#include "codecompletionview.h" #include "../utils.h" #include #include CodeCompletionView::CodeCompletionView(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { setWindowFlags(Qt::Popup); mListView = new CodeCompletionListView(this); mModel=new CodeCompletionListModel(&mCompletionStatementList); mListView->setModel(mModel); setLayout(new QVBoxLayout()); layout()->addWidget(mListView); layout()->setMargin(0); mShowKeywords=true; mUseCppKeyword=true; mOnlyGlobals = false; mShowCount = 1000; mShowCodeIns = true; mIgnoreCase = false; } CodeCompletionView::~CodeCompletionView() { delete mListView; delete mModel; } void CodeCompletionView::setKeypressedCallback(const KeyPressedCallback &newKeypressedCallback) { mListView->setKeypressedCallback(newKeypressedCallback); } void CodeCompletionView::prepareSearch(const QString &phrase, const QString &filename, int line) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); if (!isEnabled()) return; mPhrase = phrase; //Screen.Cursor := crHourglass; QCursor oldCursor = cursor(); setCursor(Qt::CursorShape::WaitCursor); mIncludedFiles = mParser->getFileIncludes(filename); getCompletionFor(filename,phrase,line); //todo: notify model //CodeComplForm.lbCompletion.Font.Size := FontSize; //CodeComplForm.lbCompletion.ItemHeight := CodeComplForm.lbCompletion.Canvas.TextHeight('F')+6; // Round(2 * FontSize); //CodeComplForm.Update; setCursor(oldCursor); } bool CodeCompletionView::search(const QString &phrase, bool autoHideOnSingleResult) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mPhrase = phrase; if (phrase.isEmpty()) { hide(); return false; } if (!isEnabled()) { hide(); return false; } QCursor oldCursor = cursor(); setCursor(Qt::CursorShape::WaitCursor); // Sort here by member int i = mParser->findLastOperator(phrase); while ((i>=0) && (i')) i++; QString symbol = phrase.mid(i); // filter fFullCompletionStatementList to fCompletionStatementList filterList(symbol); mModel->notifyUpdated(); setCursor(oldCursor); if (!mCompletionStatementList.isEmpty()) { // if only one suggestion, and is exactly the symbol to search, hide the frame (the search is over) // if only one suggestion and auto hide , don't show the frame if(mCompletionStatementList.count() == 1) if (autoHideOnSingleResult || (symbol == mCompletionStatementList.front()->command)) { return true; } } else { hide(); } return false; } void CodeCompletionView::addChildren(PStatement scopeStatement, const QString &fileName, int line) { if (scopeStatement && !isIncluded(scopeStatement->fileName) && !isIncluded(scopeStatement->definitionFileName)) return; const StatementMap& children = mParser->statementList().childrenStatements(scopeStatement); if (children.isEmpty()) return; if (!scopeStatement) { //Global scope for (PStatement childStatement: children) { if (childStatement->fileName.isEmpty()) { // hard defines addStatement(childStatement,fileName,-1); } else if (!( childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skConstructor || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skDestructor || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skBlock) && (!mAddedStatements.contains(childStatement->command)) && ( isIncluded(childStatement->fileName) || isIncluded(childStatement->definitionFileName) ) ) { //we must check if the statement is included by the file addStatement(childStatement,fileName,line); } } } else { for (PStatement childStatement: children) { if (!( childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skConstructor || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skDestructor || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skBlock) && (!mAddedStatements.contains(childStatement->command))) addStatement(childStatement,fileName,line); } } } void CodeCompletionView::addStatement(PStatement statement, const QString &fileName, int line) { if (mAddedStatements.contains(statement->command)) return; if ((line!=-1) && (line < statement->line) && (fileName == statement->fileName)) return; mAddedStatements.insert(statement->command); mFullCompletionStatementList.append(statement); } static bool defaultComparator(PStatement statement1,PStatement statement2) { // Show user template first if (statement1->kind == StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) { if (statement2->kind != StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) return true; else return statement1->command < statement2->command; } else if (statement2->kind == StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) { return false; // show keywords first } else if ((statement1->kind == StatementKind::skKeyword) && (statement2->kind != StatementKind::skKeyword)) { return true; } else if ((statement1->kind != StatementKind::skKeyword) && (statement2->kind == StatementKind::skKeyword)) { return false; } else return statement1->command < statement2->command; } static bool sortByScopeComparator(PStatement statement1,PStatement statement2){ // Show user template first if (statement1->kind == StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) { if (statement2->kind != StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) return true; else return statement1->command < statement2->command; } else if (statement2->kind == StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) { return false; // show keywords first } else if (statement1->kind == StatementKind::skKeyword) { if (statement2->kind != StatementKind::skKeyword) return true; else return statement1->command < statement2->command; } else if (statement2->kind == StatementKind::skKeyword) { return false; // Show stuff from local headers first } else if (statement1->inSystemHeader && ! statement2->inSystemHeader) { return true; } else if (!statement1->inSystemHeader && statement2->inSystemHeader) { return false; // Show local statements first } else if (statement1->scope != StatementScope::ssGlobal && statement1->scope == StatementScope::ssGlobal ) { return true; } else if (statement1->scope == StatementScope::ssGlobal && statement1->scope != StatementScope::ssGlobal ) { return false; // otherwise, sort by name } else return statement1->command < statement2->command; } static bool sortWithUsageComparator(PStatement statement1,PStatement statement2) { // Show user template first if (statement1->kind == StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) { if (statement2->kind != StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) return true; else return statement1->command < statement2->command; } else if (statement2->kind == StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) { return false; //show most freq first } else if (statement1->freqTop > statement2->freqTop) { return true; } else if (statement1->freqTop < statement2->freqTop) { return false; // show keywords first } else if ((statement1->kind == StatementKind::skKeyword) && (statement2->kind != StatementKind::skKeyword)) { return true; } else if ((statement1->kind != StatementKind::skKeyword) && (statement2->kind == StatementKind::skKeyword)) { return false; } else return statement1->command < statement2->command; } static bool sortByScopeWithUsageComparator(PStatement statement1,PStatement statement2){ // Show user template first if (statement1->kind == StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) { if (statement2->kind != StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) return true; else return statement1->command < statement2->command; } else if (statement2->kind == StatementKind::skUserCodeIn) { return false; //show most freq first } else if (statement1->freqTop > statement2->freqTop) { return true; } else if (statement1->freqTop < statement2->freqTop) { return false; // show keywords first } else if (statement1->kind == StatementKind::skKeyword) { if (statement2->kind != StatementKind::skKeyword) return true; else return statement1->command < statement2->command; } else if (statement2->kind == StatementKind::skKeyword) { return false; // Show stuff from local headers first } else if (statement1->inSystemHeader && ! statement2->inSystemHeader) { return true; } else if (!statement1->inSystemHeader && statement2->inSystemHeader) { return false; // Show local statements first } else if (statement1->scope != StatementScope::ssGlobal && statement1->scope == StatementScope::ssGlobal ) { return true; } else if (statement1->scope == StatementScope::ssGlobal && statement1->scope != StatementScope::ssGlobal ) { return false; // otherwise, sort by name } else return statement1->command < statement2->command; } void CodeCompletionView::filterList(const QString &member) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mCompletionStatementList.clear(); if (!mParser) return; if (!mParser->enabled()) return; //we don't need to freeze here since we use smart pointers // and data have been retrieved from the parser // if (!mParser->freeze()) // return; // { // auto action = finally([this]{ // mParser->unFreeze(); // }); // if (mParserSerialId!=mParser->serialId()) { // return; // } mCompletionStatementList.clear(); if (!member.isEmpty()) { // filter mCompletionStatementList.reserve(mFullCompletionStatementList.size()); for (PStatement statement:mFullCompletionStatementList) { Qt::CaseSensitivity cs = (mIgnoreCase? Qt::CaseInsensitive: Qt::CaseSensitive); if (statement->command.startsWith(member, cs)) mCompletionStatementList.append(statement); } } else mCompletionStatementList.append(mFullCompletionStatementList); if (mRecordUsage) { int topCount = 0; int secondCount = 0; int thirdCount = 0; int usageCount; for (PStatement statement:mCompletionStatementList) { if (statement->usageCount == 0) { usageCount = mSymbolUsage.value(statement->fullName,0); if (usageCount == 0) continue; statement->usageCount = usageCount; } else usageCount = statement->usageCount; if (usageCount>topCount) { thirdCount = secondCount; secondCount = topCount; topCount = usageCount; } else if (usageCount == topCount) { continue; } else if (usageCount > secondCount) { thirdCount = secondCount; secondCount = usageCount; } else if (usageCount == secondCount) { continue; } else if (usageCount>thirdCount) { thirdCount = usageCount; } } for (PStatement statement:mCompletionStatementList) { if (statement->usageCount == 0) { statement->freqTop = 0; } else if (statement->usageCount == topCount) { statement->freqTop = 30; } else if (statement->usageCount == secondCount) { statement->freqTop = 20; } else if (statement->usageCount == thirdCount) { statement->freqTop = 10; } } if (mSortByScope) { std::sort(mCompletionStatementList.begin(), mCompletionStatementList.end(), sortByScopeWithUsageComparator); } else { std::sort(mCompletionStatementList.begin(), mCompletionStatementList.end(), sortWithUsageComparator); } } else if (mSortByScope) { std::sort(mCompletionStatementList.begin(), mCompletionStatementList.end(), sortByScopeComparator); } else { std::sort(mCompletionStatementList.begin(), mCompletionStatementList.end(), defaultComparator); } // } } void CodeCompletionView::getCompletionFor(const QString &fileName, const QString &phrase, int line) { if(!mParser) return; if (!mParser->enabled()) return; if (!mParser->freeze()) return; { auto action = finally([this]{ mParser->unFreeze(); }); //C++ preprocessor directives if (phrase.startsWith('#')) { if (mShowKeywords) { for (QString keyword:CppDirectives) { PStatement statement = std::make_shared(); statement->command = keyword; statement->kind = StatementKind::skPreprocessor; statement->fullName = keyword; mFullCompletionStatementList.append(statement); } } return; } //docstring tags (javadoc style) if (phrase.startsWith('@')) { if (mShowKeywords) { for (QString keyword:JavadocTags) { PStatement statement = std::make_shared(); statement->command = keyword; statement->kind = StatementKind::skKeyword; statement->fullName = keyword; mFullCompletionStatementList.append(statement); } } return; } // Pulling off the same trick as in TCppParser.FindStatementOf, but ignore everything after last operator int i = mParser->findLastOperator(phrase); if (i < 0 ) { // don't have any scope prefix if (mShowCodeIns) { //add custom code templates for (PCodeIns codeIn:mCodeInsList) { PStatement statement = std::make_shared(); statement->command = codeIn->prefix; statement->kind = StatementKind::skUserCodeIn; statement->fullName = codeIn->prefix; mFullCompletionStatementList.append(statement); } } if (mShowKeywords) { //add keywords if (mUseCppKeyword) { for (QString keyword:CppKeywords.keys()) { PStatement statement = std::make_shared(); statement->command = keyword; statement->kind = StatementKind::skKeyword; statement->fullName = keyword; mFullCompletionStatementList.append(statement); } } else { for (QString keyword:CKeywords) { PStatement statement = std::make_shared(); statement->command = keyword; statement->kind = StatementKind::skKeyword; statement->fullName = keyword; mFullCompletionStatementList.append(statement); } } } PStatement scopeStatement = mCurrentStatement; // repeat until reach global while (scopeStatement) { //add members of current scope that not added before if (scopeStatement->kind == StatementKind::skClass) { addChildren(scopeStatement, fileName, -1); } else { addChildren(scopeStatement, fileName, line); } // add members of all usings (in current scope ) and not added before for (QString namespaceName:scopeStatement->usingList) { PStatementList namespaceStatementsList = mParser->findNamespace(namespaceName); if (!namespaceStatementsList) continue; for (PStatement namespaceStatement:*namespaceStatementsList) { addChildren(namespaceStatement, fileName, line); } } scopeStatement=scopeStatement->parentScope.lock(); } // add all global members and not added before addChildren(nullptr, fileName, line); // add members of all fusings mUsings = mParser->getFileUsings(fileName); for (QString namespaceName:mUsings) { PStatementList namespaceStatementsList = mParser->findNamespace(namespaceName); if (!namespaceStatementsList) continue; for (PStatement namespaceStatement:*namespaceStatementsList) { addChildren(namespaceStatement, fileName, line); } } } else { //we are in some statement's scope MemberOperatorType opType=getOperatorType(phrase,i); QString scopeName = phrase.mid(0,i); if (opType == MemberOperatorType::otDColon) { if (scopeName.isEmpty()) { // start with '::', we only find in global // add all global members and not added before addChildren(nullptr, fileName, line); return; } else { //assume the scope its a namespace PStatementList namespaceStatementsList = mParser->findNamespace(scopeName); if (namespaceStatementsList) { for (PStatement namespaceStatement:*namespaceStatementsList) { addChildren(namespaceStatement, fileName, line); } return; } //namespace not found let's go on } } PStatement parentTypeStatement; PStatement statement = mParser->findStatementOf( fileName, scopeName,mCurrentStatement,parentTypeStatement); if (!statement) return; // find the most inner scope statement that has a name (not a block) PStatement scopeTypeStatement = mCurrentStatement; while (scopeTypeStatement && !isScopeTypeKind(scopeTypeStatement->kind)) { scopeTypeStatement = scopeTypeStatement->parentScope.lock(); } if ( (opType == MemberOperatorType::otArrow || opType == MemberOperatorType::otDot) && ( statement->kind == StatementKind::skVariable || statement->kind == StatementKind::skParameter || statement->kind == StatementKind::skFunction) ) { // Get type statement of current (scope) statement PStatement classTypeStatement; PStatement parentScope = statement->parentScope.lock(); if ((statement->kind == StatementKind::skFunction) && parentScope && STLContainers.contains(parentScope->fullName) && STLElementMethods.contains(statement->command)){ // it's an element method of STL container // we must find the type in the template parameter // get the function's owner variable's definition int lastI = mParser->findLastOperator(scopeName); QString lastScopeName = scopeName.mid(0,lastI); PStatement lastScopeStatement = mParser->findStatementOf( fileName, lastScopeName, mCurrentStatement,parentTypeStatement); if (!lastScopeStatement) return; QString typeName = mParser->findFirstTemplateParamOf( fileName,lastScopeStatement->type, lastScopeStatement->parentScope.lock()); classTypeStatement = mParser->findTypeDefinitionOf( fileName, typeName, lastScopeStatement->parentScope.lock()); } else classTypeStatement=mParser->findTypeDefinitionOf( fileName, statement->type,parentTypeStatement); if (!classTypeStatement) return; //is a smart pointer if (STLPointers.contains(classTypeStatement->fullName) && (opType == MemberOperatorType::otArrow)) { QString typeName= mParser->findFirstTemplateParamOf( fileName, statement->type, parentScope); classTypeStatement = mParser->findTypeDefinitionOf( fileName, typeName, parentScope); if (!classTypeStatement) return; } //is a stl container operator[] if (STLContainers.contains(classTypeStatement->fullName) && scopeName.endsWith(']')) { QString typeName= mParser->findFirstTemplateParamOf( fileName, statement->type, parentScope); classTypeStatement = mParser->findTypeDefinitionOf( fileName, typeName, parentScope); if (!classTypeStatement) return; } if (!isIncluded(classTypeStatement->fileName) && !isIncluded(classTypeStatement->definitionFileName)) return; if ((classTypeStatement == scopeTypeStatement) || (statement->command == "this")) { //we can use all members addChildren(classTypeStatement,fileName,-1); } else { // we can only use public members const StatementMap& children = mParser->statementList().childrenStatements(classTypeStatement); if (children.isEmpty()) return; for (PStatement childStatement:children) { if ((childStatement->classScope==StatementClassScope::scsPublic) && !( childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skConstructor || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skDestructor) && !mAddedStatements.contains(childStatement->command)) { addStatement(childStatement,fileName,-1); } } } //todo friend } else if ((opType == MemberOperatorType::otDColon) && (statement->kind == StatementKind::skEnumType) && (statement->kind == StatementKind::skEnumClassType)) { //we can add all child enum definess PStatement classTypeStatement = statement; if (!isIncluded(classTypeStatement->fileName) && !isIncluded(classTypeStatement->definitionFileName)) return; const StatementMap& children = mParser->statementList().childrenStatements(classTypeStatement); for (PStatement child:children) { addStatement(child,fileName,line); } } else if ((opType == MemberOperatorType::otDColon) && (statement->kind == StatementKind::skClass)) { PStatement classTypeStatement = statement; if (!isIncluded(classTypeStatement->fileName) && !isIncluded(classTypeStatement->definitionFileName)) return; if (classTypeStatement == scopeTypeStatement) { //we can use all static members const StatementMap& children = mParser->statementList().childrenStatements(classTypeStatement); for (PStatement childStatement: children) { if ( (childStatement->isStatic) || (childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skTypedef || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skClass || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skEnum || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skEnumClassType || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skEnumType )) { addStatement(childStatement,fileName,-1); } } } else { // we can only use public static members const StatementMap& children = mParser->statementList().childrenStatements(classTypeStatement); for (PStatement childStatement: children) { if ( (childStatement->isStatic) || (childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skTypedef || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skClass || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skEnum || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skEnumClassType || childStatement->kind == StatementKind::skEnumType )) { if (childStatement->classScope == StatementClassScope::scsPublic) addStatement(childStatement,fileName,-1); } } } //todo friend } } } } bool CodeCompletionView::isIncluded(const QString &fileName) { return mIncludedFiles.contains(fileName); } const PStatement &CodeCompletionView::currentStatement() const { return mCurrentStatement; } void CodeCompletionView::setCurrentStatement(const PStatement &newCurrentStatement) { mCurrentStatement = newCurrentStatement; } bool CodeCompletionView::useCppKeyword() const { return mUseCppKeyword; } void CodeCompletionView::setUseCppKeyword(bool newUseCppKeyword) { mUseCppKeyword = newUseCppKeyword; } bool CodeCompletionView::sortByScope() const { return mSortByScope; } void CodeCompletionView::setSortByScope(bool newSortByScope) { mSortByScope = newSortByScope; } bool CodeCompletionView::ignoreCase() const { return mIgnoreCase; } void CodeCompletionView::setIgnoreCase(bool newIgnoreCase) { mIgnoreCase = newIgnoreCase; } bool CodeCompletionView::showCodeIns() const { return mShowCodeIns; } void CodeCompletionView::setShowCodeIns(bool newShowCodeIns) { mShowCodeIns = newShowCodeIns; } bool CodeCompletionView::showKeywords() const { return mShowKeywords; } void CodeCompletionView::setShowKeywords(bool newShowKeywords) { mShowKeywords = newShowKeywords; } bool CodeCompletionView::recordUsage() const { return mRecordUsage; } void CodeCompletionView::setRecordUsage(bool newRecordUsage) { mRecordUsage = newRecordUsage; } bool CodeCompletionView::onlyGlobals() const { return mOnlyGlobals; } void CodeCompletionView::setOnlyGlobals(bool newOnlyGlobals) { mOnlyGlobals = newOnlyGlobals; } int CodeCompletionView::showCount() const { return mShowCount; } void CodeCompletionView::setShowCount(int newShowCount) { mShowCount = newShowCount; } const PCppParser &CodeCompletionView::parser() const { return mParser; } void CodeCompletionView::setParser(const PCppParser &newParser) { mParser = newParser; } void CodeCompletionView::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event) { QMutexLocker locker(&mMutex); mListView->setKeypressedCallback(nullptr); mCompletionStatementList.clear(); mFullCompletionStatementList.clear(); mIncludedFiles.clear(); mUsings.clear(); mAddedStatements.clear(); QWidget::hideEvent(event); } CodeCompletionListView::CodeCompletionListView(QWidget *parent) : QListView(parent) { } void CodeCompletionListView::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) { if (!mKeypressedCallback || !mKeypressedCallback(event)) { QListView::keyPressEvent(event); } } const KeyPressedCallback &CodeCompletionListView::keypressedCallback() const { return mKeypressedCallback; } void CodeCompletionListView::setKeypressedCallback(const KeyPressedCallback &newKeypressedCallback) { mKeypressedCallback = newKeypressedCallback; } CodeCompletionListModel::CodeCompletionListModel(StatementList *statements, QObject *parent): QAbstractListModel(parent), mStatements(statements) { } int CodeCompletionListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return mStatements->count(); } QVariant CodeCompletionListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { PStatement statement = mStatements->at(index.row()); return statement->command; } return QVariant(); } void CodeCompletionListModel::notifyUpdated() { beginResetModel(); endResetModel(); }