#!/bin/bash set -euxo pipefail . version.inc SRC_DIR="$PWD" TEST_VERSION=$(git rev-list HEAD --count) if [[ -n "$APP_VERSION_SUFFIX" ]]; then VERSION="$APP_VERSION.$TEST_VERSION.$APP_VERSION_SUFFIX" else VERSION="$APP_VERSION.$TEST_VERSION" fi CARCH=$(gcc -dumpmachine | cut -d- -f1) APPIMAGE_FILE=RedPandaIDE-$VERSION-$CARCH.AppImage RUNTIME_FILE=/opt/appimage-runtime RUNTIME_SIZE=$(wc -c <$RUNTIME_FILE) # build RedPanda C++ mkdir -p /build cd /build qmake PREFIX=/usr "$SRC_DIR/Red_Panda_CPP.pro" make LINUX_STATIC_IME_PLUGIN=ON -j$(nproc) # install RedPanda C++ to AppDir make INSTALL_ROOT=/RedPandaIDE.AppDir install # remove unnecessary, huge files rm /RedPandaIDE.AppDir/usr/libexec/RedPandaCPP/redpanda-git-askpass # setup AppImage resource cd /RedPandaIDE.AppDir ln -s usr/share/applications/RedPandaIDE.desktop RedPandaIDE.desktop ln -s usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/redpandaide.svg redpandaide.svg # following files may come from Windows filesystem, use `install` to preseve file permission install -m755 "$SRC_DIR/packages/appimage/AppRun.sh" AppRun install -m644 "$SRC_DIR/platform/linux/redpandaide.png" .DirIcon # create AppImage cd / mksquashfs RedPandaIDE.AppDir $APPIMAGE_FILE -offset $RUNTIME_SIZE -comp zstd -root-owned -noappend -b 1M -mkfs-time 0 dd if=$RUNTIME_FILE of=$APPIMAGE_FILE conv=notrunc chmod +x $APPIMAGE_FILE # copy back to host mkdir -p "$SRC_DIR/dist" cp $APPIMAGE_FILE "$SRC_DIR/dist"