/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "cpprefacter.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "settings.h" #include "editor.h" #include "editorlist.h" #include <QFile> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QTextCodec> #include "HighlighterManager.h" #include "project.h" CppRefacter::CppRefacter(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { } bool CppRefacter::findOccurence(Editor *editor, const BufferCoord &pos) { if (!editor->parser()) return false; if (!editor->parser()->freeze()) return false; auto action = finally([&editor]{ editor->parser()->unFreeze(); }); // get full phrase (such as s.name instead of name) QStringList expression = editor->getExpressionAtPosition(pos); // Find it's definition PStatement statement = editor->parser()->findStatementOf( editor->filename(), expression, pos.Line); // definition of the symbol not found if (!statement) return false; std::shared_ptr<Project> project = pMainWindow->project(); if (editor->inProject() && project) { doFindOccurenceInProject(statement,project,editor->parser()); } else { doFindOccurenceInEditor(statement,editor,editor->parser()); } pMainWindow->searchResultModel()->notifySearchResultsUpdated(); return true; } bool CppRefacter::findOccurence(const QString &statementFullname, SearchFileScope scope) { PCppParser parser; Editor * editor=nullptr; std::shared_ptr<Project> project; if (scope == SearchFileScope::currentFile) { editor = pMainWindow->editorList()->getEditor(); if (!editor) return false; parser = editor->parser(); } else if (scope == SearchFileScope::wholeProject) { project = pMainWindow->project(); if (!project) return false; parser = project->cppParser(); } if (!parser) return false; { parser->freeze(); auto action = finally([&parser]{ parser->unFreeze(); }); PStatement statement = parser->findStatement(statementFullname); // definition of the symbol not found if (!statement) return false; if (scope == SearchFileScope::wholeProject) { doFindOccurenceInProject(statement,project,parser); } else if (scope == SearchFileScope::currentFile) { doFindOccurenceInEditor(statement, editor,parser); } pMainWindow->searchResultModel()->notifySearchResultsUpdated(); return true; } } static QString fullParentName(PStatement statement) { PStatement parent = statement->parentScope.lock(); if (parent) { return parent->fullName; } else { return ""; } } void CppRefacter::renameSymbol(Editor *editor, const BufferCoord &pos, const QString &word, const QString &newWord) { if (!editor->parser()->freeze()) return; auto action = finally([&editor]{ editor->parser()->unFreeze(); }); // get full phrase (such as s.name instead of name) QStringList expression; QChar s=editor->charAt(pos); if (!editor->isIdentChar(s)) { expression = editor->getExpressionAtPosition(BufferCoord{pos.Char-1,pos.Line}); } else { expression = editor->getExpressionAtPosition(pos); } // Find it's definition PStatement oldStatement = editor->parser()->findStatementOf( editor->filename(), expression, pos.Line); // definition of the symbol not found if (!oldStatement) return; QString oldScope = fullParentName(oldStatement); // found but not in this file if (editor->filename() != oldStatement->fileName || editor->filename() != oldStatement->definitionFileName) { QMessageBox::critical(editor, tr("Rename Symbol Error"), tr("Can't rename symbols not defined in this file.")); return; } QStringList newExpression = expression; newExpression[newExpression.count()-1]=newWord; PStatement newStatement = editor->parser()->findStatementOf( editor->filename(), newExpression, pos.Line); if (newStatement && fullParentName(newStatement) == oldScope) { QMessageBox::critical(editor, tr("Rename Symbol Error"), tr("New symbol already exists!")); return; } renameSymbolInFile(editor->filename(),oldStatement,newWord, editor->parser()); } void CppRefacter::doFindOccurenceInEditor(PStatement statement , Editor *editor, const PCppParser &parser) { PSearchResults results = pMainWindow->searchResultModel()->addSearchResults( statement->command, statement->fullName, SearchFileScope::currentFile ); PSearchResultTreeItem item = findOccurenceInFile( editor->filename(), statement, parser); if (item && !(item->results.isEmpty())) { results->results.append(item); } } void CppRefacter::doFindOccurenceInProject(PStatement statement, std::shared_ptr<Project> project, const PCppParser &parser) { PSearchResults results = pMainWindow->searchResultModel()->addSearchResults( statement->command, statement->fullName, SearchFileScope::wholeProject ); foreach (const PProjectUnit& unit, project->units()) { if (isCFile(unit->fileName()) || isHFile(unit->fileName())) { PSearchResultTreeItem item = findOccurenceInFile( unit->fileName(), statement, parser); if (item && !(item->results.isEmpty())) { results->results.append(item); } } } } PSearchResultTreeItem CppRefacter::findOccurenceInFile( const QString &filename, const PStatement &statement, const PCppParser& parser) { PSearchResultTreeItem parentItem = std::make_shared<SearchResultTreeItem>(); parentItem->filename = filename; parentItem->parent = nullptr; QStringList buffer; Editor editor(nullptr); if (pMainWindow->editorList()->getContentFromOpenedEditor( filename,buffer)){ editor.lines()->setContents(buffer); } else { QByteArray encoding; editor.lines()->loadFromFile(filename,ENCODING_AUTO_DETECT,encoding); } editor.setHighlighter(HighlighterManager().getCppHighlighter()); int posY = 0; while (posY < editor.lines()->count()) { QString line = editor.lines()->getString(posY); if (line.isEmpty()) { posY++; continue; } if (posY == 0) { editor.highlighter()->resetState(); } else { editor.highlighter()->setState( editor.lines()->ranges(posY-1)); } editor.highlighter()->setLine(line,posY); while (!editor.highlighter()->eol()) { int start = editor.highlighter()->getTokenPos() + 1; QString token = editor.highlighter()->getToken(); PSynHighlighterAttribute attr = editor.highlighter()->getTokenAttribute(); if (!attr || attr!=editor.highlighter()->commentAttribute()) { if (token == statement->command) { //same name symbol , test if the same statement; BufferCoord p; p.Line = posY+1; p.Char = start+1; QStringList expression = editor.getExpressionAtPosition(p); PStatement tokenStatement = parser->findStatementOf( filename, expression, p.Line); if (tokenStatement && (tokenStatement->line == statement->line) && (tokenStatement->fileName == statement->fileName)) { PSearchResultTreeItem item = std::make_shared<SearchResultTreeItem>(); item->filename = filename; item->line = p.Line; item->start = start; item->len = token.length(); item->parent = parentItem.get(); item->text = line; item->text.replace('\t',' '); parentItem->results.append(item); } } } editor.highlighter()->next(); } posY++; } return parentItem; } void CppRefacter::renameSymbolInFile(const QString &filename, const PStatement &statement, const QString &newWord, const PCppParser &parser) { QStringList buffer; Editor editor(nullptr); if (pMainWindow->editorList()->getContentFromOpenedEditor( filename,buffer)){ editor.lines()->setContents(buffer); } else { QByteArray encoding; editor.lines()->loadFromFile(filename,ENCODING_AUTO_DETECT,encoding); } QStringList newContents; editor.setHighlighter(HighlighterManager().getCppHighlighter()); int posY = 0; while (posY < editor.lines()->count()) { QString line = editor.lines()->getString(posY); if (posY == 0) { editor.highlighter()->resetState(); } else { editor.highlighter()->setState( editor.lines()->ranges(posY-1)); } editor.highlighter()->setLine(line,posY); QString newLine; while (!editor.highlighter()->eol()) { int start = editor.highlighter()->getTokenPos() + 1; QString token = editor.highlighter()->getToken(); if (token == statement->command) { //same name symbol , test if the same statement; BufferCoord p; p.Line = posY+1; p.Char = start; QStringList expression = editor.getExpressionAtPosition(p); PStatement tokenStatement = parser->findStatementOf( filename, expression, p.Line); if (tokenStatement && (tokenStatement->line == statement->line) && (tokenStatement->fileName == statement->fileName)) { token = newWord; } } newLine += token; editor.highlighter()->next(); } newContents.append(newLine); posY++; } Editor * oldEditor = pMainWindow->editorList()->getOpenedEditorByFilename(filename); if (oldEditor) { oldEditor->selectAll(); oldEditor->setSelText(newContents.join(oldEditor->lineBreak())); } else { QByteArray realEncoding; QFile file(filename); editor.lines()->saveToFile(file,ENCODING_AUTO_DETECT, pSettings->editor().useUTF8ByDefault()? ENCODING_UTF8 : QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->name(), realEncoding); } }