#include "cpptokenizer.h" #include <QFile> #include <QTextStream> CppTokenizer::CppTokenizer() { } void CppTokenizer::reset() { mTokenList.clear(); mBuffer.clear(); mBufferStr.clear(); } void CppTokenizer::tokenize(const QStringList &buffer) { reset(); mBuffer = buffer; if (mBuffer.isEmpty()) return; mBufferStr = mBuffer[0]; for (int i=1;i<mBuffer.size();i++) { mBufferStr+='\n'; mBufferStr+=mBuffer[i]; } mStart = mBufferStr.data(); mCurrent = mStart; mLineCount = mStart; QString s = ""; bool bSkipBlocks = false; mCurrentLine = 1; while (true) { mLastToken = s; s = getNextToken(true, true, bSkipBlocks); simplify(s); if (s.isEmpty()) break; else addToken(s,mCurrentLine); } } void CppTokenizer::dumpTokens(const QString &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { QTextStream stream(&file); for (PToken token:mTokenList) { stream<<QString("%1,%2").arg(token->line).arg(token->text)<<Qt::endl; } } } const CppTokenizer::TokenList &CppTokenizer::tokens() { return mTokenList; } CppTokenizer::PToken CppTokenizer::operator[](int i) { return mTokenList[i]; } int CppTokenizer::tokenCount() { return mTokenList.count(); } void CppTokenizer::addToken(const QString &sText, int iLine) { PToken token = std::make_shared<Token>(); token->text = sText; token->line = iLine; mTokenList.append(token); } void CppTokenizer::countLines() { while ((*mLineCount != 0) && (mLineCount < mCurrent)) { if (*mLineCount == '\n') mCurrentLine ++; mLineCount++; } } QString CppTokenizer::getArguments() { QChar* offset = mCurrent; skipPair('(', ')'); QString result(offset,mCurrent-offset); simplifyArgs(result); if ((*mCurrent == '.') || ((*mCurrent == '-') && (*(mCurrent + 1) == '>'))) { // skip '.' and '->' while ( !( *mCurrent == 0 || *mCurrent == '(' || *mCurrent == ';' || *mCurrent == '{' || *mCurrent == '}' || *mCurrent == ')' || isLineChar(*mCurrent) || isSpaceChar(*mCurrent)) ) mCurrent++; } skipToNextToken(); return result; } QString CppTokenizer::getForInit() { QChar* startOffset = mCurrent; // Step into the init statement mCurrent++; // Process until ; or end of file while (true) { QString s = getNextToken(true, true, false); simplify(s); if (!s.isEmpty()) addToken(s,mCurrentLine); if ( (s == "") || (s == ";") || (s==":")) break; // : is used in for-each loop } // Skip to end of for loop mCurrent = startOffset; skipPair('(', ')'); return ""; } QString CppTokenizer::getNextToken(bool bSkipParenthesis, bool bSkipArray, bool bSkipBlock) { QString result; bool done = false; while (true) { skipToNextToken(); if (*mCurrent == 0) break; if (isPreprocessor()) { countLines(); result = getPreprocessor(); // don't count preprocessor lines if (result.startsWith("#include")) { // if we find int delimPos = result.lastIndexOf(':'); if (delimPos >= 0) { bool ok; mCurrentLine = result.mid(delimPos+1).toInt(&ok)-1; // fCurrLine is 0 based } } done = (result != ""); } else if (isForInit()) { countLines(); result = getForInit(); done = (result != ""); } else if (isArguments()) { countLines(); result = getArguments(); done = (result != ""); } else if (isWord()) { countLines(); result = getWord(false, bSkipArray, bSkipBlock); done = (result != ""); } else if (isNumber()) { countLines(); result = getNumber(); done = (result != ""); } else { switch((*mCurrent).unicode()) { case 0: done = true; break; case '/': advance(); break; case '{': case '}': case ';': case ',': case ':': //just return the brace or the ';' countLines(); result = *mCurrent; advance(); done = true; break; case '>': // keep stream operators if (*(mCurrent + 1) == '>') { countLines(); result = ">>"; advance(); done = true; } else advance(); break; case '<': if (*(mCurrent + 1) == '<') { countLines(); result = "<<"; advance(); done = true; } else advance(); break; default: advance(); } } if (done) break; } return result; } QString CppTokenizer::getNumber() { QChar* offset = mCurrent; if (isDigitChar(*mCurrent)) { while (isDigitChar(*mCurrent) || isHexChar(*mCurrent)) { advance(); } } QString result; if (offset != mCurrent) { result = QString(offset,mCurrent-offset); if (*mCurrent=='.') // keep '.' for decimal result += *mCurrent; } return result; } QString CppTokenizer::getPreprocessor() { QChar *offset = mCurrent; skipToEOL(); return QString(offset, mCurrent-offset); } QString CppTokenizer::getWord(bool bSkipParenthesis, bool bSkipArray, bool bSkipBlock) { bool bFoundTemplate = false; // bIsSmartPointer:=False; // Skip spaces skipToNextToken(); // Get next word... QChar* offset = mCurrent; // Copy the word ahead of us while (isLetterChar(*mCurrent) || isDigitChar(*mCurrent)) mCurrent++; QString currentWord; if (offset != mCurrent) { currentWord = QString(offset,mCurrent-offset); } // Append the operator characters and argument list to the operator word if ((currentWord == "operator") || (currentWord == "operator*") || (currentWord == "operator&")) { // Spaces between 'operator' and the operator itself are allowed while (isSpaceChar(*mCurrent)) mCurrent++; // Find end of operator while (isOperatorChar(*mCurrent)) mCurrent++; currentWord = QString(offset,mCurrent-offset); } else if (currentWord == "template") { bFoundTemplate = true; } QString result; // We found a word... if (!currentWord.isEmpty()) { // Skip whitespace skipToNextToken(); // Skip template contents, but keep template variable types if (*mCurrent == '<') { offset = mCurrent; //we don't skip skipTemplateArgs(); if (!bFoundTemplate) { result += QString(offset, mCurrent-offset); skipToNextToken(); } } else if (bSkipArray && (*mCurrent == '[')) { // Append array stuff while(true) { skipPair('[', ']'); result += QString(offset,mCurrent-offset); simplifyArgs(result); skipToNextToken(); if (*mCurrent!='[') //maybe multi-dimension array break; } } else if (bSkipBlock && (*mCurrent == '{')) { skipPair('{', '}'); skipToNextToken(); } // Keep parent/child operators if (*mCurrent == '.') { result+=*mCurrent; mCurrent++; } else if ((*mCurrent == '-') && (*(mCurrent + 1) == '>')) { result+=QString(mCurrent,2); mCurrent+=2; } else if ((*mCurrent == ':') && (*(mCurrent + 1) == ':')) { result+=QString(mCurrent,2); mCurrent+=2; // Append next token to this one QString s = getWord(bSkipParenthesis, bSkipArray, bSkipBlock); result += s; } } return result; } bool CppTokenizer::isArguments() { return *mCurrent == '('; } bool CppTokenizer::isForInit() { return (*mCurrent == '(') && (mLastToken == "for"); } bool CppTokenizer::isNumber() { return isDigitChar(*mCurrent); } bool CppTokenizer::isPreprocessor() { return *mCurrent=='#'; } bool CppTokenizer::isWord() { bool result = isLetterChar(*mCurrent); if (result && (*(mCurrent+1) == '"')) result = false; return result; } void CppTokenizer::simplify(QString &output) { //remove \n \r; QString temp; for (QChar ch:output) { if (!isLineChar(ch)) temp+=ch; } output = temp.trimmed(); } void CppTokenizer::simplifyArgs(QString &output) { QString temp; QString lastSpace = ""; bool parentheseStart = true; for (QChar ch:output.trimmed()) { if (isSpaceChar(ch)) { if (!parentheseStart) lastSpace+=ch; } else if (ch==','){ temp+=ch; lastSpace = ""; parentheseStart = false; } else if (ch=='(') { temp+=ch; lastSpace = ""; parentheseStart=true; } else if (ch==')') { temp+=ch; lastSpace = ""; parentheseStart = false; } else { parentheseStart=false; if (!lastSpace.isEmpty()) { temp+=" "; } lastSpace = ""; temp+=ch; } } output = temp; } void CppTokenizer::skipAssignment() { while (true) { switch ((*mCurrent).unicode()) { case '(': skipPair('(', ')'); break; case '"': skipDoubleQuotes(); break; case '\'': skipSingleQuote(); break; case '{': skipPair('{', '}'); // support struct initializers break; case '/': mCurrent++; break; default: if ((*mCurrent == 'R') && (*(mCurrent+1) == '"')) skipRawString(); else mCurrent++; } if (*mCurrent == ',' || *mCurrent ==';' || *mCurrent ==')' || *mCurrent =='}' || *mCurrent ==0) break; } } void CppTokenizer::skipDoubleQuotes() { mCurrent++; while (!(*mCurrent=='"' || *mCurrent == 0)) { if (*mCurrent == '\\') mCurrent+=2; // skip escaped char else mCurrent++; } if (*mCurrent!=0) { mCurrent++; } } void CppTokenizer::skipPair(const QChar &cStart, const QChar cEnd, const QSet<QChar>& failChars) { mCurrent++; while (*mCurrent != 0) { if ((*mCurrent == '(') && !failChars.contains('(')) { skipPair('(', ')', failChars); } else if ((*mCurrent == '[') && !failChars.contains('[')) { skipPair('[', ']', failChars); } else if ((*mCurrent == '{') && !failChars.contains('{')) { skipPair('{', '}', failChars); } else if (*mCurrent == cStart) { skipPair(cStart, cEnd, failChars); } else if (*mCurrent == cEnd) { mCurrent++; // skip over end break; } else if ((*mCurrent == 'R') && (*(mCurrent+1) == '"')) { if (cStart != '\'' && cStart!='\"') skipRawString(); // don't do it inside AnsiString! else mCurrent++; } else if (*mCurrent == '"') { if (cStart != '\'' && cStart!='\"') skipDoubleQuotes(); // don't do it inside AnsiString! else mCurrent++; } else if (*mCurrent == '\'') { if (cStart != '\'' && cStart!='\"') skipSingleQuote(); // don't do it inside AnsiString! else mCurrent++; } else if (failChars.contains(*mCurrent)) { break; } else { mCurrent++; } } } void CppTokenizer::skipRawString() { mCurrent++; //skip R bool noEscape = false; while(true) { mCurrent++; switch(mCurrent->unicode()) { case '(': noEscape = true; break; case ')': noEscape = false; break; } if (*mCurrent == 0) break; if ((*mCurrent == '"') && !noEscape) break; } if (*mCurrent!=0) mCurrent++; } void CppTokenizer::skipSingleQuote() { mCurrent++; while (!(*mCurrent=='\'' || *mCurrent == 0)) { if (*mCurrent == '\\') mCurrent+=2; // skip escaped char else mCurrent++; } if (*mCurrent!=0) { mCurrent++; } } void CppTokenizer::skipSplitLine() { mCurrent++; // skip '\' while ( isLineChar(*mCurrent)) // skip newline mCurrent++; } void CppTokenizer::skipTemplateArgs() { if (*mCurrent != '<') return; QChar* start = mCurrent; QSet<QChar> failSet; failSet.insert('{'); failSet.insert('}'); failSet.insert(';'); skipPair('<', '>', failSet); // if we failed, return to where we came from if (start!=mCurrent && *(mCurrent - 1) != '>') mCurrent = start; } void CppTokenizer::skipToEOL() { while (true) { while (!isLineChar(*mCurrent) && (*mCurrent!=0)) { mCurrent++; } if (*mCurrent==0) return; bool splitLine = (*(mCurrent - 1) == '\\'); while (isLineChar(*mCurrent)) mCurrent++; if (!splitLine || *mCurrent==0) break; } } void CppTokenizer::skipToNextToken() { while (isSpaceChar(*mCurrent) || isLineChar(*mCurrent)) advance(); } void CppTokenizer::advance() { switch(mCurrent->unicode()) { case '\"': skipDoubleQuotes(); break; case '\'': skipSingleQuote(); break; case '/': if (*(mCurrent + 1) == '=') skipAssignment(); else mCurrent++; break; case '=': skipAssignment(); break; case '&': case '*': case '!': case '|': case '+': case '-': case '~': if (*(mCurrent + 1) == '=') skipAssignment(); else mCurrent++; break; case '\\': if (isLineChar(*(mCurrent + 1))) skipSplitLine(); else mCurrent++; break; default: if ((*mCurrent == 'R') && (*(mCurrent+1) == '"')) skipRawString(); else mCurrent++; } } bool CppTokenizer::isLetterChar(const QChar &ch) { return (ch>= 'A' && ch<='Z') || (ch>='a' && ch<='z') || ch == '_' || ch == '*' || ch == '&' || ch == '~'; } bool CppTokenizer::isHexChar(const QChar &ch) { return (ch >= 'A' && ch<='F') || (ch>='a' && ch<='f') || ch == 'x' || ch == 'L'; } bool CppTokenizer::isDigitChar(const QChar &ch) { return (ch>='0' && ch<='9'); } bool CppTokenizer::isSpaceChar(const QChar &ch) { return (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'); } bool CppTokenizer::isLineChar(const QChar &ch) { return (ch=='\n' || ch=='\r'); } bool CppTokenizer::isBlankChar(const QChar &ch) { return (ch<=32); } bool CppTokenizer::isOperatorChar(const QChar &ch) { switch (ch.unicode()) { case '+': case '-': case '/': case '*': case '[': case ']': case '=': case '%': case '!': case '&': case '|': case '>': case '<': case '^': return true; default: return false; } } bool CppTokenizer::currentWordEquals(QChar *wordStart, QChar *wordEnd, const QString& text) { QString currentWord(wordStart, wordEnd-wordStart); return currentWord == text; }