/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "syntaxermanager.h" #include #include #include "qsynedit/constants.h" #include "qsynedit/syntaxer/cpp.h" #include "qsynedit/syntaxer/asm.h" #include "qsynedit/syntaxer/glsl.h" #include "qsynedit/syntaxer/makefile.h" #include "qsynedit/constants.h" #include "colorscheme.h" SyntaxerManager syntaxerManager; SyntaxerManager::SyntaxerManager() { } QSynedit::PSyntaxer SyntaxerManager::getSyntaxer(QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage language) { switch(language) { case QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::CPP: return std::make_shared(); case QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::Assembly: return std::make_shared(); case QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::ATTAssembly: return std::make_shared(true); case QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::Makefile: return std::make_shared(); case QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::GLSL: return std::make_shared(); default: return QSynedit::PSyntaxer(); } } QSynedit::PSyntaxer SyntaxerManager::getSyntaxer(const QString &filename) { QFileInfo info(filename); QString suffix = info.suffix(); QString basename = info.baseName(); if (suffix == "c" || suffix == "cpp" || suffix == "cxx" || suffix == "cc" || suffix == "h" || suffix == "hpp" || suffix == "hxx" || suffix == "hh" || suffix == "C" || suffix == "CPP" || suffix =="H" || suffix == "c++" || suffix == "h++") { return getSyntaxer(QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::CPP); } else if (suffix == "vs" || suffix == "fs" || suffix == "frag") { return getSyntaxer(QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::GLSL); } else if (suffix == "asm") { return getSyntaxer(QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::Assembly); } else if (suffix == "s" || suffix == "S") { return getSyntaxer(QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::ATTAssembly); } else if (basename.compare("makefile", Qt::CaseInsensitive)==0) { return getSyntaxer(QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::Makefile); } else if (suffix.isEmpty()) { return getSyntaxer(QSynedit::ProgrammingLanguage::CPP); } return QSynedit::PSyntaxer(); } QSynedit::PSyntaxer SyntaxerManager::copy(QSynedit::PSyntaxer syntaxer) { if (!syntaxer) return QSynedit::PSyntaxer(); return getSyntaxer(syntaxer->language()); } void SyntaxerManager::applyColorScheme(QSynedit::PSyntaxer syntaxer, const QString &schemeName) { if (!syntaxer) return; for (QString name: syntaxer->attributes().keys()) { PColorSchemeItem item = pColorManager->getItem(schemeName,name); if (item) { QSynedit::PTokenAttribute attr = syntaxer->attributes()[name]; attr->setBackground(item->background()); attr->setForeground(item->foreground()); QSynedit::FontStyles styles = QSynedit::FontStyle::fsNone; styles.setFlag(QSynedit::FontStyle::fsBold, item->bold()); styles.setFlag(QSynedit::FontStyle::fsItalic, item->italic()); styles.setFlag(QSynedit::FontStyle::fsUnderline, item->underlined()); styles.setFlag(QSynedit::FontStyle::fsStrikeOut, item->strikeout()); attr->setStyles(styles); } } }