[ { "group": "User Installed", "terminals": [ { "name": "Alacritty", "path": "alacritty", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv" }, { "name": "cool-retro-term", "path": "cool-retro-term", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv" }, { "name": "CoreTerminal", "path": "coreterminal", "argsPattern": "$term -e \"$command\"", "comment": "The pair of quotation mark around `$command` is only a visual symbol, not actually required." }, { "name": "iTerm2", "path": "/Applications/iTerm.app/Contents/MacOS/iTerm2", "argsPattern": "$term $tmpfile" }, { "name": "kermit", "path": "kermit", "argsPattern": "$term -e \"$command\"" }, { "name": "Kitty", "path": "kitty", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv" }, { "name": "ROXTerm", "path": "roxterm", "argsPattern": "$term -e \"$command\"" }, { "name": "sakura", "path": "sakura", "argsPattern": "$term -e \"$command\"" }, { "name": "Termit", "path": "termit", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv" }, { "name": "Termite", "path": "termite", "argsPattern": "$term -e \"$command\"" }, { "name": "Tilix", "path": "tilix", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv" }, { "name": "Wayst", "path": "wayst", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv" } ] }, { "group": "Desktop Default", "terminals": [ { "name": "Deepin Terminal", "path": "deepin-terminal", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv" }, { "name": "Konsole (KDE)", "path": "konsole", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv" }, { "name": "GNOME Terminal", "path": "gnome-terminal", "argsPattern": "$term --wait -- $argv" }, { "name": "GNOME Terminator", "path": "terminator", "argsPattern": "$term -x $argv" }, { "name": "LXTerminal (LXDE)", "path": "lxterminal", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv" }, { "name": "MATE Terminal", "path": "mate-terminal", "argsPattern": "$term -x $argv" }, { "name": "QTerminal (LXQt)", "path": "qterminal", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv" }, { "name": "Terminal.app (macOS 10.14 or earlier)", "path": "/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal", "argsPattern": "$term $tmpfile" }, { "name": "Terminal.app (macOS 10.15 or later)", "path": "/System/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/MacOS/Terminal", "argsPattern": "$term $tmpfile" }, { "name": "Terminology (Enlightenment)", "path": "terminology", "argsPattern": "$term -e \"$command\"" }, { "name": "Xfce Terminal", "path": "xfce4-terminal", "argsPattern": "$term -x $argv" } ] }, { "group": "With minor issue", "terminals": [ { "name": "Elementary Terminal", "path": "io.elementary.terminal", "argsPattern": "$term -e \"$command\"", "comment": "confirm to quit" }, { "name": "foot", "path": "foot", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv", "comment": "wayland only" }, { "name": "GNOME Console", "path": "kgx", "argsPattern": "$term -- $argv", "comment": "confirm to quit" }, { "name": "mlterm", "path": "mlterm", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv", "comment": "no out of box HiDPI support" }, { "name": "st", "path": "st", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv", "comment": "no out of box HiDPI support" }, { "name": "urxvt", "path": "urxvt", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv", "comment": "no out of box HiDPI support" }, { "name": "xterm", "path": "xterm", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv", "comment": "no out of box HiDPI support" }, { "name": "zutty", "path": "zutty", "argsPattern": "$term -e $argv", "comment": "no out of box HiDPI support" } ] }, { "group": "Unavailable", "terminals": [], "unavailableTerminals": { "aterm": "AUR broken, unable to test", "eterm": "AUR broken, unable to test", "guake": "drop down terminal", "hyper": "no execute support", "liri-terminal": "no execute support", "rxvt": "no unicode support", "shellinabox": "AUR broken, unable to test", "station": "no execute support", "tilda": "drop down terminal", "yakuake": "drop down terminal" } } ]