/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef PARSER_UTILS_H #define PARSER_UTILS_H #include #include #include #include #include using GetFileStreamCallBack = std::function; enum ParserLanguage { C, CPlusPlus }; struct CodeSnippet { QString caption; //Name QString prefix; //Prefix used in code suggestion QString code; //Code body QString desc; //Description int section; //Section in the menu }; using PCodeSnippet = std::shared_ptr; // preprocess/ macro define struct Define { QString name; QString args; QString value; QString filename; bool hardCoded;// if true, don't free memory (points to hard defines) QStringList argList; // args list to format values QList argUsed; QString formatValue; // format template to format values }; using PDefine = std::shared_ptr; using DefineMap = QHash; using PDefineMap = std::shared_ptr; enum class KeywordType { SkipItself, // skip itself SkipNextSemicolon, // move to ; and skip it SkipNextColon, // move to : and skip it SkipNextParenthesis, // move to ) and skip it MoveToLeftBrace,// move to { MoveToRightBrace, // move to } For, //for Catch, //catch Public, // public Private, Protected, Friend, Enum, //enum Inline, // inline Namespace, //namespace Typedef, //typedef Using, //using DeclType, // decltype None, // It's a keyword but don't process here NotKeyword }; //It will be used as hash key. DONT make it enum class!!!!! enum StatementKind { skUnknown, skNamespace, skNamespaceAlias, skClass, skPreprocessor, skEnumType, skEnumClassType, skTypedef, skConstructor, skDestructor, skFunction, skVariable, skGlobalVariable, skLocalVariable, skEnum, skOperator, skParameter, skBlock, skUserCodeSnippet, // user code template skKeyword, // keywords skKeywordType, //keywords for type (for color management) skAlias }; using StatementKindSet = QSet; enum class StatementScope { Global, Local, ClassLocal }; enum class StatementClassScope { None, Private, Protected, Public }; enum class MemberOperatorType { Arrow, Dot, DColon, Other }; enum class EvalStatementKind { Namespace, Type, Variable, Literal, Function }; struct StatementMatchPosition{ int start; int end; }; enum StatementProperty { spNone = 0x0, spStatic = 0x0001, spHasDefinition = 0x0002, spInProject = 0x0004, spInSystemHeader = 0x0008, spInherited = 0x0010, spVirtual = 0x0020, spOverride = 0x0040, spConstexpr = 0x0080, spFunctionPointer = 0x0100, spOperatorOverloading = 0x0200 }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(StatementProperties, StatementProperty) Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(StatementProperties) using PStatementMathPosition = std::shared_ptr; struct Statement; using PStatement = std::shared_ptr; using StatementList = QList; using PStatementList = std::shared_ptr; using StatementMap = QMultiMap; struct Statement { // Statement(); // ~Statement(); std::weak_ptr parentScope; // parent class/struct/namespace scope, use weak pointer to prevent circular reference QString type; // type "int" QString command; // identifier/name of statement "foo" QString args; // args "(int a,float b)" QString value; // Used for macro defines/typedef, "100" in "#defin COUNT 100" StatementKind kind; // kind of statement class/variable/function/etc StatementScope scope; // global/local/classlocal StatementClassScope classScope; // protected/private/public int line; // declaration int definitionLine; // definition QString fileName; // declaration QString definitionFileName; // definition StatementMap children; // functions can be overloaded,so we use list to save children with the same name QSet friends; // friend class / functions QString fullName; // fullname(including class and namespace), ClassA::foo QSet usingList; // using namespaces QString noNameArgs;// Args without name StatementProperties properties; // fields for code completion int usageCount; //Usage Count int matchPosTotal; // total of matched positions int matchPosSpan; // distance between the first match pos and the last match pos; int firstMatchLength; // length of first match; int caseMatched; // if match with case QList matchPositions; // definiton line/filename is valid bool hasDefinition() { return properties.testFlag(StatementProperty::spHasDefinition); }; void setHasDefinition(bool on) { properties.setFlag(StatementProperty::spHasDefinition,on); } // statement in project bool inProject() { return properties.testFlag(StatementProperty::spInProject); } void setInProject(bool on) { properties.setFlag(StatementProperty::spInProject, on); } // statement in system header (#include <>) bool inSystemHeader() { return properties.testFlag(StatementProperty::spInSystemHeader); }; void setInSystemHeader(bool on) { properties.setFlag(StatementProperty::spInSystemHeader, on); } bool isStatic() { return properties.testFlag(StatementProperty::spStatic); } // static function / variable void setIsStatic(bool on) { properties.setFlag(StatementProperty::spStatic, on); } bool isInherited() { return properties.testFlag(StatementProperty::spInherited); }; // inherted member; }; struct EvalStatement; using PEvalStatement = std::shared_ptr; /** * @brief Statement for evaluation result * Ex. (Test*)(y+1) * it's baseStatement is the statement for y * it's effetiveTypeStatement is Test */ struct EvalStatement { QString baseType; // type "int" QString templateParams; EvalStatementKind kind; // namespace / type / variable / function / literal int pointerLevel; // 0 for "int", 1 for "int *", 2 for "int **"... QString definitionString; // std::vector etc... PStatement baseStatement; // if not literal or primitive type, the base statement PStatement typeStatement; PStatement effectiveTypeStatement; public: EvalStatement (const QString& baseType, EvalStatementKind kind, const PStatement& baseStatement, const PStatement& typeStatement, const PStatement& effectiveTypeStatement, int pointerLevel=0, const QString& templateParams=QString()); void assignType(const PEvalStatement& typeStatement); }; struct UsingNamespace { QStringList namespaces; // List['std','foo'] for using namespace std::foo; QString filename; int line; bool fromHeader; }; using PUsingNamespace = std::shared_ptr; struct CppScope { int startLine; PStatement statement; }; using PCppScope = std::shared_ptr; class CppScopes { public: PStatement findScopeAtLine(int line); void addScope(int line, PStatement scopeStatement); PStatement lastScope(); void removeLastScope(); void clear(); private: QVector mScopes; }; struct FileIncludes { QString baseFile; QMap includeFiles; // true means the file is directly included, false means included indirectly QStringList directIncludes; // QSet usings; // namespaces it usings StatementMap statements; // but we don't save temporary statements (full name as key) StatementMap declaredStatements; // statements declared in this file (full name as key) CppScopes scopes; // int is start line of the statement scope }; using PFileIncludes = std::shared_ptr; extern QStringList CppDirectives; extern QStringList JavadocTags; extern QMap CppKeywords; extern QSet CppControlKeyWords; extern QSet CKeywords; extern QSet CppTypeKeywords; extern QSet STLPointers; extern QSet STLContainers; extern QSet STLMaps; extern QSet STLElementMethods; extern QSet STLIterators; extern QSet MemberOperators; extern QSet IOManipulators; extern QSet AutoTypes; void initParser(); QString getHeaderFilename(const QString& relativeTo, const QString& line, const QStringList& includePaths, const QStringList& projectIncludePaths); QString getLocalHeaderFilename(const QString& relativeTo, const QString& fileName); QString getSystemHeaderFilename(const QString& fileName, const QStringList& includePaths); bool isSystemHeaderFile(const QString& fileName, const QSet& includePaths); bool isHFile(const QString& filename); bool isCFile(const QString& filename); bool isCppFile(const QString& filename); bool isCppKeyword(const QString& word); bool isCppControlKeyword(const QString& word); bool isScopeTypeKind(StatementKind kind); MemberOperatorType getOperatorType(const QString& phrase, int index); QStringList getOwnerExpressionAndMember( const QStringList expression, QString& memberOperator, QStringList& memberExpression); bool isMemberOperator(QString token); StatementKind getKindOfStatement(const PStatement& statement); #endif // PARSER_UTILS_H