/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "synexporter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../platform.h" namespace QSynedit { SynExporter::SynExporter() { mClipboardFormat = "text/plain"; mFont = QGuiApplication::font(); mBackgroundColor = QGuiApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Base); mForegroundColor = QGuiApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Text); mUseBackground = false; mExportAsText = false; mCharset = pCharsetInfoManager->getDefaultSystemEncoding(); mFileEndingType = FileEndingType::Windows; clear(); setTitle(""); } void SynExporter::clear() { mBuffer.clear(); mLastStyle = SynFontStyle::fsNone; mLastBG = QGuiApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Base); mLastFG = QGuiApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Text); } void SynExporter::CopyToClipboard() { if (mExportAsText) { CopyToClipboardFormat("text/plain"); } else CopyToClipboardFormat(clipboardFormat()); } void SynExporter::ExportAll(PSynDocument ALines) { ExportRange(ALines, BufferCoord{1, 1}, BufferCoord{INT_MAX, INT_MAX}); } void SynExporter::ExportRange(PSynDocument ALines, BufferCoord Start, BufferCoord Stop) { // abort if not all necessary conditions are met if (!ALines || !mHighlighter || (ALines->count() == 0)) return; Stop.line = std::max(1, std::min(Stop.line, ALines->count())); Stop.ch = std::max(1, std::min(Stop.ch, ALines->getString(Stop.line - 1).length() + 1)); Start.line = std::max(1, std::min(Start.line, ALines->count())); Start.ch = std::max(1, std::min(Start.ch, ALines->getString(Start.line - 1).length() + 1)); if ( (Start.line > ALines->count()) || (Start.line > Stop.line) ) return; if ((Start.line == Stop.line) && (Start.ch >= Stop.ch)) return; // initialization mBuffer.clear(); // export all the lines into fBuffer mFirstAttribute = true; if (Start.line == 1) mHighlighter->resetState(); else mHighlighter->setState(ALines->ranges(Start.line-2)); for (int i = Start.line; i<=Stop.line; i++) { QString Line = ALines->getString(i-1); // order is important, since Start.Y might be equal to Stop.Y // if (i == Stop.Line) // Line.remove(Stop.Char-1, INT_MAX); // if ( (i = Start.Line) && (Start.Char > 1)) // Line.remove(0, Start.Char - 1); // export the line mHighlighter->setLine(Line, i); while (!mHighlighter->eol()) { PSynHighlighterAttribute attri = mHighlighter->getTokenAttribute(); int startPos = mHighlighter->getTokenPos(); QString token = mHighlighter->getToken(); if (i==Start.line && (startPos+token.length() < Start.ch)) { mHighlighter->next(); continue; } if (i==Stop.line && (startPos >= Stop.ch-1)) { mHighlighter->next(); continue; } if (i==Stop.line && (startPos+token.length() > Stop.ch)) { token = token.remove(Stop.ch - startPos - 1); } if (i==Start.line && startPos < Start.ch-1) { token = token.mid(Start.ch-1-startPos); } QString Token = ReplaceReservedChars(token); if (mOnFormatToken) mOnFormatToken(mHighlighter, i, mHighlighter->getTokenPos()+1, mHighlighter->getToken(),attri); SetTokenAttribute(attri); FormatToken(Token); mHighlighter->next(); } if (i!=Stop.line) FormatNewLine(); } if (!mFirstAttribute) FormatAfterLastAttribute(); // insert header InsertData(0, GetHeader()); // add footer AddData(GetFooter()); } void SynExporter::SaveToFile(const QString &AFileName) { QFile file(AFileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { SaveToStream(file); } else { throw FileError(QObject::tr("Can't open file '%1' to write!").arg(AFileName)); } } void SynExporter::SaveToStream(QIODevice &AStream) { if (AStream.write(mBuffer)<0) { throw FileError(QObject::tr("Failed to write data.")); } } bool SynExporter::exportAsText() const { return mExportAsText; } void SynExporter::setExportAsText(bool Value) { if (mExportAsText != Value) { mExportAsText = Value; clear(); } } QFont SynExporter::font() const { return mFont; } void SynExporter::setFont(const QFont &font) { mFont = font; } PSynHighlighter SynExporter::highlighter() const { return mHighlighter; } void SynExporter::setHighlighter(PSynHighlighter Value) { if (mHighlighter != Value) { mHighlighter = Value; clear(); if ((mHighlighter) && (mHighlighter->whitespaceAttribute()) && mUseBackground) mBackgroundColor = mHighlighter->whitespaceAttribute()->background(); } } QString SynExporter::title() const { return mTitle; } void SynExporter::setTitle(const QString &Value) { if (mTitle != Value) { if (!Value.isEmpty()) mTitle = Value; else mTitle = QObject::tr("Untitled"); } } bool SynExporter::useBackground() const { return mUseBackground; } void SynExporter::setUseBackground(bool Value) { if (mUseBackground != Value) { mUseBackground = Value; clear(); if ((mHighlighter) && (mHighlighter->whitespaceAttribute()) && mUseBackground) mBackgroundColor = mHighlighter->whitespaceAttribute()->background(); } } FileEndingType SynExporter::fileEndingType() const { return mFileEndingType; } void SynExporter::setFileEndingType(const FileEndingType &fileEndingType) { mFileEndingType = fileEndingType; } QColor SynExporter::foregroundColor() const { return mForegroundColor; } void SynExporter::setForegroundColor(const QColor &value) { if (mForegroundColor != value) { mForegroundColor = value; } } QColor SynExporter::backgroundColor() const { return mBackgroundColor; } void SynExporter::setBackgroundColor(const QColor &value) { if (mBackgroundColor != value) { mBackgroundColor = value; } } QByteArray SynExporter::charset() const { return mCharset; } void SynExporter::setCharset(const QByteArray &charset) { mCharset = charset; } QString SynExporter::defaultFilter() const { return mDefaultFilter; } void SynExporter::setDefaultFilter(const QString &defaultFilter) { mDefaultFilter = defaultFilter; } void SynExporter::AddData(const QString &AText) { if (!AText.isEmpty()) { QTextCodec* codec = getCodec(); mBuffer.append(codec->fromUnicode(AText)); } } void SynExporter::AddDataNewLine(const QString &AText) { AddData(AText); AddNewLine(); } void SynExporter::AddNewLine() { AddData(lineBreak()); } void SynExporter::CopyToClipboardFormat(QByteArray AFormat) { QClipboard* clipboard = QGuiApplication::clipboard(); QMimeData * mimeData = new QMimeData(); mimeData->setData(AFormat,mBuffer); clipboard->clear(); clipboard->setMimeData(mimeData); } void SynExporter::FormatToken(const QString &Token) { AddData(Token); } int SynExporter::GetBufferSize() { return mBuffer.size(); } QTextCodec * SynExporter::getCodec() { QTextCodec* codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(mCharset); if (codec == nullptr) codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); return codec; } void SynExporter::InsertData(int APos, const QString &AText) { if (!AText.isEmpty()) { QTextCodec* codec = getCodec(); mBuffer.insert(APos,codec->fromUnicode(AText)); } } QString SynExporter::ReplaceReservedChars(const QString &AToken) { if (AToken.isEmpty()) return ""; QString result; for (QChar ch:AToken) { if (mReplaceReserved.contains(ch)) { result += mReplaceReserved[ch]; } else { result += ch; } } return result; } static QColor ValidatedColor(const QColor& color, const QColor& defaultColor) { if (color.isValid()) return color; else return defaultColor; } void SynExporter::SetTokenAttribute(PSynHighlighterAttribute Attri) { if (mFirstAttribute) { mFirstAttribute = false; mLastBG = ValidatedColor(Attri->background(), mBackgroundColor); mLastFG = ValidatedColor(Attri->foreground(), mForegroundColor); mLastStyle = Attri->styles(); FormatBeforeFirstAttribute( mUseBackground && (mLastBG != mBackgroundColor), mLastFG != mForegroundColor, Attri->styles()); } else { bool ChangedBG = mUseBackground && (mLastBG != ValidatedColor(Attri->background(), mBackgroundColor)); bool ChangedFG = (mLastFG != ValidatedColor(Attri->foreground(), mForegroundColor)); if (ChangedBG || ChangedFG || (mLastStyle != Attri->styles())) { // which font style bits are to reset? SynFontStyles ChangedStyles = mLastStyle & ~(Attri->styles()); FormatAttributeDone(ChangedBG, ChangedFG, ChangedStyles); // which font style bits are to set? ChangedStyles = Attri->styles() & ~(mLastStyle); mLastBG = ValidatedColor(Attri->background(), mBackgroundColor); mLastFG = ValidatedColor(Attri->foreground(), mForegroundColor); mLastStyle = Attri->styles(); FormatAttributeInit(ChangedBG, ChangedFG, ChangedStyles); } } } const QByteArray &SynExporter::buffer() const { return mBuffer; } QByteArray SynExporter::clipboardFormat() { return this->mClipboardFormat; } FormatTokenHandler SynExporter::onFormatToken() const { return mOnFormatToken; } void SynExporter::setOnFormatToken(const FormatTokenHandler &onFormatToken) { mOnFormatToken = onFormatToken; } QString SynExporter::lineBreak() { switch(mFileEndingType) { case FileEndingType::Linux: return "\n"; case FileEndingType::Windows: return "\r\n"; case FileEndingType::Mac: return "\r"; } return "\n"; } }