#include <QColor>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QString>
#include "Types.h"
#include "highlighter/base.h"
#include "../utils.h"
#include "MiscClasses.h"

class SynEdit;
class SynEditTextPainter
    struct SynTokenAccu {
        int Columns;
        int ColumnsBefore;
        QString s;
        QColor FG;
        QColor BG;
        SynFontStyles Style;

    SynEditTextPainter(SynEdit * edit,QPainter* painter,int FirstRow, int LastRow,
                       int FirstCol, int LastCol);
    void paintTextLines(const QRect& clip);
    void paintGutter(const QRect& clip);

    QColor colEditorBG();
    void ComputeSelectionInfo();
    void setDrawingColors(bool Selected);
    int ColumnToXValue(int Col);
    void PaintToken(const QString& Token, int TokenLen, int ColumnsBefore,
                    int First, int Last, bool isSelection);
    void PaintEditAreas(const SynEditingAreaList& areaList);
    void PaintHighlightToken(bool bFillToEOL);
    bool TokenIsSpaces(bool& bSpacesTest, const QString& Token, bool& bIsSpaces);
    void AddHighlightToken(const QString& Token, int ColumnsBefore, int TokenColumns,
                           int cLine, PSynHighlighterAttribute p_Attri);

    void PaintFoldAttributes();
    void GetBraceColorAttr(int level, PSynHighlighterAttribute &attr);
    void PaintLines();
    void drawMark(PSynEditMark aMark,int& aGutterOff, int aMarkRow);

    SynEdit* edit;
    QPainter* painter;
    bool bDoRightEdge; // right edge
    int nRightEdge;
    // selection info
    bool bAnySelection; // any selection visible?
    DisplayCoord vSelStart; // start of selected area
    DisplayCoord vSelEnd; // end of selected area
    // info about normal and selected text and background colors
    bool bSpecialLine, bLineSelected, bCurrentLine;
    QColor colFG, colBG;
    QColor colSelFG, colSelBG;
    // info about selection of the current line
    int nLineSelStart, nLineSelEnd;
    bool bComplexLine;
    // painting the background and the text
    QRect rcLine, rcToken;
    int vFirstLine, vLastLine;

    QRect AClip;
    int aFirstRow, aLastRow, FirstCol, LastCol;
    SynTokenAccu TokenAccu;