/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef CPPTOKENIZER_H #define CPPTOKENIZER_H #include #include "parserutils.h" class CppTokenizer { enum class TokenType { Normal, LeftBrace, RightBrace, LeftParenthesis, RightParenthesis, LeftBracket, RightBracket, Assignment, LambdaCaptures }; public: struct Token { QString text; int line; int matchIndex; }; using PToken = std::shared_ptr; using TokenList = QVector; explicit CppTokenizer(); CppTokenizer(const CppTokenizer&)=delete; CppTokenizer& operator=(const CppTokenizer&)=delete; void clear(); void tokenize(const QStringList& buffer); void dumpTokens(const QString& fileName); const PToken& operator[](int i) const { return mTokenList[i]; } int tokenCount() const { return mTokenList.count(); } static bool isIdentChar(const QChar& ch) { return ch=='_' || ch.isLetter() ; } int lambdasCount() const { return mLambdas.count(); } int indexOfFirstLambda() const { return mLambdas.front(); } void removeFirstLambda() { mLambdas.pop_front(); } private: void addToken(const QString& sText, int iLine, TokenType tokenType); void advance(); void countLines(); PToken getToken(int index); QString getForInit(); QString getNextToken( TokenType *pTokenType); QString getNumber(); QString getPreprocessor(); QString getWord( bool bSkipParenthesis); bool isArguments(); bool isForInit(); bool isNumber(); bool isPreprocessor(); bool isWord(); void simplify(QString& output); void simplifyArgs(QString& output); void skipAssignment(); void skipDoubleQuotes(); void skipPair(const QChar& cStart, const QChar cEnd); void skipParenthesis(); bool skipAngleBracketPair(); void skipRawString(); void skipSingleQuote(); void skipSplitLine(); void skipTemplateArgs(); void skipToEOL(); void skipToNextToken(); bool openFile(const QString& fileName); static bool isLetterChar(const QChar& ch) { return isIdentChar(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '*' || ch == '&' || ch == '~'; } static bool isHexChar(const QChar& ch) { return (ch >= 'A' && ch<='F') || (ch>='a' && ch<='f') || ch == 'x' || ch == 'L'; } static bool isDigitChar(const QChar& ch) { return (ch>='0' && ch<='9'); } static bool isSpaceChar(const QChar& ch) { return (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t'); } static bool isLineChar(const QChar& ch) { return (ch=='\n' || ch=='\r'); } static bool isBlankChar(const QChar& ch) { return (ch<=32) && (ch>0); } static bool isOperatorChar(const QChar& ch) { switch (ch.unicode()) { case '+': case '-': case '/': case '*': case '[': case ']': case '=': case '%': case '!': case '&': case '|': case '>': case '<': case '^': return true; default: return false; } } static bool currentWordEquals(QChar* wordStart, QChar *wordEnd, const QString& text) { QString currentWord(wordStart, wordEnd-wordStart); return currentWord == text; } private: QStringList mBuffer; QString mBufferStr; QChar* mStart; QChar* mCurrent; QChar* mLineCount; int mCurrentLine; QString mLastToken; TokenList mTokenList; QList mLambdas; QVector mUnmatchedBraces; // stack of indices for unmatched '{' QVector mUnmatchedBrackets; // stack of indices for unmatched '[' QVector mUnmatchedParenthesis;// stack of indices for unmatched '(' }; using PCppTokenizer = std::shared_ptr; #endif // CPPTOKENIZER_H