#include "utils.h" #include "systemconsts.h" #include #include #include #include #include "editor.h" #include "editorlist.h" #include "settings.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "project.h" #include "parser/cppparser.h" #include "compiler/executablerunner.h" #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include #include #endif QStringList splitProcessCommand(const QString &cmd) { QStringList result; SplitProcessCommandQuoteType quoteType = SplitProcessCommandQuoteType::None; int i=0; QString current; while (ieditorList()->getEditor(); result.replace("", localizePath(QDir::currentPath())); result.replace("", localizePath(pSettings->dirs().executable())); result.replace("", REDPANDA_CPP_VERSION); result.replace("", localizePath(pSettings->dirs().appDir())); QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); result.replace("", today.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")); result.replace("", now.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); Settings::PCompilerSet compilerSet = pSettings->compilerSets().defaultSet(); if (compilerSet) { // Only provide the first cpp include dir if (compilerSet->defaultCppIncludeDirs().count()>0) result.replace("", localizePath(compilerSet->defaultCppIncludeDirs().front())); else result.replace("",""); // Only provide the first lib dir if (compilerSet->defaultLibDirs().count()>0) result.replace("", localizePath(compilerSet->defaultLibDirs().front())); else result.replace("",""); } if (e!=nullptr && !e->inProject()) { // Non-project editor macros QString exeSuffix; Settings::PCompilerSet compilerSet = pSettings->compilerSets().defaultSet(); if (compilerSet) { exeSuffix = compilerSet->executableSuffix(); } else { exeSuffix = DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX; } result.replace("", extractFileName(changeFileExt(e->filename(), exeSuffix))); result.replace("", localizePath(changeFileExt(e->filename(), exeSuffix))); result.replace("", extractFileName(e->filename())); result.replace("", localizePath(e->filename())); result.replace("", extractFileName(e->filename())); result.replace("", localizePath(extractFileDir(e->filename()))); } else if (pMainWindow->project()) { result.replace("", extractFileName(pMainWindow->project()->executable())); result.replace("", localizePath(pMainWindow->project()->executable())); result.replace("", pMainWindow->project()->name()); result.replace("", localizePath(pMainWindow->project()->filename())); result.replace("", extractFileName(pMainWindow->project()->filename())); result.replace("", localizePath(pMainWindow->project()->directory())); } else { result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); } // Editor macros if (e!=nullptr) { result.replace("", extractFileName(e->filename())); result.replace("", localizePath(e->filename())); result.replace("", localizePath(extractFileDir(e->filename()))); result.replace("", e->wordAtCursor()); } else { result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); result.replace("", ""); } return result; } void resetCppParser(std::shared_ptr parser, int compilerSetIndex) { if (!parser) return; // Configure parser parser->resetParser(); //paser->enabled = pSettings-> devCodeCompletion.Enabled; // CppParser.ParseLocalHeaders := devCodeCompletion.ParseLocalHeaders; // CppParser.ParseGlobalHeaders := devCodeCompletion.ParseGlobalHeaders; parser->setEnabled(true); parser->setParseGlobalHeaders(true); parser->setParseLocalHeaders(true); // Set options depending on the current compiler set if (compilerSetIndex<0) { compilerSetIndex=pSettings->compilerSets().defaultIndex(); } Settings::PCompilerSet compilerSet = pSettings->compilerSets().getSet(compilerSetIndex); parser->clearIncludePaths(); bool isCpp = parser->language()==ParserLanguage::CPlusPlus; if (compilerSet) { if (isCpp) { foreach (const QString& file,compilerSet->CppIncludeDirs()) { parser->addIncludePath(file); } } foreach (const QString& file,compilerSet->CIncludeDirs()) { parser->addIncludePath(file); } if (isCpp) { foreach (const QString& file,compilerSet->defaultCppIncludeDirs()) { parser->addIncludePath(file); } } foreach (const QString& file,compilerSet->defaultCIncludeDirs()) { parser->addIncludePath(file); } // Set defines for (QString define:compilerSet->defines(parser->language()==ParserLanguage::CPlusPlus)) { parser->addHardDefineByLine(define); } // // add a Red Pand C++ 's own macro // parser->addHardDefineByLine("#define EGE_FOR_AUTO_CODE_COMPLETETION_ONLY"); // add C/C++ default macro parser->addHardDefineByLine("#define __FILE__ 1"); parser->addHardDefineByLine("#define __LINE__ 1"); parser->addHardDefineByLine("#define __DATE__ 1"); parser->addHardDefineByLine("#define __TIME__ 1"); } parser->parseHardDefines(); pMainWindow->disconnect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onStartParsing, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onStartParsing); pMainWindow->disconnect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onProgress, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onParserProgress); pMainWindow->disconnect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onEndParsing, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onEndParsing); pMainWindow->connect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onStartParsing, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onStartParsing); pMainWindow->connect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onProgress, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onParserProgress); pMainWindow->connect(parser.get(), &CppParser::onEndParsing, pMainWindow, &MainWindow::onEndParsing); } int getNewFileNumber() { static int count = 0; count++; return count; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN static bool gIsGreenEdition = true; static bool gIsGreenEditionInited = false; #endif bool isGreenEdition() { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (!gIsGreenEditionInited) { QString keyString = QString("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\RedPanda-C++"); QString value; if (!readRegistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,keyString.toLocal8Bit(),"UninstallString",value)) { keyString = "SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\RedPanda-C++"; if (!readRegistry(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,keyString.toLocal8Bit(),"UninstallString",value)) { value=""; } } if (!value.isEmpty()) { QString regPath = extractFileDir(value); QString appPath = QApplication::instance()->applicationDirPath(); gIsGreenEdition = excludeTrailingPathDelimiter(regPath).compare(excludeTrailingPathDelimiter(appPath), Qt::CaseInsensitive)!=0; } gIsGreenEditionInited = true; } return gIsGreenEdition; #else return false; #endif } QByteArray runAndGetOutput(const QString &cmd, const QString& workingDir, const QStringList& arguments, const QByteArray &inputContent, bool inheritEnvironment, const QProcessEnvironment& env) { QProcess process; QByteArray result; if (env.isEmpty()) { if (inheritEnvironment) { process.setProcessEnvironment(QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment()); } else { process.setProcessEnvironment(QProcessEnvironment()); } } else { process.setProcessEnvironment(env); } process.setWorkingDirectory(workingDir); process.connect(&process,&QProcess::readyReadStandardError, [&](){ result.append(process.readAllStandardError()); }); process.connect(&process,&QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, [&](){ result.append(process.readAllStandardOutput()); }); process.start(cmd,arguments); if (!inputContent.isEmpty()) { process.write(inputContent); } process.closeWriteChannel(); process.waitForFinished(); return result; } void executeFile(const QString &fileName, const QString ¶ms, const QString &workingDir, const QString &tempFile) { ExecutableRunner* runner=new ExecutableRunner( fileName, splitProcessCommand(params), workingDir); runner->connect(runner, &QThread::finished, [runner,tempFile](){ if (!tempFile.isEmpty()) { QFile::remove(tempFile); } runner->deleteLater(); }); runner->connect(runner, &Runner::runErrorOccurred, [](const QString&){ //todo }); runner->setStartConsole(true); runner->start(); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN bool readRegistry(HKEY key,const QByteArray& subKey, const QByteArray& name, QString& value) { DWORD dataSize; LONG result; result = RegGetValueA(key,subKey, name, RRF_RT_REG_SZ | RRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ, NULL, NULL, &dataSize); if (result!=ERROR_SUCCESS) return false; char * buffer = new char[dataSize+10]; result = RegGetValueA(key,subKey, name, RRF_RT_REG_SZ | RRF_RT_REG_MULTI_SZ, NULL, buffer, &dataSize); if (result!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { delete[] buffer; return false; } value=QString::fromLocal8Bit(buffer); delete [] buffer; return true; } #endif qulonglong stringToHex(const QString &str, bool &isOk) { qulonglong value = str.toULongLong(&isOk,16); return value; } bool findComplement(const QString &s, const QChar &fromToken, const QChar &toToken, int &curPos, int increment) { int curPosBackup = curPos; int level = 0; //todo: skip comment, char and strings while ((curPos < s.length()) && (curPos >= 0)) { if (s[curPos] == fromToken) { level++; } else if (s[curPos] == toToken) { level--; if (level == 0) return true; } curPos += increment; } curPos = curPosBackup; return false; } bool haveGoodContrast(const QColor& c1, const QColor &c2) { int lightness1 = qGray(c1.rgb()); int lightness2 = qGray(c2.rgb()); return std::abs(lightness1 - lightness2)>=120; } QByteArray getHTTPBody(const QByteArray& content) { int i= content.indexOf("\r\n\r\n"); if (i>=0) { return content.mid(i+4); } return ""; } QString getSizeString(int size) { if (size < 1024) { return QString("%1 ").arg(size)+QObject::tr("bytes"); } else if (size < 1024 * 1024) { return QString("%1 ").arg(size / 1024.0,0,'f',2)+QObject::tr("KB"); } else if (size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { return QString("%1 ").arg(size / 1024.0 / 1024.0)+QObject::tr("MB"); } else { return QString("%1 ").arg(size / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0)+QObject::tr("GB"); } } void saveComboHistory(QComboBox* cb,const QString& text) { QString s = text; if (s.isEmpty()) return; int i = cb->findText(s); if (i>=0) { cb->removeItem(i); } cb->insertItem(0,s); cb->setCurrentText(s); } void openFileFolderInExplorer(const QString &path) { QFileInfo info(path); if (info.isFile()){ #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QProcess process; QStringList args; QString filepath=info.absoluteFilePath().replace("/","\\"); args.append("/n,"); args.append("/select,"); args.append(QString("%1").arg(filepath)); process.startDetached("explorer.exe",args); #else QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl("file:///"+ includeTrailingPathDelimiter(info.path()),QUrl::TolerantMode)); #endif } else if (info.isDir()){ QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl("file:///"+ includeTrailingPathDelimiter(path),QUrl::TolerantMode)); } } QColor alphaBlend(const QColor &lower, const QColor &upper) { qreal wu = upper.alphaF(); // weight of upper color qreal wl = 1 - wu; // weight of lower color return QColor( int(lower.red() * wl + upper.red() * wu), int(lower.green() * wl + upper.green() * wu), int(lower.blue() * wl + upper.blue() * wu) ); } QStringList getExecutableSearchPaths() { QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); QString path = env.value("PATH"); QStringList pathList = path.split(PATH_SEPARATOR); #ifdef Q_OS_WINDOWS /* follow Windows `CreateProcessW` search semantics. * ref. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/processthreadsapi/nf-processthreadsapi-createprocessw . */ QStringList searchList{}; wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH]; // 1. the directory from which the application loaded searchList.push_back(QApplication::instance()->applicationDirPath()); // 2. the current directory for the parent process // here we add it because launching from GUI the current directory is relatively stable searchList.push_back(QDir::currentPath()); // 3. the 32-bit Windows system directory if (GetSystemDirectoryW(buffer, MAX_PATH) > 0) searchList.push_back(QString::fromWCharArray(buffer)); if (GetWindowsDirectoryW(buffer, MAX_PATH) > 0) { // 4. the 16-bit Windows system directory searchList.push_back(QString::fromWCharArray(buffer) + "/System"); // 5. the Windows directory searchList.push_back(QString::fromWCharArray(buffer)); } // 6. the directories that are listed in the PATH environment variable searchList.append(pathList); return searchList; #else return pathList; #endif } QString escapeArgument(const QString &arg, [[maybe_unused]] bool isFirstArg) { auto argContainsOneOf = [&arg](auto... ch) { return (arg.contains(ch) || ...); }; #ifdef Q_OS_WINDOWS // See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31838469/how-do-i-convert-argv-to-lpcommandline-parameter-of-createprocess , // and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/archive/blogs/twistylittlepassagesallalike/everyone-quotes-command-line-arguments-the-wrong-way . // TODO: investigate whether we need escaping for cmd. if (!arg.isEmpty() && !argContainsOneOf(' ', '\t', '\n', '\v', '"')) return arg; QString result = "\""; for (auto it = arg.begin(); ; ++it) { int nBackslash = 0; while (it != arg.end() && *it == '\\') { ++it; ++nBackslash; } if (it == arg.end()) { // Escape all backslashes, but let the terminating double quotation mark we add below be interpreted as a metacharacter. result.append(QString('\\').repeated(nBackslash * 2)); break; } else if (*it == '"') { // Escape all backslashes and the following double quotation mark. result.append(QString('\\').repeated(nBackslash * 2 + 1)); result.push_back(*it); } else { // Backslashes aren't special here. result.append(QString('\\').repeated(nBackslash)); result.push_back(*it); } } result.push_back('"'); return result; #else /* be speculative, but keep readability. * ref. https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799.2018edition/utilities/V3_chap02.html */ if (arg.isEmpty()) return R"("")"; /* POSIX say the following reserved words (may) have special meaning: * !, {, }, case, do, done, elif, else, esac, fi, for, if, in, then, until, while, * [[, ]], function, select, * only if used as the _first word_ of a command (or somewhere we dot not care). */ const static QSet reservedWord{ "!", "{", "}", "case", "do", "done", "elif", "else", "esac", "fi", "for", "if", "in", "then", "until", "while", "[[", "]]", "function", "select", }; if (isFirstArg && reservedWord.contains(arg)) return QString(R"("%1")").arg(arg); /* POSIX say “shall quote”: * '|', '&', ';', '<', '>', '(', ')', '$', '`', '\\', '"', '\'', ' ', '\t', '\n'; * and “may need to be quoted”: * '*', '?', '[', '#', '~', '=', '%'. * among which “may need to be quoted” there are 4 kinds: * - wildcards '*', '?', '[' are “danger anywhere” (handle it as if “shall quote”); * - comment '#', home '~', is “danger at first char in any word”; * - (environment) variable '=' is “danger at any char in first word”; * - foreground '%' is “danger at first char in first word”. * although not mentioned by POSIX, bash’s brace expansion '{', '}' are also “danger anywhere”. */ bool isDoubleQuotingDanger = argContainsOneOf('$', '`', '\\', '"'); bool isSingleQuotingDanger = arg.contains('\''); bool isDangerAnyChar = isDoubleQuotingDanger || isSingleQuotingDanger || argContainsOneOf( '|', '&', ';', '<', '>', '(', ')', ' ', '\t', '\n', '*', '?', '[', '{', '}' ); bool isDangerFirstChar = (arg[0] == '#') || (arg[0] == '~'); if (isFirstArg) { isDangerAnyChar = isDangerAnyChar || arg.contains('='); isDangerFirstChar = isDangerFirstChar || (arg[0] == '%'); } // a “safe” string if (!isDangerAnyChar && !isDangerFirstChar) return arg; // prefer more-common double quoting if (!isDoubleQuotingDanger) return QString(R"("%1")").arg(arg); // and then check the opportunity of single quoting if (!isSingleQuotingDanger) return QString("'%1'").arg(arg); // escaping is necessary // use double quoting since it’s less tricky QString result = "\""; for (auto ch : arg) { if (ch == '$' || ch == '`' || ch == '\\' || ch == '"') result.push_back('\\'); result.push_back(ch); } result.push_back('"'); return result; /* single quoting, which is roughly raw string, is possible and quite simple in programming: * 1. replace each single quote with `'\''`, which contains * - a single quote to close quoting, * - an escaped single quote representing the single quote itself, and * - a single quote to open quoting again; * 2. enclose the string with a pair of single quotes. * e.g. `o'clock` => `'o'\''clock'`, really tricky and hard to read. */ #endif } QString defaultShell() { #ifdef Q_OS_WINDOWS return "powershell.exe"; #else return "sh"; #endif }