function apiVersion() return { kind = "compiler_hint", major = 0, minor = 1, } end local nameMap = { systemGcc = { en_US = "System GCC", pt_BR = "GCC do sistema", zh_CN = "系统 GCC", zh_TW = "系統 GCC", }, systemClang = { en_US = "System Clang", pt_BR = "Clang do sistema", zh_CN = "系统 Clang", zh_TW = "系統 Clang", }, multilibGcc = { en_US = "Multilib GCC", pt_BR = "GCC multilib", zh_CN = "Multilib GCC", zh_TW = "Multilib GCC", }, multilibClang = { en_US = "Multilib Clang", pt_BR = "Clang multilib", zh_CN = "Multilib Clang", zh_TW = "Multilib Clang", }, mingwGcc = { en_US = "MinGW GCC", pt_BR = "GCC MinGW", zh_CN = "MinGW GCC", zh_TW = "MinGW GCC", }, release = { en_US = ", release", pt_BR = ", lançamento", zh_CN = ",发布", zh_TW = ",發佈", }, debug = { en_US = ", debug", pt_BR = ", depuração", zh_CN = ",调试", zh_TW = ",偵錯", }, debugWithAsan = { en_US = ", debug with ASan", pt_BR = ", depuração com ASan", zh_CN = ",ASan 调试", zh_TW = ",ASan 偵錯", }, } local function mergeCompilerSet(compilerSet, other) local c = compilerSet local o = other for k, v in pairs(o) do c[k] = v end end local function generateConfig( name, lang, cCompiler, cxxCompiler, config) local commonOptions = { cCompiler = cCompiler, cxxCompiler = cxxCompiler, debugger = "/usr/bin/gdb", debugServer = "/usr/bin/gdbserver", make = "/usr/bin/make", compilerType = config.isClang and "Clang" or "GCC_UTF8", preprocessingSuffix = ".i", compilationProperSuffix = ".s", assemblingSuffix = ".o", executableSuffix = config.isMingw and ".exe" or "", compilationStage = 3, ccCmdOptUsePipe = "on", ccCmdOptWarningAll = "on", ccCmdOptWarningExtra = "on", ccCmdOptCheckIsoConformance = "on", binDirs = { "/usr/bin" }, } if config.isMultilib then commonOptions.ccCmdOptPointerSize = "32" end if config.isMingw then commonOptions.resourceCompiler = "/usr/bin/" .. config.triplet .. "-windres" end if config.customCompileParams then commonOptions.customCompileParams = config.customCompileParams end if config.customLinkParams then commonOptions.customLinkParams = config.customLinkParams end local release = { name = name .. (nameMap.release[lang] or nameMap.release.en_US), staticLink = true, linkCmdOptStripExe = "on", ccCmdOptOptimize = "2", } local debug_ = { name = name .. (nameMap.debug[lang] or nameMap.debug.en_US), ccCmdOptDebugInfo = "on", } local debugWithAsan = { name = name .. (nameMap.debugWithAsan[lang] or nameMap.debugWithAsan.en_US), ccCmdOptDebugInfo = "on", ccCmdOptAddressSanitizer = "address", } mergeCompilerSet(release, commonOptions) mergeCompilerSet(debug_, commonOptions) mergeCompilerSet(debugWithAsan, commonOptions) return release, debug_, debugWithAsan end function main() local arch = C_System.osArch() local libexecDir = C_System.appLibexecDir() local lang = C_Desktop.language() local compilerList = {} do local release, debug_, debugWithAsan = generateConfig( nameMap.systemGcc[lang] or nameMap.systemGcc.en_US, lang, "/usr/bin/gcc", "/usr/bin/g++", {}) table.insert(compilerList, release) table.insert(compilerList, debug_) table.insert(compilerList, debugWithAsan) end if C_FileSystem.isExecutable("/usr/bin/clang") then local release, debug_, debugWithAsan = generateConfig( nameMap.systemClang[lang] or nameMap.systemClang.en_US, lang, "/usr/bin/clang", "/usr/bin/clang++", { isClang = true }) table.insert(compilerList, release) table.insert(compilerList, debug_) table.insert(compilerList, debugWithAsan) end if arch == "x86_64" and C_FileSystem.exists("/usr/lib32/libc.a") then do local release, debug_, debugWithAsan = generateConfig( nameMap.multilibGcc[lang] or nameMap.multilibGcc.en_US, lang, "/usr/bin/gcc", "/usr/bin/g++", { isMultilib = true }) table.insert(compilerList, release) table.insert(compilerList, debug_) table.insert(compilerList, debugWithAsan) end if C_FileSystem.isExecutable("/usr/bin/clang") then local release, debug_, debugWithAsan = generateConfig( nameMap.multilibClang[lang] or nameMap.multilibClang.en_US, lang, "/usr/bin/clang", "/usr/bin/clang++", { isClang = true, isMultilib = true }) table.insert(compilerList, release) table.insert(compilerList, debug_) table.insert(compilerList, debugWithAsan) end end if ( arch == "x86_64" and ( C_FileSystem.exists("/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/DOSWin") or C_FileSystem.exists("/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/WSLInterop"))) then if C_FileSystem.isExecutable("/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc") then local extraObjects = { utf8init = libexecDir .. "/x86_64-w64-mingw32/utf8init.o", utf8manifest = libexecDir .. "/x86_64-w64-mingw32/utf8manifest.o", } do local release, _, _ = generateConfig( (nameMap.mingwGcc[lang] or nameMap.mingwGcc.en_US) .. " x86_64", lang, "/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc", "/usr/bin/x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++", { isMingw = true, triplet = "x86_64-w64-mingw32", customLinkParams = { extraObjects.utf8init, extraObjects.utf8manifest }, }) table.insert(compilerList, release) end end if C_FileSystem.isExecutable("/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc") then local extraObjects = { utf8init = libexecDir .. "/i686-w64-mingw32/utf8init.o", utf8manifest = libexecDir .. "/i686-w64-mingw32/utf8manifest.o", } do local release, _, _ = generateConfig( (nameMap.mingwGcc[lang] or nameMap.mingwGcc.en_US) .. " i686", lang, "/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc", "/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-g++", { isMingw = true, triplet = "i686-w64-mingw32", customLinkParams = { extraObjects.utf8init, extraObjects.utf8manifest }, }) table.insert(compilerList, release) end end end local result = { compilerList = compilerList, noSearch = { "/usr/bin", "/usr/lib/ccache", }, preferCompiler = 3, } return result end