/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "cppparser.h" #include "parserutils.h" #include "../utils.h" #include "qsynedit/highlighter/cpp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include static QAtomicInt cppParserCount(0); CppParser::CppParser(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), mMutex(QMutex::Recursive) { mParserId = cppParserCount.fetchAndAddRelaxed(1); mLanguage = ParserLanguage::CPlusPlus; mSerialCount = 0; updateSerialId(); mUniqId = 0; mParsing = false; //mStatementList ; // owns the objects //mFilesToScan; //mIncludePaths; //mProjectIncludePaths; //mProjectFiles; // mCurrentScope; //mCurrentClassScope; //mSkipList; mParseLocalHeaders = true; mParseGlobalHeaders = true; mLockCount = 0; mIsSystemHeader = false; mIsHeader = false; mIsProjectFile = false; mCppKeywords = CppKeywords; mCppTypeKeywords = CppTypeKeywords; mEnabled = true; internalClear(); //mNamespaces; //mBlockBeginSkips; //mBlockEndSkips; //mInlineNamespaceEndSkips; } CppParser::~CppParser() { while (true) { //wait for all methods finishes running { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (!mParsing && (mLockCount == 0)) { mParsing = true; break; } } QThread::msleep(50); QCoreApplication* app = QApplication::instance(); app->processEvents(); } //qDebug()<<"-------- parser deleted ------------"; } void CppParser::addHardDefineByLine(const QString &line) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (line.startsWith('#')) { mPreprocessor.addHardDefineByLine(line.mid(1).trimmed()); } else { mPreprocessor.addHardDefineByLine(line); } } void CppParser::addIncludePath(const QString &value) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mPreprocessor.addIncludePath(includeTrailingPathDelimiter(value)); } void CppParser::addProjectIncludePath(const QString &value) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mPreprocessor.addProjectIncludePath(includeTrailingPathDelimiter(value)); } void CppParser::clearIncludePaths() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mPreprocessor.clearIncludePaths(); } void CppParser::clearProjectIncludePaths() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mPreprocessor.clearProjectIncludePaths(); } void CppParser::clearProjectFiles() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mProjectFiles.clear(); } QList CppParser::getListOfFunctions(const QString &fileName, const QString &phrase, int line) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); QList result; if (mParsing) return result; PStatement statement = findStatementOf(fileName,phrase, line); if (!statement) return result; PStatement parentScope; if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skClass) { parentScope = statement; } else parentScope = statement->parentScope.lock(); if (parentScope && parentScope->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace) { PStatementList namespaceStatementsList = findNamespace(parentScope->command); if (namespaceStatementsList) { for (PStatement& namespaceStatement : *namespaceStatementsList) { result.append( getListOfFunctions(fileName,line,statement,namespaceStatement)); } } } else result.append( getListOfFunctions(fileName,line,statement,parentScope) ); return result; } PStatement CppParser::findAndScanBlockAt(const QString &filename, int line) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) { return PStatement(); } PFileIncludes fileIncludes = mPreprocessor.includesList().value(filename); if (!fileIncludes) return PStatement(); PStatement statement = fileIncludes->scopes.findScopeAtLine(line); return statement; } PFileIncludes CppParser::findFileIncludes(const QString &filename, bool deleteIt) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); PFileIncludes fileIncludes = mPreprocessor.includesList().value(filename,PFileIncludes()); if (deleteIt && fileIncludes) mPreprocessor.includesList().remove(filename); return fileIncludes; } QString CppParser::findFirstTemplateParamOf(const QString &fileName, const QString &phrase, const PStatement& currentScope) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return ""; // Remove pointer stuff from type QString s = phrase; // 'Type' is a keyword int i = s.indexOf('<'); if (i>=0) { int t=getFirstTemplateParamEnd(s,i); return s.mid(i+1,t-i-1); } int position = s.length()-1; while ((position >= 0) && (s[position] == '*' || s[position] == ' ' || s[position] == '&')) position--; if (position != s.length()-1) s.truncate(position+1); PStatement scopeStatement = currentScope; PStatement statement = findStatementOf(fileName,s,currentScope); return getFirstTemplateParam(statement,fileName, phrase, currentScope); } PStatement CppParser::findFunctionAt(const QString &fileName, int line) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); PFileIncludes fileIncludes = mPreprocessor.includesList().value(fileName); if (!fileIncludes) return PStatement(); for (PStatement& statement : fileIncludes->statements) { if (statement->kind != StatementKind::skFunction && statement->kind != StatementKind::skConstructor && statement->kind != StatementKind::skDestructor) continue; if (statement->line == line || statement->definitionLine == line) return statement; } return PStatement(); } int CppParser::findLastOperator(const QString &phrase) const { int i = phrase.length()-1; // Obtain stuff after first operator while (i>=0) { if ((i+1') && (phrase[i] == '-')) return i; else if ((i+1kind == StatementKind::skNamespace) { PStatementList lst = findNamespace(parentStatement->fullName); foreach (const PStatement& namespaceStatement, *lst) { statement = findMemberOfStatement(phrase,namespaceStatement); if (statement) break; } } else { statement = findMemberOfStatement(phrase,parentStatement); } if (!statement) return PStatement(); parentStatement = statement; } return statement; } PStatement CppParser::findStatementOf(const QString &fileName, const QString &phrase, int line) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return PStatement(); return findStatementOf(fileName,phrase,findAndScanBlockAt(fileName,line)); } PStatement CppParser::findStatementOf(const QString &fileName, const QString &phrase, const PStatement& currentScope, PStatement &parentScopeType, bool force) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); PStatement result; parentScopeType = currentScope; if (mParsing && !force) return PStatement(); //find the start scope statement QString namespaceName, remainder; QString nextScopeWord,operatorToken,memberName; PStatement statement; getFullNamespace(phrase, namespaceName, remainder); if (!namespaceName.isEmpty()) { // (namespace )qualified Name PStatementList namespaceList = mNamespaces.value(namespaceName); if (!namespaceList || namespaceList->isEmpty()) return PStatement(); if (remainder.isEmpty()) return namespaceList->front(); remainder = splitPhrase(remainder,nextScopeWord,operatorToken,memberName); for (PStatement& currentNamespace: *namespaceList) { statement = findMemberOfStatement(nextScopeWord,currentNamespace); if (statement) break; } //not found in namespaces; if (!statement) return PStatement(); // found in namespace } else if ((phrase.length()>2) && (phrase[0]==':') && (phrase[1]==':')) { //global remainder= phrase.mid(2); remainder= splitPhrase(remainder,nextScopeWord,operatorToken,memberName); statement= findMemberOfStatement(nextScopeWord,PStatement()); if (!statement) return PStatement(); } else { //unqualified name parentScopeType = currentScope; remainder = splitPhrase(remainder,nextScopeWord,operatorToken,memberName); statement = findStatementStartingFrom(fileName,nextScopeWord,parentScopeType); if (!statement) return PStatement(); } parentScopeType = currentScope; if (!memberName.isEmpty() && (statement->kind == StatementKind::skTypedef)) { PStatement typeStatement = findTypeDefinitionOf(fileName,statement->type, parentScopeType); if (typeStatement) statement = typeStatement; } //using alias like 'using std::vector;' if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skAlias) { statement = findAliasedStatement(statement); if (!statement) return PStatement(); } if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skConstructor) { // we need the class, not the construtor statement = statement->parentScope.lock(); if (!statement) return PStatement(); } PStatement lastScopeStatement; QString typeName; PStatement typeStatement; while (!memberName.isEmpty()) { if (statement->kind!=StatementKind::skClass && operatorToken == "::") { return PStatement(); } if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skVariable || statement->kind == StatementKind::skParameter || statement->kind == StatementKind::skFunction) { bool isSTLContainerFunctions = false; if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skFunction){ PStatement parentScope = statement->parentScope.lock(); if (parentScope && STLContainers.contains(parentScope->fullName) && STLElementMethods.contains(statement->command) && lastScopeStatement) { isSTLContainerFunctions = true; PStatement lastScopeParent = lastScopeStatement->parentScope.lock(); typeName=findFirstTemplateParamOf(fileName,lastScopeStatement->type, lastScopeParent ); typeStatement=findTypeDefinitionOf(fileName, typeName, lastScopeParent ); } } if (!isSTLContainerFunctions) typeStatement = findTypeDefinitionOf(fileName,statement->type, parentScopeType); //it's stl smart pointer if ((typeStatement) && STLPointers.contains(typeStatement->fullName) && (operatorToken == "->")) { PStatement parentScope = statement->parentScope.lock(); typeName=findFirstTemplateParamOf(fileName,statement->type, parentScope); typeStatement=findTypeDefinitionOf(fileName, typeName,parentScope); } else if ((typeStatement) && STLContainers.contains(typeStatement->fullName) && nextScopeWord.endsWith(']')) { //it's a std container PStatement parentScope = statement->parentScope.lock(); typeName = findFirstTemplateParamOf(fileName,statement->type, parentScope); typeStatement = findTypeDefinitionOf(fileName, typeName, parentScope); } lastScopeStatement = statement; if (typeStatement) statement = typeStatement; } else lastScopeStatement = statement; remainder = splitPhrase(remainder,nextScopeWord,operatorToken,memberName); PStatement memberStatement = findMemberOfStatement(nextScopeWord,statement); if (!memberStatement) return PStatement(); parentScopeType=statement; statement = memberStatement; if (!memberName.isEmpty() && (statement->kind == StatementKind::skTypedef)) { PStatement typeStatement = findTypeDefinitionOf(fileName,statement->type, parentScopeType); if (typeStatement) statement = typeStatement; } } return statement; } PEvalStatement CppParser::evalExpression( const QString &fileName, const QStringList &phraseExpression, const PStatement ¤tScope) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return PEvalStatement(); // qDebug()<effectiveTypeStatement && ownerEvalStatement->effectiveTypeStatement->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace) { PStatementList lst = findNamespace(ownerEvalStatement->effectiveTypeStatement->fullName); foreach (const PStatement& namespaceStatement, *lst) { PStatement statement = findMemberOfStatement(phrase,namespaceStatement); if (statement) return statement; } return PStatement(); } return findMemberOfStatement(phrase, ownerEvalStatement->effectiveTypeStatement); } } PStatement CppParser::findStatementOf(const QString &fileName, const QStringList &expression, int line) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return PStatement(); return findStatementOf(fileName,expression,findAndScanBlockAt(fileName,line)); } PStatement CppParser::findAliasedStatement(const PStatement &statement) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return PStatement(); if (!statement) return PStatement(); QString alias = statement->type; int pos = statement->type.lastIndexOf("::"); if (pos<0) return PStatement(); QString nsName=statement->type.mid(0,pos); QString name = statement->type.mid(pos+2); PStatementList namespaceStatements = findNamespace(nsName); if (!namespaceStatements) return PStatement(); foreach (const PStatement& namespaceStatement, *namespaceStatements) { QList resultList = findMembersOfStatement(name,namespaceStatement); foreach(const PStatement& resultStatement,resultList) { if (resultStatement->kind != StatementKind::skAlias) return resultStatement; } } return PStatement(); } PStatement CppParser::findStatementStartingFrom(const QString &fileName, const QString &phrase, const PStatement& startScope) { PStatement scopeStatement = startScope; // repeat until reach global PStatement result; while (scopeStatement) { //search members of current scope result = findStatementInScope(phrase, scopeStatement); if (result) return result; // not found // search members of all usings (in current scope ) foreach (const QString& namespaceName, scopeStatement->usingList) { result = findStatementInNamespace(phrase,namespaceName); if (result) return result; } scopeStatement = scopeStatement->parentScope.lock(); } // Search all global members result = findMemberOfStatement(phrase,PStatement()); if (result) return result; //Find in all global usings const QSet& fileUsings = getFileUsings(fileName); // add members of all fusings for (const QString& namespaceName:fileUsings) { result = findStatementInNamespace(phrase,namespaceName); if (result) return result; } return PStatement(); } PStatement CppParser::findTypeDefinitionOf(const QString &fileName, const QString &aType, const PStatement& currentClass) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return PStatement(); // Remove pointer stuff from type QString s = aType; // 'Type' is a keyword int position = s.length()-1; while ((position >= 0) && (s[position] == '*' || s[position] == ' ' || s[position] == '&')) position--; if (position != s.length()-1) s.truncate(position+1); // Strip template stuff position = s.indexOf('<'); if (position >= 0) { int endPos = getBracketEnd(s,position); s.remove(position,endPos-position+1); } // Use last word only (strip 'const', 'static', etc) position = s.lastIndexOf(' '); if (position >= 0) s = s.mid(position+1); PStatement scopeStatement = currentClass; PStatement statement = findStatementOf(fileName,s,currentClass); return getTypeDef(statement,fileName,aType); } PStatement CppParser::findTypeDef(const PStatement &statement, const QString &fileName) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return PStatement(); return getTypeDef(statement, fileName, ""); } bool CppParser::freeze() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return false; mLockCount++; return true; } bool CppParser::freeze(const QString &serialId) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return false; if (mSerialId!=serialId) return false; mLockCount++; return true; } QStringList CppParser::getClassesList() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); QStringList list; return list; // fills List with a list of all the known classes QQueue queue; queue.enqueue(PStatement()); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { PStatement statement = queue.dequeue(); StatementMap statementMap = mStatementList.childrenStatements(statement); for (PStatement& child:statementMap) { if (child->kind == StatementKind::skClass) list.append(child->command); if (!child->children.isEmpty()) queue.enqueue(child); } } return list; } QStringList CppParser::getFileDirectIncludes(const QString &filename) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return QStringList(); if (filename.isEmpty()) return QStringList(); PFileIncludes fileIncludes = mPreprocessor.includesList().value(filename,PFileIncludes()); if (fileIncludes) { return fileIncludes->directIncludes; } return QStringList(); } QSet CppParser::getFileIncludes(const QString &filename) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); QSet list; if (mParsing) return list; if (filename.isEmpty()) return list; list.insert(filename); PFileIncludes fileIncludes = mPreprocessor.includesList().value(filename,PFileIncludes()); if (fileIncludes) { foreach (const QString& file, fileIncludes->includeFiles.keys()) { list.insert(file); } } return list; } QSet CppParser::getFileUsings(const QString &filename) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); QSet result; if (filename.isEmpty()) return result; if (mParsing) return result; PFileIncludes fileIncludes= mPreprocessor.includesList().value(filename,PFileIncludes()); if (fileIncludes) { foreach (const QString& usingName, fileIncludes->usings) { result.insert(usingName); } foreach (const QString& subFile,fileIncludes->includeFiles.keys()){ PFileIncludes subIncludes = mPreprocessor.includesList().value(subFile,PFileIncludes()); if (subIncludes) { foreach (const QString& usingName, subIncludes->usings) { result.insert(usingName); } } } } return result; } QString CppParser::getHeaderFileName(const QString &relativeTo, const QString &headerName, bool fromNext) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); QString currentDir = includeTrailingPathDelimiter(extractFileDir(relativeTo)); QStringList includes; QStringList projectIncludes; bool found=false; if (fromNext && mPreprocessor.includePaths().contains(currentDir)) { foreach(const QString& s, mPreprocessor.includePathList()) { if (found) { includes.append(s); continue; } else if (s == currentDir) found = true; } projectIncludes = mPreprocessor.projectIncludePathList(); } else if (fromNext && mPreprocessor.projectIncludePaths().contains(currentDir)) { includes = mPreprocessor.includePathList(); foreach(const QString& s, mPreprocessor.projectIncludePathList()) { if (found) { includes.append(s); continue; } else if (s == currentDir) found = true; } } else { includes = mPreprocessor.includePathList(); projectIncludes = mPreprocessor.projectIncludePathList(); } return ::getHeaderFilename(relativeTo, headerName, includes, projectIncludes); } void CppParser::invalidateFile(const QString &fileName) { if (!mEnabled) return; { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing || mLockCount>0) return; updateSerialId(); mParsing = true; } QSet files = calculateFilesToBeReparsed(fileName); internalInvalidateFiles(files); mParsing = false; } bool CppParser::isIncludeLine(const QString &line) { QString trimmedLine = line.trimmed(); if ((trimmedLine.length() > 0) && trimmedLine.startsWith('#')) { // it's a preprocessor line if (trimmedLine.mid(1).trimmed().startsWith("include")) return true; } return false; } bool CppParser::isIncludeNextLine(const QString &line) { QString trimmedLine = line.trimmed(); if ((trimmedLine.length() > 0) && trimmedLine.startsWith('#')) { // it's a preprocessor line if (trimmedLine.mid(1).trimmed().startsWith("include_next")) return true; } return false; } bool CppParser::isProjectHeaderFile(const QString &fileName) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); return ::isSystemHeaderFile(fileName,mPreprocessor.projectIncludePaths()); } bool CppParser::isSystemHeaderFile(const QString &fileName) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); return ::isSystemHeaderFile(fileName,mPreprocessor.includePaths()); } void CppParser::parseFile(const QString &fileName, bool inProject, bool onlyIfNotParsed, bool updateView) { if (!mEnabled) return; { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing || mLockCount>0) return; updateSerialId(); mParsing = true; if (updateView) emit onBusy(); emit onStartParsing(); } { auto action = finally([&,this]{ mParsing = false; if (updateView) emit onEndParsing(mFilesScannedCount,1); else emit onEndParsing(mFilesScannedCount,0); }); QString fName = fileName; if (onlyIfNotParsed && mPreprocessor.scannedFiles().contains(fName)) return; if (inProject) { QSet filesToReparsed = calculateFilesToBeReparsed(fileName); QStringList files = sortFilesByIncludeRelations(filesToReparsed); internalInvalidateFiles(filesToReparsed); mFilesToScanCount = files.count(); mFilesScannedCount = 0; foreach (const QString& file,files) { mFilesScannedCount++; emit onProgress(file,mFilesToScanCount,mFilesScannedCount); if (!mPreprocessor.scannedFiles().contains(file)) { internalParse(file); } } } else { internalInvalidateFile(fileName); mFilesToScanCount = 1; mFilesScannedCount = 0; mFilesScannedCount++; emit onProgress(fileName,mFilesToScanCount,mFilesScannedCount); internalParse(fileName); } // if (inProject) // mProjectFiles.insert(fileName); // else { // mProjectFiles.remove(fileName); // } // Parse from disk or stream } } void CppParser::parseFileList(bool updateView) { if (!mEnabled) return; { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing || mLockCount>0) return; updateSerialId(); mParsing = true; if (updateView) emit onBusy(); emit onStartParsing(); } { auto action = finally([&,this]{ mParsing = false; if (updateView) emit onEndParsing(mFilesScannedCount,1); else emit onEndParsing(mFilesScannedCount,0); }); // Support stopping of parsing when files closes unexpectedly mFilesScannedCount = 0; mFilesToScanCount = mFilesToScan.count(); QStringList files = sortFilesByIncludeRelations(mFilesToScan); // parse header files in the first parse foreach (const QString& file, files) { mFilesScannedCount++; emit onProgress(mCurrentFile,mFilesToScanCount,mFilesScannedCount); if (!mPreprocessor.scannedFiles().contains(file)) { internalParse(file); } } mFilesToScan.clear(); } } void CppParser::parseHardDefines() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (mParsing) return; int oldIsSystemHeader = mIsSystemHeader; mIsSystemHeader = true; mParsing=true; { auto action = finally([&,this]{ mParsing = false; mIsSystemHeader=oldIsSystemHeader; }); for (const PDefine& define:mPreprocessor.hardDefines()) { addStatement( PStatement(), // defines don't belong to any scope "", "", // define has no type define->name, define->args, "", define->value, -1, StatementKind::skPreprocessor, StatementScope::Global, StatementClassScope::None, true, false); } } } bool CppParser::parsing() const { return mParsing; } void CppParser::resetParser() { while (true) { { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (!mParsing && mLockCount ==0) { mParsing = true; break; } } QThread::msleep(50); QCoreApplication* app = QApplication::instance(); app->processEvents(); } { auto action = finally([this]{ mParsing = false; }); emit onBusy(); mUniqId = 0; mParseLocalHeaders = true; mParseGlobalHeaders = true; mIsSystemHeader = false; mIsHeader = false; mIsProjectFile = false; mFilesScannedCount=0; mFilesToScanCount = 0; mCurrentScope.clear(); mCurrentClassScope.clear(); mSkipList.clear(); mStatementList.clear(); mProjectFiles.clear(); mBlockBeginSkips.clear(); //list of for/catch block begin token index; mBlockEndSkips.clear(); //list of for/catch block end token index; mInlineNamespaceEndSkips.clear(); // list for inline namespace end token index; mFilesToScan.clear(); // list of base files to scan mNamespaces.clear(); // namespace and the statements in its scope mInlineNamespaces.clear(); mPreprocessor.clear(); mTokenizer.clear(); } } void CppParser::unFreeze() { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mLockCount--; } QSet CppParser::scannedFiles() { return mPreprocessor.scannedFiles(); } bool CppParser::isFileParsed(const QString &filename) { return mPreprocessor.scannedFiles().contains(filename); } QString CppParser::getScopePrefix(const PStatement& statement){ switch (statement->classScope) { case StatementClassScope::Public: return "public"; case StatementClassScope::Private: return "private"; case StatementClassScope::Protected: return "protected"; default: return ""; } } QString CppParser::prettyPrintStatement(const PStatement& statement, const QString& filename, int line) { QString result; switch(statement->kind) { case StatementKind::skPreprocessor: if (statement->command == "__FILE__") result = '"'+filename+'"'; else if (statement->command == "__LINE__") result = QString("\"%1\"").arg(line); else if (statement->command == "__DATE__") result = QString("\"%1\"").arg(QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate)); else if (statement->command == "__TIME__") result = QString("\"%1\"").arg(QTime::currentTime().toString(Qt::ISODate)); else { QString hintText = "#define"; if (statement->command != "") hintText += ' ' + statement->command; if (statement->args != "") hintText += ' ' + statement->args; if (statement->value != "") hintText += ' ' + statement->value; result = hintText; } break; case StatementKind::skEnumClassType: result = "enum class "+statement->command; break; case StatementKind::skEnumType: result = "enum "+statement->command; break; case StatementKind::skEnum: result = statement->type + "::" + statement->command; break; case StatementKind::skTypedef: result = "typedef "+statement->type+" "+statement->command; if (!statement->args.isEmpty()) result += " "+statement->args; break; case StatementKind::skAlias: result = "using "+statement->type; break; case StatementKind::skFunction: case StatementKind::skVariable: case StatementKind::skParameter: case StatementKind::skClass: if (statement->scope!= StatementScope::Local) result = getScopePrefix(statement)+ ' '; // public result += statement->type + ' '; // void result += statement->fullName; // A::B::C::Bar result += statement->args; // (int a) break; case StatementKind::skNamespace: result = statement->fullName; // Bar break; case StatementKind::skConstructor: result = getScopePrefix(statement); // public result += QObject::tr("constructor") + ' '; // constructor result += statement->type + ' '; // void result += statement->fullName; // A::B::C::Bar result += statement->args; // (int a) break; case StatementKind::skDestructor: result = getScopePrefix(statement); // public result += QObject::tr("destructor") + ' '; // constructor result += statement->type + ' '; // void result += statement->fullName; // A::B::C::Bar result += statement->args; // (int a) break; default: break; } return result; } QString CppParser::getFirstTemplateParam(const PStatement& statement, const QString& filename, const QString& phrase, const PStatement& currentScope) { if (!statement) return ""; if (statement->kind != StatementKind::skTypedef) return ""; if (statement->type == phrase) // prevent infinite loop return ""; return findFirstTemplateParamOf(filename,statement->type, currentScope); } int CppParser::getFirstTemplateParamEnd(const QString &s, int startAt) { int i = startAt; int level = 0; // assume we start on top of '<' while (i < s.length()) { switch (s[i].unicode()) { case '<': level++; break; case ',': if (level == 1) return i; break; case '>': level--; if (level==0) return i; } i++; } return startAt; } void CppParser::addFileToScan(const QString& value, bool inProject) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); //value.replace('/','\\'); // only accept full file names // Update project listing if (inProject) mProjectFiles.insert(value); // Only parse given file if (!mPreprocessor.scannedFiles().contains(value)) { mFilesToScan.insert(value); } } PStatement CppParser::addInheritedStatement(const PStatement& derived, const PStatement& inherit, StatementClassScope access) { PStatement statement = addStatement( derived, inherit->fileName, inherit->type, // "Type" is already in use inherit->command, inherit->args, inherit->noNameArgs, inherit->value, inherit->line, inherit->kind, inherit->scope, access, true, inherit->isStatic); statement->isInherited = true; return statement; } PStatement CppParser::addChildStatement(const PStatement& parent, const QString &fileName, const QString &aType, const QString &command, const QString &args, const QString& noNameArgs, const QString &value, int line, StatementKind kind, const StatementScope& scope, const StatementClassScope& classScope, bool isDefinition, bool isStatic) { return addStatement( parent, fileName, aType, command, args, noNameArgs, value, line, kind, scope, classScope, isDefinition, isStatic); } PStatement CppParser::addStatement(const PStatement& parent, const QString &fileName, const QString &aType, const QString &command, const QString &args, const QString &noNameArgs, const QString &value, int line, StatementKind kind, const StatementScope& scope, const StatementClassScope& classScope, bool isDefinition, bool isStatic) { // Move '*', '&' to type rather than cmd (it's in the way for code-completion) QString newType = aType; QString newCommand = command; while (!newCommand.isEmpty() && (newCommand.front() == '*' || newCommand.front() == '&')) { newType += newCommand.front(); newCommand.remove(0,1); // remove first } // if (newCommand.startsWith("::") && parent && kind!=StatementKind::skBlock ) { // qDebug()<fullName; // } if (kind == StatementKind::skConstructor || kind == StatementKind::skFunction || kind == StatementKind::skDestructor || kind == StatementKind::skVariable ) { //find if (isDefinition) { PStatement oldStatement = findStatementInScope(newCommand,noNameArgs,kind,parent); if (oldStatement && !oldStatement->hasDefinition) { oldStatement->hasDefinition = true; if (oldStatement->fileName!=fileName) { PFileIncludes fileIncludes=mPreprocessor.includesList().value(fileName); if (fileIncludes) { fileIncludes->statements.insert(oldStatement->fullName, oldStatement); } } oldStatement->definitionLine = line; oldStatement->definitionFileName = fileName; return oldStatement; } } } PStatement result = std::make_shared(); result->parentScope = parent; result->type = newType; if (!newCommand.isEmpty()) result->command = newCommand; else { mUniqId++; result->command = QString("__STATEMENT__%1").arg(mUniqId); } result->args = args; result->noNameArgs = noNameArgs; result->value = value; result->kind = kind; result->scope = scope; result->classScope = classScope; result->hasDefinition = isDefinition; result->line = line; result->definitionLine = line; result->fileName = fileName; result->definitionFileName = fileName; if (!fileName.isEmpty()) result->inProject = mIsProjectFile; else result->inProject = false; result->inSystemHeader = mIsSystemHeader; //result->children; //result->friends; result->isStatic = isStatic; result->isInherited = false; if (scope == StatementScope::Local) result->fullName = newCommand; else result->fullName = getFullStatementName(newCommand, parent); result->usageCount = -1; mStatementList.add(result); if (result->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace) { PStatementList namespaceList = mNamespaces.value(result->fullName,PStatementList()); if (!namespaceList) { namespaceList=std::make_shared(); mNamespaces.insert(result->fullName,namespaceList); } namespaceList->append(result); } if (result->kind!= StatementKind::skBlock) { PFileIncludes fileIncludes = mPreprocessor.includesList().value(fileName); if (fileIncludes) { fileIncludes->statements.insert(result->fullName,result); } } return result; } PStatement CppParser::addStatement(const PStatement &parent, const QString &fileName, const QString &aType, const QString &command, int argStart, int argEnd, const QString &value, int line, StatementKind kind, const StatementScope &scope, const StatementClassScope &classScope, bool isDefinition, bool isStatic) { Q_ASSERT(mTokenizer[argStart]->text=='('); QString args("("); QString noNameArgs("("); int start=argStart+1; bool typeGetted = false; int braceLevel=0; QString word; for (int i=start;itext[0]; if (this->isIdentChar(ch)) { QString spaces=(i>argStart)?" ":""; args+=spaces; word += mTokenizer[i]->text[0]; if (!typeGetted) { noNameArgs+=spaces+word; if (mCppTypeKeywords.contains(word) || !isCppKeyword(word)) typeGetted = true; } else { if (isCppKeyword(word)) { noNameArgs+=spaces+word; } } word=""; } else if (this->isDigitChar(ch)) { args+=" "; } else { switch(ch.unicode()) { case ',': if (braceLevel==0) typeGetted=false; break; case '{': case '[': case '<': case '(': braceLevel++; break; case '}': case ']': case '>': case ')': braceLevel--; break; //todo: * and & processing case '*': case '&': if (braceLevel==0) word+=ch; break; } noNameArgs+= mTokenizer[i]->text; } args+=mTokenizer[i]->text; } args.push_back(")"); noNameArgs.push_back(")"); return addStatement( parent, fileName, aType, command, args, noNameArgs, value, line, kind, scope, classScope, isDefinition, isStatic); } void CppParser::setInheritance(int index, const PStatement& classStatement, bool isStruct) { // Clear it. Assume it is assigned StatementClassScope lastInheritScopeType = StatementClassScope::None; // Assemble a list of statements in text form we inherit from while (true) { StatementClassScope inheritScopeType = getClassScope(mTokenizer[index]->text); QString currentText = mTokenizer[index]->text; if (currentText=='(') { //skip to matching ')' index=mTokenizer[index]->matchIndex; } else if (inheritScopeType == StatementClassScope::None) { if (currentText.front()!=',' && currentText.front()!=':') { QString basename = currentText; //remove template staff if (basename.endsWith('>')) { int pBegin = basename.indexOf('<'); if (pBegin>=0) basename.truncate(pBegin); } // Find the corresponding PStatement PStatement statement = findStatementOf(mCurrentFile,basename, classStatement->parentScope.lock(),true); if (statement && statement->kind == StatementKind::skClass) { inheritClassStatement(classStatement,isStruct,statement,lastInheritScopeType); } } } index++; lastInheritScopeType = inheritScopeType; if (index >= mTokenizer.tokenCount()) break; if (mTokenizer[index]->text.front() == '{' || mTokenizer[index]->text.front() == ';') break; } } bool CppParser::isCurrentScope(const QString &command) { PStatement statement = getCurrentScope(); if (!statement) return false; QString s = command; // remove template staff if (s.endsWith('>')) { int i= command.indexOf('<'); if (i>=0) { s.truncate(i); } } QString s2 = statement->command; if (s2.endsWith('>')) { int i= s2.indexOf('<'); if (i>=0) { s2.truncate(i); } } return (s2 == s); } void CppParser::addSoloScopeLevel(PStatement& statement, int line, bool shouldResetBlock) { // Add class list PStatement parentScope; if (shouldResetBlock && statement && (statement->kind == StatementKind::skBlock)) { parentScope = statement->parentScope.lock(); while (parentScope && (parentScope->kind == StatementKind::skBlock)) { parentScope = parentScope->parentScope.lock(); } if (!parentScope) statement.reset(); } if (mCurrentClassScope.count()>0) { mCurrentClassScope.back() = mClassScope; } mCurrentScope.append(statement); PFileIncludes fileIncludes = mPreprocessor.includesList().value(mCurrentFile); if (fileIncludes) { fileIncludes->scopes.addScope(line,statement); } // Set new scope if (!statement) mClassScope = StatementClassScope::None; // {}, namespace or class that doesn't exist else if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace) mClassScope = StatementClassScope::None; else if (statement->type == "class") mClassScope = StatementClassScope::Private; // classes are private by default else mClassScope = StatementClassScope::Public; // structs are public by default mCurrentClassScope.append(mClassScope); //if (mCurrentClassScope.count()==2) // qDebug()<<"++add scope"<kind == StatementKind::skBlock)) { if (currentScope->children.isEmpty()) { // remove no children block if (fileIncludes) { fileIncludes->scopes.removeLastScope(); } mStatementList.deleteStatement(currentScope); } else { fileIncludes->statements.insert(currentScope->fullName,currentScope); } } mCurrentScope.pop_back(); mCurrentClassScope.pop_back(); // Set new scope currentScope = getCurrentScope(); // fileIncludes:=FindFileIncludes(fCurrentFile); if (fileIncludes && fileIncludes->scopes.lastScope()!=currentScope) { fileIncludes->scopes.addScope(line,currentScope); } if (!currentScope) { mClassScope = StatementClassScope::None; } else { mClassScope = mCurrentClassScope.back(); } } void CppParser::internalClear() { mCurrentScope.clear(); mCurrentClassScope.clear(); mIndex = 0; mClassScope = StatementClassScope::None; mSkipList.clear(); mBlockBeginSkips.clear(); mBlockEndSkips.clear(); mInlineNamespaceEndSkips.clear(); } QStringList CppParser::sortFilesByIncludeRelations(const QSet &files) { QStringList result; QSet saveScannedFiles; saveScannedFiles=mPreprocessor.scannedFiles(); //rebuild file include relations foreach(const QString& file, files) { if (mPreprocessor.scannedFiles().contains(file)) continue; //already removed in interalInvalidateFiles //mPreprocessor.removeScannedFile(file); QStringList buffer; if (mOnGetFileStream) { mOnGetFileStream(file,buffer); } //we only use local include relations mPreprocessor.setScanOptions(false, true); mPreprocessor.preprocess(file,buffer); mPreprocessor.clearTempResults(); } QSet fileSet=files; while (!fileSet.isEmpty()) { bool found=false; foreach (const QString& file,fileSet) { PFileIncludes fileIncludes = mPreprocessor.includesList().value(file); bool hasInclude=false; foreach(const QString& inc,fileIncludes->includeFiles.keys()) { if (fileSet.contains(inc)) { hasInclude=true; break; } } if (!hasInclude) { result.push_front(file); fileSet.remove(file); found=true; break; } } if (!found) { foreach (const QString& file,fileSet) { result.push_front(file); fileSet.remove(file); } } } QSet newScannedFiles = mPreprocessor.scannedFiles(); foreach(const QString& file, newScannedFiles) { if (!saveScannedFiles.contains(file)) mPreprocessor.removeScannedFile(file); } return result; } bool CppParser::checkForKeyword(KeywordType& keywordType) { keywordType = mCppKeywords.value(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text,KeywordType::NotKeyword); switch(keywordType) { case KeywordType::Catch: case KeywordType::For: case KeywordType::Public: case KeywordType::Private: case KeywordType::Enum: case KeywordType::Inline: case KeywordType::Namespace: case KeywordType::Typedef: case KeywordType::Using: case KeywordType::Friend: case KeywordType::Protected: case KeywordType::None: case KeywordType::NotKeyword: case KeywordType::DeclType: return false; default: return true; } } bool CppParser::checkForMethod(QString &sType, QString &sName, int &argStartIndex, int &argEndIndex, bool &isStatic, bool &isFriend) { PStatement scope = getCurrentScope(); if (scope && !(scope->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace || scope->kind == StatementKind::skClass)) { //don't care function declaration in the function's return false; } // Function template: // compiler directives (>= 0 words), added to type // type (>= 1 words) // name (1 word) // (argument list) // ; or { isStatic = false; isFriend = false; sType = ""; // should contain type "int" sName = ""; // should contain function name "foo::function" bool bTypeOK = false; bool bNameOK = false; bool bArgsOK = false; // Don't modify index int indexBackup = mIndex; // Gather data for the string parts while ((mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && !isSeperator(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text[0])) { if ((mIndex + 1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && (mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text == '(')) { // and start of a function int indexAfter = mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->matchIndex+1; //it's not a function define if (indexAfter>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) break; //it's not a function define; if (isInvalidFunctionArgsSuffixChar(mTokenizer[indexAfter]->text[0])) break; //it's not a function define if (mTokenizer[indexAfter]->text[0] == ';') { //function can only be defined in global/namespaces/classes PStatement currentScope=getCurrentScope(); if (currentScope) { //in namespace, it might be function or object initilization if (currentScope->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace && isNotFuncArgs(mIndex + 1)) { break; //not in class, it can't be a valid function definition } else if (currentScope->kind != StatementKind::skClass) break; //variable can't be initialized in class definition, it must be a function } else if (isNotFuncArgs(mIndex + 1)) break; } sName = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; argStartIndex = mIndex+1; argEndIndex = mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->matchIndex; bTypeOK = !sType.isEmpty(); bNameOK = !sName.isEmpty(); bArgsOK = true; // Allow constructor/destructor too if (!bTypeOK) { // Check for constructor/destructor outside class body int delimPos = sName.lastIndexOf("::"); if (delimPos >= 0) { bTypeOK = true; sType = sName.mid(0, delimPos); // remove template staff int pos1 = sType.indexOf('<'); if (pos1>=0) { sType.truncate(pos1); sName = sType+sName.mid(delimPos); } } } // Are we inside a class body? if (!bTypeOK) { sType = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; if (sType[0] == '~') sType.remove(0,1); bTypeOK = isCurrentScope(sType); // constructor/destructor } mIndex = argEndIndex+1; break; } else { //if IsValidIdentifier(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text) then // Still walking through type QString s = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; if (s == "static") isStatic = true; if (s == "friend") isFriend = true; if (!s.isEmpty() && !(s=="extern")) sType = sType + ' '+ s; bTypeOK = !sType.isEmpty(); } mIndex++; } // Correct function, don't jump over if (bTypeOK && bNameOK && bArgsOK) { sType = sType.trimmed(); // should contain type "int" sName = sName.trimmed(); // should contain function name "foo::function" return true; } else { mIndex = indexBackup; return false; } } bool CppParser::checkForNamespace(KeywordType keywordType) { return (keywordType==KeywordType::Namespace &&(mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()-1)) || ( keywordType==KeywordType::Inline && (mIndex+1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount()-1) &&mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text == "namespace" ); } bool CppParser::checkForPreprocessor() { return (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith('#')); } //bool CppParser::checkForLambda() //{ // return (mIndex+1text.startsWith('[') // && mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text=='('); //} bool CppParser::checkForScope(KeywordType keywordType) { return ( (keywordType == KeywordType::Public || keywordType == KeywordType::Protected || keywordType == KeywordType::Private) && mIndex+1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount() && mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text == ':' ); } void CppParser::checkForSkipStatement() { if ((mSkipList.count()>0) && (mIndex == mSkipList.back())) { // skip to next ';' skipNextSemicolon(mIndex); mSkipList.pop_back(); } } bool CppParser::checkForStructs(KeywordType keywordType) { int dis = 0; if (keywordType == KeywordType::Friend || keywordType == KeywordType::Public || keywordType == KeywordType::Private) dis = 1; if (mIndex >= mTokenizer.tokenCount() - 2 - dis) return false; QString word = mTokenizer[mIndex+dis]->text; int keyLen = calcKeyLenForStruct(word); if (keyLen<0) return false; bool result = (word.length() == keyLen) || isSpaceChar(word[keyLen]) || (word[keyLen] == '['); if (result) { if (mTokenizer[mIndex + 2+dis]->text[0] != ';') { // not: class something; int i = mIndex+dis +1; // the check for ']' was added because of this example: // struct option long_options[] = { // {"debug", 1, 0, 'D'}, // {"info", 0, 0, 'i'}, // ... // }; while (i < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { QChar ch = mTokenizer[i]->text.back(); if (ch=='{' || ch == ':') break; switch(ch.unicode()) { case ';': case '{': case '}': case ',': case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '=': case '*': case '&': case '%': case '+': case '-': case '~': return false; } i++; } } } return result; } bool CppParser::checkForTypedefEnum() { //we assume that typedef is the current index, so we check the next //should call CheckForTypedef first!!! return (mIndex+1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount() ) && (mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text == "enum"); } bool CppParser::checkForTypedefStruct() { //we assume that typedef is the current index, so we check the next //should call CheckForTypedef first!!! if (mIndex+1 >= mTokenizer.tokenCount()) return false; QString word = mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text; int keyLen = calcKeyLenForStruct(word); if (keyLen<0) return false; return (word.length() == keyLen) || isSpaceChar(word[keyLen]) || word[keyLen]=='['; } bool CppParser::checkForUsing(KeywordType keywordType) { return keywordType==KeywordType::Using && (mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()-1); } void CppParser::checkAndHandleMethodOrVar(KeywordType keywordType) { if (mIndex+2>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { mIndex+=2; // left's finish; return; } QString currentText=mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; if (keywordType==KeywordType::DeclType) { if (mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text=='(') { currentText="auto"; mIndex=mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->matchIndex+1; } else { currentText=mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text; mIndex+=2; } } else mIndex++; //next token must be */&/word/(/{ if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text=='(') { int indexAfterParentheis=mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; if (indexAfterParentheis>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { //error mIndex=indexAfterParentheis; } else if (mTokenizer[indexAfterParentheis]->text=='(') { // operator overloading like (operator int) if (mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text=="operator") { mIndex=indexAfterParentheis; handleMethod(StatementKind::skFunction,"", mergeArgs(mIndex+1,mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex-1), indexAfterParentheis,false,false); } else if (currentText.endsWith("::operator")) { mIndex=indexAfterParentheis; handleMethod(StatementKind::skFunction,"", mergeArgs(mIndex+1,mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex-1), indexAfterParentheis,false,false); } else { //function pointer var handleVar(currentText,false,false); } } else { if (currentText.startsWith("operator") && currentText.length()>8 && !isIdentChar(currentText[8])) { // operator overloading handleMethod(StatementKind::skFunction,"", mergeArgs(mIndex+1,mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex-1), indexAfterParentheis,false,false); return; } //check for constructor like Foo::Foo() QString name; QString temp,temp2; QString parentName; if (splitLastMember(currentText,name,temp)) { //has '::' bool isDestructor=false; if (!splitLastMember(temp,parentName,temp2)) parentName=temp; if (name.startsWith('~')) name=name.mid(1); if (removeTemplateParams(name)==removeTemplateParams(parentName)) handleMethod( (isDestructor?StatementKind::skDestructor:StatementKind::skConstructor), "", currentText, mIndex,false,false); return; } // check for constructor like: // class Foo { // Foo(); // }; PStatement scope=getCurrentScope(); if (scope && scope->kind==StatementKind::skClass && removeTemplateParams(scope->command) == removeTemplateParams(currentText)) { handleMethod(StatementKind::skConstructor,"", currentText, mIndex,false,false); return; } // function call, skip it moveToNextBraceOrSkipNextSemicolon(mIndex); } } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith('*') || mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith('&') || tokenIsIdentifier(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text) ) { // it should be function/var bool isStatic = false; bool isFriend = false; bool isExtern = false; QString sType = currentText; // should contain type "int" QString sName = ""; // should contain function name "foo::function" // Gather data for the string parts while (mIndex+1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { if (mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text == '(') { if (mTokenizer[mIndex+2]->text == '*') { //foo(*blabla), it's a function pointer var handleVar(sType,isExtern,isStatic); return; } int indexAfter=mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->matchIndex+1; if (indexAfter>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { //error mIndex=indexAfter; return; } //if it's like: foo(...)(...) if (mTokenizer[indexAfter]->text=='(') { if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text=="operator") { //operator()() , it's an operator overload for () handleMethod(StatementKind::skFunction,sType, "operator()",indexAfter,isStatic,false); return; } if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.endsWith("::operator")) { // operator overloading handleMethod(StatementKind::skFunction,"", mTokenizer[mIndex]->text+"()",indexAfter,isStatic,false); return; } //foo(...)(...), it's a function pointer var handleVar(sType,isExtern,isStatic); //Won't implement: ignore function decl like int (text)(int x) { }; return; } //it's not a function define if (mTokenizer[indexAfter]->text[0] == ',') { // var decl with init handleVar(sType,isExtern,isStatic); return; } if (mTokenizer[indexAfter]->text[0] == ';') { //function can only be defined in global/namespaces/classes PStatement currentScope=getCurrentScope(); if (currentScope) { //in namespace, it might be function or object initilization if (currentScope->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace && isNotFuncArgs(mIndex + 1)) { // var decl with init handleVar(sType,isExtern,isStatic); return; //not in class, it can't be a valid function definition } else if (currentScope->kind != StatementKind::skClass) { // var decl with init handleVar(sType,isExtern,isStatic); return; } //variable can't be initialized in class definition, it must be a function } else if (isNotFuncArgs(mIndex + 1)){ // var decl with init handleVar(sType,isExtern,isStatic); return; } } sName = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; mIndex++; handleMethod(StatementKind::skFunction,sType, sName,mIndex,isStatic,isFriend); return; } else if ( mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text == ',' ||mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text == ';' ||mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text == ':' ||mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text == '{') { handleVar(sType,isExtern,isStatic); return; } else { QString s = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; if (s == "static") isStatic = true; else if (s == "friend") isFriend = true; else if (s == "extern") isExtern = true; if (!s.isEmpty() && !(s=="extern")) sType = sType + ' '+ s; mIndex++; } } } } int CppParser::getCurrentBlockEndSkip() { if (mBlockEndSkips.isEmpty()) return mTokenizer.tokenCount()+1; return mBlockEndSkips.back(); } int CppParser::getCurrentBlockBeginSkip() { if (mBlockBeginSkips.isEmpty()) return mTokenizer.tokenCount()+1; return mBlockBeginSkips.back(); } int CppParser::getCurrentInlineNamespaceEndSkip() { if (mInlineNamespaceEndSkips.isEmpty()) return mTokenizer.tokenCount()+1; return mInlineNamespaceEndSkips.back(); } PStatement CppParser::getCurrentScope() { if (mCurrentScope.isEmpty()) { return PStatement(); } return mCurrentScope.back(); } void CppParser::getFullNamespace(const QString &phrase, QString &sNamespace, QString &member) { sNamespace = ""; member = phrase; int strLen = phrase.length(); if (strLen==0) return; int lastI =-1; int i=0; while (i=strLen) { if (mNamespaces.contains(sNamespace)) { sNamespace = phrase; member = ""; return; } } if (lastI >= 0) { sNamespace = phrase.mid(0,lastI); member = phrase.mid(lastI+2); } else { sNamespace = ""; member = phrase; } } QString CppParser::getFullStatementName(const QString &command, const PStatement& parent) { PStatement scopeStatement=parent; while (scopeStatement && !isNamedScope(scopeStatement->kind)) scopeStatement = scopeStatement->parentScope.lock(); if (scopeStatement) return scopeStatement->fullName + "::" + command; else return command; } PStatement CppParser::getIncompleteClass(const QString &command, const PStatement& parentScope) { QString s=command; //remove template parameter int p = s.indexOf('<'); if (p>=0) { s.truncate(p); } PStatement result = findStatementOf(mCurrentFile,s,parentScope,true); if (result && result->kind!=StatementKind::skClass) return PStatement(); return result; } StatementScope CppParser::getScope() { // Don't blindly trust levels. Namespaces and externs can have levels too PStatement currentScope = getCurrentScope(); // Invalid class or namespace/extern if (!currentScope || (currentScope->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace)) return StatementScope::Global; else if (currentScope->kind == StatementKind::skClass) return StatementScope::ClassLocal; else return StatementScope::Local; } QString CppParser::getStatementKey(const QString &sName, const QString &sType, const QString &sNoNameArgs) { return sName + "--" + sType + "--" + sNoNameArgs; } PStatement CppParser::getTypeDef(const PStatement& statement, const QString& fileName, const QString& aType) { if (!statement) { return PStatement(); } if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skClass || statement->kind == StatementKind::skEnumType || statement->kind == StatementKind::skEnumClassType) { return statement; } else if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skTypedef) { if (statement->type == aType) // prevent infinite loop return statement; PStatement result = findTypeDefinitionOf(fileName,statement->type, statement->parentScope.lock()); if (!result) // found end of typedef trail, return result return statement; return result; } else if (statement->kind == StatementKind::skAlias) { PStatement result = findAliasedStatement(statement); if (!result) // found end of typedef trail, return result return statement; return result; } else return PStatement(); } void CppParser::handleCatchBlock() { int startLine= mTokenizer[mIndex]->line; mIndex++; // skip for/catch; if (!((mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith('(')))) return; //skip params int i2=mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; if (i2>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) return; if (mTokenizer[i2]->text.startsWith('{')) { mBlockBeginSkips.append(i2); int i = indexOfMatchingBrace(i2); // if (i==i2) { // mBlockEndSkips.append(mTokenizer.tokenCount()); // } else { mBlockEndSkips.append(i); } else { int i=indexOfNextSemicolon(i2); mBlockEndSkips.append(i); } // add a block PStatement block = addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, "", "", "", "", "", startLine, StatementKind::skBlock, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); addSoloScopeLevel(block,startLine); scanMethodArgs(block,mIndex, mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex); mIndex=mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; } void CppParser::handleEnum(bool isTypedef) { QString enumName = ""; bool isEnumClass = false; int startLine = mTokenizer[mIndex]->line; mIndex++; //skip 'enum' if (mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount() && mTokenizer[mIndex]->text == "class") { //enum class isEnumClass = true; mIndex++; //skip class } bool isAdhocVar=false; int endIndex=-1; if ((mIndex< mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith('{')) { // enum {...} NAME // Skip to the closing brace int i = indexOfMatchingBrace(mIndex); // Have we found the name? if (i + 1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { enumName = mTokenizer[i + 1]->text.trimmed(); if (!isIdentifierOrPointer(enumName)) { //not a valid enum, skip to j mIndex=indexOfNextSemicolon(i+1)+1; return; } if (!isTypedef) { //it's an ad-hoc enum var define; if (isEnumClass) { //Enum class can't add hoc, just skip to ; mIndex=indexOfNextSemicolon(i+1)+1; return; } enumName = "__enum__"+enumName+"__"; isAdhocVar=true; } } endIndex=i+1; } else if (mIndex+1< mTokenizer.tokenCount() && mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text.startsWith('{')){ // enum NAME {...}; enumName = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; } else { // enum NAME blahblah // it's an old c-style enum variable definition return; } // Add statement for enum name too PStatement enumStatement; if (isEnumClass) { enumStatement=addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, "enum class", enumName, "", "", "", startLine, StatementKind::skEnumClassType, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } else { enumStatement=addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, "enum", enumName, "", "", "", startLine, StatementKind::skEnumType, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } if (isAdhocVar) { //Ad-hoc var definition // Skip to the closing brace int i = indexOfMatchingBrace(mIndex)+1; QString typeSuffix=""; while (itext; if (isIdentifierOrPointer(name)) { QString suffix; QString args; parseCommandTypeAndArgs(name,suffix,args); if (!name.isEmpty()) { addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, enumName+suffix, mTokenizer[i]->text, args, "", "", mTokenizer[i]->line, StatementKind::skVariable, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } } else if (name!=',') { break; } i++; } endIndex=indexOfNextSemicolon(i); } // Skip opening brace mIndex++; // Call every member "enum NAME ITEMNAME" QString lastType("enum"); if (!enumName.isEmpty()) lastType += ' ' + enumName; QString cmd; QString args; if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text!='}') { while ((mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && !isblockChar(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text[0])) { if (!mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith(',')) { cmd = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; args = ""; if (isEnumClass) { if (enumStatement) { addStatement( enumStatement, mCurrentFile, lastType, cmd, args, "", "", mTokenizer[mIndex]->line, StatementKind::skEnum, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } } else { if (enumStatement) { addStatement( enumStatement, mCurrentFile, lastType, cmd, args, "", "", mTokenizer[mIndex]->line, StatementKind::skEnum, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, lastType, cmd, "", "", "", mTokenizer[mIndex]->line, StatementKind::skEnum, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } } mIndex ++ ; } } if (mIndexline; mIndex++; // skip for/catch; if (!(mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount())) return; int i=indexOfNextSemicolon(mIndex); int i2 = i+1; //skip over ';' (tokenizer have change for(;;) to for(;) if (i2>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) return; if (mTokenizer[i2]->text.startsWith('{')) { mBlockBeginSkips.append(i2); i=indexOfMatchingBrace(i2); // tokenizer will handle unbalanced braces, no need check here // if (i==i2) // mBlockEndSkips.append(mTokenizer.tokenCount()); // else mBlockEndSkips.append(i); } else { i=indexOfNextSemicolon(i2); mBlockEndSkips.append(i); } // add a block PStatement block = addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, "", "", "", "", "", startLine, StatementKind::skBlock, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); addSoloScopeLevel(block,startLine); } void CppParser::handleKeyword(KeywordType skipType) { // Skip switch (skipType) { case KeywordType::SkipItself: // skip it; mIndex++; break; case KeywordType::SkipNextSemicolon: // Skip to ; and over it skipNextSemicolon(mIndex); break; case KeywordType::SkipNextColon: // Skip to : and over it mIndex = indexOfNextColon(mIndex)+1; break; case KeywordType::SkipNextParenthesis: // skip pass () skipParenthesis(mIndex); break; case KeywordType::MoveToLeftBrace: // Skip to { mIndex = indexOfNextLeftBrace(mIndex); break; case KeywordType::MoveToRightBrace: // Skip pass {} mIndex = indexPassBraces(mIndex); break; default: break; } } void CppParser::handleLambda(int index) { Q_ASSERT(mTokenizer[index]->text.startsWith('[')); int startLine=mTokenizer[index]->line; int argStart=index; int argEnd= mTokenizer[argStart]->matchIndex; int blockLine=mTokenizer[argStart]->line; //TODO: parse captures int bodyStart=indexOfNextLeftBrace(argEnd+1); if (bodyStart>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { return; } PStatement lambdaBlock = addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, "", "", "", "", "", startLine, StatementKind::skBlock, StatementScope::Local, StatementClassScope::None, true, false); scanMethodArgs(lambdaBlock,argStart,argEnd); addSoloScopeLevel(lambdaBlock,blockLine); } void CppParser::handleMethod(StatementKind functionKind,const QString &sType, const QString &sName, int argStart, bool isStatic, bool isFriend) { bool isValid = true; bool isDeclaration = false; // assume it's not a prototype int startLine = mTokenizer[mIndex]->line; int argEnd = mTokenizer[argStart]->matchIndex; if (mIndex >= mTokenizer.tokenCount()) // not finished define, just skip it; return; PStatement scopeStatement = getCurrentScope(); //find start of the function body; bool foundColon=false; mIndex=argEnd+1; while ((mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && !isblockChar(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.front())) { if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text=='(') { mIndex=mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; }else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text==':') { foundColon=true; break; } else mIndex++; } if (foundColon) { mIndex++; while ((mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && !isblockChar(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.front())) { if (isWordChar(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text[0]) && mIndex+1text=='{') { //skip parent {}intializer mIndex=mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->matchIndex+1; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text=='(') { mIndex=mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; } else mIndex++; } } // Check if this is a prototype if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith(';') || mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith('}')) {// prototype isDeclaration = true; } QString scopelessName; PStatement functionStatement; if (isFriend && isDeclaration && scopeStatement) { int delimPos = sName.indexOf("::"); if (delimPos >= 0) { scopelessName = sName.mid(delimPos+2); } else scopelessName = sName; //TODO : we should check namespace scopeStatement->friends.insert(scopelessName); } else if (isValid) { // Use the class the function belongs to as the parent ID if the function is declared outside of the class body int delimPos = sName.lastIndexOf("::"); QString scopelessName; QString parentClassName; if (splitLastMember(sName,scopelessName,parentClassName)) { // Provide Bar instead of Foo::Bar scopeStatement = getIncompleteClass(parentClassName,getCurrentScope()); } else scopelessName = sName; // For function definitions, the parent class is given. Only use that as a parent if (!isDeclaration) { functionStatement=addStatement( scopeStatement, mCurrentFile, sType, scopelessName, argStart, argEnd, "", //mTokenizer[mIndex - 1]^.Line, startLine, functionKind, getScope(), mClassScope, true, isStatic); scanMethodArgs(functionStatement, argStart,argEnd); // add variable this to the class function if (scopeStatement && scopeStatement->kind == StatementKind::skClass && !isStatic) { //add this to non-static class member function addStatement( functionStatement, mCurrentFile, scopeStatement->command+"*", "this", "", "", "", startLine, StatementKind::skVariable, StatementScope::Local, StatementClassScope::None, true, false); } // add "__func__ variable" addStatement( functionStatement, mCurrentFile, "static const char ", "__func__", "[]", "", "\""+scopelessName+"\"", startLine+1, StatementKind::skVariable, StatementScope::Local, StatementClassScope::None, true, false); } else { functionStatement = addStatement( scopeStatement, mCurrentFile, sType, scopelessName, argStart, argEnd, "", //mTokenizer[mIndex - 1]^.Line, startLine, functionKind, getScope(), mClassScope, false, isStatic); } } if ((mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith('{')) { addSoloScopeLevel(functionStatement,startLine); mIndex++; //skip '{' } else if ((mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith(';')) { addSoloScopeLevel(functionStatement,startLine); if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->line != startLine) removeScopeLevel(mTokenizer[mIndex]->line+1); else removeScopeLevel(startLine+1); mIndex++; } } void CppParser::handleNamespace(KeywordType skipType) { bool isInline=false; int startLine = mTokenizer[mIndex]->line; if (skipType==KeywordType::Inline) { isInline = true; mIndex++; //skip 'inline' } mIndex++; //skip 'namespace' // if (!tokenIsIdentifier(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text)) // //wrong namespace define, stop handling // return; QString command = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; QString fullName = getFullStatementName(command,getCurrentScope()); if (isInline) { mInlineNamespaces.insert(fullName); } else if (mInlineNamespaces.contains(fullName)) { isInline = true; } // if (command.startsWith("__")) // hack for inline namespaces // isInline = true; mIndex++; if (mIndex>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) return; QString aliasName; if ((mIndex+2text == '=')) { aliasName=mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text; //namespace alias addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, aliasName, // name of the alias namespace command, // command "", // args "", // noname args "", // values //mTokenizer[mIndex]^.Line, startLine, StatementKind::skNamespaceAlias, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); mIndex+=2; //skip ; return; } else if (isInline) { //inline namespace , just skip it // Skip to '{' while ((mIndextext != '{')) mIndex++; int i =indexOfMatchingBrace(mIndex); //skip '}' if (i==mIndex) mInlineNamespaceEndSkips.append(mTokenizer.tokenCount()); else mInlineNamespaceEndSkips.append(i); if (mIndextext=='{') addSoloScopeLevel(namespaceStatement,startLine); //skip it mIndex++; } } void CppParser::handleOtherTypedefs() { int startLine = mTokenizer[mIndex]->line; // Skip typedef word mIndex++; if (mIndex>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) return; if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text == '(' || mTokenizer[mIndex]->text == ',' || mTokenizer[mIndex]->text == ';') { // error typedef //skip over next ; mIndex=indexOfNextSemicolon(mIndex)+1; return; } if ((mIndex+1text == ';')) { //no old type, not valid mIndex+=2; //skip ; return; } QString oldType; // Walk up to first new word (before first comma or ;) while(true) { oldType += mTokenizer[mIndex]->text + ' '; mIndex++; if (mIndex+1>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { //not valid, just exit return; } if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text=='(') { break; } if (mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text.front() == ',' || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text == ';') break; //typedef function pointer } oldType = oldType.trimmed(); if (oldType.isEmpty()) { //skip over next ; mIndex=indexOfNextSemicolon(mIndex)+1; return; } QString newType; while(mIndex+1text == ',' ) { mIndex++; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text == ';' ) { break; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text == '(') { int paramStart=mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; QString newType = mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text; if (paramStart>=mTokenizer.tokenCount() || mTokenizer[paramStart]->text!='(') { //not valid function pointer (no args) //skip over next ; mIndex=indexOfNextSemicolon(paramStart)+1; return; } if (newType.startsWith('*')) newType = newType.mid(1); if (!newType.isEmpty()) { addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, oldType, newType, mergeArgs(paramStart,mTokenizer[paramStart]->matchIndex), "", "", startLine, StatementKind::skTypedef, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } mIndex = mTokenizer[paramStart]->matchIndex+1; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text.front() ==',' || mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text.front() ==';') { newType += mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; QString suffix; QString args; parseCommandTypeAndArgs(newType,suffix,args); addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, oldType+suffix, newType, args, "", "", startLine, StatementKind::skTypedef, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); newType = ""; mIndex++; } else { newType += mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; mIndex++; } } // Step over semicolon (saves one HandleStatement loop) mIndex++; } void CppParser::handlePreprocessor() { QString text = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.mid(1).trimmed(); if (text.startsWith("include")) { // start of new file // format: #include fullfilename:line // Strip keyword QString s = text.mid(QString("include").length()); if (!s.startsWith(" ") && !s.startsWith("\t")) goto handlePreprocessorEnd; int delimPos = s.lastIndexOf(':'); if (delimPos>=0) { // qDebug()<line<line, StatementKind::skPreprocessor, StatementScope::Global, StatementClassScope::None, true, false); } // TODO: undef ( define has limited scope) handlePreprocessorEnd: mIndex++; } StatementClassScope CppParser::getClassScope(const QString& text) { if (!text.isEmpty() && text[0]=='p') { if (text=="public") return StatementClassScope::Public; else if (text=="private") return StatementClassScope::Private; else if (text=="protected") return StatementClassScope::Protected; } return StatementClassScope::None; } StatementClassScope CppParser::getClassScope(KeywordType keywordType) { switch(keywordType) { case KeywordType::Public: return StatementClassScope::Public; case KeywordType::Private: return StatementClassScope::Private; case KeywordType::Protected: return StatementClassScope::Protected; default: return StatementClassScope::None; } } void CppParser::handleScope(KeywordType keywordType) { mClassScope = getClassScope(keywordType); mIndex+=2; // the scope is followed by a ':' } bool CppParser::handleStatement() { QString funcType,funcName; int idx=getCurrentBlockEndSkip(); int idx2=getCurrentBlockBeginSkip(); int idx3=getCurrentInlineNamespaceEndSkip(); KeywordType keywordType; if (mIndex >= idx2) { //skip (previous handled) block begin mBlockBeginSkips.pop_back(); if (mIndex == idx2) mIndex++; else if (mIndexline); } else if (mIndex >= idx) { //skip (previous handled) block end mBlockEndSkips.pop_back(); if (idx+1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) removeScopeLevel(mTokenizer[idx+1]->line); if (mIndex == idx) mIndex++; } else if (mIndex >= idx3) { //skip (previous handled) inline name space end mInlineNamespaceEndSkips.pop_back(); if (mIndex == idx3) mIndex++; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith('{')) { PStatement block = addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, "", "", "", "", "", //mTokenizer[mIndex]^.Line, mTokenizer[mIndex]->line, StatementKind::skBlock, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); addSoloScopeLevel(block,mTokenizer[mIndex]->line,true); mIndex++; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text[0] == '}') { removeScopeLevel(mTokenizer[mIndex]->line); mIndex++; } else if (checkForPreprocessor()) { handlePreprocessor(); // } else if (checkForLambda()) { // is lambda // handleLambda(); } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text=='(') { if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text=="operator") { // things like (operator int) mIndex++; //just skip '(' } else skipParenthesis(mIndex); } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text==')') { mIndex++; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith('~')) { //it should be a destructor if (mIndex+1text=='(') { //dont further check to speed up handleMethod(StatementKind::skDestructor, "", '~'+mTokenizer[mIndex]->text, mIndex+1, false, false); } else { //error moveToNextBraceOrSkipNextSemicolon(mIndex); } } else if (!isIdentChar(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text[0])) { moveToNextBraceOrSkipNextSemicolon(mIndex); } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.endsWith('.') || mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.endsWith("->")) { moveToNextBraceOrSkipNextSemicolon(mIndex); } else if (checkForKeyword(keywordType)) { // includes template now handleKeyword(keywordType); } else if (keywordType==KeywordType::For) { // (for/catch) handleForBlock(); } else if (keywordType==KeywordType::Catch) { // (for/catch) handleCatchBlock(); } else if (checkForScope(keywordType)) { // public /private/proteced handleScope(keywordType); } else if (keywordType==KeywordType::Enum) { handleEnum(false); } else if (keywordType==KeywordType::Typedef) { if (mIndex+1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { if (checkForTypedefStruct()) { // typedef struct something mIndex++; // skip 'typedef' handleStructs(true); } else if (checkForTypedefEnum()) { // typedef enum something mIndex++; // skip 'typedef' handleEnum(true); } else handleOtherTypedefs(); // typedef Foo Bar } else mIndex++; } else if (checkForNamespace(keywordType)) { handleNamespace(keywordType); } else if (checkForUsing(keywordType)) { handleUsing(); } else if (checkForStructs(keywordType)) { handleStructs(false); } else { // it should be method/constructor/var checkAndHandleMethodOrVar(keywordType); } Q_ASSERT(mIndex<999999); while (mTokenizer.lambdasCount()>0 && mTokenizer.indexOfFirstLambda()text; if (prefix == "friend") { isFriend = true; mIndex++; } // Check if were dealing with a struct or union prefix = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; bool isStruct = ("struct" == prefix) || ("union"==prefix); int startLine = mTokenizer[mIndex]->line; mIndex++; //skip struct/class/union if (mIndex>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) return; // Do not modifiy index int i=indexOfNextSemicolonOrLeftBrace(mIndex); if (i >= mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { //error mIndex=i; return; } // Forward class/struct decl *or* typedef, e.g. typedef struct some_struct synonym1, synonym2; if (mTokenizer[i]->text.front() == ';') { // typdef struct Foo Bar if (isTypedef) { QString oldType = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; while(true) { // Add definition statement for the synonym if ((mIndex + 1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && (mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text.front()==',' || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text.front()==';')) { QString newType = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, oldType, newType, "", // args "", // noname args "", // values startLine, StatementKind::skTypedef, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } mIndex++; if (mIndex >= mTokenizer.tokenCount()) break; if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.front() == ';') break; } } else { if (isFriend) { // friend class PStatement parentStatement = getCurrentScope(); if (parentStatement) { parentStatement->friends.insert(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text); } } else { // todo: Forward declaration, struct Foo. Don't mention in class browser } i++; // step over ; mIndex = i; } // normal class/struct decl } else { PStatement firstSynonym; // Add class/struct name BEFORE opening brace if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.front() != '{') { while(mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) { if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.front() == ':' || mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.front() == '{' || mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.front() == ';') { break; } else if ((mIndex + 1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && (mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text.front() == ',' || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text.front() == ';' || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text.front() == '{' || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text.front() == ':')) { QString command = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; PStatement scopeStatement=getCurrentScope(); QString scopelessName; QString parentName; if (splitLastMember(command,scopelessName,parentName)) { scopeStatement = getIncompleteClass(parentName,getCurrentScope()); } else { scopelessName=command; } if (!command.isEmpty()) { firstSynonym = addStatement( scopeStatement, mCurrentFile, prefix, // type scopelessName, // command "", // args "", // no name args, "", // values startLine, StatementKind::skClass, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); command = ""; } mIndex++; break; } else if ((mIndex + 2 < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && (mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text == "final") && (mTokenizer[mIndex + 2]->text.front()==',' || mTokenizer[mIndex + 2]->text.front()==':' || isblockChar(mTokenizer[mIndex + 2]->text.front()))) { QString command = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; if (!command.isEmpty()) { firstSynonym = addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, prefix, // type command, // command "", // args "", // no name args "", // values startLine, StatementKind::skClass, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); command=""; } mIndex+=2; break; } else mIndex++; } } // Walk to opening brace if we encountered inheritance statements if ((mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.front() == ':')) { if (firstSynonym) setInheritance(mIndex, firstSynonym, isStruct); // set the _InheritanceList value mIndex=indexOfNextLeftBrace(mIndex); } // Check for struct synonyms after close brace if (isStruct) { // Walk to closing brace i = indexOfMatchingBrace(mIndex); // step onto closing brace if ((i + 1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && !( mTokenizer[i + 1]->text.front() == ';' || mTokenizer[i + 1]->text.front() == '}')) { // When encountering names again after struct body scanning, skip it mSkipList.append(i+1); // add first name to skip statement so that we can skip it until the next ; QString command = ""; QString args = ""; // Add synonym before opening brace while(true) { i++; if (mTokenizer[i]->text=='(' || mTokenizer[i]->text==')') { //skip } else if (!(mTokenizer[i]->text == '{' || mTokenizer[i]->text == ',' || mTokenizer[i]->text == ';')) { if (mTokenizer[i]->text.endsWith(']')) { // cut-off array brackets int pos = mTokenizer[i]->text.indexOf('['); command += mTokenizer[i]->text.mid(0,pos) + ' '; args = mTokenizer[i]->text.mid(pos); } else if (mTokenizer[i]->text.front() == '*' || mTokenizer[i]->text.front() == '&') { // do not add spaces after pointer operator command += mTokenizer[i]->text; } else { command += mTokenizer[i]->text + ' '; } } else { command = command.trimmed(); if (!command.isEmpty() && ( !firstSynonym || command!=firstSynonym->command )) { //not define the struct yet, we define a unamed struct if (!firstSynonym) { firstSynonym = addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, prefix, "__"+command, "", "", "", startLine, StatementKind::skClass, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } if (isTypedef) { //typedef addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, firstSynonym->command, command, "", "", "", mTokenizer[mIndex]->line, StatementKind::skTypedef, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); // typedef } else { //variable define addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, firstSynonym->command, command, args, "", "", mTokenizer[i]->line, StatementKind::skVariable, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); // TODO: not supported to pass list } } command = ""; } if (i >= mTokenizer.tokenCount() - 1) break; if (mTokenizer[i]->text=='{' || mTokenizer[i]->text== ';') break; } // Nothing worth mentioning after closing brace // Proceed to set first synonym as current class } } if (!firstSynonym) { //anonymous union/struct/class, add as a block firstSynonym=addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, "", "", "", "", "", startLine, StatementKind::skBlock, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } addSoloScopeLevel(firstSynonym,startLine); // Step over { if ((mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.front() == '{')) mIndex++; } } void CppParser::handleUsing() { int startLine = mTokenizer[mIndex]->line; if (mCurrentFile.isEmpty()) { //skip pass next ; mIndex=indexOfNextSemicolon(mIndex)+1; return; } mIndex++; //skip 'using' //handle things like 'using vec = std::vector; ' if (mIndex+1 < mTokenizer.tokenCount() && mTokenizer[mIndex+1]->text == "=") { QString fullName = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; QString aliasName; mIndex+=2; while (mIndextext!=';') { aliasName += mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; mIndex++; } addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, aliasName, // name of the alias (type) fullName, // command "", // args "", // noname args "", // values startLine, StatementKind::skTypedef, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); // skip ; mIndex++; return; } //handle things like 'using std::vector;' if ((mIndex+2>=mTokenizer.tokenCount()) || (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text != "namespace")) { int i= mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.lastIndexOf("::"); if (i>=0) { QString fullName = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; QString usingName = fullName.mid(i+2); addStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, fullName, // name of the alias (type) usingName, // command "", // args "", // noname args "", // values startLine, StatementKind::skAlias, getScope(), mClassScope, true, false); } //skip to ; and skip it mIndex=indexOfNextSemicolon(mIndex)+1; return; } mIndex++; // skip 'namespace' PStatement scopeStatement = getCurrentScope(); QString usingName = mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; mIndex++; if (scopeStatement) { QString fullName = scopeStatement->fullName + "::" + usingName; if (!mNamespaces.contains(fullName)) { fullName = usingName; } if (mNamespaces.contains(fullName)) { scopeStatement->usingList.insert(fullName); } } else { PFileIncludes fileInfo = mPreprocessor.includesList().value(mCurrentFile); if (!fileInfo) return; if (mNamespaces.contains(usingName)) { fileInfo->usings.insert(usingName); } } } void CppParser::handleVar(const QString& typePrefix,bool isExtern,bool isStatic) { QString lastType; if (typePrefix=="extern") { isExtern=true; } else if (typePrefix=="static") { isStatic=true; } else { lastType=typePrefix; } //we only check the first token to reduce calculations // if (mIndex>=mTokenizer.tokenCount() // || mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.endsWith('.') // || mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.endsWith("->")) { // //failed to handle // skipNextSemicolon(mIndex); // return ; // } // while (mIndex+1text=='(') { // if ( mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex<=mTokenizer.tokenCount() // && mTokenizer[mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex]->text=='(') { // //function pointer // break; // } // //error break; // mIndex=indexBackup; // return false; // } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text=='(' // || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text==',' // || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text==';' // || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text.front()==':' // || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text=='}' // || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text.front()=='#' // || mTokenizer[mIndex + 1]->text=='{') { // //end of type info // break; // } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text!="struct" // && mTokenizer[mIndex]->text!="class" // && mTokenizer[mIndex]->text!="union") { // QString s=mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; // if (s == "extern") { // isExtern = true; // } else if (s == "static") { // isStatic = true; // } else // lastType += ' '+s; // } // mIndex++; // } // if (mIndex+1 >= mTokenizer.tokenCount() || lastType.isEmpty() // || lastType.endsWith(':')) { // mIndex=indexBackup; // return false; // } bool varAdded = false; QString tempType; while(mIndextext.front() == ':') { while ( (mIndex < mTokenizer.tokenCount()) && !( mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith(',') || mTokenizer[mIndex]->text.startsWith(';') )) mIndex++; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text==';') { break; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text=='(' && mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1matchIndex+1]->text=='(') { //function pointer QString cmd=mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; int argStart=mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; int argEnd=mTokenizer[argStart]->matchIndex; if (cmd.startsWith('*')) cmd=cmd.mid(1); if (!cmd.isEmpty()) { addChildStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, lastType, cmd, mergeArgs(argStart,argEnd), "", "", mTokenizer[mIndex]->line, StatementKind::skVariable, getScope(), mClassScope, //True, !isExtern, isStatic); // TODO: not supported to pass list varAdded = true; tempType=""; } mIndex=argEnd+1; } else if (isWordChar(mTokenizer[mIndex]->text[0])) { QString cmd=mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; while (cmd.startsWith('*')) { cmd=cmd.mid(1); } if (cmd=="const") { tempType=mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; } else { QString suffix; QString args; cmd=mTokenizer[mIndex]->text; parseCommandTypeAndArgs(cmd,suffix,args); if (!cmd.isEmpty()) { addChildStatement( getCurrentScope(), mCurrentFile, (lastType+' '+tempType+suffix).trimmed(), cmd, args, "", "", mTokenizer[mIndex]->line, StatementKind::skVariable, getScope(), mClassScope, //True, !isExtern, isStatic); // TODO: not supported to pass list varAdded = true; tempType=""; } } mIndex++; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text=='(') { mIndex=mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; } else if (mTokenizer[mIndex]->text=='{') { tempType=""; mIndex=mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; } else { tempType=""; mIndex++; } } // Skip ; mIndex++; } void CppParser::internalParse(const QString &fileName) { // Perform some validation before we start if (!mEnabled) return; // if (!isCfile(fileName) && !isHfile(fileName)) // support only known C/C++ files // return; QStringList buffer; if (mOnGetFileStream) { mOnGetFileStream(fileName,buffer); } // Preprocess the file... { auto action = finally([this]{ mTokenizer.clear(); }); // Let the preprocessor augment the include records // mPreprocessor.setIncludesList(mIncludesList); // mPreprocessor.setScannedFileList(mScannedFiles); // mPreprocessor.setIncludePaths(mIncludePaths); // mPreprocessor.setProjectIncludePaths(mProjectIncludePaths); mPreprocessor.setScanOptions(mParseGlobalHeaders, mParseLocalHeaders); mPreprocessor.preprocess(fileName, buffer); QStringList preprocessResult = mPreprocessor.result(); #ifdef QT_DEBUG stringsToFile(mPreprocessor.result(),QString("r:\\preprocess-%1.txt").arg(extractFileName(fileName))); // mPreprocessor.dumpDefinesTo("r:\\defines.txt"); // mPreprocessor.dumpIncludesListTo("r:\\includes.txt"); #endif //reduce memory usage mPreprocessor.clearTempResults(); // Tokenize the preprocessed buffer file mTokenizer.tokenize(preprocessResult); //reduce memory usage preprocessResult.clear(); if (mTokenizer.tokenCount() == 0) return; #ifdef QT_DEBUG mTokenizer.dumpTokens(QString("r:\\tokens-%1.txt").arg(extractFileName(fileName))); #endif // Process the token list while(true) { if (!handleStatement()) break; } #ifdef QT_DEBUG mStatementList.dumpAll(QString("r:\\all-stats-%1.txt").arg(extractFileName(fileName))); mStatementList.dump(QString("r:\\stats-%1.txt").arg(extractFileName(fileName))); #endif //reduce memory usage internalClear(); } } void CppParser::inheritClassStatement(const PStatement& derived, bool isStruct, const PStatement& base, StatementClassScope access) { //differentiate class and struct if (access == StatementClassScope::None) { if (isStruct) access = StatementClassScope::Public; else access = StatementClassScope::Private; } foreach (const PStatement& statement, base->children) { if (statement->classScope == StatementClassScope::Private || statement->kind == StatementKind::skConstructor || statement->kind == StatementKind::skDestructor) continue; StatementClassScope m_acc; switch(access) { case StatementClassScope::Public: m_acc = statement->classScope; break; case StatementClassScope::Protected: m_acc = StatementClassScope::Protected; break; case StatementClassScope::Private: m_acc = StatementClassScope::Private; break; default: m_acc = StatementClassScope::Private; } //inherit addInheritedStatement(derived,statement,m_acc); } } void CppParser::fillListOfFunctions(const QString& fileName, int line, const PStatement& statement, const PStatement& scopeStatement, QStringList &list) { StatementMap children = mStatementList.childrenStatements(scopeStatement); for (const PStatement& child:children) { if ((statement->command == child->command) #ifdef Q_OS_WIN || (statement->command +'A' == child->command) || (statement->command +'W' == child->command) #endif ) { if (line < child->line && (child->fileName == fileName)) continue; list.append(prettyPrintStatement(child,child->fileName,child->line)); } } } QList CppParser::getListOfFunctions(const QString &fileName, int line, const PStatement &statement, const PStatement &scopeStatement) { QList result; StatementMap children = mStatementList.childrenStatements(scopeStatement); for (const PStatement& child:children) { if (( (statement->command == child->command) #ifdef Q_OS_WIN || (statement->command +'A' == child->command) || (statement->command +'W' == child->command) #endif ) ) { if (line < child->line && (child->fileName == fileName)) continue; result.append(child); } } return result; } PStatement CppParser::findMemberOfStatement(const QString &phrase, const PStatement& scopeStatement) { const StatementMap& statementMap =mStatementList.childrenStatements(scopeStatement); if (statementMap.isEmpty()) return PStatement(); QString s = phrase; //remove [] int p = phrase.indexOf('['); if (p>=0) s.truncate(p); //remove () p = phrase.indexOf('('); if (p>=0) s.truncate(p); //remove <> p =s.indexOf('<'); if (p>=0) s.truncate(p); return statementMap.value(s,PStatement()); } QList CppParser::findMembersOfStatement(const QString &phrase, const PStatement &scopeStatement) { const StatementMap& statementMap =mStatementList.childrenStatements(scopeStatement); if (statementMap.isEmpty()) return QList(); QString s = phrase; //remove [] int p = phrase.indexOf('['); if (p>=0) s.truncate(p); //remove () p = phrase.indexOf('('); if (p>=0) s.truncate(p); //remove <> p =s.indexOf('<'); if (p>=0) s.truncate(p); return statementMap.values(s); } PStatement CppParser::findStatementInScope(const QString &name, const QString &noNameArgs, StatementKind kind, const PStatement& scope) { if (scope && scope->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace) { PStatementList namespaceStatementsList = findNamespace(scope->command); if (!namespaceStatementsList) return PStatement(); foreach (const PStatement& namespaceStatement, *namespaceStatementsList) { PStatement result=doFindStatementInScope(name,noNameArgs,kind,namespaceStatement); if (result) return result; } } else { return doFindStatementInScope(name,noNameArgs,kind,scope); } return PStatement(); } PStatement CppParser::findStatementInScope(const QString &name, const PStatement &scope) { if (!scope) return findMemberOfStatement(name,scope); if (scope->kind == StatementKind::skNamespace) { return findStatementInNamespace(name, scope->fullName); } else { return findMemberOfStatement(name,scope); } } PStatement CppParser::findStatementInNamespace(const QString &name, const QString &namespaceName) { PStatementList namespaceStatementsList=findNamespace(namespaceName); if (!namespaceStatementsList) return PStatement(); foreach (const PStatement& namespaceStatement,*namespaceStatementsList) { PStatement result = findMemberOfStatement(name,namespaceStatement); if (result) return result; } return PStatement(); } PEvalStatement CppParser::doEvalExpression(const QString& fileName, const QStringList& phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement& scope, const PEvalStatement& previousResult, bool freeScoped) { //dummy function to easy later upgrades return doEvalPointerArithmetic(fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, previousResult, freeScoped); } PEvalStatement CppParser::doEvalPointerArithmetic(const QString &fileName, const QStringList &phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement &scope, const PEvalStatement &previousResult, bool freeScoped) { if (pos>=phraseExpression.length()) return PEvalStatement(); //find the start scope statement PEvalStatement currentResult = doEvalPointerToMembers( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, previousResult, freeScoped); while (pos < phraseExpression.length()) { if (!currentResult) break; if (currentResult && (phraseExpression[pos]=="+" || phraseExpression[pos]=="-")) { if (currentResult->kind == EvalStatementKind::Variable) { pos++; PEvalStatement op2=doEvalPointerToMembers( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, currentResult, false); //todo operator+/- overload } else if (currentResult->kind == EvalStatementKind::Literal && currentResult->baseType == "int") { pos++; PEvalStatement op2=doEvalPointerToMembers( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, currentResult, false); currentResult = op2; } else break; } else break; } // qDebug()<=phraseExpression.length()) return PEvalStatement(); //find the start scope statement PEvalStatement currentResult = doEvalCCast( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, previousResult, freeScoped); while (pos < phraseExpression.length()) { if (!currentResult) break; if (currentResult && (currentResult->kind == EvalStatementKind::Variable) && (phraseExpression[pos]==".*" || phraseExpression[pos]=="->*")) { pos++; currentResult = doEvalCCast( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, currentResult, false); if (currentResult) { currentResult->pointerLevel++; } } else break; } // qDebug()<=phraseExpression.length()) return PEvalStatement(); PEvalStatement result; if (phraseExpression[pos]=="*") { pos++; //skip "*" result = doEvalCCast( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, previousResult, freeScoped); if (result) { //todo: STL container; if (result->pointerLevel==0) { PStatement typeStatement = result->effectiveTypeStatement; if ((typeStatement) && STLPointers.contains(typeStatement->fullName) && result->kind == EvalStatementKind::Variable && result->baseStatement) { PStatement parentScope = result->baseStatement->parentScope.lock(); QString typeName=findFirstTemplateParamOf(fileName,result->baseStatement->type, parentScope); // qDebug()<<"typeName"<kind = EvalStatementKind::Variable; } } } else result->pointerLevel--; } } else if (phraseExpression[pos]=="&") { pos++; //skip "&" result = doEvalCCast( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, previousResult, freeScoped); if (result) { result->pointerLevel++; } } else if (phraseExpression[pos]=="++" || phraseExpression[pos]=="--") { pos++; //skip "++" or "--" result = doEvalCCast( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, previousResult, freeScoped); } else if (phraseExpression[pos]=="(") { //parse int startPos = pos; pos++; // qDebug()<<"parse type cast ()"; PEvalStatement evalType = doEvalExpression( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, PEvalStatement(), true); // qDebug()<= phraseExpression.length() || phraseExpression[pos]!=")") { return PEvalStatement(); } else if (evalType && (evalType->kind == EvalStatementKind::Type)) { pos++; // skip ")" // qDebug()<<"parse type cast exp"; //it's a type cast result = doEvalCCast(fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, previousResult, freeScoped); if (result) { // qDebug()<<"type cast"; result->assignType(evalType); } } else //it's not a type cast result = doEvalMemberAccess( fileName, phraseExpression, startPos, //we must reparse it scope, previousResult, freeScoped); } else result = doEvalMemberAccess( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, previousResult, freeScoped); // if (result) { // qDebug()<kind<baseType; // } else { // qDebug()<<"!!!!!!!!!!!not found"; // } return result; } PEvalStatement CppParser::doEvalMemberAccess(const QString &fileName, const QStringList &phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement& scope, const PEvalStatement& previousResult, bool freeScoped) { // qDebug()<<"eval member access "<=phraseExpression.length()) return result; PEvalStatement lastResult = previousResult; result = doEvalScopeResolution( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, previousResult, freeScoped); if (!result) return PEvalStatement(); while (poskind == EvalStatementKind::Type) { pos++; // skip "(" PEvalStatement newResult = doEvalExpression( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, PEvalStatement(), true); if (newResult) newResult->assignType(result); pos++; // skip ")" result = newResult; } else if (result->kind == EvalStatementKind::Function) { doSkipInExpression(phraseExpression,pos,"(",")"); // qDebug()<<"????"<<(result->baseStatement!=nullptr)<<(lastResult!=nullptr); if (result->baseStatement && lastResult && lastResult->baseStatement) { PStatement parentScope = result->baseStatement->parentScope.lock(); if (parentScope && STLContainers.contains(parentScope->fullName) && STLElementMethods.contains(result->baseStatement->command) ) { //stl container methods PStatement typeStatement = result->effectiveTypeStatement; QString typeName=findFirstTemplateParamOf(fileName,lastResult->baseStatement->type, parentScope); // qDebug()<<"typeName"<baseStatement->type<baseStatement->command; typeStatement=findTypeDefinitionOf(fileName, typeName,parentScope); if (typeStatement) { result = doCreateEvalType(fileName,typeStatement); result->kind = EvalStatementKind::Variable; } } } result->kind = EvalStatementKind::Variable; } else result = PEvalStatement(); } else if (phraseExpression[pos] == "[") { //skip to "]" doSkipInExpression(phraseExpression,pos,"[","]"); if (result->pointerLevel>0) result->pointerLevel--; else { PStatement typeStatement = result->effectiveTypeStatement; if (typeStatement && STLContainers.contains(typeStatement->fullName) && result->kind == EvalStatementKind::Variable && result->baseStatement) { PStatement parentScope = result->baseStatement->parentScope.lock(); QString typeName = findFirstTemplateParamOf(fileName,result->baseStatement->type, parentScope); typeStatement = findTypeDefinitionOf(fileName, typeName, parentScope); if (typeStatement) { result = doCreateEvalType(fileName,typeStatement); result->kind = EvalStatementKind::Variable; } } } } else if (phraseExpression[pos] == ".") { pos++; lastResult = result; result = doEvalScopeResolution( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, result, false); // qDebug()<<(result!=nullptr)<") { pos++; // qDebug()<<"pointer level"<pointerLevel; if (result->pointerLevel==0) { PStatement typeStatement = result->effectiveTypeStatement; if ((typeStatement) && STLPointers.contains(typeStatement->fullName) && result->kind == EvalStatementKind::Variable && result->baseStatement) { PStatement parentScope = result->baseStatement->parentScope.lock(); QString typeName=findFirstTemplateParamOf(fileName,result->baseStatement->type, parentScope); // qDebug()<<"typeName"<kind = EvalStatementKind::Variable; } } } else { result->pointerLevel--; } lastResult = result; result = doEvalScopeResolution( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, result, false); } else break; } return result; } PEvalStatement CppParser::doEvalScopeResolution(const QString &fileName, const QStringList &phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement& scope, const PEvalStatement& previousResult, bool freeScoped) { // qDebug()<<"eval scope res "<=phraseExpression.length()) return result; result = doEvalTerm( fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, previousResult, freeScoped); while (poskind == EvalStatementKind::Type) { //class static member result = doEvalTerm(fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, result, false); } else if (result->kind == EvalStatementKind::Namespace) { //namespace result = doEvalTerm(fileName, phraseExpression, pos, scope, result, false); } if (!result) break; } else break; } // qDebug()<baseType<=phraseExpression.length()) return result; if (phraseExpression[pos]=="(") { pos++; result = doEvalExpression(fileName,phraseExpression,pos,scope,PEvalStatement(),freeScoped); if (pos >= phraseExpression.length() || phraseExpression[pos]!=")") return PEvalStatement(); else { pos++; // skip ")"; return result; } } else { int pointerLevel = 0; //skip "struct", "const", "static", etc while(pos < phraseExpression.length()) { QString token = phraseExpression[pos]; if (token=="*") // for expression like (const * char)? pointerLevel++; else if (mCppTypeKeywords.contains(token) || !mCppKeywords.contains(token)) break; pos++; } if (pos>=phraseExpression.length() || phraseExpression[pos]==")") return result; if (mCppKeywords.contains(phraseExpression[pos])) { result = doCreateEvalType(phraseExpression[pos]); pos++; } else if (isIdentifier(phraseExpression[pos])) { PStatement statement; if (freeScoped) { if (!previousResult) { statement = findStatementStartingFrom( fileName, phraseExpression[pos], scope); } else { statement = findStatementStartingFrom( fileName, phraseExpression[pos], previousResult->effectiveTypeStatement); } } else { if (!previousResult) { statement = findStatementInScope(phraseExpression[pos],PStatement()); } else { // if (previousResult->effectiveTypeStatement) { // qDebug()<effectiveTypeStatement->fullName; // } else { // qDebug()<effectiveTypeStatement); // if (!statement) { // qDebug()<<"not found!"; // } else { // qDebug()<fullName; // qDebug()<kind; // } } } pos++; if (statement && statement->kind == StatementKind::skConstructor) { statement = statement->parentScope.lock(); } if (statement) { switch (statement->kind) { case StatementKind::skNamespace: result = doCreateEvalNamespace(statement); break; case StatementKind::skAlias: { statement = findAliasedStatement(statement); if (statement) result = doCreateEvalNamespace(statement); } break; case StatementKind::skVariable: case StatementKind::skParameter: result = doCreateEvalVariable(fileName,statement); break; case StatementKind::skEnumType: case StatementKind::skClass: case StatementKind::skEnumClassType: case StatementKind::skTypedef: result = doCreateEvalType(fileName,statement); break; case StatementKind::skFunction: result = doCreateEvalFunction(fileName,statement); break; default: result = PEvalStatement(); } } } else if (isIntegerLiteral(phraseExpression[pos])) { result = doCreateEvalLiteral("int"); pos++; } else if (isFloatLiteral(phraseExpression[pos])) { result = doCreateEvalLiteral("double"); pos++; } else if (isStringLiteral(phraseExpression[pos])) { result = doCreateEvalLiteral("char"); result->pointerLevel = 1; pos++; } else if (isCharLiteral(phraseExpression[pos])) { result = doCreateEvalLiteral("char"); pos++; } else return result; // if (result) { // qDebug()<<"term kind:"<<(int)result->kind; // } if (result && result->kind == EvalStatementKind::Type) { //skip "struct", "const", "static", etc while(pos < phraseExpression.length()) { QString token = phraseExpression[pos]; if (token=="*") // for expression like (const * char)? pointerLevel++; else if (mCppTypeKeywords.contains(token) || !mCppKeywords.contains(token)) break; pos++; } result->pointerLevel = pointerLevel; } } // qDebug()<( namespaceStatement->fullName, EvalStatementKind::Namespace, PStatement(), namespaceStatement); } PEvalStatement CppParser::doCreateEvalType(const QString& fileName,const PStatement &typeStatement) { if (!typeStatement) return PEvalStatement(); if (typeStatement->kind == StatementKind::skTypedef) { QString baseType; int pointerLevel=0; PStatement statement = doParseEvalTypeInfo( fileName, typeStatement->parentScope.lock(), typeStatement->type + typeStatement->args, baseType, pointerLevel); return std::make_shared( baseType, EvalStatementKind::Type, PStatement(), typeStatement, pointerLevel ); } else { return std::make_shared( typeStatement->fullName, EvalStatementKind::Type, PStatement(), typeStatement); } } PEvalStatement CppParser::doCreateEvalType(const QString &primitiveType) { return std::make_shared( primitiveType, EvalStatementKind::Type, PStatement(), PStatement()); } PEvalStatement CppParser::doCreateEvalVariable(const QString &fileName, PStatement varStatement) { if (!varStatement) return PEvalStatement(); QString baseType; int pointerLevel=0; PStatement typeStatement = doParseEvalTypeInfo( fileName, varStatement->parentScope.lock(), varStatement->type+ varStatement->args, baseType, pointerLevel); // qDebug()<<"parse ..."<( baseType, EvalStatementKind::Variable, varStatement, typeStatement, pointerLevel ); } PEvalStatement CppParser::doCreateEvalFunction(const QString &fileName, PStatement funcStatement) { if (!funcStatement) return PEvalStatement(); QString baseType; int pointerLevel=0; PStatement typeStatement = doParseEvalTypeInfo( fileName, funcStatement->parentScope.lock(), funcStatement->type, baseType, pointerLevel); return std::make_shared( baseType, EvalStatementKind::Function, funcStatement, typeStatement, pointerLevel ); } PEvalStatement CppParser::doCreateEvalLiteral(const QString &type) { return std::make_shared( type, EvalStatementKind::Literal, PStatement(), PStatement()); } void CppParser::doSkipInExpression(const QStringList &expression, int &pos, const QString &startSymbol, const QString &endSymbol) { int level = 0; while (pos 0) { if (token == "[") { bracketLevel++; } else if (token == "]") { bracketLevel--; } } else if (templateLevel > 0) { if (token == "<") { templateLevel++; } else if (token == ">") { templateLevel--; } } highlighter.next(); } while ((position >= 0) && (s[position] == '*' || s[position] == ' ' || s[position] == '&')) { if (s[position]=='*') { } position--; } PStatement statement = findStatementOf(fileName,baseType,scope); return getTypeDef(statement,fileName,baseType); } int CppParser::getBracketEnd(const QString &s, int startAt) { int i = startAt; int level = 0; // assume we start on top of [ while (i < s.length()) { switch(s[i].unicode()) { case '<': level++; break; case '>': level--; if (level == 0) return i; } i++; } return startAt; } PStatement CppParser::doFindStatementInScope(const QString &name, const QString &noNameArgs, StatementKind kind, const PStatement& scope) { const StatementMap& statementMap =mStatementList.childrenStatements(scope); foreach (const PStatement& statement, statementMap.values(name)) { if (statement->kind == kind && statement->noNameArgs == noNameArgs) { return statement; } } return PStatement(); } void CppParser::internalInvalidateFile(const QString &fileName) { if (fileName.isEmpty()) return; // remove its include files list PFileIncludes p = findFileIncludes(fileName, true); if (p) { //fPreprocessor.InvalidDefinesInFile(FileName); //we don't need this, since we reset defines after each parse //p->includeFiles.clear(); //p->usings.clear(); for (PStatement& statement:p->statements) { if (statement->fileName==fileName) { mStatementList.deleteStatement(statement); } else { statement->hasDefinition=false; statement->definitionFileName = statement->fileName; statement->definitionLine = statement->line; } } p->statements.clear(); } //remove all statements from namespace cache const QList& keys=mNamespaces.keys(); for (const QString& key:keys) { PStatementList statements = mNamespaces.value(key); for (int i=statements->size()-1;i>=0;i--) { PStatement statement = statements->at(i); if (statement->fileName == fileName) { statements->removeAt(i); } } if (statements->isEmpty()) { mNamespaces.remove(key); } } // delete it from scannedfiles mPreprocessor.removeScannedFile(fileName); } void CppParser::internalInvalidateFiles(const QSet &files) { for (const QString& file:files) internalInvalidateFile(file); } QSet CppParser::calculateFilesToBeReparsed(const QString &fileName) { if (fileName.isEmpty()) return QSet(); QSet result; result.insert(fileName); foreach (const QString& file, mProjectFiles) { PFileIncludes fileIncludes = mPreprocessor.includesList()[file]; if (fileIncludes->includeFiles.contains(fileName)) { result.insert(file); } } return result; } int CppParser::calcKeyLenForStruct(const QString &word) { if (word.startsWith("struct")) return 6; else if (word.startsWith("class") || word.startsWith("union")) return 5; return -1; } void CppParser::scanMethodArgs(const PStatement& functionStatement, int argStart, int argEnd) { int paramStart = argStart+1; int i = paramStart ; // assume it starts with ( and ends with ) // Keep going and stop on top of the variable name QString varType = ""; while (i < argEnd) { if (mTokenizer[i]->text=='(' && mTokenizer[i]->matchIndex+1matchIndex+1]->text=='(') { //function pointer int argStart=mTokenizer[i]->matchIndex+1; int argEnd=mTokenizer[argStart]->matchIndex; QString cmd=mTokenizer[i+1]->text; if (cmd.startsWith('*')) cmd=cmd.mid(1); QString args=mergeArgs(argStart,argEnd); if (!cmd.isEmpty()) { addStatement( functionStatement, mCurrentFile, varType, // 'int*' cmd, // a args, "", "", mTokenizer[i+1]->line, StatementKind::skParameter, StatementScope::Local, StatementClassScope::None, true, false); } i=argEnd+1; varType=""; } else if (mTokenizer[i]->text=='{') { i=mTokenizer[i]->matchIndex+1; } else if (mTokenizer[i]->text=='(') { i=mTokenizer[i]->matchIndex+1; } else if (isWordChar(mTokenizer[i]->text[0])) { QString cmd=mTokenizer[i]->text; if (i+1==argEnd || mTokenizer[i+1]->text==',') { bool noCmd=false; if (!cmd.startsWith('*') && !cmd.startsWith('&') && !cmd.endsWith(']')) { PStatement statement=findStatementOf(mCurrentFile,cmd,functionStatement,true); noCmd = (statement && isTypeStatement(statement->kind)); if (!noCmd) { QString args,suffix; parseCommandTypeAndArgs(cmd,suffix,args); if (!cmd.isEmpty()) { addStatement( functionStatement, mCurrentFile, varType+suffix, // 'int*' cmd, // a args, "", "", mTokenizer[i]->line, StatementKind::skParameter, StatementScope::Local, StatementClassScope::None, true, false); } } } } else { if (!varType.isEmpty()) varType+=' '; varType+=cmd; } i++; } else { i++; varType=""; } } } QString CppParser::splitPhrase(const QString &phrase, QString &sClazz, QString &sOperator, QString &sMember) { sClazz=""; sMember=""; sOperator=""; QString result=""; int bracketLevel = 0; // Obtain stuff before first operator int firstOpStart = phrase.length() + 1; int firstOpEnd = phrase.length() + 1; for (int i = 0; i') && (bracketLevel==0)) { firstOpStart = i; firstOpEnd = i+2; sOperator = "->"; break; } else if ((i+1') && (bracketLevel=0)) { secondOp = i; break; } else if ((i+1=0) { return phrase.left(pos); } return phrase; } bool CppParser::splitLastMember(const QString &token, QString &lastMember, QString &remaining) { int pos = token.length()-1; int level=0; bool found=false; while (pos>=0 && !found) { switch(token[pos].unicode()) { case ']': case '>': case ')': level++; break; case '[': case '<': case '(': level--; break; case ':': if (level==0 && pos>0 && token[pos-1]==':') { found=true; break; } } pos--; } if (pos<0) return false; lastMember=token.mid(pos+2); remaining=token.left(pos); return true; } static bool isIdentChar(const QChar& ch) { return ch.isLetter() || ch == '_' || ch.isDigit(); } //static void appendArgWord(QString& args, const QString& word) { // QString s=word.trimmed(); // if (s.isEmpty()) // return; // if (args.isEmpty()) // args.append(s); // else if (isIdentChar(args.back()) && isIdentChar(word.front()) ) { // args+=" "; // args+=s; // } else { // args+=s; // } //} bool CppParser::isNotFuncArgs(int startIndex) { Q_ASSERT(mTokenizer[startIndex]->text=='('); int endIndex=mTokenizer[startIndex]->matchIndex; //no args, it must be a function if (endIndex-startIndex==1) return false; int i=startIndex+1; //skip '(' int endPos = endIndex; QString word = ""; while (itext[0]; switch(ch.unicode()) { // args contains a string/char, can't be a func define case '"': case '\'': case '+': case '-': case '/': case '|': case '!': case '{': return true; case '[': // function args like int f[10] i=mTokenizer[i]->matchIndex+1; if (itext=='(' || mTokenizer[i]->text=='{')) //lambda return true; continue; } if (isDigitChar(ch)) return true; if (isIdentChar(ch)) { QString currentText=mTokenizer[i]->text; if (mTokenizer[i]->text.endsWith('.')) return true; if (mTokenizer[i]->text.endsWith("->")) return true; if (!mCppTypeKeywords.contains(currentText)) { if (currentText=="true" || currentText=="false" || currentText=="nullptr" || currentText=="this") return true; if (currentText=="const") return false; if (isCppKeyword(currentText)) return false; PStatement statement =findStatementOf(mCurrentFile,word,getCurrentScope(),true); if (statement && isTypeStatement(statement->kind)) return false; } else { return false; } } i++; } //function with no args return false; } bool CppParser::isNamedScope(StatementKind kind) const { switch(kind) { case StatementKind::skClass: case StatementKind::skNamespace: case StatementKind::skFunction: return true; default: return false; } } bool CppParser::isTypeStatement(StatementKind kind) const { switch(kind) { case StatementKind::skClass: case StatementKind::skTypedef: case StatementKind::skEnumClassType: case StatementKind::skEnumType: return true; default: return false; } } void CppParser::updateSerialId() { mSerialId = QString("%1 %2").arg(mParserId).arg(mSerialCount); } int CppParser::indexOfNextSemicolon(int index) { while (indextext[0].unicode()) { case ';': return index; case '(': index = mTokenizer[index]->matchIndex+1; break; default: index++; } } return index; } int CppParser::indexOfNextSemicolonOrLeftBrace(int index) { while (indextext[0].unicode()) { case ';': case '{': return index; case '(': index = mTokenizer[index]->matchIndex+1; break; default: index++; } } return index; } int CppParser::indexOfNextColon(int index) { while (indextext[0].unicode()) { case ':': return index; case '(': index = mTokenizer[index]->matchIndex+1; break; default: index++; } } return index; } int CppParser::indexOfNextLeftBrace(int index) { while (indextext[0].unicode()) { case '{': return index; case '(': index = mTokenizer[index]->matchIndex+1; break; default: index++; } } return index; } int CppParser::indexPassParenthesis(int index) { while (indextext=='(') { return mTokenizer[index]->matchIndex+1; } index++; } return index; } int CppParser::indexPassBraces(int index) { while (indextext[0].unicode()) { case '{': return mTokenizer[index]->matchIndex+1; case '(': index = mTokenizer[index]->matchIndex+1; break; default: index++; } } return index; } void CppParser::skipNextSemicolon(int index) { mIndex=index; while (mIndextext[0].unicode()) { case ';': mIndex++; return; case '{': mIndex = mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; break; case '(': mIndex = mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; break; default: mIndex++; } } } void CppParser::moveToNextBraceOrSkipNextSemicolon(int index) { mIndex=index; while (mIndextext[0].unicode()) { case ';': mIndex++; return; case '{': mIndex = mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex; return; case '(': mIndex = mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; break; default: mIndex++; } } } void CppParser::skipParenthesis(int index) { mIndex=index; while (mIndextext=='(') { mIndex=mTokenizer[mIndex]->matchIndex+1; return; } mIndex++; } } QString CppParser::mergeArgs(int startIndex, int endIndex) { QString result; for (int i=startIndex;i<=endIndex;i++) { if (i>startIndex) result+=' '; result+=mTokenizer[i]->text; } return result; } void CppParser::parseCommandTypeAndArgs(QString &command, QString &typeSuffix, QString &args) { typeSuffix=""; while (command.startsWith('*') || command.startsWith('&')) { typeSuffix=command.front(); command=command.mid(1); } int pos=command.indexOf('['); if (pos>=0) { args=command.mid(pos); command=command.left(pos); } else { args=""; } } ParserLanguage CppParser::language() const { return mLanguage; } void CppParser::setLanguage(ParserLanguage newLanguage) { mLanguage = newLanguage; } const StatementModel &CppParser::statementList() const { return mStatementList; } bool CppParser::parseGlobalHeaders() const { return mParseGlobalHeaders; } void CppParser::setParseGlobalHeaders(bool newParseGlobalHeaders) { mParseGlobalHeaders = newParseGlobalHeaders; } const QSet &CppParser::includePaths() { return mPreprocessor.includePaths(); } const QSet &CppParser::projectIncludePaths() { return mPreprocessor.projectIncludePaths(); } bool CppParser::parseLocalHeaders() const { return mParseLocalHeaders; } void CppParser::setParseLocalHeaders(bool newParseLocalHeaders) { mParseLocalHeaders = newParseLocalHeaders; } const QString &CppParser::serialId() const { return mSerialId; } int CppParser::parserId() const { return mParserId; } void CppParser::setOnGetFileStream(const GetFileStreamCallBack &newOnGetFileStream) { mOnGetFileStream = newOnGetFileStream; mPreprocessor.setOnGetFileStream(newOnGetFileStream); } const QSet &CppParser::filesToScan() const { return mFilesToScan; } void CppParser::setFilesToScan(const QSet &newFilesToScan) { mFilesToScan = newFilesToScan; } bool CppParser::enabled() const { return mEnabled; } void CppParser::setEnabled(bool newEnabled) { if (mEnabled!=newEnabled) { mEnabled = newEnabled; if (!mEnabled) { resetParser(); } } } CppFileParserThread::CppFileParserThread( PCppParser parser, QString fileName, bool inProject, bool onlyIfNotParsed, bool updateView, QObject *parent):QThread(parent), mParser(parser), mFileName(fileName), mInProject(inProject), mOnlyIfNotParsed(onlyIfNotParsed), mUpdateView(updateView) { connect(this,&QThread::finished, this,&QObject::deleteLater); } void CppFileParserThread::run() { if (mParser && !mParser->parsing()) { mParser->parseFile(mFileName,mInProject,mOnlyIfNotParsed,mUpdateView); } } CppFileListParserThread::CppFileListParserThread(PCppParser parser, bool updateView, QObject *parent): QThread(parent), mParser(parser), mUpdateView(updateView) { connect(this,&QThread::finished, this,&QObject::deleteLater); } void CppFileListParserThread::run() { if (mParser && !mParser->parsing()) { mParser->parseFileList(mUpdateView); } } void parseFile(PCppParser parser, const QString& fileName, bool inProject, bool onlyIfNotParsed, bool updateView) { if (!parser) return; if (!parser->enabled()) return; //delete when finished CppFileParserThread* thread = new CppFileParserThread(parser,fileName,inProject,onlyIfNotParsed,updateView); thread->connect(thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QThread::deleteLater); thread->start(); } void parseFileList(PCppParser parser, bool updateView) { if (!parser) return; if (!parser->enabled()) return; //delete when finished CppFileListParserThread *thread = new CppFileListParserThread(parser,updateView); thread->connect(thread, &QThread::finished, thread, &QThread::deleteLater); thread->start(); }