* Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef SYNEDIT_H
#define SYNEDIT_H
#include "MiscClasses.h"
#include "CodeFolding.h"
#include "Types.h"
#include "TextBuffer.h"
#include "KeyStrokes.h"
#include "SearchBase.h"
enum class SynFontSmoothMethod {
None, AntiAlias, ClearType
enum class SynScrollHintFormat {
shfTopLineOnly, shfTopToBottom
enum class SynScrollStyle {
ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, ssBoth
enum class SynEditCaretType {
ctVerticalLine=0, ctHorizontalLine=1, ctHalfBlock=2, ctBlock=3
enum SynStatusChange {
scNone = 0,
scAll = 0x0001,
scCaretX = 0x0002,
scCaretY = 0x0004,
scLeftChar = 0x0008,
scTopLine = 0x0010,
scInsertMode = 0x0020,
scModifyChanged = 0x0040,
scSelection = 0x0080,
scReadOnly = 0x0100,
scOpenFile = 0x0200,
scModified = 0x0400
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SynStatusChanges, SynStatusChange)
enum class SynStateFlag {
sfCaretChanged = 0x0001,
sfScrollbarChanged = 0x0002,
sfLinesChanging = 0x0004,
sfIgnoreNextChar = 0x0008,
sfCaretVisible = 0x0010,
sfDblClicked = 0x0020,
sfWaitForDragging = 0x0040
enum SynEditorOption {
eoAltSetsColumnMode = 0x00000001, //Holding down the Alt Key will put the selection mode into columnar format
eoAutoIndent = 0x00000002, //Will auto calculate the indent when input
eoLigatureSupport = 0x00000004, //Support ligaures in fonts like fira code
eoDragDropEditing = 0x00000008, //Allows you to select a block of text and drag it within the document to another location
eoDropFiles = 0x00000010, //Allows the editor accept OLE file drops
eoEnhanceHomeKey = 0x00000020, //enhances home key positioning, similar to visual studio
eoEnhanceEndKey = 0x00000040, //enhances End key positioning, similar to JDeveloper
eoGroupUndo = 0x00000080, //When undoing/redoing actions, handle all continous changes of the same kind in one call instead undoing/redoing each command separately
eoHalfPageScroll = 0x00000100, //When scrolling with page-up and page-down commands, only scroll a half page at a time
eoHideShowScrollbars =0x00000200, //if enabled, then the scrollbars will only show when necessary. If you have ScrollPastEOL, then it the horizontal bar will always be there (it uses MaxLength instead)
eoKeepCaretX = 0x00000400 , //When moving through lines w/o Cursor Past EOL, keeps the X position of the cursor
eoRightMouseMovesCursor= 0x00000800, //When clicking with the right mouse for a popup menu, move the cursor to that location
eoScrollByOneLess = 0x00001000, //Forces scrolling to be one less
eoScrollPastEof = 0x00002000, //Allows the cursor to go past the end of file marker
eoScrollPastEol = 0x00004000, //Allows the cursor to go past the last character into the white space at the end of a line
eoShowSpecialChars = 0x00008000, //Shows the special Characters
// eoSpecialLineDefaultFg = 0x00010000, //disables the foreground text color override when using the OnSpecialLineColor event
eoTabIndent = 0x00020000, //When active and act as block indent, unindent when text is selected
eoTabsToSpaces = 0x00040000, //Converts a tab character to a specified number of space characters
eoShowRainbowColor = 0x00080000,
eoTrimTrailingSpaces =0x00100000, //Spaces at the end of lines will be trimmed and not saved
eoNoSelection = 0x00400000, //Disables selecting text
//eoAutoSizeMaxScrollWidth = 0x00000008, //Automatically resizes the MaxScrollWidth property when inserting text
//eoDisableScrollArrows = 0x00000010 , //Disables the scroll bar arrow buttons when you can't scroll in that direction any more
// eoScrollHintFollows = 0x00020000, //The scroll hint follows the mouse when scrolling vertically
// eoShowScrollHint = 0x00100000, //Shows a hint of the visible line numbers when scrolling vertically
// eoSmartTabDelete = 0x00400000, //similar to Smart Tabs, but when you delete characters
// eoSmartTabs = 0x00800000, //When tabbing, the cursor will go to the next non-white space character of the previous line
// eoNoCaret = 0x00000800, //Makes it so the caret is never visible
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SynEditorOptions, SynEditorOption)
enum class SynSearchAction {
enum class SynTransientType {
ttBefore, ttAfter
enum class SynScrollBarKind {
sbHorizontal, sbVertical
using SynPaintTransientProc = std::function;
using SynPlaceMarkProc = std::function;
using SynProcessCommandProc = std::function;
using SynMouseCursorProc = std::function;
using SynPaintProc = std::function;
//using SynPreparePaintHighlightTokenProc = std::function;
using SynSearchMathedProc = std::function;
using SynSearchConfirmAroundProc = std::function;
class SynEdit;
using PSynEdit = std::shared_ptr;
class SynEdit : public QAbstractScrollArea
explicit SynEdit(QWidget* parent=nullptr);
* Returns how many rows are there in the editor
* @return
int displayLineCount() const;
* @brief displayX
* @return
DisplayCoord displayXY() const;
int displayX() const;
int displayY() const;
BufferCoord caretXY() const;
int caretX() const;
int caretY() const;
void invalidateGutter();
void invalidateGutterLine(int aLine);
void invalidateGutterLines(int FirstLine, int LastLine);
DisplayCoord pixelsToNearestRowColumn(int aX, int aY) const;
DisplayCoord pixelsToRowColumn(int aX, int aY) const;
QPoint rowColumnToPixels(const DisplayCoord& coord) const;
DisplayCoord bufferToDisplayPos(const BufferCoord& p) const;
BufferCoord displayToBufferPos(const DisplayCoord& p) const;
//normalized buffer coord operations
ContentsCoord fromBufferCoord(const BufferCoord& p) const;
ContentsCoord createNormalizedBufferCoord(int aChar,int aLine) const;
QStringList getContents(const ContentsCoord& pStart,const ContentsCoord& pEnd);
QString getJoinedContents(const ContentsCoord& pStart,const ContentsCoord& pEnd, const QString& joinStr);
int leftSpaces(const QString& line) const;
QString GetLeftSpacing(int charCount,bool wantTabs) const;
int charToColumn(int aLine, int aChar) const;
int charToColumn(const QString& s, int aChar) const;
int columnToChar(int aLine, int aColumn) const;
int stringColumns(const QString& line, int colsBefore) const;
int getLineIndent(const QString& line) const;
int rowToLine(int aRow) const;
int lineToRow(int aLine) const;
int foldRowToLine(int Row) const;
int foldLineToRow(int Line) const;
void setDefaultKeystrokes();
void invalidateLine(int Line);
void invalidateLines(int FirstLine, int LastLine);
void invalidateSelection();
void invalidateRect(const QRect& rect);
void invalidate();
void lockPainter();
void unlockPainter();
bool selAvail() const;
bool colSelAvail() const;
QString wordAtCursor();
QString wordAtRowCol(const BufferCoord& XY);
QChar charAt(const BufferCoord& pos);
int charColumns(QChar ch) const;
bool isPointInSelection(const BufferCoord& Value) const;
BufferCoord nextWordPos();
BufferCoord nextWordPosEx(const BufferCoord& XY);
BufferCoord wordStart();
BufferCoord wordStartEx(const BufferCoord& XY);
BufferCoord wordEnd();
BufferCoord wordEndEx(const BufferCoord& XY);
BufferCoord prevWordPos();
BufferCoord prevWordPosEx(const BufferCoord& XY);
void commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand Command, QChar AChar = QChar(), void * pData = nullptr);
void showCaret();
void hideCaret();
void setCaretX(int value);
void setCaretY(int value);
void setCaretXY(const BufferCoord& value);
void setCaretXYEx(bool CallEnsureCursorPosVisible, BufferCoord value);
void setCaretXYCentered(const BufferCoord& value);
void setCaretAndSelection(const BufferCoord& ptCaret,
const BufferCoord& ptBefore,
const BufferCoord& ptAfter);
bool inputMethodOn();
void collapseAll();
void unCollpaseAll();
void uncollapseAroundLine(int line);
PSynEditFoldRange foldHidesLine(int line);
void setSelLength(int Value);
void setSelText(const QString& text);
int searchReplace(const QString& sSearch, const QString& sReplace, SynSearchOptions options,
PSynSearchBase searchEngine, SynSearchMathedProc matchedCallback = nullptr,
SynSearchConfirmAroundProc confirmAroundCallback = nullptr);
int maxScrollWidth() const;
int maxScrollHeight() const;
bool getHighlighterAttriAtRowCol(const BufferCoord& XY, QString& Token,
PSynHighlighterAttribute& Attri);
bool getHighlighterAttriAtRowCol(const BufferCoord& XY, QString& Token,
bool& tokenFinished, SynHighlighterTokenType& TokenType,
PSynHighlighterAttribute& Attri);
bool getHighlighterAttriAtRowColEx(const BufferCoord& XY, QString& Token,
SynHighlighterTokenType& TokenType, SynTokenKind &TokenKind, int &Start,
PSynHighlighterAttribute& Attri);
void beginUndoBlock();
void endUndoBlock();
virtual void cutToClipboard() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecCut);}
virtual void copyToClipboard() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecCopy);}
virtual void pasteFromClipboard() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecPaste);}
virtual void undo() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecUndo);}
virtual void redo() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecRedo);}
virtual void zoomIn() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecZoomIn);}
virtual void zoomOut() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecZoomOut);}
virtual void selectAll() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecSelectAll);}
virtual void tab() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecTab);}
virtual void shifttab() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecShiftTab);}
virtual void toggleComment() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecToggleComment);}
virtual void toggleBlockComment() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecToggleBlockComment);}
virtual void matchBracket() { commandProcessor(SynEditorCommand::ecMatchBracket);}
virtual void beginUpdate();
virtual void endUpdate();
virtual BufferCoord getMatchingBracket();
virtual BufferCoord getMatchingBracketEx(BufferCoord APoint);
QStringList contents();
QString text();
bool getPositionOfMouse(BufferCoord& aPos);
bool getLineOfMouse(int& line);
bool pointToCharLine(const QPoint& point, BufferCoord& coord);
bool pointToLine(const QPoint& point, int& line);
bool isIdentChar(const QChar& ch);
void setRainbowAttrs(const PSynHighlighterAttribute &attr0,
const PSynHighlighterAttribute &attr1,
const PSynHighlighterAttribute &attr2,
const PSynHighlighterAttribute &attr3);
void updateMouseCursor();
bool isCaretVisible();
// setter && getters
int topLine() const;
void setTopLine(int value);
int linesInWindow() const;
int leftChar() const;
void setLeftChar(int Value);
BufferCoord blockBegin() const;
BufferCoord blockEnd() const;
void setBlockBegin(BufferCoord value);
void setBlockEnd(BufferCoord Value);
SynSelectionMode activeSelectionMode() const;
void setActiveSelectionMode(const SynSelectionMode &Value);
int charsInWindow() const;
int charWidth() const;
void setUndoLimit(int size);
int gutterWidth() const;
void setGutterWidth(int value);
bool modified() const;
void setModified(bool Value);
PSynHighlighter highlighter() const;
void setHighlighter(const PSynHighlighter &highlighter);
bool useCodeFolding() const;
void setUseCodeFolding(bool value);
SynEditCodeFolding & codeFolding();
QString lineText() const;
void setLineText(const QString s);
const PSynEditStringList& lines() const;
bool empty();
SynSelectionMode selectionMode() const;
void setSelectionMode(SynSelectionMode value);
QString selText();
QString lineBreak();
SynEditorOptions getOptions() const;
void setOptions(const SynEditorOptions &Value);
int tabWidth() const;
void setTabWidth(int tabWidth);
QColor caretColor() const;
void setCaretColor(const QColor &caretColor);
QColor activeLineColor() const;
void setActiveLineColor(const QColor &activeLineColor);
SynEditCaretType overwriteCaret() const;
void setOverwriteCaret(const SynEditCaretType &overwriteCaret);
SynEditCaretType insertCaret() const;
void setInsertCaret(const SynEditCaretType &insertCaret);
SynGutter& gutter();
bool readOnly() const;
void setReadOnly(bool readOnly);
void setInsertMode(bool value);
bool insertMode() const;
bool canUndo() const;
bool canRedo() const;
int textHeight() const;
const QColor &selectedForeground() const;
void setSelectedForeground(const QColor &newSelectedForeground);
const QColor &selectedBackground() const;
void setSelectedBackground(const QColor &newSelectedBackground);
int rightEdge() const;
void setRightEdge(int newRightEdge);
const QColor &rightEdgeColor() const;
void setRightEdgeColor(const QColor &newRightEdgeColor);
bool caretUseTextColor() const;
void setCaretUseTextColor(bool newCaretUseTextColor);
const PSynHighlighterAttribute &rainbowAttr0() const;
const PSynHighlighterAttribute &rainbowAttr1() const;
const PSynHighlighterAttribute &rainbowAttr2() const;
const PSynHighlighterAttribute &rainbowAttr3() const;
int mouseWheelScrollSpeed() const;
void setMouseWheelScrollSpeed(int newMouseWheelScrollSpeed);
const QColor &foregroundColor() const;
void setForegroundColor(const QColor &newForegroundColor);
const QColor &backgroundColor() const;
void setBackgroundColor(const QColor &newBackgroundColor);
void linesDeleted(int FirstLine, int Count);
void linesInserted(int FirstLine, int Count);
void changed();
// void chainUndoAdded();
// void chainRedoAdded();
// void chainLinesChanging();
// void chainLinesChanged();
// void chainListCleared();
// void chainListDeleted(int Index, int Count);
// void chainListInserted(int Index, int Count);
// void chainListPutted(int Index, int Count);
// void filesDropped(int X,int Y, const QStringList& AFiles);
void gutterClicked(Qt::MouseButton button, int x, int y, int line);
// void imeInputed(const QString& s);
// void contextHelp(const QString& word);
// void scrolled(SynScrollBarKind ScrollBar);
void statusChanged(SynStatusChanges changes);
void fontChanged();
void tabSizeChanged();
virtual bool onGetSpecialLineColors(int Line,
QColor& foreground, QColor& backgroundColor) ;
virtual void onGetEditingAreas(int Line, SynEditingAreaList& areaList);
virtual void onGutterGetText(int aLine, QString& aText);
virtual void onGutterPaint(QPainter& painter, int aLine, int X, int Y);
virtual void onPaint(QPainter& painter);
virtual void onPreparePaintHighlightToken(int line,
int aChar, const QString& token, PSynHighlighterAttribute attr,
SynFontStyles& style, QColor& foreground, QColor& background);
virtual void onProcessCommand(SynEditorCommand Command, QChar AChar, void * pData);
virtual void onCommandProcessed(SynEditorCommand Command, QChar AChar, void * pData);
virtual void ExecuteCommand(SynEditorCommand Command, QChar AChar, void * pData);
virtual void onEndFirstPaintLock();
virtual void onBeginFirstPaintLock();
void clearAreaList(SynEditingAreaList areaList);
void computeCaret();
void computeScroll(bool isDragging);
void incPaintLock();
void decPaintLock();
int clientWidth();
int clientHeight();
int clientTop();
int clientLeft();
QRect clientRect();
void synFontChanged();
void doOnPaintTransient(SynTransientType TransientType);
void doSetSelText(const QString& Value);
void updateLastCaretX();
void ensureCursorPosVisible();
void ensureCursorPosVisibleEx(bool ForceToMiddle);
void scrollWindow(int dx,int dy);
void setInternalDisplayXY(const DisplayCoord& aPos);
void internalSetCaretXY(const BufferCoord& Value);
void internalSetCaretX(int Value);
void internalSetCaretY(int Value);
void setStatusChanged(SynStatusChanges changes);
void doOnStatusChange(SynStatusChanges changes);
void insertBlock(const BufferCoord& BB, const BufferCoord& BE, const QString& ChangeStr,
bool AddToUndoList);
void updateScrollbars();
void updateCaret();
void recalcCharExtent();
QString expandAtWideGlyphs(const QString& S);
void updateModifiedStatus();
int scanFrom(int Index, int canStopIndex);
void rescanRange(int line);
void rescanRanges();
void uncollapse(PSynEditFoldRange FoldRange);
void collapse(PSynEditFoldRange FoldRange);
void foldOnListInserted(int Line, int Count);
void foldOnListDeleted(int Line, int Count);
void foldOnListCleared();
void rescanFolds(); // rescan for folds
void rescanForFoldRanges();
void scanForFoldRanges(PSynEditFoldRanges TopFoldRanges);
int lineHasChar(int Line, int startChar, QChar character, const QString& highlighterAttrName);
void findSubFoldRange(PSynEditFoldRanges TopFoldRanges,int FoldIndex,PSynEditFoldRanges& parentFoldRanges, PSynEditFoldRange Parent);
PSynEditFoldRange collapsedFoldStartAtLine(int Line);
void doOnPaintTransientEx(SynTransientType TransientType, bool Lock);
void initializeCaret();
PSynEditFoldRange foldStartAtLine(int Line);
QString substringByColumns(const QString& s, int startColumn, int& colLen);
PSynEditFoldRange foldAroundLine(int Line);
PSynEditFoldRange foldAroundLineEx(int Line, bool WantCollapsed, bool AcceptFromLine, bool AcceptToLine);
PSynEditFoldRange checkFoldRange(SynEditFoldRanges* FoldRangeToCheck,int Line, bool WantCollapsed, bool AcceptFromLine, bool AcceptToLine);
PSynEditFoldRange foldEndAtLine(int Line);
void paintCaret(QPainter& painter, const QRect rcClip);
int textOffset() const;
SynEditorCommand TranslateKeyCode(int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers);
* Move the caret to right DX columns
* @param DX
* @param SelectionCommand
void moveCaretHorz(int DX, bool isSelection);
void moveCaretVert(int DY, bool isSelection);
void moveCaretAndSelection(const BufferCoord& ptBefore, const BufferCoord& ptAfter,
bool isSelection);
void moveCaretToLineStart(bool isSelection);
void moveCaretToLineEnd(bool isSelection);
void setSelectedTextEmpty();
void setSelTextPrimitive(const QString& aValue);
void setSelTextPrimitiveEx(SynSelectionMode PasteMode,
const QString& Value, bool AddToUndoList);
void doLinesDeleted(int FirstLine, int Count);
void doLinesInserted(int FirstLine, int Count);
void properSetLine(int ALine, const QString& ALineText, bool notify = true);
void deleteSelection(const BufferCoord& BB, const BufferCoord& BE);
void insertText(const QString& Value, SynSelectionMode PasteMode,bool AddToUndoList);
int insertTextByNormalMode(const QString& Value);
int insertTextByColumnMode(const QString& Value,bool AddToUndoList);
int insertTextByLineMode(const QString& Value);
void deleteFromTo(const BufferCoord& start, const BufferCoord& end);
void setSelWord();
void setWordBlock(BufferCoord Value);
int calcIndentSpaces(int line, const QString& lineText, bool addIndent);
int findCommentStartLine(int searchStartLine);
int findStatementStartLine(int searchStartLine);
void processGutterClick(QMouseEvent* event);
void clearUndo();
int findIndentsStartLine(int line, QVector indents);
BufferCoord getPreviousLeftBrace(int x,int y);
bool canDoBlockIndent();
QRect calculateCaretRect() const;
QRect calculateInputCaretRect() const;
void doDeleteLastChar();
void doDeleteCurrentChar();
void doDeleteWord();
void doDeleteToEOL();
void doDeleteToWordStart();
void doDeleteToWordEnd();
void doDeleteFromBOL();
void doDeleteLine();
void doSelecteLine();
void doDuplicateLine();
void doMoveSelUp();
void doMoveSelDown();
void clearAll();
void insertLine(bool moveCaret);
void doTabKey();
void doShiftTabKey();
void doBlockIndent();
void doBlockUnindent();
void doAddChar(QChar AChar);
void doCutToClipboard();
void doCopyToClipboard();
void internalDoCopyToClipboard(const QString& s);
void doPasteFromClipboard();
void doAddStr(const QString& s);
void doUndo();
void doUndoItem();
void doRedo();
void doRedoItem();
void doZoomIn();
void doZoomOut();
void doSelectAll();
void doComment();
void doUncomment();
void doToggleComment();
void doToggleBlockComment();
void doMouseScroll(bool isDragging);
private slots:
void onBookMarkOptionsChanged();
void onGutterChanged();
void onLinesChanged();
void onLinesChanging();
void onLinesCleared();
void onLinesDeleted(int index, int count);
void onLinesInserted(int index, int count);
void onLinesPutted(int index, int count);
void onRedoAdded();
void onScrollTimeout();
void onDraggingScrollTimeout();
void onUndoAdded();
void onSizeOrFontChanged(bool bFont);
void onChanged();
void onScrolled(int value);
std::shared_ptr mContentImage;
SynEditFoldRanges mAllFoldRanges;
SynEditCodeFolding mCodeFolding;
bool mUseCodeFolding;
bool mAlwaysShowCaret;
BufferCoord mBlockBegin;
BufferCoord mBlockEnd;
int mCaretX;
int mLastCaretColumn;
int mCaretY;
int mCharsInWindow;
int mCharWidth;
QFont mFontDummy;
QFont mFontForNonAscii;
SynFontSmoothMethod mFontSmoothing;
bool mMouseMoved;
bool mInserting;
bool mPainting;
PSynEditStringList mLines;
PSynEditStringList mOrigLines;
PSynEditUndoList mOrigUndoList;
PSynEditUndoList mOrigRedoList;
int mLinesInWindow;
int mLeftChar;
int mPaintLock; // lock counter for internal calculations
bool mReadOnly;
int mRightEdge;
QColor mRightEdgeColor;
QColor mScrollHintColor;
SynScrollHintFormat mScrollHintFormat;
SynScrollStyle mScrollBars;
int mTextHeight;
int mTopLine;
PSynHighlighter mHighlighter;
QColor mSelectedForeground;
QColor mSelectedBackground;
QColor mForegroundColor;
QColor mBackgroundColor;
QColor mCaretColor;
PSynHighlighterAttribute mRainbowAttr0;
PSynHighlighterAttribute mRainbowAttr1;
PSynHighlighterAttribute mRainbowAttr2;
PSynHighlighterAttribute mRainbowAttr3;
bool mCaretUseTextColor;
QColor mActiveLineColor;
PSynEditUndoList mUndoList;
PSynEditUndoList mRedoList;
SynEditMarkList mBookMarks;
QPoint mMouseDownPos;
SynBookMarkOpt mBookMarkOpt;
bool mHideSelection;
int mMouseWheelAccumulator;
SynEditCaretType mOverwriteCaret;
SynEditCaretType mInsertCaret;
QPoint mCaretOffset;
SynEditKeyStrokes mKeyStrokes;
bool mModified;
QDateTime mLastModifyTime;
SynEditMarkList mMarkList;
int mExtraLineSpacing;
SynSelectionMode mSelectionMode;
SynSelectionMode mActiveSelectionMode; //mode of the active selection
bool mWantReturns;
bool mWantTabs;
SynGutter mGutter;
int mTabWidth;
QRect mInvalidateRect;
SynStateFlags mStateFlags;
SynEditorOptions mOptions;
SynStatusChanges mStatusChanges;
int mLastKey;
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mLastKeyModifiers;
//fSearchEngine: TSynEditSearchCustom;
//fHookedCommandHandlers: TList;
//fKbdHandler: TSynEditKbdHandler;
// fFocusList: TList;
// fPlugins: TList;
QTimer* mScrollTimer;
int mScrollDeltaX;
int mScrollDeltaY;
PSynEdit fChainedEditor;
int mPaintTransientLock;
bool mIsScrolling;
int mPainterLock; // lock counter to prevent repaint while painting
bool mUndoing;
// event handlers
SynPlaceMarkProc mOnClearMark;
SynProcessCommandProc mOnCommandProcessed;
SynMouseCursorProc mOnMouseCursor;
SynPaintProc mOnPaint;
// SynPreparePaintHighlightTokenProc mOnPaintHighlightToken;
SynPlaceMarkProc mOnPlaceMark;
SynProcessCommandProc mOnProcessingCommand;
SynProcessCommandProc mOnProcessingUserCommand;
// SynSpecialLineColorsProc mOnSpecialLineColors;
// SynEditingAreasProc mOnEditingAreas;
// SynGutterGetTextProc mOnGutterGetText;
// SynTGutterPaintProc mOnGutterPaint;
int mGutterWidth;
//caret blink related
int m_blinkTimerId;
int m_blinkStatus;
QCursor mDefaultCursor;
QString mInputPreeditString;
int mMouseWheelScrollSpeed;
int mMouseSelectionScrollSpeed;
BufferCoord mDragCaretSave;
BufferCoord mDragSelBeginSave;
BufferCoord mDragSelEndSave;
bool mDropped;
friend class SynEditTextPainter;
// QWidget interface
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override;
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override;
bool event(QEvent *event) override;
void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) override;
void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event) override;
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *event) override;
void leaveEvent(QEvent *event) override;
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;
// QAbstractScrollArea interface
bool viewportEvent(QEvent * event) override;
// QWidget interface
QVariant inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery property) const override;
// QWidget interface
const QFont &fontForNonAscii() const;
void setFontForNonAscii(const QFont &newFontForNonAscii);
int mouseSelectionScrollSpeed() const;
void setMouseSelectionScrollSpeed(int newMouseSelectionScrollSpeed);
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) override;
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) override;
void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) override;
void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event) override;
#endif // SYNEDIT_H