/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gdbmiresultparser.h" #include #include #include GDBMIResultParser::GDBMIResultParser() { mResultTypes.insert("-break-insert",GDBMIResultType::Breakpoint); //mResultTypes.insert("BreakpointTable",GDBMIResultType::BreakpointTable); mResultTypes.insert("-stack-list-frames",GDBMIResultType::FrameStack); mResultTypes.insert("-stack-list-variables", GDBMIResultType::LocalVariables); //mResultTypes.insert("frame",GDBMIResultType::Frame); mResultTypes.insert("-data-disassemble",GDBMIResultType::Disassembly); mResultTypes.insert("-data-evaluate-expression",GDBMIResultType::Evaluation); // mResultTypes.insert("register-names",GDBMIResultType::RegisterNames); // mResultTypes.insert("register-values",GDBMIResultType::RegisterValues); mResultTypes.insert("-data-read-memory",GDBMIResultType::Memory); mResultTypes.insert("-data-list-register-names",GDBMIResultType::RegisterNames); mResultTypes.insert("-data-list-register-values",GDBMIResultType::RegisterValues); mResultTypes.insert("-var-create",GDBMIResultType::CreateVar); mResultTypes.insert("-var-list-children",GDBMIResultType::ListVarChildren); mResultTypes.insert("-var-update",GDBMIResultType::UpdateVarValue); mResultTypes.insert("-stack-info-frame",GDBMIResultType::Frame); } bool GDBMIResultParser::parse(const QByteArray &record, const QString& command, GDBMIResultType &type, ParseObject& multiValues) { const char* p = record.data(); bool result = parseMultiValues(p,multiValues); if (!result) return false; // if (*p!=0) // return false; if (!mResultTypes.contains(command)) return false; type = mResultTypes[command]; return true; } bool GDBMIResultParser::parseAsyncResult(const QByteArray &record, QByteArray &result, ParseObject &multiValue) { const char* p =record.data(); if (*p!='*') return false; p++; const char* start=p; while (*p && *p!=',') p++; result = QByteArray(start,p-start); if (*p==0) return true; p++; return parseMultiValues(p,multiValue); } bool GDBMIResultParser::parseMultiValues(const char* p, ParseObject &multiValue) { while (*p) { QByteArray propName; ParseValue propValue; bool result = parseNameAndValue(p,propName,propValue); if (result) { multiValue[propName]=propValue; } else { return false; } skipSpaces(p); if (*p==0) break; if (*p!=',') return false; p++; //skip ',' skipSpaces(p); } return true; } bool GDBMIResultParser::parseNameAndValue(const char *&p, QByteArray &name, ParseValue &value) { skipSpaces(p); const char* nameStart =p; while (*p!=0 && isNameChar(*p)) { p++; } if (*p==0) return false; name = QByteArray(nameStart,p-nameStart); skipSpaces(p); if (*p!='=') return false; p++; return parseValue(p,value); } bool GDBMIResultParser::parseValue(const char *&p, ParseValue &value) { skipSpaces(p); bool result; switch (*p) { case '{': { ParseObject obj; result = parseObject(p,obj); value = obj; break; } case '[': { QList array; result = parseArray(p,array); value = array; break; } case '"': { QByteArray s; result = parseStringValue(p,s); value = s; break; } default: return false; } if (!result) return false; skipSpaces(p); return true; } bool GDBMIResultParser::parseStringValue(const char *&p, QByteArray& stringValue) { if (*p!='"') return false; p++; stringValue.clear(); while (*p!=0) { if (*p == '"') { break; } else if (*p=='\\' && *(p+1)!=0) { p++; switch (*p) { case '\'': stringValue+=0x27; p++; break; case '"': stringValue+=0x22; p++; break; case '?': stringValue+=0x3f; p++; break; case '\\': stringValue+=0x5c; p++; break; case 'a': stringValue+=0x07; p++; break; case 'b': stringValue+=0x08; p++; break; case 'f': stringValue+=0x0c; p++; break; case 'n': stringValue+=0x0a; p++; break; case 'r': stringValue+=0x0d; p++; break; case 't': stringValue+=0x09; p++; break; case 'v': stringValue+=0x0b; p++; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': { int i=0; for (i=0;i<3;i++) { if (*(p+i)<'0' || *(p+i)>'7') break; } QByteArray numStr(p,i); bool ok; unsigned char ch = numStr.toInt(&ok,8); stringValue+=ch; p+=i; break; } } } else { stringValue+=*p; p++; } } if (*p=='"') { p++; //skip '"' return true; } return false; } bool GDBMIResultParser::parseObject(const char *&p, ParseObject &obj) { if (*p!='{') return false; p++; if (*p!='}') { while (*p!=0) { QByteArray propName; ParseValue propValue; bool result = parseNameAndValue(p,propName,propValue); if (result) { obj[propName]=propValue; } else { return false; } skipSpaces(p); if (*p=='}') break; if (*p!=',') { return false; } p++; //skip ',' skipSpaces(p); } } if (*p=='}') { p++; //skip '}' return true; } return false; } bool GDBMIResultParser::parseArray(const char *&p, QList &array) { if (*p!='[') return false; p++; if (*p!=']') { while (*p!=0) { skipSpaces(p); if (*p=='{' || *p=='"' || *p=='[') { ParseValue val; bool result = parseValue(p,val); if (result) { array.append(val); } else { return false; } } else { QByteArray name; ParseValue val; bool result = parseNameAndValue(p,name,val); if (result) { array.append(val); } else { return false; } } skipSpaces(p); if (*p==']') break; if (*p!=',') return false; p++; //skip ',' skipSpaces(p); } } if (*p==']') { p++; //skip ']' return true; } return false; } bool GDBMIResultParser::isNameChar(char ch) { if (ch=='-') return true; if (ch=='_') return true; if (ch>='a' && ch<='z') return true; if (ch>='A' && ch<='Z') return true; return false; } bool GDBMIResultParser::isSpaceChar(char ch) { switch(ch) { case ' ': case '\t': return true; } return false; } void GDBMIResultParser::skipSpaces(const char *&p) { while (*p!=0 && isSpaceChar(*p)) p++; } const QByteArray &GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::value() const { return mValue; } const QList<::GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue> &GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::array() const { return mArray; } const GDBMIResultParser::ParseObject &GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::object() const { return mObject; } int64_t GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::intValue(int defaultValue) const { //Q_ASSERT(mType == ParseValueType::Value); bool ok; qlonglong value = QString(mValue).toLongLong(&ok); if (ok) return value; else return defaultValue; } qulonglong GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::hexValue(bool &ok) const { //Q_ASSERT(mType == ParseValueType::Value); qulonglong value = QString(mValue).toULongLong(&ok,16); return value; } QString GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::pathValue() const { //Q_ASSERT(mType == ParseValueType::Value); QByteArray value=mValue; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (value.startsWith("/") && !value.startsWith("//")) value=value.mid(1); #endif return QFileInfo(QString::fromLocal8Bit(value)).absoluteFilePath(); } QString GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::utf8PathValue() const { QByteArray value=mValue; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (value.startsWith("/") && !value.startsWith("//")) value=value.mid(1); #endif return QFileInfo(QString::fromUtf8(value)).absoluteFilePath(); } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValueType GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::type() const { return mType; } bool GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::isValid() const { return mType!=ParseValueType::NotAssigned; } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::ParseValue(): mType(ParseValueType::NotAssigned) { } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::ParseValue(const QByteArray &value): mValue(value), mType(ParseValueType::Value) { } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::ParseValue(const ParseObject &object): mObject(object), mType(ParseValueType::Object) { } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::ParseValue(const QList &array): mArray(array), mType(ParseValueType::Array) { } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::ParseValue(const ParseValue &value): mValue(value.mValue), mArray(value.mArray), mObject(value.mObject), mType(value.mType) { } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue &GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::operator=(const GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue &value) { mType = value.mType; mValue = value.mValue; mArray = value.mArray; mObject = value.mObject; return *this; } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue &GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::operator=(const QByteArray &value) { Q_ASSERT(mType == ParseValueType::NotAssigned); mType = ParseValueType::Value; mValue = value; return *this; } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue &GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::operator=(const ParseObject& object) { Q_ASSERT(mType == ParseValueType::NotAssigned); mType = ParseValueType::Object; mObject = object; return *this; } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue &GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue::operator=(const QList& array) { Q_ASSERT(mType == ParseValueType::NotAssigned); mType = ParseValueType::Array; mArray = array; return *this; } GDBMIResultParser::ParseObject::ParseObject() { } GDBMIResultParser::ParseObject::ParseObject(const ParseObject &object): mProps(object.mProps) { } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue GDBMIResultParser::ParseObject::operator[](const QByteArray &name) const { if (mProps.contains(name)) { ParseValue value(mProps[name]); return value; } return ParseValue(); } GDBMIResultParser::ParseObject &GDBMIResultParser::ParseObject::operator=(const ParseObject &object) { mProps = object.mProps; return *this; } GDBMIResultParser::ParseValue &GDBMIResultParser::ParseObject::operator[](const QByteArray &name) { if (!mProps.contains(name)) mProps[name]=ParseValue(); return mProps[name]; }