/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "TextBuffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SynEdit.h" #include "../utils.h" #include "../platform.h" #include #include SynDocument::SynDocument(const QFont& font, const QFont& nonAsciiFont, QObject *parent): QObject(parent), mFontMetrics(font), mNonAsciiFontMetrics(nonAsciiFont), mTabWidth(4), mMutex(QMutex::Recursive) { mAppendNewLineAtEOF = true; mFileEndingType = FileEndingType::Windows; mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; mUpdateCount = 0; mCharWidth = mFontMetrics.horizontalAdvance("M"); } static void ListIndexOutOfBounds(int index) { throw IndexOutOfRange(index); } int SynDocument::parenthesisLevels(int Index) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index>=0 && Index < mLines.size()) { return mLines[Index]->fRange.parenthesisLevel; } else return 0; } int SynDocument::bracketLevels(int Index) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index>=0 && Index < mLines.size()) { return mLines[Index]->fRange.bracketLevel; } else return 0; } int SynDocument::braceLevels(int Index) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index>=0 && Index < mLines.size()) { return mLines[Index]->fRange.braceLevel; } else return 0; } //QString SynEditStringList::expandedStrings(int Index) //{ // if (Index>=0 && Index < mList.size()) { // if (mList[Index]->fFlags & SynEditStringFlag::sfHasNoTabs) // return mList[Index]->fString; // else // return ExpandString(Index); // } else // return QString(); //} int SynDocument::lineColumns(int Index) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index>=0 && Index < mLines.size()) { if (mLines[Index]->fColumns == -1) { return calculateLineColumns(Index); } else return mLines[Index]->fColumns; } else return 0; } int SynDocument::leftBraces(int Index) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index>=0 && Index < mLines.size()) { return mLines[Index]->fRange.leftBraces; } else return 0; } int SynDocument::rightBraces(int Index) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index>=0 && Index < mLines.size()) { return mLines[Index]->fRange.rightBraces; } else return 0; } int SynDocument::lengthOfLongestLine() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mIndexOfLongestLine < 0) { int MaxLen = -1; mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; if (mLines.count() > 0 ) { for (int i=0;i MaxLen) { MaxLen = len; mIndexOfLongestLine = i; } } } } if (mIndexOfLongestLine >= 0) return mLines[mIndexOfLongestLine]->fColumns; else return 0; } QString SynDocument::lineBreak() const { switch(mFileEndingType) { case FileEndingType::Linux: return "\n"; case FileEndingType::Windows: return "\r\n"; case FileEndingType::Mac: return "\r"; } return "\n"; } SynRangeState SynDocument::ranges(int Index) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index>=0 && Index < mLines.size()) { return mLines[Index]->fRange; } else { ListIndexOutOfBounds(Index); } return SynRangeState(); } void SynDocument::insertItem(int Index, const QString &s) { beginUpdate(); PSynDocumentLine line = std::make_shared(); line->fString = s; mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; mLines.insert(Index,line); endUpdate(); } void SynDocument::addItem(const QString &s) { beginUpdate(); PSynDocumentLine line = std::make_shared(); line->fString = s; mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; mLines.append(line); endUpdate(); } bool SynDocument::getAppendNewLineAtEOF() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); return mAppendNewLineAtEOF; } void SynDocument::setAppendNewLineAtEOF(bool appendNewLineAtEOF) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mAppendNewLineAtEOF = appendNewLineAtEOF; } void SynDocument::setRange(int Index, const SynRangeState& ARange) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index<0 || Index>=mLines.count()) { ListIndexOutOfBounds(Index); } beginUpdate(); mLines[Index]->fRange = ARange; endUpdate(); } QString SynDocument::getString(int Index) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index<0 || Index>=mLines.count()) { return QString(); } return mLines[Index]->fString; } int SynDocument::count() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); return mLines.count(); } QString SynDocument::text() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); return getTextStr(); } void SynDocument::setText(const QString &text) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); putTextStr(text); } void SynDocument::setContents(const QStringList &text) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); beginUpdate(); auto action = finally([this]{ endUpdate(); }); internalClear(); if (text.count() > 0) { mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; int FirstAdded = mLines.count(); foreach (const QString& s,text) { addItem(s); } emit inserted(FirstAdded,text.count()); } } QStringList SynDocument::contents() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); QStringList Result; SynDocumentLines list = mLines; foreach (const PSynDocumentLine& line, list) { Result.append(line->fString); } return Result; } void SynDocument::beginUpdate() { if (mUpdateCount == 0) { setUpdateState(true); } mUpdateCount++; } void SynDocument::endUpdate() { mUpdateCount--; if (mUpdateCount == 0) { setUpdateState(false); } } int SynDocument::add(const QString &s) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); beginUpdate(); int Result = mLines.count(); insertItem(Result, s); emit inserted(Result,1); endUpdate(); return Result; } void SynDocument::addStrings(const QStringList &Strings) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Strings.count() > 0) { mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; beginUpdate(); auto action = finally([this]{ endUpdate(); }); int FirstAdded = mLines.count(); for (const QString& s:Strings) { addItem(s); } emit inserted(FirstAdded,Strings.count()); } } int SynDocument::getTextLength() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); int Result = 0; foreach (const PSynDocumentLine& line, mLines ) { Result += line->fString.length(); if (mFileEndingType == FileEndingType::Windows) { Result += 2; } else { Result += 1; } } return Result; } void SynDocument::clear() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); internalClear(); } void SynDocument::deleteLines(int Index, int NumLines) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (NumLines<=0) return; if ((Index < 0) || (Index >= mLines.count())) { ListIndexOutOfBounds(Index); } beginUpdate(); auto action = finally([this]{ endUpdate(); }); if (mIndexOfLongestLine>=Index) { if (mIndexOfLongestLine = mLines.count())) { ListIndexOutOfBounds(Index1); } if ((Index2 < 0) || (Index2 >= mLines.count())) { ListIndexOutOfBounds(Index2); } beginUpdate(); PSynDocumentLine temp = mLines[Index1]; mLines[Index1]=mLines[Index2]; mLines[Index2]=temp; //mList.swapItemsAt(Index1,Index2); if (mIndexOfLongestLine == Index1) { mIndexOfLongestLine = Index2; } else if (mIndexOfLongestLine == Index2) { mIndexOfLongestLine = Index1; } endUpdate(); } void SynDocument::insert(int Index, const QString &s) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if ((Index < 0) || (Index > mLines.count())) { ListIndexOutOfBounds(Index); } beginUpdate(); insertItem(Index, s); emit inserted(Index,1); endUpdate(); } void SynDocument::deleteAt(int Index) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if ((Index < 0) || (Index >= mLines.count())) { ListIndexOutOfBounds(Index); } beginUpdate(); if (mIndexOfLongestLine == Index) mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; else if (mIndexOfLongestLine>Index) mIndexOfLongestLine -= 1; mLines.removeAt(Index); emit deleted(Index,1); endUpdate(); } QString SynDocument::getTextStr() const { QString result; for (int i=0;ifString); result.append(lineBreak()); } if (mLines.length()>0) { result.append(mLines.back()->fString); } return result; } void SynDocument::putString(int Index, const QString &s, bool notify) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index == mLines.count()) { add(s); } else { if (Index<0 || Index>=mLines.count()) { ListIndexOutOfBounds(Index); } beginUpdate(); int oldColumns = mLines[Index]->fColumns; mLines[Index]->fString = s; calculateLineColumns(Index); if (mIndexOfLongestLine == Index && oldColumns>mLines[Index]->fColumns ) mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; else if (mIndexOfLongestLine>=0 && mIndexOfLongestLinefColumns > mLines[mIndexOfLongestLine]->fColumns) mIndexOfLongestLine = Index; if (notify) emit putted(Index,1); endUpdate(); } } void SynDocument::setUpdateState(bool Updating) { if (Updating) emit changing(); else emit changed(); } int SynDocument::calculateLineColumns(int Index) { PSynDocumentLine line = mLines[Index]; line->fColumns = stringColumns(line->fString,0); return line->fColumns; } void SynDocument::insertLines(int Index, int NumLines) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (Index<0 || Index>mLines.count()) { ListIndexOutOfBounds(Index); } if (NumLines<=0) return; beginUpdate(); auto action = finally([this]{ endUpdate(); }); mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; PSynDocumentLine line; mLines.insert(Index,NumLines,line); for (int i=Index;i(); mLines[i]=line; } emit inserted(Index,NumLines); } bool SynDocument::tryLoadFileByEncoding(QByteArray encodingName, QFile& file) { QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(encodingName); if (!codec) return false; file.reset(); internalClear(); QTextCodec::ConverterState state; while (true) { if (file.atEnd()){ break; } QByteArray line = file.readLine(); if (line.endsWith("\r\n")) { line.remove(line.length()-2,2); } else if (line.endsWith("\r")) { line.remove(line.length()-1,1); } else if (line.endsWith("\n")){ line.remove(line.length()-1,1); } QString newLine = codec->toUnicode(line.constData(),line.length(),&state); if (state.invalidChars>0) { return false; break; } addItem(newLine); } return true; } const QFontMetrics &SynDocument::fontMetrics() const { return mFontMetrics; } void SynDocument::setFontMetrics(const QFont &newFont, const QFont& newNonAsciiFont) { mFontMetrics = QFontMetrics(newFont); mCharWidth = mFontMetrics.horizontalAdvance("M"); mNonAsciiFontMetrics = QFontMetrics(newNonAsciiFont); } void SynDocument::setTabWidth(int newTabWidth) { if (mTabWidth!=newTabWidth) { mTabWidth = newTabWidth; resetColumns(); } } void SynDocument::loadFromFile(const QString& filename, const QByteArray& encoding, QByteArray& realEncoding) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly )) throw FileError(tr("Can't open file '%1' for read!").arg(file.fileName())); beginUpdate(); internalClear(); auto action = finally([this]{ if (mLines.count()>0) emit inserted(0,mLines.count()); endUpdate(); }); mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; //test for utf8 / utf 8 bom if (encoding == ENCODING_AUTO_DETECT) { if (file.atEnd()) { realEncoding = ENCODING_ASCII; return; } QByteArray line = file.readLine(); QTextCodec* codec; QTextCodec::ConverterState state; bool needReread = false; bool allAscii = true; //test for BOM if ((line.length()>=3) && ((unsigned char)line[0]==0xEF) && ((unsigned char)line[1]==0xBB) && ((unsigned char)line[2]==0xBF) ) { realEncoding = ENCODING_UTF8_BOM; line = line.mid(3); codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(ENCODING_UTF8); } else { realEncoding = ENCODING_UTF8; codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(ENCODING_UTF8); } if (line.endsWith("\r\n")) { mFileEndingType = FileEndingType::Windows; } else if (line.endsWith("\n")) { mFileEndingType = FileEndingType::Linux; } else if (line.endsWith("\r")) { mFileEndingType = FileEndingType::Mac; } internalClear(); while (true) { if (line.endsWith("\r\n")) { line.remove(line.length()-2,2); } else if (line.endsWith("\r")) { line.remove(line.length()-1,1); } else if (line.endsWith("\n")){ line.remove(line.length()-1,1); } if (allAscii) { allAscii = isTextAllAscii(line); } if (allAscii) { addItem(QString::fromLatin1(line)); } else { QString newLine = codec->toUnicode(line.constData(),line.length(),&state); if (state.invalidChars>0) { needReread = true; break; } addItem(newLine); } if (file.atEnd()){ break; } line = file.readLine(); } if (!needReread) { if (allAscii) realEncoding = ENCODING_ASCII; return; } realEncoding = pCharsetInfoManager->getDefaultSystemEncoding(); QList charsets = pCharsetInfoManager->findCharsetByLocale(pCharsetInfoManager->localeName()); if (!charsets.isEmpty()) { if (tryLoadFileByEncoding(realEncoding,file)) { return; } QSet encodingSet; for (int i=0;iname); } encodingSet.remove(realEncoding); foreach (const QByteArray& encodingName,encodingSet) { if (encodingName == ENCODING_UTF8) continue; if (tryLoadFileByEncoding(encodingName,file)) { //qDebug()<getDefaultSystemEncoding(); } file.reset(); QTextStream textStream(&file); if (realEncoding == ENCODING_UTF8_BOM) { textStream.setAutoDetectUnicode(true); textStream.setCodec(ENCODING_UTF8); } else { textStream.setAutoDetectUnicode(false); textStream.setCodec(realEncoding); } QString line; internalClear(); while (textStream.readLineInto(&line)) { if (line.endsWith("\r\n")) { line.remove(line.length()-2,2); } else if (line.endsWith("\r")) { line.remove(line.length()-1,1); } else if (line.endsWith("\n")){ line.remove(line.length()-1,1); } addItem(line); } } void SynDocument::saveToFile(QFile &file, const QByteArray& encoding, const QByteArray& defaultEncoding, QByteArray& realEncoding) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate)) throw FileError(tr("Can't open file '%1' for save!").arg(file.fileName())); if (mLines.isEmpty()) return; bool allAscii = true; QTextCodec* codec; realEncoding = encoding; if (realEncoding == ENCODING_UTF8_BOM) { codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(ENCODING_UTF8); file.putChar(0xEF); file.putChar(0xBB); file.putChar(0xBF); } else if (realEncoding == ENCODING_SYSTEM_DEFAULT) { codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); } else if (realEncoding == ENCODING_AUTO_DETECT) { codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(defaultEncoding); if (!codec) codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); } else { codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(realEncoding); } for (PSynDocumentLine& line:mLines) { if (allAscii) { allAscii = isTextAllAscii(line->fString); } if (!allAscii) { file.write(codec->fromUnicode(line->fString)); } else { file.write(line->fString.toLatin1()); } file.write(lineBreak().toLatin1()); } if (encoding == ENCODING_AUTO_DETECT) { if (allAscii) realEncoding = ENCODING_ASCII; else if (codec->name() == "System") { realEncoding = pCharsetInfoManager->getDefaultSystemEncoding(); } else { realEncoding = codec->name(); } } } int SynDocument::stringColumns(const QString &line, int colsBefore) const { int columns = std::max(0,colsBefore); int charCols; for (int i=0;i=text.length()) break; if (text[pos] == '\r') pos++; if (text[pos] == '\n') pos++; } } void SynDocument::internalClear() { if (!mLines.isEmpty()) { beginUpdate(); int oldCount = mLines.count(); mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; mLines.clear(); emit deleted(0,oldCount); endUpdate(); } } FileEndingType SynDocument::getFileEndingType() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); return mFileEndingType; } void SynDocument::setFileEndingType(const FileEndingType &fileEndingType) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mFileEndingType = fileEndingType; } bool SynDocument::empty() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); return mLines.count()==0; } void SynDocument::resetColumns() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; if (mLines.count() > 0 ) { for (int i=0;ifColumns = -1; } } } void SynDocument::invalidAllLineColumns() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mIndexOfLongestLine = -1; for (PSynDocumentLine& line:mLines) { line->fColumns = -1; } } SynDocumentLine::SynDocumentLine(): fString(), fRange(), fColumns(-1) { } SynEditUndoList::SynEditUndoList():QObject() { mMaxUndoActions = 1024; mNextChangeNumber = 1; mInsideRedo = false; mBlockChangeNumber=0; mBlockLock=0; mFullUndoImposible=false; mBlockCount=0; mLastPoppedItemChangeNumber=0; mInitialChangeNumber = 0; mLastRestoredItemChangeNumber=0; } void SynEditUndoList::addChange(SynChangeReason reason, const BufferCoord &startPos, const BufferCoord &endPos, const QStringList& changeText, SynSelectionMode selMode) { int changeNumber; if (inBlock()) { changeNumber = mBlockChangeNumber; } else { changeNumber = getNextChangeNumber(); } PSynEditUndoItem newItem = std::make_shared( reason, selMode,startPos,endPos,changeText, changeNumber); // qDebug()<<"add change"<(AReason, SelMode,AStart,AEnd,ChangeText, changeNumber); restoreChange(newItem); } void SynEditUndoList::restoreChange(PSynEditUndoItem item) { size_t changeNumber = item->changeNumber(); mItems.append(item); ensureMaxEntries(); if (changeNumber>mNextChangeNumber) mNextChangeNumber=changeNumber; if (changeNumber!=mLastRestoredItemChangeNumber) { // qDebug()<<"restore"< 0) { mBlockLock--; if (mBlockLock == 0) { size_t iBlockID = mBlockChangeNumber; mBlockChangeNumber = 0; if (mItems.count() > 0 && peekItem()->changeNumber() == iBlockID) { mBlockCount++; // qDebug()<<"end block"<0; } unsigned int SynEditUndoList::getNextChangeNumber() { return mNextChangeNumber++; } SynChangeReason SynEditUndoList::lastChangeReason() { if (mItems.count() == 0) return SynChangeReason::Nothing; else return mItems.last()->changeReason(); } bool SynEditUndoList::isEmpty() { return mItems.count()==0; } PSynEditUndoItem SynEditUndoList::peekItem() { if (mItems.count() == 0) return PSynEditUndoItem(); else return mItems.last(); } PSynEditUndoItem SynEditUndoList::popItem() { if (mItems.count() == 0) return PSynEditUndoItem(); else { PSynEditUndoItem item = mItems.last(); // qDebug()<<"popped"<changeNumber()<changeText()<<(int)item->changeReason()<changeNumber() && item->changeReason()!=SynChangeReason::GroupBreak) { mBlockCount--; // qDebug()<<"pop"<changeNumber(); mItems.removeLast(); return item; } } bool SynEditUndoList::canUndo() { return mItems.count()>0; } int SynEditUndoList::itemCount() { return mItems.count(); } int SynEditUndoList::maxUndoActions() const { return mMaxUndoActions; } void SynEditUndoList::setMaxUndoActions(int maxUndoActions) { if (maxUndoActions!=mMaxUndoActions) { mMaxUndoActions = maxUndoActions; ensureMaxEntries(); } } bool SynEditUndoList::initialState() { if (itemCount() == 0) { return mInitialChangeNumber==0; } else { return peekItem()->changeNumber() == mInitialChangeNumber; } } void SynEditUndoList::setInitialState() { if (itemCount() == 0) mInitialChangeNumber = 0; else mInitialChangeNumber = peekItem()->changeNumber(); } bool SynEditUndoList::insideRedo() const { return mInsideRedo; } void SynEditUndoList::setInsideRedo(bool insideRedo) { mInsideRedo = insideRedo; } bool SynEditUndoList::fullUndoImposible() const { return mFullUndoImposible; } void SynEditUndoList::ensureMaxEntries() { if (mMaxUndoActions>0 && mBlockCount > mMaxUndoActions){ mFullUndoImposible = true; while (mBlockCount > mMaxUndoActions && !mItems.isEmpty()) { //remove all undo item in block PSynEditUndoItem item = mItems.front(); size_t changeNumber = item->changeNumber(); while (mItems.count()>0 && mItems.front()->changeNumber() == changeNumber) mItems.removeFirst(); if (item->changeReason()!=SynChangeReason::GroupBreak) mBlockCount--; } } } SynSelectionMode SynEditUndoItem::changeSelMode() const { return mChangeSelMode; } BufferCoord SynEditUndoItem::changeStartPos() const { return mChangeStartPos; } BufferCoord SynEditUndoItem::changeEndPos() const { return mChangeEndPos; } QStringList SynEditUndoItem::changeText() const { return mChangeText; } size_t SynEditUndoItem::changeNumber() const { return mChangeNumber; } SynEditUndoItem::SynEditUndoItem(SynChangeReason reason, SynSelectionMode selMode, BufferCoord startPos, BufferCoord endPos, const QStringList& text, int number) { mChangeReason = reason; mChangeSelMode = selMode; mChangeStartPos = startPos; mChangeEndPos = endPos; mChangeText = text; mChangeNumber = number; } SynChangeReason SynEditUndoItem::changeReason() const { return mChangeReason; } SynEditRedoList::SynEditRedoList() { } void SynEditRedoList::addRedo(SynChangeReason AReason, const BufferCoord &AStart, const BufferCoord &AEnd, const QStringList &ChangeText, SynSelectionMode SelMode, size_t changeNumber) { PSynEditUndoItem newItem = std::make_shared( AReason, SelMode,AStart,AEnd,ChangeText, changeNumber); mItems.append(newItem); } void SynEditRedoList::addRedo(PSynEditUndoItem item) { mItems.append(item); } void SynEditRedoList::clear() { mItems.clear(); } SynChangeReason SynEditRedoList::lastChangeReason() { if (mItems.count() == 0) return SynChangeReason::Nothing; else return mItems.last()->changeReason(); } bool SynEditRedoList::isEmpty() { return mItems.isEmpty(); } PSynEditUndoItem SynEditRedoList::peekItem() { if (mItems.count() == 0) return PSynEditUndoItem(); else return mItems.last(); } PSynEditUndoItem SynEditRedoList::popItem() { if (mItems.count() == 0) return PSynEditUndoItem(); else { PSynEditUndoItem item = mItems.last(); mItems.removeLast(); return item; } } bool SynEditRedoList::canRedo() { return mItems.count()>0; } int SynEditRedoList::itemCount() { return mItems.count(); }