#!/bin/bash set -euxo pipefail function fn_print_help() { echo " Usage: packages/msys/build-mingw.sh [-m|--msystem ] [-c|--clean] [-nd|--no-deps] [-t|--target-dir ] Options: -h, --help Display this information. -m, --msystem Switch to other MSYS2 environment. (MINGW32, MINGW64, UCRT64, CLANG32, CLANG64, CLANGARM64) MUST be used before other options. -c, --clean Clean build and package directories. --mingw Alias for --mingw32 (x86 app) or --mingw64 (x64 app). --mingw32 Build mingw32 integrated compiler. --mingw64 Build mingw64 integrated compiler. --ucrt Include UCRT in the package. Windows SDK required. e.g. '--ucrt 22621' for Windows 11 SDK 22H2. -nd, --no-deps Skip dependency check. -t, --target-dir Set target directory for the packages." } source version.inc [[ -n "${APP_VERSION_SUFFIX}" ]] && APP_VERSION="${APP_VERSION}${APP_VERSION_SUFFIX}" if [[ ! -v MSYSTEM ]]; then echo "This script must be run in MSYS2 shell" exit 1 fi if [[ $# -gt 1 && ($1 == "-m" || $1 == "--msystem") ]]; then msystem=$2 shift 2 case "${msystem}" in MINGW32|MINGW64|UCRT64|CLANG32|CLANG64|CLANGARM64) export MSYSTEM="${msystem}" exec /bin/bash --login "$0" "$@" ;; *) echo "Invalid MSYSTEM: ${msystem}" exit 1 ;; esac fi case "${MSYSTEM}" in MINGW32|CLANG32) # there is no UCRT32 NSIS_ARCH=x86 PACKAGE_BASENAME="RedPanda.C++.${APP_VERSION}.win32" ;; MINGW64|UCRT64|CLANG64) NSIS_ARCH=x64 PACKAGE_BASENAME="RedPanda.C++.${APP_VERSION}.win64" ;; CLANGARM64) NSIS_ARCH=arm64 PACKAGE_BASENAME="RedPanda.C++.${APP_VERSION}.arm64" ;; *) echo "This script must be run in one of the following MSYS2 shells:" echo " - MINGW32 / CLANG32" echo " - MINGW64 / UCRT64 / CLANG64" echo " - CLANGARM64" exit 1 ;; esac CLEAN=0 CHECK_DEPS=1 compilers=() COMPILER_MINGW32=0 COMPILER_MINGW64=0 TARGET_DIR="$(pwd)/dist" UCRT="" while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in -h|--help) fn_print_help exit 0 ;; -c|--clean) CLEAN=1 shift ;; --mingw) case "${NSIS_ARCH}" in x86) compilers+=("mingw32") COMPILER_MINGW32=1 shift ;; x64) compilers+=("mingw64") COMPILER_MINGW64=1 shift ;; *) echo "ambiguous --mingw, please specify --mingw32 or --mingw64" exit 1 ;; esac ;; --mingw32) compilers+=("mingw32") COMPILER_MINGW32=1 shift ;; --mingw64) compilers+=("mingw64") COMPILER_MINGW64=1 shift ;; --ucrt) case "${MSYSTEM}" in CLANG32|UCRT64|CLANG64) UCRT="$2" shift 2 ;; MINGW32|MINGW64) echo "Error: Red Panda C++ is not built against UCRT." exit 1 ;; CLANGARM64) echo "Error: UCRT is a system component on arm64, local deployment is not supported." exit 1 ;; esac ;; -nd|--no-deps) CHECK_DEPS=0 shift ;; -t|--target-dir) TARGET_DIR="$2" shift 2 ;; *) echo "Unknown argument: $1" exit 1 ;; esac done ASTYLE_VERSION_TAG="3.4.14" BUILD_DIR="${TEMP}/redpanda-mingw-${MSYSTEM}-build" ASTYLE_BUILD_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}/astyle" PACKAGE_DIR="${TEMP}/redpanda-mingw-${MSYSTEM}-pkg" QMAKE="${MINGW_PREFIX}/qt5-static/bin/qmake" NSIS="/mingw32/bin/makensis" SOURCE_DIR="$(pwd)" ASSETS_DIR="${SOURCE_DIR}/assets" UCRT_DIR="/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Redist/10.0.${UCRT}.0/ucrt/DLLs/${NSIS_ARCH}" MINGW32_FOLDER="mingw32" MINGW32_ARCHIVE="mingw32.7z" MINGW32_COMPILER_NAME="MinGW-w64 i686 GCC 11.2" MINGW32_PACKAGE_SUFFIX="MinGW32_11.2" MINGW64_FOLDER="mingw64" MINGW64_ARCHIVE="mingw64.7z" MINGW64_COMPILER_NAME="MinGW-w64 X86_64 GCC 11.4" MINGW64_PACKAGE_SUFFIX="MinGW64_11.4" if [[ ${#compilers[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then PACKAGE_BASENAME="${PACKAGE_BASENAME}.NoCompiler" else [[ ${COMPILER_MINGW32} -eq 1 ]] && PACKAGE_BASENAME="${PACKAGE_BASENAME}.${MINGW32_PACKAGE_SUFFIX}" [[ ${COMPILER_MINGW64} -eq 1 ]] && PACKAGE_BASENAME="${PACKAGE_BASENAME}.${MINGW64_PACKAGE_SUFFIX}" fi function fn_print_progress() { echo -e "\e[1;32;44m$1\e[0m" } ## check deps if [[ ${CHECK_DEPS} -eq 1 ]]; then case "${MSYSTEM}" in MINGW32|MINGW64|UCRT64) compiler=gcc ;; CLANG32|CLANG64|CLANGARM64) compiler=clang ;; esac deps=( ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-{$compiler,make,qt5-static,7zip,cmake} mingw-w64-i686-nsis git ) for dep in ${deps[@]}; do pacman -Q ${dep} &>/dev/null || { echo "Missing dependency: ${dep}" exit 1 } done fi if [[ ${COMPILER_MINGW32} -eq 1 && ! -f "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW32_ARCHIVE}" && ! -d "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW32_FOLDER}" ]]; then echo "Missing MinGW archive: assets/${MINGW32_ARCHIVE} or MinGW folder: assets/${MINGW32_FOLDER}" exit 1 fi if [[ ${COMPILER_MINGW64} -eq 1 && ! -f "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW64_ARCHIVE}" && ! -d "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW64_FOLDER}" ]]; then echo "Missing MinGW archive: assets/${MINGW64_ARCHIVE} or MinGW folder: assets/${MINGW64_FOLDER}" exit 1 fi if [[ -n "${UCRT}" && ! -f "${UCRT_DIR}/ucrtbase.dll" ]]; then echo "Missing Windows SDK, UCRT cannot be included." exit 1 fi ## prepare dirs if [[ ${CLEAN} -eq 1 ]]; then rm -rf "${BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf "${PACKAGE_DIR}" fi mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}" "${PACKAGE_DIR}" "${TARGET_DIR}" "${ASTYLE_BUILD_DIR}" "${ASSETS_DIR}" ## prepare assets fn_print_progress "Updating astyle repo..." if [[ ! -d "${ASSETS_DIR}/astyle" ]]; then git clone --bare "https://gitlab.com/saalen/astyle" "${ASSETS_DIR}/astyle" fi pushd "${ASSETS_DIR}/astyle" if [[ -z "$(git tag -l ${ASTYLE_VERSION_TAG})" ]]; then git fetch --all --tags fi popd ## build fn_print_progress "Building astyle..." pushd "${ASSETS_DIR}/astyle" git --work-tree="${ASTYLE_BUILD_DIR}" checkout -f "${ASTYLE_VERSION_TAG}" popd pushd . cd "${ASTYLE_BUILD_DIR}" cmake . -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-static" mingw32-make -j$(nproc) cp AStyle/AStyle.exe "${PACKAGE_DIR}/astyle.exe" popd fn_print_progress "Building..." pushd . cd "${BUILD_DIR}" qmake_flags=() [[ ${NSIS_ARCH} == x64 ]] && qmake_flags+=("X86_64=ON") "$QMAKE" PREFIX="${PACKAGE_DIR}" ${qmake_flags[@]} -o Makefile "${SOURCE_DIR}/Red_Panda_Cpp.pro" -r mingw32-make -j$(nproc) mingw32-make install popd ## prepare packaging resources pushd . cd "${PACKAGE_DIR}" cp "${SOURCE_DIR}/platform/windows/qt.conf" . cp "${SOURCE_DIR}/platform/windows/installer-scripts/lang.nsh" . cp "${SOURCE_DIR}/platform/windows/installer-scripts/utils.nsh" . cp "${SOURCE_DIR}/platform/windows/installer-scripts/redpanda.nsi" . popd ## make package pushd . cd "${PACKAGE_DIR}" SETUP_NAME="${PACKAGE_BASENAME}.Setup.exe" PORTABLE_NAME="${PACKAGE_BASENAME}.Portable.7z" fn_print_progress "Making installer..." nsis_flags=( -DAPP_VERSION="${APP_VERSION}" -DARCH="${NSIS_ARCH}" -DFINALNAME="${SETUP_NAME}" -DMINGW32_COMPILER_NAME="${MINGW32_COMPILER_NAME}" -DMINGW64_COMPILER_NAME="${MINGW64_COMPILER_NAME}" -DREQUIRED_WINDOWS_BUILD=7600 -DREQUIRED_WINDOWS_NAME="Windows 7" -DUSE_MODERN_FONT ) if [[ ${COMPILER_MINGW32} -eq 1 ]]; then nsis_flags+=(-DHAVE_MINGW32) if [[ ! -d "mingw32" ]]; then [[ -f "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW32_ARCHIVE}" ]] && 7z x "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW32_ARCHIVE}" -o"${PACKAGE_DIR}" [[ -d "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW32_FOLDER}" ]] && cp -a --dereference "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW32_FOLDER}" "${PACKAGE_DIR}" fi fi if [[ ${COMPILER_MINGW64} -eq 1 ]]; then nsis_flags+=(-DHAVE_MINGW64) if [[ ! -d "mingw64" ]]; then [[ -f "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW64_ARCHIVE}" ]] && 7z x "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW64_ARCHIVE}" -o"${PACKAGE_DIR}" [[ -d "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW64_FOLDER}" ]] && cp -a --dereference "${SOURCE_DIR}/assets/${MINGW64_FOLDER}" "${PACKAGE_DIR}" fi fi if [[ -n "${UCRT}" ]]; then nsis_flags+=(-DHAVE_UCRT) if [[ ! -f ucrt/ucrtbase.dll ]]; then mkdir -p ucrt cp "${UCRT_DIR}"/*.dll ucrt fi fi "${NSIS}" "${nsis_flags[@]}" redpanda.nsi fn_print_progress "Making Portable Package..." 7z x "${SETUP_NAME}" -o"RedPanda-CPP" -xr'!$PLUGINSDIR' -x"!uninstall.exe" 7z a -mmt -mx9 -ms=on -mqs=on -mf=BCJ2 "${PORTABLE_NAME}" "RedPanda-CPP" rm -rf "RedPanda-CPP" mv "${SETUP_NAME}" "${TARGET_DIR}" mv "${PORTABLE_NAME}" "${TARGET_DIR}" popd