#include "qconsole.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../utils.h" QConsole::QConsole(QWidget *parent): QAbstractScrollArea(parent), mContents(this), mContentImage() { mHistorySize = 500; mHistoryIndex = -1; mCommand = ""; mCurrentEditableLine = ""; mRowHeight = 0; mTopRow = 1; mRowsInWindow = 0; mColumnsPerRow = 0; mColumnWidth = 0; mReadonly = false; mSelectionBegin = {0,0}; mSelectionEnd = {0,0}; mCaretChar = 0; mBackground = palette().color(QPalette::Base); mForeground = palette().color(QPalette::Text); mSelectionBackground = palette().color(QPalette::Highlight); mSelectionForeground = palette().color(QPalette::HighlightedText); mInactiveSelectionBackground = palette().color(QPalette::Inactive,QPalette::Highlight); mInactiveSelectionForeground = palette().color(QPalette::Inactive,QPalette::HighlightedText); mTabSize = 4; mBlinkTimerId = 0; mBlinkStatus = 0; //enable input method setAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled); setMouseTracking(false); recalcCharExtent(); mScrollTimer = new QTimer(this); mScrollTimer->setInterval(100); connect(mScrollTimer,&QTimer::timeout,this, &QConsole::scrollTimerHandler); connect(&mContents,&ConsoleLines::layoutFinished,this, &QConsole::contentsLayouted); connect(&mContents,&ConsoleLines::rowsAdded,this, &QConsole::contentsRowsAdded); connect(&mContents,&ConsoleLines::lastRowsChanged,this, &QConsole::contentsLastRowsChanged); connect(&mContents,&ConsoleLines::lastRowsRemoved,this, &QConsole::contentsLastRowsRemoved); connect(verticalScrollBar(),&QScrollBar::valueChanged, this, &QConsole::doScrolled); } int QConsole::historySize() const { return mHistorySize; } void QConsole::setHistorySize(int historySize) { mHistorySize = historySize; } int QConsole::tabSize() const { return mTabSize; } int QConsole::columnsPerRow() const { return mColumnsPerRow; } int QConsole::rowsInWindow() const { return mRowsInWindow; } int QConsole::charColumns(QChar ch, int columnsBefore) const { if (ch == '\t') { return mTabSize - (columnsBefore % mTabSize); } if (ch == ' ') return 1; return std::ceil((int)(fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance(ch)) / (double) mColumnWidth); } void QConsole::invalidate() { viewport()->update(); } void QConsole::invalidateRows(int startRow, int endRow) { if (!isVisible()) return; if (startRow == -1 && endRow == -1) { invalidate(); } else { startRow = std::max(startRow, 1); endRow = std::max(endRow, 1); // find the visible lines first if (startRow > endRow) std::swap(startRow, endRow); if (endRow >= mContents.rows()) endRow = INT_MAX; // paint empty space beyond last line // mTopLine is in display coordinates, so FirstLine and LastLine must be // converted previously. startRow = std::max(startRow, mTopRow); endRow = std::min(endRow, mTopRow + mRowsInWindow-1); // any line visible? if (endRow >= startRow) { QRect rcInval = { 0, mRowHeight * (startRow - mTopRow), clientWidth(), mRowHeight * (endRow - mTopRow + 1) }; invalidateRect(rcInval); } } } void QConsole::invalidateRect(const QRect &rect) { viewport()->update(rect); } void QConsole::addLine(const QString &line) { mCurrentEditableLine = ""; mCaretChar=0; mSelectionBegin = caretPos(); mSelectionEnd = caretPos(); mContents.addLine(line); } void QConsole::addText(const QString &text) { QStringList lst = TextToLines(text); for (const QString& line:lst) { addLine(line); } } void QConsole::removeLastLine() { mCurrentEditableLine = ""; mCaretChar=0; mSelectionBegin = caretPos(); mSelectionEnd = caretPos(); mContents.RemoveLastLine(); } void QConsole::changeLastLine(const QString &line) { mContents.changeLastLine(line); } QString QConsole::getLastLine() { return mContents.getLastLine(); } void QConsole::clear() { mContents.clear(); mCommand = ""; mCurrentEditableLine = ""; mTopRow = 1; mSelectionBegin = {0,0}; mSelectionEnd = {0,0}; mCaretChar = 0; updateScrollbars(); } void QConsole::copy() { if (!this->hasSelection()) return; QString s = selText(); QClipboard* clipboard=QGuiApplication::clipboard(); clipboard->clear(); clipboard->setText(s); } void QConsole::paste() { if (mReadonly) return; QClipboard* clipboard=QGuiApplication::clipboard(); textInputed(clipboard->text()); } void QConsole::selectAll() { if (mContents.lines()>0) { mSelectionBegin = {1,1}; mSelectionEnd = { mContents.getLastLine().length()+1,mContents.lines()}; } } QString QConsole::selText() { if (!hasSelection()) return ""; int ColFrom = selectionBegin().ch; int First = selectionBegin().line; int ColTo = selectionEnd().ch; int Last = selectionEnd().line; if (First == Last) { QString s = mContents.getLine(First); if (First == mContents.lines()) { s += this->mCommand; } return s.mid(ColFrom, ColTo - ColFrom); } else { QString result = mContents.getLine(First).mid(ColFrom); result+= lineBreak(); for (int i = First + 1; i<=Last - 1; i++) { result += mContents.getLine(i); result+= lineBreak(); } QString s = mContents.getLine(Last); if (Last == mContents.lines()) s+= this->mCommand; result += s.leftRef(ColTo); return result; } } void QConsole::recalcCharExtent() { mRowHeight = fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); mColumnWidth = fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance("M"); } void QConsole::sizeOrFontChanged(bool) { if (mColumnWidth != 0) { mColumnsPerRow = std::max(clientWidth()-2,0) / mColumnWidth; mRowsInWindow = clientHeight() / mRowHeight; mContents.layout(); } } int QConsole::clientWidth() { return viewport()->size().width(); } int QConsole::clientHeight() { return viewport()->size().height(); } void QConsole::setTopRow(int value) { value = std::min(value,maxScrollHeight()); value = std::max(value, 1); if (value != mTopRow) { verticalScrollBar()->setValue(value); } } int QConsole::maxScrollHeight() { return std::max(mContents.rows()-mRowsInWindow,1); } void QConsole::updateScrollbars() { setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarPolicy::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarPolicy::ScrollBarAsNeeded); int nMaxScroll = maxScrollHeight(); int nMin = 1; int nMax = std::max(1, nMaxScroll); int nPage = mRowsInWindow; int nPos = std::min(std::max(mTopRow,nMin),nMax); verticalScrollBar()->setMinimum(nMin); verticalScrollBar()->setMaximum(nMax); verticalScrollBar()->setPageStep(nPage); verticalScrollBar()->setSingleStep(1); if (nPos != verticalScrollBar()->value()) verticalScrollBar()->setValue(nPos); else invalidate(); } void QConsole::paintRows(QPainter &painter, int row1, int row2) { if (row1>row2) return; QRect rect(0,(row1-mTopRow)*mRowHeight,clientWidth(),(row2-row1+1)*mRowHeight); painter.fillRect(rect,mBackground); QStringList lst = mContents.getRows(row1,row2); int startRow = row1-mTopRow; painter.setPen(mForeground); RowColumn selBeginRC = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(selectionBegin()); RowColumn selEndRC = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(selectionEnd()); LineChar editBegin = { mContents.getLastLine().length() - mCurrentEditableLine.length(), mContents.lines()-1 }; RowColumn editBeginRC = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(editBegin); bool isSelection = false; painter.setPen(mForeground); for (int i=0; i< lst.size(); i++) { int currentRow = i+row1-1; int left=2; int top = (startRow+i) * mRowHeight; int baseLine = (startRow+i+1)*mRowHeight - painter.fontMetrics().descent(); QString s = lst[i]; int columnsBefore = 0; for (QChar ch:s) { int charCol = charColumns(ch,columnsBefore); int width = charCol * mColumnWidth; if ((currentRow > selBeginRC.row || (currentRow == selBeginRC.row && columnsBefore>=selBeginRC.column)) && (currentRow < selEndRC.row || (currentRow == selEndRC.row && columnsBefore+charCol<=selEndRC.column))) { if (!isSelection) { isSelection = true; } if (!mReadonly &&(currentRow>editBeginRC.row || columnsBefore >= editBeginRC.column)) { painter.setPen(mSelectionForeground); painter.fillRect(left,top,width,mRowHeight,mSelectionBackground); } else { painter.setPen(mInactiveSelectionForeground); painter.fillRect(left,top,width,mRowHeight,mInactiveSelectionBackground); } } else { if (isSelection) { isSelection = false; painter.setPen(mForeground); } } painter.drawText(left,baseLine,ch); left+= width; columnsBefore += charCol; } } } void QConsole::ensureCaretVisible() { int caretRow = mContents.rows(); if (caretRow < mTopRow) { mTopRow = caretRow; return; } if (caretRow >= mTopRow + mRowsInWindow) { mTopRow = caretRow + 1 -mRowsInWindow; } } void QConsole::showCaret() { if (mBlinkTimerId==0) mBlinkTimerId = startTimer(500); } void QConsole::hideCaret() { if (mBlinkTimerId!=0) { killTimer(mBlinkTimerId); mBlinkTimerId = 0; mBlinkStatus = 0; updateCaret(); } } void QConsole::updateCaret() { QRect rcCaret = getCaretRect(); invalidateRect(rcCaret); } LineChar QConsole::caretPos() { QString lastLine = mContents.getLastLine(); int line = std::max(mContents.lines()-1,0); int charIndex = 0; if (mCaretChar>=mCurrentEditableLine.length()) { charIndex = lastLine.length(); } else { charIndex = lastLine.length()-mCurrentEditableLine.length()+mCaretChar; } return {charIndex,line}; } RowColumn QConsole::caretRowColumn() { return mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(caretPos()); } QPoint QConsole::rowColumnToPixels(const RowColumn &rowColumn) { /* mTopRow is 1-based; rowColumn.row is 0-based */ int row =rowColumn.row+1 - mTopRow; int col =rowColumn.column; return QPoint(2+col*mColumnWidth, row*mRowHeight); } QRect QConsole::getCaretRect() { LineChar caret = caretPos(); QChar caretChar = mContents.getChar(caret); RowColumn caretRC = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(caret); QPoint caretPos = rowColumnToPixels(caretRC); int caretWidth=mColumnWidth; //qDebug()<<"caret"<value(); invalidate(); } void QConsole::contentsLayouted() { updateScrollbars(); } void QConsole::contentsRowsAdded(int rowCount) { ensureCaretVisible(); updateScrollbars(); } void QConsole::contentsLastRowsRemoved(int rowCount) { ensureCaretVisible(); updateScrollbars(); } void QConsole::contentsLastRowsChanged(int rowCount) { ensureCaretVisible(); invalidateRows(mContents.rows()-rowCount+1,mContents.rows()); } void QConsole::scrollTimerHandler() { QPoint iMousePos; int X, Y; iMousePos = QCursor::pos(); iMousePos = mapFromGlobal(iMousePos); RowColumn mousePosRC = pixelsToNearestRowColumn(iMousePos.x(),iMousePos.y()); if (mScrollDeltaY != 0) { qDebug()<<"scroll timer"< 0) // scrolling down? row+=mRowsInWindow - 1; mousePosRC.row = row - 1; qDebug()<button(); int X=event->pos().x(); int Y=event->pos().y(); QAbstractScrollArea::mousePressEvent(event); //fKbdHandler.ExecuteMouseDown(Self, Button, Shift, X, Y); if (button == Qt::LeftButton) { setMouseTracking(true); RowColumn mousePosRC = pixelsToNearestRowColumn(X,Y); LineChar mousePos = mContents.rowColumnToLineChar(mousePosRC); //I couldn't track down why, but sometimes (and definitely not all the time) //the block positioning is lost. This makes sure that the block is //maintained in case they started a drag operation on the block int oldStartRow = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(selectionBegin()).row+1; int oldEndRow = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(selectionEnd()).row+1; invalidateRows(oldStartRow,oldEndRow); mSelectionBegin = mousePos; mSelectionEnd = mousePos; } } void QConsole::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { QAbstractScrollArea::mouseReleaseEvent(event); mScrollTimer->stop(); setMouseTracking(false); } void QConsole::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { QAbstractScrollArea::mouseMoveEvent(event); Qt::MouseButtons buttons = event->buttons(); int X=event->pos().x(); int Y=event->pos().y(); if ((buttons == Qt::LeftButton)) { // should we begin scrolling? computeScrollY(Y); RowColumn mousePosRC = pixelsToNearestRowColumn(X, Y); LineChar mousePos = mContents.rowColumnToLineChar(mousePosRC); if (mScrollDeltaY == 0) { int oldStartRow = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(selectionBegin()).row+1; int oldEndRow = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(selectionEnd()).row+1; invalidateRows(oldStartRow,oldEndRow); mSelectionEnd = mousePos; int row = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(mSelectionEnd).row+1; invalidateRows(row,row); } } } void QConsole::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { switch(event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Return: case Qt::Key_Enter: event->accept(); if (mReadonly) return; emit commandInput(mCommand); if (mHistorySize>0) { if (mCommandHistory.size()==mHistorySize) { mCommandHistory.pop_front(); mHistoryIndex--; } if (mCommandHistory.size()==0 || mHistoryIndex<0 || mHistoryIndex == mCommandHistory.size()-1) { mHistoryIndex=mCommandHistory.size(); } mCommandHistory.append(mCommand); } mCommand=""; addLine(""); return; case Qt::Key_Up: event->accept(); if (mHistorySize>0 && mHistoryIndex>0) { mHistoryIndex--; loadCommandFromHistory(); } return; case Qt::Key_Down: event->accept(); if (mHistorySize>0 && mHistoryIndexaccept(); if (mReadonly) return; if (mCaretChar>0 && mCaretChar<=mCurrentEditableLine.size()) { setCaretChar(mCaretChar-1, !(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)); } return; case Qt::Key_Right: event->accept(); if (mReadonly) return; if (mCaretCharmodifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)); } return; case Qt::Key_Home: event->accept(); if (mReadonly) return; if (mCaretChar>0 && mCaretChar<=mCurrentEditableLine.size()) { setCaretChar(0, !(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)); } return; case Qt::Key_End: event->accept(); if (mReadonly) return; if (mCaretCharmodifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)); } return; case Qt::Key_Backspace: event->accept(); if (mReadonly) return; if (!mCurrentEditableLine.isEmpty() && (mCaretChar-1)=0)) { QString lastLine; if (caretInSelection()) { lastLine = removeSelection(); } else { lastLine = mContents.getLastLine(); int len=mCurrentEditableLine.length(); mCaretChar--; mCommand.remove(mCommand.length()-len+mCaretChar,1); lastLine.remove(lastLine.length()-len+mCaretChar,1); mCurrentEditableLine.remove(mCaretChar,1); } mContents.changeLastLine(lastLine); mSelectionBegin = caretPos(); mSelectionEnd = caretPos(); } else { if (hasSelection()) { mSelectionBegin = caretPos(); mSelectionEnd = caretPos(); invalidate(); } } return; case Qt::Key_Delete: event->accept(); if (mReadonly) return; if (!mCurrentEditableLine.isEmpty() && (mCaretChar)=0)) { QString lastLine; if (caretInSelection()) { lastLine = removeSelection(); } else { lastLine = mContents.getLastLine(); int len=mCurrentEditableLine.length(); mCommand.remove(mCommand.length()-len+mCaretChar,1); lastLine.remove(lastLine.length()-len+mCaretChar,1); mCurrentEditableLine.remove(mCaretChar,1); } mContents.changeLastLine(lastLine); mSelectionBegin = caretPos(); mSelectionEnd = caretPos(); } else { if (hasSelection()) { mSelectionBegin = caretPos(); mSelectionEnd = caretPos(); invalidate(); } } return; default: if (!event->text().isEmpty()) { event->accept(); if (mReadonly) return; textInputed(event->text()); return; } } QAbstractScrollArea::keyPressEvent(event); } void QConsole::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *) { showCaret(); } void QConsole::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *) { hideCaret(); } void QConsole::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { if (mRowHeight==0) return; // Now paint everything while the caret is hidden. QPainter painter(viewport()); //Get the invalidated rect. QRect rcClip = event->rect(); QRect rcCaret= getCaretRect(); if (rcCaret == rcClip) { // only update caret painter.drawImage(rcCaret,*mContentImage,rcCaret); } else { int nL1, nL2; // Compute the invalid area in lines // lines nL1 = std::min(std::max(mTopRow + rcClip.top() / mRowHeight, mTopRow), maxScrollHeight() + mRowsInWindow - 1 ); nL2 = std::min(std::max(mTopRow + (rcClip.bottom() + mRowHeight - 1) / mRowHeight, 1), maxScrollHeight() + mRowsInWindow - 1); QPainter cachePainter(mContentImage.get()); cachePainter.setFont(font()); if (viewport()->rect() == rcClip) { painter.fillRect(rcClip, mBackground); } paintRows(cachePainter,nL1,nL2); painter.drawImage(rcClip,*mContentImage,rcClip); } paintCaret(painter, rcCaret); } void QConsole::paintCaret(QPainter &painter, const QRect rcClip) { if (mBlinkStatus!=1) return; painter.setClipRect(rcClip); ConsoleCaretType ct = ConsoleCaretType::ctHorizontalLine; QColor caretColor = mForeground; switch(ct) { case ConsoleCaretType::ctVerticalLine: painter.fillRect(rcClip.left()+1,rcClip.top(),rcClip.left()+2,rcClip.bottom(),caretColor); break; case ConsoleCaretType::ctHorizontalLine: painter.fillRect(rcClip.left(),rcClip.bottom()-2,rcClip.right(),rcClip.bottom()-1,caretColor); break; case ConsoleCaretType::ctBlock: painter.fillRect(rcClip, caretColor); break; case ConsoleCaretType::ctHalfBlock: QRect rc=rcClip; rc.setTop(rcClip.top()+rcClip.height() / 2); painter.fillRect(rcClip, caretColor); break; } } void QConsole::textInputed(const QString &text) { if (mContents.rows()<=0) { mContents.addLine(""); } QString lastLine; if (caretInSelection()) { lastLine = removeSelection(); } else { lastLine = mContents.getLastLine(); } if (mCaretChar>=mCurrentEditableLine.size()) { mCommand += text; mCurrentEditableLine += text; mCaretChar=mCurrentEditableLine.size(); mContents.changeLastLine(lastLine+text); } else { int len=mCurrentEditableLine.length(); mCommand.insert(mCommand.length()-len+mCaretChar,text); lastLine.insert(lastLine.length()-len+mCaretChar,text); mCurrentEditableLine.insert(mCaretChar,text); mContents.changeLastLine(lastLine); mCaretChar+=text.length(); } mSelectionBegin = caretPos(); mSelectionEnd = caretPos(); } void QConsole::loadCommandFromHistory() { if (mHistorySize<=0) return; mCommand = mCommandHistory[mHistoryIndex]; QString lastLine = mContents.getLastLine(); int len=mCurrentEditableLine.length(); lastLine.remove(lastLine.length()-len,INT_MAX); mCurrentEditableLine=mCommand; mCaretChar = mCurrentEditableLine.length(); mSelectionBegin = caretPos(); mSelectionEnd = caretPos(); mContents.changeLastLine(lastLine + mCommand); } LineChar QConsole::selectionBegin() { if (mSelectionBegin.line < mSelectionEnd.line || (mSelectionBegin.line == mSelectionEnd.line && mSelectionBegin.ch < mSelectionEnd.ch)) return mSelectionBegin; return mSelectionEnd; } LineChar QConsole::selectionEnd() { if (mSelectionBegin.line < mSelectionEnd.line || (mSelectionBegin.line == mSelectionEnd.line && mSelectionBegin.ch < mSelectionEnd.ch)) return mSelectionEnd; return mSelectionBegin; } void QConsole::setCaretChar(int newCaretChar, bool resetSelection) { RowColumn oldPosRC = caretRowColumn(); RowColumn oldSelBegin = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(selectionBegin()); RowColumn oldSelEnd = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(selectionEnd()); int oldStartRow = std::min(std::min(oldPosRC.row,oldSelBegin.row),oldSelEnd.row); int oldEndRow = std::max(std::max(oldPosRC.row,oldSelBegin.row),oldSelEnd.row); mCaretChar = newCaretChar; LineChar newPos = caretPos(); RowColumn newPosRC = mContents.lineCharToRowColumn(newPos); if (resetSelection) mSelectionBegin = newPos; mSelectionEnd = newPos; int startRow = std::min(newPosRC.row, oldStartRow)+1; int endRow = std::max(newPosRC.row, oldEndRow)+1; invalidateRows(startRow, endRow); } bool QConsole::caretInSelection() { if (!hasSelection()) return false; LineChar selBegin = selectionBegin(); LineChar selEnd = selectionEnd(); QString lastline = mContents.getLastLine(); int editBeginChar = lastline.length() - mCurrentEditableLine.length(); if (selEnd.line == mContents.lines()-1 && selEnd.ch > editBeginChar ) { return true; } return false; } QString QConsole::removeSelection() { QString lastLine = mContents.getLastLine(); int len=mCurrentEditableLine.length(); LineChar selBegin = selectionBegin(); LineChar selEnd = selectionEnd(); int selLen = selEnd.ch -selBegin.ch; int ch = selBegin.ch -(lastLine.length()-len); if (selBegin.line < mContents.lines()-1) { mCaretChar = 0; selLen = selEnd.ch - (lastLine.length()-len); } else if (ch<0) { mCaretChar = 0; selLen = selLen + ch; } else { mCaretChar=ch; } mCommand.remove(mCommand.length()-len+mCaretChar,selLen); lastLine.remove(lastLine.length()-len+mCaretChar,selLen); mCurrentEditableLine.remove(mCaretChar,selLen); return lastLine; } bool QConsole::hasSelection() { return (mSelectionBegin.line != mSelectionEnd.line) || (mSelectionBegin.ch != mSelectionEnd.ch); } int QConsole::computeScrollY(int Y) { QRect iScrollBounds = viewport()->rect(); if (Y < iScrollBounds.top()) mScrollDeltaY = (Y - iScrollBounds.top()) / mRowHeight - 1; else if (Y >= iScrollBounds.bottom()) mScrollDeltaY = (Y - iScrollBounds.bottom()) / mRowHeight + 1; else mScrollDeltaY = 0; if (mScrollDeltaY) mScrollTimer->start(); return mScrollDeltaY; } RowColumn QConsole::pixelsToNearestRowColumn(int x, int y) { // Result is in display coordinates // don't return a partially visible last line if (y >= mRowsInWindow * mRowHeight) { y = mRowsInWindow * mRowHeight - 1; if (y < 0) y = 0; } return { std::max(0, (x - 2) / mColumnWidth), mTopRow + (y / mRowHeight)-1 }; } QString QConsole::lineBreak() { return "\r\n"; } void QConsole::fontChanged() { recalcCharExtent(); sizeOrFontChanged(true); } bool QConsole::event(QEvent *event) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::FontChange: fontChanged(); break; case QEvent::PaletteChange: mBackground = palette().color(QPalette::Base); mForeground = palette().color(QPalette::Text); mSelectionBackground = palette().color(QPalette::Highlight); mSelectionForeground = palette().color(QPalette::HighlightedText); mInactiveSelectionBackground = palette().color(QPalette::Inactive,QPalette::Highlight); mInactiveSelectionForeground = palette().color(QPalette::Inactive,QPalette::HighlightedText); break; } return QAbstractScrollArea::event(event); } void QConsole::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { //resize the cache image std::shared_ptr image = std::make_shared(clientWidth(),clientHeight(), QImage::Format_ARGB32); if (mContentImage) { QRect newRect = image->rect().intersected(mContentImage->rect()); QPainter painter(image.get()); painter.fillRect(viewport()->rect(),mBackground); // painter.drawImage(newRect,*mContentImage); } mContentImage = image; sizeOrFontChanged(false); } void QConsole::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) { if (event->timerId() == mBlinkTimerId) { mBlinkStatus = 1- mBlinkStatus; updateCaret(); } } void QConsole::inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *event) { if (mReadonly) return; QString s=event->commitString(); if (!s.isEmpty()) textInputed(s); } void QConsole::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { if (event->angleDelta().y()>0) { verticalScrollBar()->setValue(verticalScrollBar()->value()-1); event->accept(); return; } else if (event->angleDelta().y()<0) { verticalScrollBar()->setValue(verticalScrollBar()->value()+1); event->accept(); return; } } int ConsoleLines::rows() const { return mRows; } int ConsoleLines::lines() const { return mLines.count(); } void ConsoleLines::layout() { if (!mConsole) return; if (mLayouting) { mNeedRelayout = true; return; } mLayouting = true; mNeedRelayout = false; emit layoutStarted(); mRows = 0; bool forceUpdate = (mOldTabSize!=mConsole->tabSize()); for (PConsoleLine consoleLine: mLines) { if (forceUpdate || consoleLine->maxColumns > mConsole->columnsPerRow()) { consoleLine->maxColumns = breakLine(consoleLine->text,consoleLine->fragments); } mRows+=consoleLine->fragments.count(); } emit layoutFinished(); mLayouting = false; if (mNeedRelayout) emit needRelayout(); } ConsoleLines::ConsoleLines(QConsole *console) { mConsole = console; mRows = 0; mLayouting = false; mNeedRelayout = false; mOldTabSize = -1; mMaxLines = 1000; connect(this,&ConsoleLines::needRelayout,this,&ConsoleLines::layout); } void ConsoleLines::addLine(const QString &line) { PConsoleLine consoleLine=std::make_shared(); consoleLine->text = line; consoleLine->maxColumns = breakLine(line,consoleLine->fragments); if (mLines.count()fragments.count(); emit rowsAdded(consoleLine->fragments.count()); } else { PConsoleLine firstLine = mLines[0]; mLines.pop_front(); mRows -= firstLine->fragments.count(); mLines.append(consoleLine); mRows += consoleLine->fragments.count(); emit layoutStarted(); emit layoutFinished(); } } void ConsoleLines::RemoveLastLine() { if (mLines.count()<=0) return; PConsoleLine consoleLine = mLines[mLines.count()-1]; mLines.pop_back(); mRows -= consoleLine->fragments.count(); emit lastRowsRemoved(consoleLine->fragments.count()); } void ConsoleLines::changeLastLine(const QString &newLine) { if (mLines.count()<=0) { return; } PConsoleLine consoleLine = mLines[mLines.count()-1]; int oldRows = consoleLine->fragments.count(); consoleLine->text = newLine; breakLine(newLine,consoleLine->fragments); int newRows = consoleLine->fragments.count(); if (newRows == oldRows) { emit lastRowsChanged(oldRows); return ; } else { mRows -= oldRows; mRows += newRows; emit layoutStarted(); emit layoutFinished(); } } QString ConsoleLines::getLastLine() { if (mLines.count()<=0) return ""; return mLines[mLines.count()-1]->text; } QString ConsoleLines::getLine(int line) { if (line>=0 && line < mLines.count()) { return mLines[line]->text; } return ""; } QChar ConsoleLines::getChar(int line, int ch) { QString s = getLine(line); if (ch>=0 && chmRows) return QStringList(); if (startRow > endRow) return QStringList(); QStringList lst; int row = 0; for (PConsoleLine line:mLines) { for (const QString& s:line->fragments) { row+=1; if (row>endRow) { return lst; } if (row>=startRow) { lst.append(s); } } } return lst; } LineChar ConsoleLines::rowColumnToLineChar(const RowColumn &rowColumn) { return rowColumnToLineChar(rowColumn.row,rowColumn.column); } LineChar ConsoleLines::rowColumnToLineChar(int row, int column) { LineChar result{column,mLines.size()-1}; int rows=0; for (int i=0;i= rows && rowfragments.size()) { int r=row - rows; QString fragment = line->fragments[r]; int columnsBefore = 0; for (int j=0;jcharColumns(ch, columnsBefore); if (column>=columnsBefore && columnfragments.size(); } return result; } RowColumn ConsoleLines::lineCharToRowColumn(const LineChar &lineChar) { return lineCharToRowColumn(lineChar.line,lineChar.ch); } RowColumn ConsoleLines::lineCharToRowColumn(int line, int ch) { RowColumn result{ch,std::max(0,mRows-1)}; int rowsBefore = 0; if (line>=0 && line < mLines.size()) { for (int i=0;ifragments.size(); rowsBefore += rows; } PConsoleLine consoleLine = mLines[line]; int charsBefore = 0; for (int r=0;rfragments.size();r++) { int chars = consoleLine->fragments[r].size(); if (r==consoleLine->fragments.size()-1 || (ch>=charsBefore && chfragments[r]; int columnsBefore = 0; int len = std::min(ch-charsBefore,fragment.size()); for (int j=0;jcharColumns(ch,columnsBefore); columnsBefore += charColumns; } result.column=columnsBefore; result.row = rowsBefore + r; break; } charsBefore += chars; } } return result; } bool ConsoleLines::layouting() const { return mLayouting; } int ConsoleLines::breakLine(const QString &line, QStringList &fragments) { fragments.clear(); QString s = ""; int maxColLen = 0; int columnsBefore = 0; for (QChar ch:line) { int charColumn = mConsole->charColumns(ch,columnsBefore); if (charColumn + columnsBefore > mConsole->columnsPerRow()) { if (ch == '\t') { if (columnsBefore != mConsole->columnsPerRow()) { charColumn = 0; } else charColumn = mConsole->tabSize(); } fragments.append(s); if (columnsBefore > maxColLen) { maxColLen = columnsBefore; } s = ""; columnsBefore = 0; } if (charColumn > 0) { columnsBefore += charColumn; s += ch; } } if (fragments.count() == 0 || !s.isEmpty()) { fragments.append(s); if (columnsBefore > maxColLen) { maxColLen = columnsBefore; } } return maxColLen; } int ConsoleLines::getMaxLines() const { return mMaxLines; } int ConsoleLines::maxLines() const { return mMaxLines; } void ConsoleLines::setMaxLines(int maxLines) { mMaxLines = maxLines; if (mMaxLines > 0) { while (mLines.count()>mMaxLines) { mLines.pop_front(); } } } void ConsoleLines::clear() { mLines.clear(); mRows = 0; }