } } void DebugReader::handleLocals() { mLocalsValue.clear(); handleLocalOutput(); } void DebugReader::handleMemory() { doupdatememoryview = true; // name(spaces)hexvalue(tab)decimalvalue mMemoryValue.clear(); QString s = getNextFilledLine(); bool isAnnotation = false; while (true) { if (!s.startsWith("\032\032")) { s = s.trimmed(); if (!s.isEmpty()) { mMemoryValue.append(s); } isAnnotation = false; } else { isAnnotation = true; } s = getNextLine(); if (!isAnnotation && s.isEmpty()) break; } } void DebugReader::handleParams(){ handleLocalOutput(); doupdatelocal = true; } void DebugReader::handleRegisters() { // name(spaces)hexvalue(tab)decimalvalue QString s = getNextFilledLine(); while (true) { PRegister reg = std::make_shared(); // Cut name from 1 to first space int x = s.indexOf(' '); reg->name = s.mid(0,x); s.remove(0,x); // Remove spaces s = TrimLeft(s); // Cut hex value from 1 to first tab x = s.indexOf('\t'); if (x<0) x = s.indexOf(' '); reg->hexValue = s.mid(0,x); s.remove(0,x); // delete tab too s = TrimLeft(s); // Remaining part contains decimal value reg->decValue = s; if (!reg->name.trimmed().isEmpty()) mRegisters.append(reg); s = getNextLine(); if (s.isEmpty()) break; } doregistersready = true; } void DebugReader::handleSignal() { mSignal = getNextFilledLine(); // Program received signal if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TSignalName)) return; mSignal = mSignal + getNextFilledLine(); // signal code if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TSignalNameEnd)) return; mSignal = mSignal + getNextFilledLine(); // comma if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TSignalString)) return; mSignal = mSignal + getNextFilledLine(); // user friendly description if (!findAnnotation(AnnotationType::TSignalStringEnd)) return; mSignal = mSignal + getNextFilledLine(); // period doreceivedsignal = true; } void DebugReader::handleSource() { // source filename:line:offset:beg/middle/end:addr QString s = TrimLeft(getRemainingLine()); // remove offset, beg/middle/end, address for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { int delimPos = s.lastIndexOf(':'); if (delimPos >= 0) s.remove(delimPos,INT_MAX); else return; // Wrong format. Don't bother to continue } // get line int delimPos = s.lastIndexOf(':'); if (delimPos >= 0) { mBreakPointLine = s.mid(delimPos+1).toInt(); s.remove(delimPos, INT_MAX); } // get file mBreakPointFile = s; doupdateexecution = true; doupdatecpuwindow = true; } void DebugReader::handleValueHistoryValue() { mEvalValue = processEvalOutput(); doevalready = true; } AnnotationType DebugReader::peekNextAnnotation() { int indexBackup = mIndex; // do NOT modifiy curpos AnnotationType result = getNextAnnotation(); mIndex = indexBackup; return result; } void DebugReader::processDebugOutput() { // Only update once per update at most //WatchView.Items.BeginUpdate; if (mInvalidateAllVars) { //invalidate all vars when there's first output mDebugger->removeWatchVars(false); mInvalidateAllVars = false; } emit parseStarted(); //try dobacktraceready = false; dodisassemblerready = false; doregistersready = false; doevalready = false; doupdatememoryview = false; doupdatelocal = false; doprocessexited = false; doupdateexecution = false; doreceivedsignal = false; doupdatecpuwindow = false; doreceivedsfwarning = false; // Global checks if (mOutput.indexOf("warning: Source file is more recent than executable.") >= 0) doreceivedsfwarning = true; mIndex = 0; AnnotationType nextAnnotation; do { nextAnnotation = getNextAnnotation(); switch(nextAnnotation) { case AnnotationType::TValueHistoryValue: handleValueHistoryValue(); break; case AnnotationType::TSignal: handleSignal(); break; case AnnotationType::TExit: handleExit(); break; case AnnotationType::TFrameBegin: handleFrames(); break; case AnnotationType::TInfoAsm: handleDisassembly(); break; case AnnotationType::TInfoReg: handleRegisters(); break; case AnnotationType::TLocal: handleLocals(); break; case AnnotationType::TParam: handleParams(); break; case AnnotationType::TMemory: handleMemory(); break; case AnnotationType::TErrorBegin: handleError(); break; case AnnotationType::TDisplayBegin: handleDisplay(); break; case AnnotationType::TSource: handleSource(); break; } } while (nextAnnotation != AnnotationType::TEOF); // Only update once per update at most //finally //WatchView.Items.EndUpdate; //end; emit parseFinished(); } QString DebugReader::processEvalOutput() { int indent = 0; // First line gets special treatment QString result = getNextLine(); if (result.startsWith('{')) indent+=4; // Collect all data, add formatting in between AnnotationType nextAnnotation; QString nextLine; bool shouldExit = false; do { nextAnnotation = getNextAnnotation(); nextLine = getNextLine(); switch(nextAnnotation) { // Change indent if { or } is found case AnnotationType::TFieldBegin: result += "\r\n" + QString(4,' '); break; case AnnotationType::TFieldValue: if (nextLine.startsWith('{') && (peekNextAnnotation() != AnnotationType::TArrayBegin)) indent+=4; break; case AnnotationType::TFieldEnd: if (nextLine.endsWith('}')) { indent-=4; result += "\r\n" + QString(4,' '); } break; case AnnotationType::TEOF: case AnnotationType::TValueHistoryEnd: case AnnotationType::TDisplayEnd: shouldExit = true; } result += nextLine; } while (!shouldExit); return result; } void DebugReader::processWatchOutput(PWatchVar watchVar) { // // Expand if it was expanded or if it didn't have any children // bool ParentWasExpanded = false; // Do not remove root node of watch variable watchVar->children.clear(); watchVar->value = ""; // Process output parsed by ProcessEvalStruct QString s = processEvalOutput(); QStringList tokens = tokenize(s); PWatchVar parentVar = watchVar; PWatchVar currentVar = watchVar; QVector varStack; int i=0; while (i='a' && ch<='z') || (ch>='A' && ch<='Z') || (ch>127)) { //is identifier,create new child node PWatchVar newVar = std::make_shared(); newVar->parent = parentVar.get(); newVar->name = token; newVar->fullName = parentVar->fullName + '.'+token; newVar->value = ""; newVar->gdbIndex = -1; parentVar->children.append(newVar); currentVar = newVar; } else if (ch == '{') { if (parentVar->value.isEmpty()) { parentVar->value = "{"; } else { PWatchVar newVar = std::make_shared(); newVar->parent = parentVar.get(); if (parentVar) { int count = parentVar->children.count(); newVar->name = QString("[%1]").arg(count); newVar->fullName = parentVar->fullName + newVar->name; } else { newVar->name = QString("[0]"); newVar->fullName = newVar->name; } newVar->value = "{"; parentVar->children.append(newVar); varStack.push_back(parentVar); parentVar = newVar; } currentVar = nullptr; } else if (ch == '}') { currentVar = nullptr; PWatchVar newVar = std::make_shared(); newVar->parent = parentVar.get(); newVar->name = ""; newVar->value = "}"; newVar->gdbIndex = -1; parentVar->children.append(newVar); if (!varStack.isEmpty()) { parentVar = varStack.back(); varStack.pop_back(); } } else if (ch == '=') { // just skip it } else if (ch == ',') { currentVar = nullptr; } else { if (currentVar) { if (currentVar->value.isEmpty()) { currentVar->value = token; } else { currentVar->value += " "+token; } } else { PWatchVar newVar = std::make_shared(); newVar->parent = parentVar.get(); newVar->name = QString("[%1]") .arg(parentVar->children.count()); newVar->fullName = parentVar->fullName + newVar->name; newVar->value = token; newVar->gdbIndex = -1; parentVar->children.append(newVar); } } i++; } // add placeholder name for variable name so we can format structs using one rule // Add children based on indent // QStringList lines = TextToLines(s); // for (const QString& line:lines) { // // Format node text. Remove trailing comma // QString nodeText = line.trimmed(); // if (nodeText.endsWith(',')) { // nodeText.remove(nodeText.length()-1,1); // } // if (nodeText.endsWith('{')) { // new member struct // if (parentVar->text.isEmpty()) { // root node, replace text only // parentVar->text = nodeText; // } else { // PWatchVar newVar = std::make_shared(); // newVar->parent = parentVar.get(); // newVar->name = ""; // newVar->text = nodeText; // newVar->gdbIndex = -1; // parentVar->children.append(newVar); // varStack.push_back(parentVar); // parentVar = newVar; // } // } else if (nodeText.startsWith('}')) { // end of struct, change parent // PWatchVar newVar = std::make_shared(); // newVar->parent = parentVar.get(); // newVar->name = ""; // newVar->text = "}"; // newVar->gdbIndex = -1; // parentVar->children.append(newVar); // if (!varStack.isEmpty()) { // parentVar = varStack.back(); // varStack.pop_back(); // } // } else { // next parent member/child // if (parentVar->text.isEmpty()) { // root node, replace text only // parentVar->text = nodeText; // } else { // PWatchVar newVar = std::make_shared(); // newVar->parent = parentVar.get(); // newVar->name = ""; // newVar->text = nodeText; // newVar->gdbIndex = -1; // parentVar->children.append(newVar); // } // } // } // TODO: remember expansion state } void DebugReader::runNextCmd() { bool doUpdate=false; auto action = finally([this,&doUpdate] { if (doUpdate) { emit updateWatch(); } }); QMutexLocker locker(&mCmdQueueMutex); if (mCmdQueue.isEmpty()) { if ((mCurrentCmd) && (mCurrentCmd->updateWatch)) { doUpdate=true; if (mUpdateCount>0) { mUpdateCount=0; } emit cmdFinished(); } return; } if (mCurrentCmd) { mCurrentCmd.reset(); } PDebugCommand pCmd = mCmdQueue.dequeue(); mCmdRunning = true; mCurrentCmd = pCmd; if (mCurrentCmd->updateWatch) emit cmdStarted(); QByteArray s; s=pCmd->command.toLocal8Bit(); if (!pCmd->params.isEmpty()) { s+=' '+pCmd->params.toLocal8Bit(); } s+= "\n"; if (mProcess->write(s)<0) { emit writeToDebugFailed(); } // if devDebugger.ShowCommandLog or pCmd^.ShowInConsole then begin if (pSettings->debugger().showCommandLog() || pCmd->showInConsole) { //update debug console // if not devDebugger.ShowAnnotations then begin if (!pSettings->debugger().showAnnotations()) { // if MainForm.DebugOutput.Lines.Count>0 then begin // MainForm.DebugOutput.Lines.Delete(MainForm.DebugOutput.Lines.Count-1); // end; emit changeDebugConsoleLastLine("(gdb)"+pCmd->command + ' ' + pCmd->params); // MainForm.DebugOutput.Lines.Add('(gdb)'+pCmd^.Cmd + ' ' + pCmd^.params); // MainForm.DebugOutput.Lines.Add(''); } else { emit changeDebugConsoleLastLine("(gdb)"+pCmd->command + ' ' + pCmd->params); // MainForm.DebugOutput.Lines.Add(pCmd^.Cmd + ' ' + pCmd^.params); // MainForm.DebugOutput.Lines.Add(''); } } } void DebugReader::skipSpaces() { while (mIndex < mOutput.length() && (mOutput[mIndex]=='\t' || mOutput[mIndex]==' ')) mIndex++; } void DebugReader::skipToAnnotation() { // Walk up to the next annotation while (mIndex < mOutput.length() && (mOutput[mIndex]!=26)) mIndex++; // Crawl through the remaining ->'s while (mIndex < mOutput.length() && (mOutput[mIndex]==26)) mIndex++; } QStringList DebugReader::tokenize(const QString &s) { QStringList result; int tStart,tEnd; int i=0; while (i') { i++; break; } i++; } tEnd = std::min(i,s.length()); result.append(s.mid(tStart,tEnd-tStart)); } else if (ch == '(') { tStart = i; i++; while (isetProgram(cmd); mProcess->setArguments(QProcess::splitCommand(arguments)); mProcess->setWorkingDirectory(workingDir); connect(mProcess, &QProcess::errorOccurred, [&](){ errorOccurred= true; }); // mProcess.connect(&process, &QProcess::readyReadStandardError,[&process,this](){ // this->error(QString::fromLocal8Bit( process.readAllStandardError())); // }); // mProcess.connect(&mProcess, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput,[&process,this](){ // this->log(QString::fromLocal8Bit( process.readAllStandardOutput())); // }); // process.connect(&mProcess, QOverload::of(&QProcess::finished),[&process,this](){ // this->error(COMPILE_PROCESS_END); // }); mProcess->start(); mProcess->waitForStarted(5000); mStartSemaphore.release(1); QByteArray buffer; QByteArray readed; while (true) { mProcess->waitForFinished(1); if (mProcess->state()!=QProcess::Running) { break; } if (mStop) { mProcess->closeReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput); mProcess->closeReadChannel(QProcess::StandardError); mProcess->closeWriteChannel(); mProcess->terminate(); mProcess->kill(); break; } if (errorOccurred) break; readed = mProcess->readAll(); buffer += readed; if (getLastAnnotation(buffer) == AnnotationType::TPrompt) { mOutput = QString::fromLocal8Bit(buffer); processDebugOutput(); buffer.clear(); mCmdRunning = false; runNextCmd(); } else if (!mCmdRunning && readed.isEmpty()){ runNextCmd(); } else if (readed.isEmpty()){ msleep(100); } } if (errorOccurred) { emit processError(mProcess->error()); } } BreakpointModel::BreakpointModel(QObject *parent):QAbstractTableModel(parent) { } int BreakpointModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return mList.size(); } int BreakpointModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return 3; } QVariant BreakpointModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (index.row()<0 || index.row() >= static_cast(mList.size())) return QVariant(); PBreakpoint breakpoint = mList[index.row()]; if (!breakpoint) return QVariant(); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case 0: { return extractFileName(breakpoint->filename); } case 1: if (breakpoint->line>0) return breakpoint->line; else return ""; case 2: return breakpoint->condition; default: return QVariant(); } case Qt::ToolTipRole: switch (index.column()) { case 0: return breakpoint->filename; case 1: if (breakpoint->line>0) return breakpoint->line; else return ""; case 2: return breakpoint->condition; default: return QVariant(); } default: return QVariant(); } } QVariant BreakpointModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch(section) { case 0: return tr("Filename"); case 1: return tr("Line"); case 2: return tr("Condition"); } } return QVariant(); } void BreakpointModel::addBreakpoint(PBreakpoint p) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(),mList.size(),mList.size()); mList.push_back(p); endInsertRows(); } void BreakpointModel::clear() { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(),0,mList.size()-1); mList.clear(); endRemoveRows(); } void BreakpointModel::removeBreakpoint(int row) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(),row,row); mList.removeAt(row); endRemoveRows(); } PBreakpoint BreakpointModel::setBreakPointCondition(int index, const QString &condition) { PBreakpoint breakpoint = mList[index]; breakpoint->condition = condition; emit dataChanged(createIndex(index,0),createIndex(index,2)); return breakpoint; } const QList &BreakpointModel::breakpoints() const { return mList; } PBreakpoint BreakpointModel::breakpoint(int index) const { if (index<0 && index>=mList.count()) return PBreakpoint(); return mList[index]; } void BreakpointModel::onFileDeleteLines(const QString &filename, int startLine, int count) { beginResetModel(); for (int i = mList.count()-1;i>=0;i--){ PBreakpoint breakpoint = mList[i]; if (breakpoint->filename == filename && breakpoint->line>=startLine) { if (breakpoint->line >= startLine+count) { breakpoint->line -= count; } else { mList.removeAt(i); } } } endResetModel(); } void BreakpointModel::onFileInsertLines(const QString &filename, int startLine, int count) { beginResetModel(); for (int i = mList.count()-1;i>=0;i--){ PBreakpoint breakpoint = mList[i]; if (breakpoint->filename == filename && breakpoint->line>=startLine) { breakpoint->line+=count; } } endResetModel(); } BacktraceModel::BacktraceModel(QObject *parent):QAbstractTableModel(parent) { } int BacktraceModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return mList.size(); } int BacktraceModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return 3; } QVariant BacktraceModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (index.row()<0 || index.row() >= static_cast(mList.size())) return QVariant(); PTrace trace = mList[index.row()]; if (!trace) return QVariant(); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case 0: return trace->funcname; case 1: return trace->filename; case 2: if (trace->line>0) return trace->line; else return ""; default: return QVariant(); } default: return QVariant(); } } QVariant BacktraceModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch(section) { case 0: return tr("Function"); case 1: return tr("Filename"); case 2: return tr("Line"); } } return QVariant(); } void BacktraceModel::addTrace(PTrace p) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(),mList.size(),mList.size()); mList.push_back(p); endInsertRows(); } void BacktraceModel::clear() { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(),0,mList.size()-1); mList.clear(); endRemoveRows(); } void BacktraceModel::removeTrace(int row) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(),row,row); mList.removeAt(row); endRemoveRows(); } const QList &BacktraceModel::backtraces() const { return mList; } PTrace BacktraceModel::backtrace(int index) const { if (index>=0 && index < mList.count()){ return mList[index]; } return PTrace(); } WatchModel::WatchModel(QObject *parent):QAbstractItemModel(parent) { mUpdateCount = 0; } QVariant WatchModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return QVariant(); } WatchVar* item = static_cast(index.internalPointer()); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: //qDebug()<<"item->text:"<text; switch(index.column()) { case 0: return item->name; case 1: return item->value; } } return QVariant(); } QModelIndex WatchModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!hasIndex(row,column,parent)) return QModelIndex(); WatchVar* parentItem; PWatchVar pChild; if (!parent.isValid()) { parentItem = nullptr; pChild = mWatchVars[row]; } else { parentItem = static_cast(parent.internalPointer()); pChild = parentItem->children[row]; } if (pChild) { return createIndex(row,column,pChild.get()); } return QModelIndex(); } static int getWatchIndex(WatchVar* var, const QList list) { for (int i=0;i(index.internalPointer()); WatchVar* parentItem = childItem->parent; //parent is root if (parentItem == nullptr) { return QModelIndex(); } int row; WatchVar* grandItem = parentItem->parent; if (grandItem == nullptr) { row = getWatchIndex(parentItem,mWatchVars); } else { row = getWatchIndex(parentItem,grandItem->children); } return createIndex(row,0,parentItem); } int WatchModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) { return mWatchVars.count(); } else { WatchVar* parentItem = static_cast(parent.internalPointer()); return parentItem->children.count(); } } int WatchModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return 2; } void WatchModel::addWatchVar(PWatchVar watchVar) { for (PWatchVar var:mWatchVars) { if (watchVar->name == var->name) { return; } } this->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(),mWatchVars.size(),mWatchVars.size()); mWatchVars.append(watchVar); this->endInsertRows(); } void WatchModel::removeWatchVar(const QString &name) { for (int i=mWatchVars.size()-1;i>=0;i--) { PWatchVar var = mWatchVars[i]; if (name == var->name) { this->beginResetModel(); //this->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(),i,i); mWatchVars.removeAt(i); //this->endRemoveRows(); this->endResetModel(); } } } void WatchModel::removeWatchVar(int gdbIndex) { for (int i=mWatchVars.size()-1;i>=0;i--) { PWatchVar var = mWatchVars[i]; if (gdbIndex == var->gdbIndex) { this->beginResetModel(); //this->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(),i,i); mWatchVars.removeAt(i); //this->endRemoveRows(); this->endResetModel(); } } } void WatchModel::removeWatchVar(const QModelIndex &index) { int r=index.row(); this->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(),r,r); mWatchVars.removeAt(r); this->endRemoveRows(); } void WatchModel::clear() { this->beginResetModel(); mWatchVars.clear(); this->endResetModel(); } const QList &WatchModel::watchVars() { return mWatchVars; } PWatchVar WatchModel::findWatchVar(const QString &name) { for (PWatchVar var:mWatchVars) { if (name == var->name) { return var; } } return PWatchVar(); } PWatchVar WatchModel::findWatchVar(int gdbIndex) { for (PWatchVar var:mWatchVars) { if (gdbIndex == var->gdbIndex) { return var; } } return PWatchVar(); } void WatchModel::beginUpdate() { if (mUpdateCount == 0) { beginResetModel(); } mUpdateCount++; } void WatchModel::endUpdate() { mUpdateCount--; if (mUpdateCount == 0) { endResetModel(); } } void WatchModel::notifyUpdated(PWatchVar var) { if (!var) return; int row; if (var->parent==nullptr) { row = mWatchVars.indexOf(var); } else { row = var->parent->children.indexOf(var); } if (row<0) return; //qDebug()<<"dataChanged"<text; emit dataChanged(createIndex(row,0,var.get()),createIndex(row,0,var.get())); } QVariant WatchModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch(section) { case 0: return tr("Expression"); case 1: return tr("Value"); } } return QVariant(); } RegisterModel::RegisterModel(QObject *parent):QAbstractTableModel(parent) { } int RegisterModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return mRegisters.count(); } int RegisterModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { return 3; } QVariant RegisterModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (index.row()<0 || index.row() >= static_cast(mRegisters.size())) return QVariant(); PRegister reg = mRegisters[index.row()]; if (!reg) return QVariant(); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: switch (index.column()) { case 0: return reg->name; case 1: return reg->hexValue; case 2: return reg->decValue; default: return QVariant(); } default: return QVariant(); } } QVariant RegisterModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch(section) { case 0: return tr("Register"); case 1: return tr("Value(Hex)"); case 2: return tr("Value(Dec)"); } } return QVariant(); } void RegisterModel::update(const QList ®s) { beginResetModel(); mRegisters.clear(); mRegisters.append(regs); endResetModel(); } void RegisterModel::clear() { beginResetModel(); mRegisters.clear(); endResetModel(); }