/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "MiscProcs.h" #include <QFile> #include <QPainter> #include <QTextStream> #include <algorithm> int minMax(int x, int mi, int ma) { x = std::min(x, ma ); return std::max( x, mi ); } bool IsPowerOfTwo(int TabWidth) { if (TabWidth<2) return false; int nW = 2; do { if (nW >= TabWidth) break; nW <<= 1; } while (nW<0x10000); return (nW == TabWidth); } bool GetHasTabs(const QString &line, int &CharsBefore) { bool result = false; CharsBefore = 0; if (!line.isEmpty()) { for (const QChar& ch:line) { if (ch == '\t') { result = true; break; } CharsBefore ++; } } return result; } int getEOL(const QString &Line, int start) { if (start<0 || start>=Line.size()) { return start; } for (int i=start;i<Line.size();i++) { if (Line[i] == '\n' || Line[i] == '\r') { return i; } } return Line.size(); } bool InternalEnumHighlighterAttris(PSynHighlighter Highlighter, bool SkipDuplicates, HighlighterAttriProc highlighterAttriProc, std::initializer_list<void *>& Params, SynHighlighterList& HighlighterList) { bool Result = true; if (HighlighterList.indexOf(Highlighter)>0) { if (SkipDuplicates) return Result; } else { HighlighterList.append(Highlighter); } if (Highlighter->getClass() == SynHighlighterClass::Composition) { //todo: handle composition highlighter } else if (Highlighter) { for (PSynHighlighterAttribute pAttr: Highlighter->attributes()){ QString UniqueAttriName = Highlighter->getName() + QString("%1").arg(HighlighterList.indexOf(Highlighter)) + '.' + pAttr->name(); Result = highlighterAttriProc(Highlighter, pAttr, UniqueAttriName, Params); if (!Result) break; } } return Result; } bool enumHighlighterAttributes(PSynHighlighter Highlighter, bool SkipDuplicates, HighlighterAttriProc highlighterAttriProc, std::initializer_list<void *> Params) { if (!Highlighter || !highlighterAttriProc) { return false; } SynHighlighterList HighlighterList; return InternalEnumHighlighterAttris(Highlighter, SkipDuplicates, highlighterAttriProc, Params, HighlighterList); } int mulDiv(int a, int b, int c) { //todo: handle overflow? return a*b/c; } SynFontStyles getFontStyles(const QFont &font) { SynFontStyles styles; styles.setFlag(SynFontStyle::fsBold, font.bold()); styles.setFlag(SynFontStyle::fsItalic, font.italic()); styles.setFlag(SynFontStyle::fsUnderline, font.underline()); styles.setFlag(SynFontStyle::fsStrikeOut, font.strikeOut()); return styles; } bool isWordChar(const QChar& ch) { return (ch == '_') || ch.isLetterOrNumber(); } int findWordChar(const QString &s, int startPos) { for (int i=startPos-1;i<s.length();i++) { if (isWordChar(s[i])) { return i+1; } } return 0; } int findNonWordChar(const QString &s, int startPos) { for (int i=startPos-1;i<s.length();i++) { if (!isWordChar(s[i])) { return i+1; } } return 0; } int findLastWordChar(const QString &s, int startPos) { int i = startPos-1; while (i>=0) { if (isWordChar(s[i])) return i+1; i--; } return 0; } int findLastNonWordChar(const QString &s, int startPos) { int i = startPos-1; while (i>=0) { if (!isWordChar(s[i])) return i+1; i--; } return 0; } void ensureNotAfter(BufferCoord &cord1, BufferCoord &cord2) { if((cord1.line > cord2.line) || ( cord1.line == cord2.line && cord1.ch > cord2.ch)) { std::swap(cord1,cord2); } } BufferCoord minBufferCoord(const BufferCoord &P1, const BufferCoord &P2) { if ( (P2.line < P1.line) || ( (P2.line == P1.line) && (P2.ch < P1.ch)) ) { return P2; } else { return P1; } } BufferCoord maxBufferCoord(const BufferCoord &P1, const BufferCoord &P2) { if ( (P2.line > P1.line) || ( (P2.line == P1.line) && (P2.ch > P1.ch)) ) { return P2; } else { return P1; } } QStringList splitStrings(const QString &text) { QStringList list; int start=0,i=0; while(i<text.length()) { if (text[i]=='\n' || text[i]=='\r') { list.append(text.mid(start,i-start)); if (text[i]=='\r') { i++; if (i<text.length() && text[i]=='\n') i++; } else { i++; } start=i; } else { i++; } } if (i>=start) list.append(text.mid(start,i)); return list; } int calSpanLines(const BufferCoord &startPos, const BufferCoord &endPos) { return std::abs(endPos.line - startPos.line+1); }