/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "utils.h" #include "systemconsts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "parser/cppparser.h" #include "settings.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "editorlist.h" #include "editor.h" #include "project.h" #include "compiler/executablerunner.h" #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #endif const QByteArray GuessTextEncoding(const QByteArray& text){ bool allAscii; int ii; int size; const QByteArray& s=text; size = s.length(); if ( (size >= 3) && ((unsigned char)s[0]==0xEF) && ((unsigned char)s[1]==0xBB) && ((unsigned char)s[2]==0xBF)) { return ENCODING_UTF8_BOM; } allAscii = true; ii = 0; while (ii < size) { unsigned char ch = s[ii]; if (ch < 0x80 ) { ii++; // is an ascii char } else if (ch < 0xC0) { // value between 0x80 and 0xC0 is an invalid UTF-8 char return ENCODING_SYSTEM_DEFAULT; } else if (ch < 0xE0) { // should be an 2-byte UTF-8 char if (ii>=size-1) { return ENCODING_SYSTEM_DEFAULT; } unsigned char ch2=s[ii+1]; if ((ch2 & 0xC0) !=0x80) { return ENCODING_SYSTEM_DEFAULT; } allAscii = false; ii+=2; } else if (ch < 0xF0) { // should be an 3-byte UTF-8 char if (ii>=size-2) { return ENCODING_SYSTEM_DEFAULT; } unsigned char ch2=s[ii+1]; unsigned char ch3=s[ii+2]; if (((ch2 & 0xC0)!=0x80) || ((ch3 & 0xC0)!=0x80)) { return ENCODING_SYSTEM_DEFAULT; } allAscii = false; ii+=3; } else { // invalid UTF-8 char return ENCODING_SYSTEM_DEFAULT; } } if (allAscii) return ENCODING_ASCII; return ENCODING_UTF8; } bool isTextAllAscii(const QByteArray& text) { for (char c:text) { if (c<0) { return false; } } return true; } bool isTextAllAscii(const QString& text) { for (QChar c:text) { if (c.unicode()>127) { return false; } } return true; } static bool gIsGreenEdition = true; static bool gIsGreenEditionInited = false; bool isGreenEdition() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (!gIsGreenEditionInited) { QString keyString = QString("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\RedPanda-C++"); QString value; if (!readRegistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,keyString.toLocal8Bit(),"UninstallString",value)) { keyString = "SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\RedPanda-C++"; if (!readRegistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,keyString.toLocal8Bit(),"UninstallString",value)) { value=""; } } if (!value.isEmpty()) { QString regPath = extractFileDir(value); QString appPath = QApplication::instance()->applicationDirPath(); gIsGreenEdition = excludeTrailingPathDelimiter(regPath).compare(excludeTrailingPathDelimiter(appPath), Qt::CaseInsensitive)!=0; } gIsGreenEditionInited = true; } return gIsGreenEdition; #else return false; #endif } QByteArray runAndGetOutput(const QString &cmd, const QString& workingDir, const QStringList& arguments, const QByteArray &inputContent, bool inheritEnvironment, const QProcessEnvironment& env) { QProcess process; QByteArray result; if (env.isEmpty()) { if (inheritEnvironment) { process.setProcessEnvironment(QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment()); } else { process.setProcessEnvironment(QProcessEnvironment()); } } else { process.setProcessEnvironment(env); } process.setWorkingDirectory(workingDir); process.connect(&process,&QProcess::readyReadStandardError, [&](){ result.append(process.readAllStandardError()); }); process.connect(&process,&QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, [&](){ result.append(process.readAllStandardOutput()); }); process.start(cmd,arguments); if (!inputContent.isEmpty()) { process.write(inputContent); } process.closeWriteChannel(); process.waitForFinished(); return result; } bool isNonPrintableAsciiChar(char ch) { return (ch<=32) && (ch>=0); } bool fileExists(const QString &file) { if (file.isEmpty()) return false; return QFile(file).exists(); } bool fileExists(const QString &dir, const QString &fileName) { if (dir.isEmpty() || fileName.isEmpty()) return false; QDir dirInfo(dir); return dirInfo.exists(fileName); } bool directoryExists(const QString &file) { if (file.isEmpty()) return false; QFileInfo dir(file); return dir.exists() && dir.isDir(); } QString includeTrailingPathDelimiter(const QString &path) { if (path.endsWith('/') || path.endsWith(QDir::separator())) { return path; } else { return path + "/"; } } QString excludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const QString &path) { int pos = path.length()-1; while (pos>=0 && (path[pos]=='/' || path[pos]==QDir::separator())) pos--; return path.mid(0,pos+1); } FileType getFileType(const QString &filename) { if (filename.endsWith(".dev",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::Project; } if (filename.endsWith(".C")) { return FileType::CppSource; } if (filename.endsWith(".CPP")) { return FileType::CppSource; } if (filename.endsWith(".c",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::CSource; } if (filename.endsWith(".cpp",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::CppSource; } if (filename.endsWith(".cc",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::CppSource; } if (filename.endsWith(".cxx",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::CppSource; } if (filename.endsWith(".c++",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::CppSource; } if (filename.endsWith(".H")) { return FileType::CHeader; } if (filename.endsWith(".h",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::CHeader; } if (filename.endsWith(".hpp",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::CppHeader; } if (filename.endsWith(".hh",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::CppHeader; } if (filename.endsWith(".hxx",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::CppHeader; } if (filename.endsWith(".inl",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::CppHeader; } if (filename.endsWith(".rc",PATH_SENSITIVITY)) { return FileType::WindowsResourceSource; } return FileType::Other; } QString getCompiledExecutableName(const QString& filename) { return changeFileExt(filename,EXECUTABLE_EXT); } void splitStringArguments(const QString &arguments, QStringList &argumentList) { QString word; bool inQuota; inQuota = false; for (QChar ch:arguments) { if (ch == '"') { inQuota = !inQuota; } else if (ch == '\n' || ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r') { if (!inQuota) { word = word.trimmed(); if (!word.isEmpty()) { argumentList.append(word); } word = ""; } else { word.append(ch); } } else { word.append(ch); } } word = word.trimmed(); if (!word.isEmpty()) { argumentList.append(word); } } bool programHasConsole(const QString & filename) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN bool result = false; HANDLE handle = CreateFile(filename.toStdWString().c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { IMAGE_DOS_HEADER dos_header; DWORD signature; DWORD bytesread; IMAGE_FILE_HEADER pe_header; IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER opt_header; ReadFile(handle, &dos_header, sizeof(dos_header), &bytesread, NULL); SetFilePointer(handle, dos_header.e_lfanew, NULL, 0); ReadFile(handle, &signature, sizeof(signature), &bytesread, NULL); ReadFile(handle, &pe_header, sizeof(pe_header), &bytesread, NULL); ReadFile(handle, &opt_header, sizeof(opt_header), &bytesread, NULL); result = (opt_header.Subsystem == IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI); } CloseHandle(handle); return result; #else return true; #endif } QStringList textToLines(const QString &text) { QTextStream stream(&((QString&)text),QIODevice::ReadOnly); return readStreamToLines(&stream); } QStringList readFileToLines(const QString& fileName, QTextCodec* codec) { QFile file(fileName); if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setCodec(codec); stream.setAutoDetectUnicode(false); return readStreamToLines(&stream); } return QStringList(); } QStringList readStreamToLines(QTextStream *stream) { QStringList list; QString s; while (stream->readLineInto(&s)) { list.append(s); } return list; } void readStreamToLines(QTextStream *stream, LineProcessFunc lineFunc) { QString s; while (stream->readLineInto(&s)) { lineFunc(s); } } void textToLines(const QString &text, LineProcessFunc lineFunc) { QTextStream stream(&((QString&)text),QIODevice::ReadOnly); readStreamToLines(&stream,lineFunc); } void readFileToLines(const QString &fileName, QTextCodec *codec, LineProcessFunc lineFunc) { QFile file(fileName); if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setCodec(codec); stream.setAutoDetectUnicode(false); readStreamToLines(&stream, lineFunc); } } BaseError::BaseError(const QString &reason): mReason(reason) { } QString BaseError::reason() const { return mReason; } IndexOutOfRange::IndexOutOfRange(int Index): BaseError(QObject::tr("Index %1 out of range").arg(Index)) { } FileError::FileError(const QString &reason): BaseError(reason) { } void decodeKey(const int combinedKey, int &key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers &modifiers) { modifiers = Qt::NoModifier; if (combinedKey & Qt::ShiftModifier) { modifiers|=Qt::ShiftModifier; } if (combinedKey & Qt::ControlModifier) { modifiers|=Qt::ControlModifier; } if (combinedKey & Qt::AltModifier) { modifiers|=Qt::AltModifier; } if (combinedKey & Qt::MetaModifier) { modifiers|=Qt::MetaModifier; } if (combinedKey & Qt::KeypadModifier) { modifiers|= Qt::KeypadModifier; } key = combinedKey & ~(Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::AltModifier | Qt::MetaModifier | Qt::KeypadModifier); } void inflateRect(QRect &rect, int delta) { inflateRect(rect,delta,delta); } void inflateRect(QRect &rect, int dx, int dy) { rect.setLeft(rect.left()-dx); rect.setRight(rect.right()+dx); rect.setTop(rect.top()-dy); rect.setBottom(rect.bottom()+dy); } QString trimRight(const QString &s) { if (s.isEmpty()) return s; int i = s.length()-1; // while ((i>=0) && ((s[i] == '\r') || (s[i]=='\n') || (s[i] == '\t') || (s[i]==' '))) { while ((i>=0) && (s[i]<=32)) { i--; }; if (i>=0) { return s.left(i+1); } else { return QString(); } } bool stringIsBlank(const QString &s) { for (QChar ch:s) { if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') return false; } return true; } QString trimLeft(const QString &s) { if (s.isEmpty()) return s; int i=0; // while ((i(QApplication::instance()); // //app->setStyleSheet(""); // return ; // } // QStyleFactory styleFactory; // if (styleFactory.keys().contains(themeName)) { // QApplication::setStyle(themeName); // QApplication* app = dynamic_cast(QApplication::instance()); // app->setStyleSheet(""); // return; // } // QFile f(QString(":/themes/%1/style.qss").arg(themeName)); // if (!f.exists()) { // qDebug()<<"Unable to set stylesheet, file not found\n"; // } else { // QApplication::setStyle("Fusion"); // f.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text); // QTextStream ts(&f); // dynamic_cast(QApplication::instance())->setStyleSheet(ts.readAll()); // } //} int compareFileModifiedTime(const QString &filename1, const QString &filename2) { QFileInfo fileInfo1(filename1); QFileInfo fileInfo2(filename2); qint64 time1=fileInfo1.lastModified().toMSecsSinceEpoch(); qint64 time2=fileInfo2.lastModified().toMSecsSinceEpoch(); if (time1 > time2) return 1; if (time1 < time2) return -1; return 0; } QString changeFileExt(const QString& filename, QString ext) { QFileInfo fileInfo(filename); QString suffix = fileInfo.suffix(); QString name = fileInfo.fileName(); QString path; if (!ext.isEmpty() && !ext.startsWith(".")) { ext = "."+ext; } if (fileInfo.path() != ".") { path = includeTrailingPathDelimiter(fileInfo.path()); } if (suffix.isEmpty()) { return path+filename+ext; } else { return path+fileInfo.completeBaseName()+ext; } } QStringList readFileToLines(const QString &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); if (file.size()<=0) return QStringList(); QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); QStringList result; QTextCodec::ConverterState state; bool ok = true; if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { while (!file.atEnd()) { QByteArray array = file.readLine(); QString s = codec->toUnicode(array,array.length(),&state); if (state.invalidChars>0) { ok=false; break; } result.append(s); } if (!ok) { file.seek(0); result.clear(); codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"); while (!file.atEnd()) { QByteArray array = file.readLine(); QString s = codec->toUnicode(array,array.length(),&state); if (state.invalidChars>0) { result.clear(); break; } result.append(s); } } } return result; } void stringsToFile(const QStringList &list, const QString &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { QTextStream stream(&file); for (QString s:list) { stream< parser, int compilerSetIndex) { if (!parser) return; // Configure parser parser->reset(); //paser->enabled = pSettings-> devCodeCompletion.Enabled; // CppParser.ParseLocalHeaders := devCodeCompletion.ParseLocalHeaders; // CppParser.ParseGlobalHeaders := devCodeCompletion.ParseGlobalHeaders; parser->setEnabled(true); parser->setParseGlobalHeaders(true); parser->setParseLocalHeaders(true); // Set options depending on the current compiler set // TODO: do this every time OnCompilerSetChanged if (compilerSetIndex<-1) { compilerSetIndex=pSettings->compilerSets().defaultIndex(); } Settings::PCompilerSet compilerSet = pSettings->compilerSets().getSet(compilerSetIndex); parser->clearIncludePaths(); if (compilerSet) { foreach (const QString& file,compilerSet->CppIncludeDirs()) { parser->addIncludePath(file); } foreach (const QString& file,compilerSet->CIncludeDirs()) { parser->addIncludePath(file); } foreach (const QString& file,compilerSet->defaultCppIncludeDirs()) { parser->addIncludePath(file); } foreach (const QString& file,compilerSet->defaultCIncludeDirs()) { parser->addIncludePath(file); } //TODO: Add default include dirs last, just like gcc does // Set defines for (QString define:compilerSet->defines()) { parser->addHardDefineByLine(define); // predefined constants from -dM -E } // add a Red Pand C++ 's own macro parser->addHardDefineByLine("#define EGE_FOR_AUTO_CODE_COMPLETETION_ONLY"); // add C/C++ default macro parser->addHardDefineByLine("#define __FILE__ 1"); parser->addHardDefineByLine("#define __LINE__ 1"); parser->addHardDefineByLine("#define __DATE__ 1"); parser->addHardDefineByLine("#define __TIME__ 1"); } parser->parseHardDefines(); pMainWindow->disconnect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onStartParsing, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onStartParsing); pMainWindow->disconnect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onProgress, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onParserProgress); pMainWindow->disconnect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onEndParsing, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onEndParsing); pMainWindow->connect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onStartParsing, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onStartParsing); pMainWindow->connect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onProgress, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onParserProgress); pMainWindow->connect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onEndParsing, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onEndParsing); } bool findComplement(const QString &s, const QChar &fromToken, const QChar &toToken, int &curPos, int increment) { int curPosBackup = curPos; int level = 0; //todo: skip comment, char and strings while ((curPos < s.length()) && (curPos >= 0)) { if (s[curPos] == fromToken) { level++; } else if (s[curPos] == toToken) { level--; if (level == 0) return true; } curPos += increment; } curPos = curPosBackup; return false; } void logToFile(const QString &s, const QString &filename, bool append) { QFile file(filename); QFile::OpenMode mode = QFile::WriteOnly; if (append) { mode |= QFile::Append; } else { mode |= QFile::Truncate; } if (file.open(mode)) { QTextStream ts(&file); ts<toUnicode(s,s.length(),&state); if (state.invalidChars>0) tmp = QString::fromLocal8Bit(s); return tmp; } QString linesToText(const QStringList &lines) { return lines.join("\n"); } QString parseMacros(const QString &s) { QString result = s; Editor *e = pMainWindow->editorList()->getEditor(); result.replace("", localizePath(QDir::currentPath())); result.replace("", localizePath(pSettings->dirs().executable())); result.replace("", REDPANDA_CPP_VERSION); result.replace("", localizePath(pSettings->dirs().appDir())); QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); result.replace("", today.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")); result.replace("", now.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); Settings::PCompilerSet compilerSet = pSettings->compilerSets().defaultSet(); if (compilerSet) { // Only provide the first cpp include dir if (compilerSet->defaultCppIncludeDirs().count()>0) result.replace("", localizePath(compilerSet->defaultCppIncludeDirs().front())); else result.replace("",""); // Only provide the first lib dir if (compilerSet->defaultLibDirs().count()>0) result.replace("", localizePath(compilerSet->defaultCppIncludeDirs().front())); else result.replace("",""); } if (e!=nullptr && !e->inProject()) { // Non-project editor macros result.replace("", extractFileName(changeFileExt(e->filename(),EXECUTABLE_EXT))); result.replace("", localizePath(changeFileExt(e->filename(),EXECUTABLE_EXT))); result.replace("", extractFileName(e->filename())); result.replace("", localizePath(e->filename())); result.replace("", extractFileName(e->filename())); result.replace("", localizePath(extractFileDir(e->filename()))); } else if (pMainWindow->project()) { result.replace("", extractFileName(pMainWindow->project()->executable())); result.replace("", localizePath(pMainWindow->project()->executable())); result.replace("", pMainWindow->project()->name()); result.replace("", localizePath(pMainWindow->project()->filename())); result.replace("", extractFileName(pMainWindow->project()->filename())); result.replace("", localizePath(pMainWindow->project()->directory())); } else { result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); } // Editor macros if (e!=nullptr) { result.replace("", extractFileName(e->filename())); result.replace("", localizePath(e->filename())); result.replace("", localizePath(extractFileDir(e->filename()))); result.replace("", e->wordAtCursor()); } else { result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); } return result; } void executeFile(const QString &fileName, const QString ¶ms, const QString &workingDir, const QString &tempFile) { ExecutableRunner* runner=new ExecutableRunner( fileName, params, workingDir); runner->connect(runner, &QThread::finished, [runner,tempFile](){ if (!tempFile.isEmpty()) { QFile::remove(tempFile); } runner->deleteLater(); }); runner->connect(runner, &Runner::runErrorOccurred, [](const QString&){ //todo }); runner->setStartConsole(true); runner->start(); } void stringToFile(const QString &str, const QString &fileName) { QFile file(fileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { QTextStream stream(&file); stream<=0) { return content.mid(i+4); } return ""; } bool haveGoodContrast(const QColor& c1, const QColor &c2) { int lightness1 = qGray(c1.rgb()); int lightness2 = qGray(c2.rgb()); return std::abs(lightness1 - lightness2)>=120; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN bool readRegistry(HKEY key,const QByteArray& subKey, const QByteArray& name, QString& value) { DWORD dataSize; LONG result; result = RegGetValueA(key,subKey, name, RRF_RT_REG_SZ | RRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ, NULL, NULL, &dataSize); if (result!=ERROR_SUCCESS) return false; char * buffer = new char[dataSize+10]; result = RegGetValueA(key,subKey, name, RRF_RT_REG_SZ | RRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ, NULL, buffer, &dataSize); if (result!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete[] buffer; return false; } value=QString::fromLocal8Bit(buffer); delete [] buffer; return true; } #endif QList splitByteArrayToLines(const QByteArray &content) { QList lines; const char* p =content.constData(); const char* end = p+content.length(); const char* lineStart = p; QByteArray line; while (p<=end) { char ch=*p; switch(ch) { case '\r': line = QByteArray(lineStart, p-lineStart); lines.append(line); p++; if (*p=='\n') p++; lineStart = p; break; case '\n': line = QByteArray(lineStart, p-lineStart); lines.append(line); p++; lineStart = p; break; default: p++; } } if (lineStart>end) { lines.append(""); } else { line = QByteArray(lineStart, end-lineStart+1); lines.append(line); } return lines; } QString localizePath(const QString &path) { QString result = path; result.replace("/",QDir::separator()); return result; } float pointToPixel(float point) { return point * qApp->desktop()->logicalDpiY() / 72; } float pixelToPoint(float pixel) { return pixel * 72 / qApp->desktop()->logicalDpiY(); } QStringList splitProcessCommand(const QString &cmd) { QStringList result; SplitProcessCommandQuoteType quoteType = SplitProcessCommandQuoteType::None; int i=0; QString current; while (idesktop()->logicalDpiY(); } qulonglong stringToHex(const QString &str, qulonglong defaultValue) { bool isOk; qulonglong value = str.toULongLong(&isOk,16); if (isOk) return value; return defaultValue; }