#include "cpppreprocessor.h" #include "../utils.h" #include <QFile> #include <QTextCodec> #include <QDebug> CppPreprocessor::CppPreprocessor() { } void CppPreprocessor::clear() { mIncludes.clear(); mDefines.clear(); mHardDefines.clear(); mProcessed.clear(); mFileDefines.clear(); mBranchResults.clear(); mResult.clear(); mCurrentIncludes.reset(); } void CppPreprocessor::addDefineByParts(const QString &name, const QString &args, const QString &value, bool hardCoded) { // Check for duplicates PDefine define = std::make_shared<Define>(); define->name = name; define->args = args; define->value = value; define->filename = mFileName; //define->argList; define->formatValue = value; define->hardCoded = hardCoded; if (!args.isEmpty()) parseArgs(define); if (hardCoded) mHardDefines.insert(name,define); else { PDefineMap defineMap = mFileDefines.value(mFileName,PDefineMap()); if (!defineMap) { defineMap = std::make_shared<DefineMap>(); mFileDefines.insert(mFileName,defineMap); } defineMap->insert(define->name,define); mDefines.insert(name,define); } } void CppPreprocessor::getDefineParts(const QString &input, QString &name, QString &args, QString &value) { QString s = input.trimmed(); name = ""; args = ""; value = ""; // Rules: // When the character before the first opening brace is nonblank, a function is defined. // After that point, switch from name to args // The value starts after the first blank character outside of the outermost () pair int i = 0; int level = 0; bool isFunction = false; int argStart = 0; while (i < s.length()) { // When we find the first opening brace, check if this is a function define if (s[i] == '(') { level++; if ((level == 1) && (!isFunction)) { // found a function define! name = s.mid(0,i); argStart = i; isFunction = true; } } else if (s[i]==')') { level--; } else if (isSpaceChar(s[i]) && (level == 0)) { break; } i++; } if (isFunction) { // Name has already been found args = s.mid(argStart,i-argStart); //todo: expand macro (if already have) } else { name = s.mid(0,i); args = ""; } value = removeGCCAttributes(s.mid(i+1).trimmed()); } void CppPreprocessor::addDefineByLine(const QString &line, bool hardCoded) { // Remove define constexpr int DEFINE_LEN=6; QString s = line.mid(DEFINE_LEN).trimmed(); QString name, args, value; // Get parts from generalized function getDefineParts(s, name, args, value); // Add to the list addDefineByParts(name, args, value, hardCoded); } PDefine CppPreprocessor::getDefine(const QString &name) { return mDefines.value(name,PDefine()); } PDefine CppPreprocessor::getHardDefine(const QString &name) { return mHardDefines.value(name,PDefine()); } void CppPreprocessor::reset() { mResult.clear(); // Clear extracted data mIncludes.clear(); mBranchResults.clear(); mCurrentIncludes.reset(); mProcessed.clear(); resetDefines(); // do not throw away hardcoded } void CppPreprocessor::resetDefines() { mDefines.clear(); mDefines.insert(mHardDefines); } void CppPreprocessor::setScanOptions(bool parseSystem, bool parseLocal) { mParseSystem = parseSystem; mParseLocal=parseLocal; } void CppPreprocessor::preprocess(const QString &fileName, QStringList buffer) { mFileName = fileName; reset(); openInclude(fileName, buffer); // StringsToFile(mBuffer,"f:\\buffer.txt"); preprocessBuffer(); // StringsToFile(mBuffer,"f:\\buffer.txt"); // StringsToFile(mResult,"f:\\log.txt"); } void CppPreprocessor::invalidDefinesInFile(const QString &fileName) { PDefineMap defineMap = mFileDefines.value(fileName,PDefineMap()); if (defineMap) { foreach (const PDefine& define, *defineMap) { const PDefine& p = mDefines.value(define->name); if (p == define) { mDefines.remove(define->name); } } mFileDefines.remove(fileName); } } void CppPreprocessor::dumpDefinesTo(const QString &fileName) const { QFile file(fileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Truncate)) { QTextStream stream(&file); for (const PDefine& define:mDefines) { stream<<QString("%1 %2 %3 %4 %5\n") .arg(define->name,define->args,define->value) .arg(define->hardCoded).arg(define->formatValue) <<Qt::endl; } } } void CppPreprocessor::dumpIncludesListTo(const QString &fileName) const { QFile file(fileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Truncate)) { QTextStream stream(&file); for (const PFileIncludes& fileIncludes:mIncludesList) { stream<<fileIncludes->baseFile<<" : "<<Qt::endl; stream<<"\t**includes:**"<<Qt::endl; foreach (const QString& s,fileIncludes->includeFiles.keys()) { stream<<"\t--"+s<<Qt::endl; } stream<<"\t**depends on:**"<<Qt::endl; foreach (const QString& s,fileIncludes->dependingFiles) { stream<<"\t^^"+s<<Qt::endl; } stream<<"\t**depended by:**"<<Qt::endl; foreach (const QString& s,fileIncludes->dependedFiles) { stream<<"\t&&"+s<<Qt::endl; } stream<<"\t**using:**"<<Qt::endl; foreach (const QString& s,fileIncludes->usings) { stream<<"\t++"+s<<Qt::endl; } stream<<"\t**statements:**"<<Qt::endl; foreach (const PStatement& statement,fileIncludes->statements) { if (statement) { stream<<QString("\t**%1 , %2") .arg(statement->command,statement->fullName)<<Qt::endl; } } } } } QString CppPreprocessor::getNextPreprocessor() { skipToPreprocessor(); // skip until # at start of line int preProcFrom = mIndex; if (preProcFrom >= mBuffer.count()) return ""; // we've gone past the final #preprocessor line. Yay skipToEndOfPreprocessor(); int preProcTo = mIndex; // Calculate index to insert defines in in result file mPreProcIndex = (mResult.count() - 1) + 1; // offset by one for #include rootfile // Assemble whole line, convert newlines to space QString result; for (int i=preProcFrom;i<=preProcTo;i++) { if (mBuffer[i].endsWith('\\')) { result+=mBuffer[i].mid(0,mBuffer[i].size()-1)+' '; } else { result+=mBuffer[i]+' '; } mResult.append("");// defines resolve into empty files, except #define and #include } // Step over mIndex++; return result; } void CppPreprocessor::simplify(QString &output) { // Remove # output = output.mid(1).trimmed(); } void CppPreprocessor::handleBranch(const QString &line) { if (line.startsWith("ifdef")) { // // if a branch that is not at our level is false, current branch is false too; // for (int i=0;i<=mBranchResults.count()-2;i++) { // if (!mBranchResults[i]) { // setCurrentBranch(false); // return; // } // } if (!getCurrentBranch()) { setCurrentBranch(false); } else { constexpr int IFDEF_LEN = 5; //length of ifdef; QString name = line.mid(IFDEF_LEN).trimmed(); setCurrentBranch( getDefine(name)!=nullptr ); } } else if (line.startsWith("ifndef")) { // // if a branch that is not at our level is false, current branch is false too; // for (int i=0;i<=mBranchResults.count()-2;i++) { // if (!mBranchResults[i]) { // setCurrentBranch(false); // return; // } // } if (!getCurrentBranch()) { setCurrentBranch(false); } else { constexpr int IFNDEF_LEN = 6; //length of ifndef; QString name = line.mid(IFNDEF_LEN).trimmed(); setCurrentBranch( getDefine(name)==nullptr ); } } else if (line.startsWith("if")) { // // if a branch that is not at our level is false, current branch is false too; // for (int i=0;i<=mBranchResults.count()-2;i++) { // if (!mBranchResults[i]) { // setCurrentBranch(false); // return; // } // } if (!getCurrentBranch()) {// we are already inside an if that is NOT being taken setCurrentBranch(false);// so don't take this one either } else { constexpr int IF_LEN = 2; //length of if; QString ifLine = line.mid(IF_LEN).trimmed(); bool testResult = evaluateIf(ifLine); setCurrentBranch(testResult); } } else if (line.startsWith("else")) { bool oldResult = getCurrentBranch(); // take either if or else removeCurrentBranch(); setCurrentBranch(!oldResult); } else if (line.startsWith("elif")) { bool oldResult = getCurrentBranch(); // take either if or else removeCurrentBranch(); if (oldResult) { // don't take this one, if previous has been taken setCurrentBranch(false); } else { constexpr int ELIF_LEN = 4; //length of if; QString ifLine = line.mid(ELIF_LEN).trimmed(); bool testResult = evaluateIf(ifLine); setCurrentBranch(testResult); } } else if (line.startsWith("endif")) { removeCurrentBranch(); } } void CppPreprocessor::handleDefine(const QString &line) { if (getCurrentBranch()) { addDefineByLine(line, false); mResult[mPreProcIndex] = '#' + line; // add define to result file so the parser can handle it } } void CppPreprocessor::handleInclude(const QString &line) { if (!getCurrentBranch()) // we're skipping due to a branch failure return; PParsedFile file = mIncludes.back(); // Get full header file name QString fileName = getHeaderFilename(file->fileName, line,mIncludePaths, mProjectIncludePaths); if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; //mCurrentIncludes->includeFiles.insert(fileName,true); // And open a new entry openInclude(fileName); mCurrentIncludes->includeFiles.insert(fileName,true); } void CppPreprocessor::handlePreprocessor(const QString &value) { if (value.startsWith("define")) handleDefine(value); else if (value.startsWith("undef")) handleUndefine(value); else if (value.startsWith("if") || value.startsWith("else") || value.startsWith("elif") || value.startsWith("endif")) handleBranch(value); else if (value.startsWith("include")) handleInclude(value); } void CppPreprocessor::handleUndefine(const QString &line) { // Remove undef constexpr int UNDEF_LEN = 5; QString name = line.mid(UNDEF_LEN).trimmed(); // //may be defined many times // while (true) { PDefine define = getDefine(name); if (define) { //remove the define from defines set mDefines.remove(name); //remove the define form the file where it defines if (define->filename == mFileName) { PDefineMap defineMap = mFileDefines.value(mFileName); if (defineMap) { defineMap->remove(name); } } } } QString CppPreprocessor::expandMacros(const QString &line, int depth) { //prevent infinit recursion if (depth > MAX_DEFINE_EXPAND_DEPTH) return line; QString word; QString newLine; int lenLine = line.length(); int i=0; while (i< lenLine) { QChar ch=line[i]; if (isWordChar(ch)) { word += ch; } else { if (!word.isEmpty()) { expandMacro(line,newLine,word,i,depth); } word = ""; if (i< lenLine) { newLine += line[i]; } } i++; } if (!word.isEmpty()) { expandMacro(line,newLine,word,i,depth); } return newLine; } void CppPreprocessor::expandMacro(const QString &line, QString &newLine, QString &word, int &i, int depth) { int lenLine = line.length(); if (word.startsWith("__") && word.endsWith("__")) { // if (word == "__attribute__") { //skip gcc __attribute__ while ((i<lenLine) && (line[i] == ' ' || line[i]=='\t')) i++; if ((i<lenLine) && (line[i]=="(")) { int level=0; while (i<lenLine) { switch(line[i].unicode()) { case '(': level++; break; case ')': level--; break; } i++; if (level==0) break; } } } else { PDefine define = getDefine(word); if (define && define->args=="" ) { //newLine:=newLine+RemoveGCCAttributes(define^.Value); if (define->value != word ) newLine += expandMacros(define->value,depth+1); else newLine += word; } else if (define && (define->args!="")) { while ((i<lenLine) && (line[i] == ' ' || line[i]=='\t')) i++; int argStart=-1; int argEnd=-1; if ((i<lenLine) && (line[i]=='(')) { argStart =i+1; int level=0; while (i<lenLine) { switch(line[i].unicode()) { case '(': level++; break; case ')': level--; break; } i++; if (level==0) break; } if (level==0) { argEnd = i-2; QString args = line.mid(argStart,argEnd-argStart+1).trimmed(); QString formattedValue = expandFunction(define,args); newLine += expandMacros(formattedValue,depth+1); } } } else { newLine += word; } } } QString CppPreprocessor::removeGCCAttributes(const QString &line) { QString newLine = ""; QString word = ""; int lenLine = line.length(); int i=0; while(i< lenLine) { if (isWordChar(line[i])) { word += line[i]; } else { if (!word.isEmpty()) { removeGCCAttribute(line,newLine,i,word); } word = ""; if (i<lenLine) { newLine = newLine+line[i]; } } i++; } if (!word.isEmpty()) removeGCCAttribute(line,newLine,i,word); return newLine; } void CppPreprocessor::removeGCCAttribute(const QString &line, QString &newLine, int &i, const QString &word) { int lenLine = line.length(); int level = 0; if (word=="__attribute__") { while ( (i<lenLine) && isSpaceChar(line[i])) i++; if ((i<lenLine) && (line[i]=='(')) { level=0; while (i<lenLine) { switch(line[i].unicode()) { case '(': level++; break; case ')': level--; break; } i++; if (level==0) break; } } } else { newLine += word; } } PParsedFile CppPreprocessor::getInclude(int index) { return mIncludes[index]; } void CppPreprocessor::openInclude(const QString &fileName, QStringList bufferedText) { if (mIncludes.size()>0) { PParsedFile topFile = mIncludes.front(); if (topFile->fileIncludes->includeFiles.contains(fileName)) { return; //already included } for (PParsedFile& parsedFile:mIncludes) { parsedFile->fileIncludes->includeFiles.insert(fileName,false); } } if (mIncludes.size()>0) { // Backup old position if we're entering a new file PParsedFile innerMostFile = mIncludes.back(); innerMostFile->index = mIndex; innerMostFile->branches = mBranchResults.count(); innerMostFile->fileIncludes->includeFiles.insert(fileName,true); } // // Add the new file to the includes of the current file // // Only add items to the include list of the given file if the file hasn't been scanned yet // // The above is fixed by checking for duplicates. // // The proper way would be to do backtracking of files we have FINISHED scanned. // // These are not the same files as the ones in fScannedFiles. We have STARTED scanning these. // { // if Assigned(fCurrentIncludes) then // with fCurrentIncludes^ do // if not ContainsText(IncludeFiles, FileName) then // IncludeFiles := IncludeFiles + AnsiQuotedStr(FileName, '"') + ','; // } // Create and add new buffer/position PParsedFile parsedFile = std::make_shared<ParsedFile>(); parsedFile->index = 0; parsedFile->fileName = fileName; parsedFile->branches = 0; // parsedFile->buffer; it's auto initialized // Keep track of files we include here // Only create new items for files we have NOT scanned yet mCurrentIncludes = getFileIncludesEntry(fileName); if (!mCurrentIncludes) { // do NOT create a new item for a file that's already in the list mCurrentIncludes = std::make_shared<FileIncludes>(); mCurrentIncludes->baseFile = fileName; //mCurrentIncludes->includeFiles; //mCurrentIncludes->usings; //mCurrentIncludes->statements; //mCurrentIncludes->declaredStatements; //mCurrentIncludes->scopes; //mCurrentIncludes->dependedFiles; //mCurrentIncludes->dependingFiles; mIncludesList.insert(fileName,mCurrentIncludes); } parsedFile->fileIncludes = mCurrentIncludes; // Don't parse stuff we have already parsed if ((!bufferedText.isEmpty()) || !mScannedFiles.contains(fileName)) { // Parse ONCE //if not Assigned(Stream) then mScannedFiles.insert(fileName); // Only load up the file if we are allowed to parse it bool isSystemFile = isSystemHeaderFile(fileName, mIncludePaths); if ((mParseSystem && isSystemFile) || (mParseLocal && !isSystemFile)) { if (!bufferedText.isEmpty()) { parsedFile->buffer = bufferedText; } else { parsedFile->buffer = ReadFileToLines(fileName); } } } else { //add defines of already parsed including headers; addDefinesInFile(fileName); PFileIncludes fileIncludes = getFileIncludesEntry(fileName); for (PParsedFile& file:mIncludes) { file->fileIncludes->includeFiles.insert(fileIncludes->includeFiles); } } mIncludes.append(parsedFile); // Process it mIndex = parsedFile->index; mFileName = parsedFile->fileName; parsedFile->buffer = removeComments(parsedFile->buffer); mBuffer = parsedFile->buffer; // for (int i=0;i<mBuffer.count();i++) { // mBuffer[i] = mBuffer[i].trimmed(); // } // Update result file QString includeLine = "#include " + fileName + ":1"; if (mIncludes.count()>1) { // include from within a file mResult[mPreProcIndex] = includeLine; } else { mResult.append(includeLine); } } void CppPreprocessor::closeInclude() { if (mIncludes.isEmpty()) return; mIncludes.pop_back(); if (mIncludes.isEmpty()) return; PParsedFile parsedFile = mIncludes.back(); // Continue where we left off mIndex = parsedFile->index; mFileName = parsedFile->fileName; // Point to previous buffer and start past the include we walked into mBuffer = parsedFile->buffer; while (mBranchResults.count()>parsedFile->branches) { mBranchResults.pop_back(); } // Start augmenting previous include list again //fCurrentIncludes := GetFileIncludesEntry(fFileName); mCurrentIncludes = parsedFile->fileIncludes; // Update result file (we've left the previous file) mResult.append( QString("#include %1:%2").arg(parsedFile->fileName) .arg(parsedFile->index+1)); } bool CppPreprocessor::getCurrentBranch() { if (!mBranchResults.isEmpty()) return mBranchResults.last(); else return true; } void CppPreprocessor::setCurrentBranch(bool value) { mBranchResults.append(value); } void CppPreprocessor::removeCurrentBranch() { if (mBranchResults.size()>0) mBranchResults.pop_back(); } QStringList CppPreprocessor::result() const { return mResult; } PFileIncludes CppPreprocessor::getFileIncludesEntry(const QString &fileName) { return mIncludesList.value(fileName,PFileIncludes()); } void CppPreprocessor::addDefinesInFile(const QString &fileName) { if (mProcessed.contains(fileName)) return; mProcessed.insert(fileName); //todo: why test this? if (!mScannedFiles.contains(fileName)) return; //May be redefined, so order is important //first add the defines in the files it included PFileIncludes fileIncludes = getFileIncludesEntry(fileName); if (fileIncludes) { foreach (const QString& s,fileIncludes->includeFiles.keys()) { addDefinesInFile(s); } } // then add the defines defined in it PDefineMap defineList = mFileDefines.value(fileName, PDefineMap()); if (defineList) { foreach (const PDefine& define, defineList->values()) { mDefines.insert(define->name,define); } } } void CppPreprocessor::parseArgs(PDefine define) { QString args=define->args.mid(1,define->args.length()-2).trimmed(); // remove '(' ')' if(args=="") return ; define->argList = args.split(','); for (int i=0;i<define->argList.size();i++) { define->argList[i]=define->argList[i].trimmed(); define->argUsed.append(false); } QList<PDefineArgToken> tokens = tokenizeValue(define->value); QString formatStr = ""; DefineArgTokenType lastTokenType=DefineArgTokenType::Other; int index; foreach (const PDefineArgToken& token, tokens) { switch(token->type) { case DefineArgTokenType::Identifier: index = define->argList.indexOf(token->value); if (index>=0) { define->argUsed[index] = true; if (lastTokenType == DefineArgTokenType::Sharp) { formatStr+= "\"%"+QString("%1").arg(index+1)+"\""; break; } else { formatStr+= "%"+QString("%1").arg(index+1); break; } } formatStr += token->value; break; case DefineArgTokenType::DSharp: case DefineArgTokenType::Sharp: break; case DefineArgTokenType::Space: case DefineArgTokenType::Symbol: formatStr+=token->value; break; } lastTokenType = token->type; } define->formatValue = formatStr; } QList<PDefineArgToken> CppPreprocessor::tokenizeValue(const QString &value) { int i=0; PDefineArgToken token = std::make_shared<DefineArgToken>(); token->type = DefineArgTokenType::Other; QList<PDefineArgToken> tokens; bool skipSpaces=false; while (i<value.length()) { QChar ch = value[i]; if (isSpaceChar(ch)) { if (token->type==DefineArgTokenType::Other) { token->value = " "; token->type = DefineArgTokenType::Space; } else if (token->type!=DefineArgTokenType::Space) { tokens.append(token); token = std::make_shared<DefineArgToken>(); token->value = " "; token->type = DefineArgTokenType::Space; } i++; } else if (ch=='#') { if (token->type!=DefineArgTokenType::Other && token->type!=DefineArgTokenType::Space) { tokens.append(token); token = std::make_shared<DefineArgToken>(); } if ((i+1<value.length()) && (value[i+1]=='#')) { i+=2; token->value = "##"; token->type = DefineArgTokenType::DSharp; } else { i++; token->value = "#"; token->type = DefineArgTokenType::Sharp; } skipSpaces=true; tokens.append(token); token = std::make_shared<DefineArgToken>(); token->value = ""; token->type = DefineArgTokenType::Other; } else if (isWordChar(ch)) { if (token->type==DefineArgTokenType::Other) { token->value = ch ; token->type = DefineArgTokenType::Identifier; } else if (token->type==DefineArgTokenType::Identifier) { token->value+=ch; } else if (skipSpaces && token->type==DefineArgTokenType::Space) { //dont use space; token->value = ch ; token->type = DefineArgTokenType::Identifier; } else { tokens.append(token); token = std::make_shared<DefineArgToken>(); token->value = ch ; token->type = DefineArgTokenType::Identifier; } skipSpaces=false; i++; } else { if (skipSpaces && token->type==DefineArgTokenType::Space) { //dont use space; } else if (token->type!=DefineArgTokenType::Other) { tokens.append(token); token = std::make_shared<DefineArgToken>(); } skipSpaces=false; token->value = ch ; token->type = DefineArgTokenType::Symbol; i++; } } if(token->type!=DefineArgTokenType::Other) tokens.append(token); return tokens; } QStringList CppPreprocessor::removeComments(const QStringList &text) { QStringList result; ContentType currentType = ContentType::Other; QString delimiter; for (const QString& line:text) { QString s; int pos = 0; bool stopProcess=false; while (pos<line.length()) { QChar ch =line[pos]; if (currentType == ContentType::AnsiCComment) { if (ch=='*' && (pos+1<line.length()) && line[pos+1]=='/') { pos+=2; currentType = ContentType::Other; } else { pos+=1; } continue; } switch (ch.unicode()) { case '"': switch (currentType) { case ContentType::String: currentType=ContentType::Other; break; case ContentType::RawString: if (line.midRef(0,pos).endsWith(')'+delimiter)) currentType = ContentType::Other; break; case ContentType::Other: currentType=ContentType::String; break; case ContentType::RawStringPrefix: delimiter+=ch; break; } s+=ch; break; case '\'': switch (currentType) { case ContentType::Character: currentType=ContentType::Other; break; case ContentType::Other: currentType=ContentType::Character; break; case ContentType::RawStringPrefix: delimiter+=ch; break; } s+=ch; break; case 'R': if (currentType == ContentType::Other && pos+1<line.length() && line[pos+1]=='"') { s+=ch; pos++; ch = line[pos]; currentType=ContentType::RawStringPrefix; delimiter = ""; } if (currentType == ContentType::RawStringPrefix ) { delimiter += ch; } s+=ch; break; case '(': switch(currentType) { case ContentType::RawStringPrefix: currentType = ContentType::RawString; break; } s+=ch; break; case '/': if (currentType == ContentType::Other) { if (pos+1<line.length() && line[pos+1]=='/') { // line comment , skip all remainings of the current line stopProcess = true; break; } else if (pos+1<line.length() && line[pos+1]=='*') { /* ansi c comment */ pos++; currentType = ContentType::AnsiCComment; break; } } s+=ch; break; case '\\': switch (currentType) { case ContentType::String: case ContentType::Character: pos++; s+=ch; if (pos<line.length()) { ch = line[pos]; s+=ch; } break; default: s+=ch; } break; default: s+=ch; } if (stopProcess) break; pos++; } result.append(s.trimmed()); } return result; } void CppPreprocessor::preprocessBuffer() { while (mIncludes.count() > 0) { QString s; do { s = getNextPreprocessor(); if (s.startsWith('#')) { simplify(s); if (!s.isEmpty()) { handlePreprocessor(s); } } } while (!s.isEmpty()); closeInclude(); } } void CppPreprocessor::skipToEndOfPreprocessor() { // Skip until last char of line is NOT \ anymore while ((mIndex < mBuffer.count()) && mBuffer[mIndex].endsWith('\\')) mIndex++; } void CppPreprocessor::skipToPreprocessor() { // Increment until a line begins with a # while ((mIndex < mBuffer.count()) && !mBuffer[mIndex].startsWith('#')) { if (getCurrentBranch()) // if not skipping, expand current macros mResult.append(expandMacros(mBuffer[mIndex],1)); else // If skipping due to a failed branch, clear line mResult.append(""); mIndex++; } } bool CppPreprocessor::isWordChar(const QChar &ch) { if (ch=='_' || (ch>='a' && ch<='z') || (ch>='A' && ch<='Z') || (ch>='0' && ch<='9')) { return true; } return false; } bool CppPreprocessor::isIdentChar(const QChar &ch) { if (ch=='_' || ch == '*' || ch == '&' || ch == '~' || (ch>='a' && ch<='z') || (ch>='A' && ch<='Z') || (ch>='0' && ch<='9')) { return true; } return false; } bool CppPreprocessor::isLineChar(const QChar &ch) { return ch=='\r' || ch == '\n'; } bool CppPreprocessor::isSpaceChar(const QChar &ch) { return ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'; } bool CppPreprocessor::isOperatorChar(const QChar &ch) { switch(ch.unicode()) { case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case '!': case '=': case '<': case '>': case '&': case '|': case '^': return true; default: return false; } } bool CppPreprocessor::isMacroIdentChar(const QChar &ch) { return (ch>='A' && ch<='Z') || (ch>='a' && ch<='z') || ch == '_'; } bool CppPreprocessor::isDigit(const QChar &ch) { return (ch>='0' && ch<='9'); } bool CppPreprocessor::isNumberChar(const QChar &ch) { if (ch>='0' && ch<='9') return true; if (ch>='a' && ch<='f') return true; if (ch>='A' && ch<='F') return true; switch(ch.unicode()) { case 'x': case 'X': case 'u': case 'U': case 'l': case 'L': return true; default: return false; } } QString CppPreprocessor::lineBreak() { return "\n"; } bool CppPreprocessor::evaluateIf(const QString &line) { QString newLine = expandDefines(line); // replace FOO by numerical value of FOO return evaluateExpression(newLine); } QString CppPreprocessor::expandDefines(QString line) { int searchPos = 0; while (searchPos < line.length()) { // We have found an identifier. It is not a number suffix. Try to expand it if (isMacroIdentChar(line[searchPos]) && ( (searchPos == 0) || !isDigit(line[searchPos - 1]))) { int head = searchPos; int tail = searchPos; // Get identifier name (numbers are allowed, but not at the start while ((tail < line.length()) && (isMacroIdentChar(line[tail]) || isDigit(line[head]))) tail++; // qDebug()<<"1 "<<head<<tail<<line; QString name = line.mid(head,tail-head); int nameStart = head; int nameEnd = tail; if (name == "defined") { //expand define //tail = searchPos + name.length(); while ((tail < line.length()) && isSpaceChar(line[tail])) tail++; // skip spaces int defineStart; // Skip over its arguments if ((tail < line.length()) && (line[tail]=='(')) { //braced argument (next word) defineStart = tail+1; if (!skipBraces(line, tail)) { line = ""; // broken line break; } } else { //none braced argument (next word) defineStart = tail; if ((tail>=line.length()) || !isMacroIdentChar(line[searchPos])) { line = ""; // broken line break; } while ((tail < line.length()) && (isMacroIdentChar(line[tail]) || isDigit(line[tail]))) tail++; } // qDebug()<<"2 "<<defineStart<<tail<<line; name = line.mid(defineStart, tail - defineStart); PDefine define = getDefine(name); QString insertValue; if (!define) { insertValue = "0"; } else { insertValue = "1"; } // Insert found value at place line.remove(searchPos, tail-searchPos+1); line.insert(searchPos,insertValue); } else if ((name == "and") || (name == "or")) { searchPos = tail; // Skip logical operators } else { // We have found a regular define. Replace it by its value // Does it exist in the database? PDefine define = getDefine(name); QString insertValue; if (!define) { insertValue = "0"; } else { while ((tail < line.length()) && isSpaceChar(line[tail])) tail++;// skip spaces // It is a function. Expand arguments if ((tail < line.length()) && (line[tail] == '(')) { head=tail; if (skipBraces(line, tail)) { // qDebug()<<"3 "<<line<<head<<tail; QString args = line.mid(head,tail-head+1); insertValue = expandFunction(define,args); nameEnd = tail+1; } else { line = "";// broken line break; } // Replace regular define } else { if (!define->value.isEmpty()) insertValue = define->value; else insertValue = "0"; } } // Insert found value at place line.remove(nameStart, nameEnd - nameStart); line.insert(searchPos,insertValue); } } else { searchPos ++ ; } } return line; } bool CppPreprocessor::skipBraces(const QString &line, int &index, int step) { int level = 0; while ((index >= 0) && (index < line.length())) { // Find the corresponding opening brace if (line[index] == '(') { level++; } else if (line[index] == ')') { level--; } if (level == 0) return true; index+=step; } return false; } QString CppPreprocessor::expandFunction(PDefine define, QString args) { // Replace function by this string QString result = define->formatValue; if (args.startsWith('(') && args.endsWith(')')) { args = args.mid(1,args.length()-2); } QStringList argValues = args.split(","); if (argValues.length() == define->argList.length() && argValues.length()>0) { for (int i=0;i<argValues.length();i++) { if (define->argUsed[i]) { QString argValue = argValues[i]; result=result.arg(argValue.trimmed()); } } } result.replace("%%","%"); return result; } bool CppPreprocessor::skipSpaces(const QString &expr, int &pos) { while (pos<expr.length() && isSpaceChar(expr[pos])) pos++; return pos<expr.length(); } bool CppPreprocessor::evalNumber(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) return false; QString s; while (pos<expr.length() && isNumberChar(expr[pos])) { s+=expr[pos]; pos++; } bool ok; result = s.toInt(&ok,0); return ok; } bool CppPreprocessor::evalTerm(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) return false; if (expr[pos]=='(') { pos++; if (!evalExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) return false; if (expr[pos]!=')') return false; pos++; return true; } else { return evalNumber(expr,result,pos); } } /* * unary_expr = term | '+' term | '-' term | '!' term | '~' term */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalUnaryExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) return false; if (expr[pos]=='+') { pos++; if (!evalTerm(expr,result,pos)) return false; } else if (expr[pos]=='-') { pos++; if (!evalTerm(expr,result,pos)) return false; result = -result; } else if (expr[pos]=='~') { pos++; if (!evalTerm(expr,result,pos)) return false; result = ~result; } else if (expr[pos]=='!') { pos++; if (!evalTerm(expr,result,pos)) return false; result = !result; } else { return evalTerm(expr,result,pos); } return true; } /* * mul_expr = unary_expr | mul_expr '*' unary_expr | mul_expr '/' unary_expr | mul_expr '%' unary_expr */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalMulExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!evalUnaryExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; while (true) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) break; int rightResult; if (expr[pos]=='*') { pos++; if (!evalUnaryExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result *= rightResult; } else if (expr[pos]=='/') { pos++; if (!evalUnaryExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result /= rightResult; } else if (expr[pos]=='%') { pos++; if (!evalUnaryExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result %= rightResult; } else { break; } } return true; } /* * add_expr = mul_expr | add_expr '+' mul_expr | add_expr '-' mul_expr */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalAddExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!evalMulExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; while (true) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) break; int rightResult; if (expr[pos]=='+') { pos++; if (!evalMulExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result += rightResult; } else if (expr[pos]=='-') { pos++; if (!evalMulExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result -= rightResult; } else { break; } } return true; } /* * shift_expr = add_expr | shift_expr "<<" add_expr | shift_expr ">>" add_expr */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalShiftExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!evalAddExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; while (true) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) break; int rightResult; if (pos+1<expr.length() && expr[pos] == '<' && expr[pos+1]=='<') { pos += 2; if (!evalAddExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = (result << rightResult); } else if (pos+1<expr.length() && expr[pos] == '>' && expr[pos+1]=='>') { pos += 2; if (!evalAddExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = (result >> rightResult); } else { break; } } return true; } /* * relation_expr = shift_expr | relation_expr ">=" shift_expr | relation_expr ">" shift_expr | relation_expr "<=" shift_expr | relation_expr "<" shift_expr */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalRelationExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!evalShiftExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; while (true) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) break; int rightResult; if (expr[pos]=='<') { if (pos+1<expr.length() && expr[pos+1]=='=') { pos+=2; if (!evalShiftExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = (result <= rightResult); } else { pos++; if (!evalShiftExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = (result < rightResult); } } else if (expr[pos]=='>') { if (pos+1<expr.length() && expr[pos+1]=='=') { pos+=2; if (!evalShiftExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = (result >= rightResult); } else { pos++; if (!evalShiftExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = (result > rightResult); } } else { break; } } return true; } /* * equal_expr = relation_expr | equal_expr "==" relation_expr | equal_expr "!=" relation_expr */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalEqualExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!evalRelationExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; while (true) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) break; if (pos+1<expr.length() && expr[pos]=='!' && expr[pos+1]=='=') { pos+=2; int rightResult; if (!evalRelationExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = (result != rightResult); } else if (pos+1<expr.length() && expr[pos]=='=' && expr[pos+1]=='=') { pos+=2; int rightResult; if (!evalRelationExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = (result == rightResult); } else { break; } } return true; } /* * bit_and_expr = equal_expr | bit_and_expr "&" equal_expr */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalBitAndExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!evalEqualExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; while (true) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) break; if (expr[pos]=='&') { pos++; int rightResult; if (!evalEqualExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = result & rightResult; } else { break; } } return true; } /* * bit_xor_expr = bit_and_expr | bit_xor_expr "^" bit_and_expr */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalBitXorExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!evalBitAndExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; while (true) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) break; if (expr[pos]=='^') { pos++; int rightResult; if (!evalBitAndExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = result ^ rightResult; } else { break; } } return true; } /* * bit_or_expr = bit_xor_expr | bit_or_expr "|" bit_xor_expr */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalBitOrExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!evalBitXorExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; while (true) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) break; if (expr[pos] == '|') { pos++; int rightResult; if (!evalBitXorExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = result | rightResult; } else { break; } } return true; } /* * logic_and_expr = bit_or_expr | logic_and_expr "&&" bit_or_expr */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalLogicAndExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!evalBitOrExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; while (true) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) break; if (pos+1<expr.length() && expr[pos]=='&' && expr[pos+1] =='&') { pos+=2; int rightResult; if (!evalBitOrExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = result && rightResult; } else { break; } } return true; } /* * logic_or_expr = logic_and_expr | logic_or_expr "||" logic_and_expr */ bool CppPreprocessor::evalLogicOrExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { if (!evalLogicAndExpr(expr,result,pos)) return false; while (true) { if (!skipSpaces(expr,pos)) break; if (pos+1<expr.length() && expr[pos]=='|' && expr[pos+1] =='|') { pos+=2; int rightResult; if (!evalLogicAndExpr(expr,rightResult,pos)) return false; result = result || rightResult; } else { break; } } return true; } bool CppPreprocessor::evalExpr(const QString &expr, int &result, int &pos) { return evalLogicOrExpr(expr,result,pos); } /* BNF for C constant expression evaluation * term = number | '(' expression ')' unary_expr = term | '+' term | '-' term | '!' term | '~' term mul_expr = term | mul_expr '*' term | mul_expr '/' term | mul_expr '%' term add_expr = mul_expr | add_expr '+' mul_expr | add_expr '-' mul_expr shift_expr = add_expr | shift_expr "<<" add_expr | shift_expr ">>" add_expr relation_expr = shift_expr | relation_expr ">=" shift_expr | relation_expr ">" shift_expr | relation_expr "<=" shift_expr | relation_expr "<" shift_expr equal_expr = relation_expr | equal_expr "==" relation_expr | equal_expr "!=" relation_expr bit_and_expr = equal_expr | bit_and_expr "&" equal_expr bit_xor_expr = bit_and_expr | bit_xor_expr "^" bit_and_expr bit_or_expr = bit_xor_expr | bit_or_expr "|" bit_xor_expr logic_and_expr = bit_or_expr | logic_and_expr "&&" bit_or_expr logic_or_expr = logic_and_expr | logic_or_expr "||" logic_and_expr */ int CppPreprocessor::evaluateExpression(QString line) { int pos = 0; int result; bool ok = evalExpr(line,result,pos); if (!ok) return -1; //expr not finished if (skipSpaces(line,pos)) return -1; return result; } const DefineMap &CppPreprocessor::hardDefines() const { return mHardDefines; } QSet<QString> &CppPreprocessor::projectIncludePaths() { return mProjectIncludePaths; } QSet<QString> &CppPreprocessor::includePaths() { return mIncludePaths; } QSet<QString> &CppPreprocessor::scannedFiles() { return mScannedFiles; } QHash<QString, PFileIncludes> &CppPreprocessor::includesList() { return mIncludesList; }