/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef DEBUGGER_H #define DEBUGGER_H #include <QAbstractTableModel> #include <QList> #include <QList> #include <QMap> #include <QMutex> #include <QObject> #include <QProcess> #include <QQueue> #include <QQueue> #include <QSemaphore> #include <QSet> #include <QThread> #include <QTimer> #include <memory> #include "gdbmiresultparser.h" enum class DebugCommandSource { Console, HeartBeat, Other }; struct DebugCommand{ QString command; QString params; DebugCommandSource source; }; using PDebugCommand = std::shared_ptr<DebugCommand>; struct WatchVar; using PWatchVar = std::shared_ptr<WatchVar>; struct WatchVar { QString name; QString expression; bool hasMore; QString value; QString type; int numChild; QList<PWatchVar> children; WatchVar * parent; //use raw point to prevent circular-reference }; enum class BreakpointType { Breakpoint, Watchpoint, ReadWatchpoint, WriteWatchpoint }; struct Breakpoint { int number; // breakpoint number QString type; // type of the breakpoint QString catch_type; int line; QString filename; QString condition; bool enabled; BreakpointType breakpointType; }; using PBreakpoint = std::shared_ptr<Breakpoint>; struct Trace { QString funcname; QString filename; QString address; int line; int level; }; using PTrace = std::shared_ptr<Trace>; class RegisterModel: public QAbstractTableModel { Q_OBJECT public: explicit RegisterModel(QObject* parent = nullptr); int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override; QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const override; void updateNames(const QStringList& regNames); void updateValues(const QHash<int,QString> registerValues); void clear(); private: QStringList mRegisterNames; QHash<int,QString> mRegisterValues; }; class BreakpointModel: public QAbstractTableModel { Q_OBJECT // QAbstractItemModel interface public: explicit BreakpointModel(QObject *parent = nullptr); int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override; QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const override; void addBreakpoint(PBreakpoint p); void clear(); void removeBreakpoint(int index); PBreakpoint setBreakPointCondition(int index, const QString& condition); const QList<PBreakpoint>& breakpoints() const; PBreakpoint breakpoint(int index) const; void save(const QString& filename); void load(const QString& filename); public slots: void updateBreakpointNumber(const QString& filename, int line, int number); void invalidateAllBreakpointNumbers(); // call this when gdb is stopped void onFileDeleteLines(const QString& filename, int startLine, int count); void onFileInsertLines(const QString& filename, int startLine, int count); private: QList<PBreakpoint> mList; }; class BacktraceModel : public QAbstractTableModel { Q_OBJECT // QAbstractItemModel interface public: explicit BacktraceModel(QObject *parent = nullptr); int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override; QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const override; void addTrace(PTrace p); void clear(); void removeTrace(int index); const QList<PTrace>& backtraces() const; PTrace backtrace(int index) const; private: QList<PTrace> mList; }; class WatchModel: public QAbstractItemModel { Q_OBJECT public: explicit WatchModel(QObject *parent = nullptr); QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override; QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override; QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &index) const override; QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const override; void fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) override; bool canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override; int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override; bool hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; void addWatchVar(PWatchVar watchVar); void removeWatchVar(const QString& expression); void removeWatchVar(const QModelIndex& index); void clear(); const QList<PWatchVar>& watchVars(); PWatchVar findWatchVar(const QModelIndex& index); PWatchVar findWatchVar(const QString& expr); void resetAllVarInfos(); void clearAllVarInfos(); void beginUpdate(); void endUpdate(); void notifyUpdated(PWatchVar var); void save(const QString& filename); void load(const QString& filename); signals: void setWatchVarValue(const QString& name, const QString& value); public slots: void updateVarInfo(const QString& expression, const QString& name, int numChild, const QString& value, const QString& type, bool hasMore); void prepareVarChildren(const QString& parentName, int numChild, bool hasMore); void addVarChild(const QString& parentName, const QString& name, const QString& exp, int numChild, const QString& value, const QString& type, bool hasMore); void updateVarValue(const QString& name, const QString& val, const QString& inScope, bool typeChanged, const QString& newType, int newNumChildren, bool hasMore); void updateAllHasMoreVars(); signals: void fetchChildren(const QString& name); private: QModelIndex index(PWatchVar var) const; QModelIndex index(WatchVar* pVar) const; private: QList<PWatchVar> mWatchVars; QHash<QString,PWatchVar> mVarIndex; int mUpdateCount; // QAbstractItemModel interface public: bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) override; Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const override; }; struct MemoryLine { uintptr_t startAddress; QList<unsigned char> datas; QSet<int> changedDatas; }; using PMemoryLine = std::shared_ptr<MemoryLine>; class MemoryModel: public QAbstractTableModel{ Q_OBJECT public: explicit MemoryModel(int dataPerLine,QObject* parent=nullptr); void updateMemory(const QStringList& value); qulonglong startAddress() const; void reset(); // QAbstractItemModel interface signals: void setMemoryData(qlonglong address, unsigned char data); public: int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override; QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const override; bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role) override; Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const override; private: int mDataPerLine; QList<PMemoryLine> mLines; qulonglong mStartAddress; }; class DebugReader; class DebugTarget; class Editor; using PDebugReader = std::shared_ptr<DebugReader>; class Debugger : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit Debugger(QObject *parent = nullptr); // Play/pause bool start(int compilerSetIndex, const QString& inferior, const QStringList& binDirs); void sendCommand(const QString& command, const QString& params, DebugCommandSource source = DebugCommandSource::Other); bool commandRunning(); bool inferiorRunning(); void interrupt(); //breakpoints void addBreakpoint(int line, const Editor* editor); void addBreakpoint(int line, const QString& filename); void deleteBreakpoints(const QString& filename); void deleteBreakpoints(const Editor* editor); void deleteBreakpoints(); void removeBreakpoint(int line, const Editor* editor); void removeBreakpoint(int line, const QString& filename); void removeBreakpoint(int index); PBreakpoint breakpointAt(int line, const QString& filename, int &index); PBreakpoint breakpointAt(int line, const Editor* editor, int &index); void setBreakPointCondition(int index, const QString& condition); void sendAllBreakpointsToDebugger(); //watch vars void addWatchVar(const QString& expression); void modifyWatchVarExpression(const QString& oldExpr, const QString& newExpr); void removeWatchVars(bool deleteparent); void removeWatchVar(const QModelIndex& index); void sendAllWatchVarsToDebugger(); PWatchVar findWatchVar(const QString& expression); PWatchVar watchVarAt(const QModelIndex& index); // void notifyWatchVarUpdated(PWatchVar var); BacktraceModel* backtraceModel(); BreakpointModel* breakpointModel(); bool executing() const; int leftPageIndexBackup() const; void setLeftPageIndexBackup(int leftPageIndexBackup); WatchModel *watchModel() const; RegisterModel *registerModel() const; MemoryModel *memoryModel() const; bool forceUTF8() const; void setForceUTF8(bool newForceUTF8); signals: void evalValueReady(const QString& s); void memoryExamineReady(const QStringList& s); void localsReady(const QStringList& s); public slots: void stop(); void refreshAll(); private: void sendWatchCommand(PWatchVar var); void sendRemoveWatchCommand(PWatchVar var); void sendBreakpointCommand(PBreakpoint breakpoint); void sendClearBreakpointCommand(int index); void sendClearBreakpointCommand(PBreakpoint breakpoint); private slots: void syncFinishedParsing(); void setMemoryData(qulonglong address, unsigned char data); void setWatchVarValue(const QString& name, const QString& value); void updateMemory(const QStringList& value); void updateEval(const QString& value); void updateDisassembly(const QString& file, const QString& func,const QStringList& value); void onChangeDebugConsoleLastline(const QString& text); void cleanUpReader(); void updateRegisterNames(const QStringList& registerNames); void updateRegisterValues(const QHash<int,QString>& values); void refreshWatchVars(); void fetchVarChildren(const QString& varName); private: bool mExecuting; bool mCommandChanged; BreakpointModel *mBreakpointModel; BacktraceModel *mBacktraceModel; WatchModel *mWatchModel; RegisterModel *mRegisterModel; MemoryModel *mMemoryModel; DebugReader *mReader; DebugTarget *mTarget; bool mForceUTF8; int mLeftPageIndexBackup; }; class DebugTarget: public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit DebugTarget(const QString& inferior, const QString& GDBServer, int port, QObject *parent = nullptr); void setInputFile(const QString& inputFile); void stopDebug(); void waitStart(); const QStringList &binDirs() const; void addBinDirs(const QStringList &binDirs); void addBinDir(const QString &binDir); signals: void processError(QProcess::ProcessError error); private: QString mInferior; QString mGDBServer; int mPort; bool mStop; std::shared_ptr<QProcess> mProcess; QSemaphore mStartSemaphore; bool mErrorOccured; QString mInputFile; QStringList mBinDirs; // QThread interface protected: void run() override; }; class DebugReader : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit DebugReader(Debugger* debugger, QObject *parent = nullptr); void postCommand(const QString &Command, const QString &Params, DebugCommandSource Source); void registerInferiorStoppedCommand(const QString &Command, const QString &Params); QString debuggerPath() const; void setDebuggerPath(const QString &debuggerPath); void stopDebug(); bool commandRunning(); void waitStart(); bool inferiorPaused() const; bool processExited() const; bool signalReceived() const; const QStringList &consoleOutput() const; int breakPointLine() const; const QString &breakPointFile() const; const PDebugCommand ¤tCmd() const; bool updateCPUInfo() const; bool updateLocals() const; const QStringList &localsValue() const; bool evalReady() const; const QString &evalValue() const; bool updateMemory() const; const QStringList &memoryValue() const; bool receivedSFWarning() const; const QStringList &fullOutput() const; bool inferiorRunning() const; const QString &signalName() const; const QString &signalMeaning() const; const QStringList &binDirs() const; void addBinDirs(const QStringList &binDirs); void addBinDir(const QString &binDir); signals: void parseStarted(); void invalidateAllVars(); void parseFinished(); void writeToDebugFailed(); void processError(QProcess::ProcessError error); void changeDebugConsoleLastLine(const QString& text); void cmdStarted(); void cmdFinished(); void breakpointInfoGetted(const QString& filename, int line, int number); void inferiorContinued(); void inferiorStopped(const QString& filename, int line, bool setFocus); void localsUpdated(const QStringList& localsValue); void evalUpdated(const QString& value); void memoryUpdated(const QStringList& memoryValues); void disassemblyUpdate(const QString& filename, const QString& funcName, const QStringList& result); void registerNamesUpdated(const QStringList& registerNames); void registerValuesUpdated(const QHash<int,QString>& values); void varCreated(const QString& expression, const QString& name, int numChild, const QString& value, const QString& type, bool hasMore); void prepareVarChildren(const QString& parentName,int numChild, bool hasMore); void addVarChild(const QString& parentName, const QString& name, const QString& exp, int numChild, const QString& value, const QString& type, bool hasMore); void varValueUpdated(const QString& name, const QString& val, const QString& inScope, bool typeChanged, const QString& newType, int newNumChildren, bool hasMore); void varsValueUpdated(); private: void clearCmdQueue(); void runNextCmd(); QStringList tokenize(const QString& s); bool outputTerminated(const QByteArray& text); void handleBreakpoint(const GDBMIResultParser::ParseObject& breakpoint); void handleStack(const QList<GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue> & stack); void handleLocalVariables(const QList<GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue> & variables); void handleEvaluation(const QString& value); void handleMemory(const QList<GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue> & rows); void handleRegisterNames(const QList<GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue> & names); void handleRegisterValue(const QList<GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue> & values); void handleCreateVar(const GDBMIResultParser::ParseObject& multiVars); void handleListVarChildren(const GDBMIResultParser::ParseObject& multiVars); void handleUpdateVarValue(const QList<GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue> &changes); void processConsoleOutput(const QByteArray& line); void processResult(const QByteArray& result); void processExecAsyncRecord(const QByteArray& line); void processError(const QByteArray& errorLine); void processResultRecord(const QByteArray& line); void processDebugOutput(const QByteArray& debugOutput); void runInferiorStoppedHook(); QByteArray removeToken(const QByteArray& line); private slots: void asyncUpdate(); private: Debugger *mDebugger; QString mDebuggerPath; QMutex mCmdQueueMutex; QSemaphore mStartSemaphore; QQueue<PDebugCommand> mCmdQueue; bool mErrorOccured; bool mAsyncUpdated; //fOnInvalidateAllVars: TInvalidateAllVarsEvent; bool mCmdRunning; PDebugCommand mCurrentCmd; std::shared_ptr<QProcess> mProcess; QStringList mBinDirs; //fWatchView: TTreeView; QString mSignalName; QString mSignalMeaning; // QList<PDebugCommand> mInferiorStoppedHookCommands; bool mInferiorRunning; bool mProcessExited; bool mSignalReceived; bool mUpdateCPUInfo; bool mReceivedSFWarning; int mCurrentLine; int mCurrentAddress; QString mCurrentFunc; QString mCurrentFile; QStringList mConsoleOutput; QStringList mFullOutput; bool mStop; // QThread interface protected: void run() override; }; #endif // DEBUGGER_H