CompilerSetOptionWidget 0 0 892 607 Form Compiler set to config false false Auto Find Compilers Auto Find Compilers Find Compiler in the Folder Find Compiler in the Folder Add Blank Compiler Set Add Blank Compiler Set Rename Rename Remove Remove 0 false General 0 0 0 0 Convert Executable's Charset as Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Statically link libraries Don't localize compiler output messages Survive auto-finds Add the following arguments when calling the compiler Add the following arguments when calling the linker Settings 2 2 2 2 true Directories 2 2 2 2 -1 true Programs QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised Choose Debugger ... ... Resource Compiler(windres) Choose make ... C Compiler(gcc) make Choose C++ Compiler ... Choose C Compiler ... gdb server Choose Resource Compiler ... C++ Compiler(g++) gdb Qt::Vertical 20 40 Output Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Compiling output suffix Executable suffix Compilation Stages Stop after the preprocessing stage Stop after the compilation proper stage Link and generate the executable true Preprocessing output suffix Qt::Vertical 20 40 Binary suffix CompileArgumentsWidget QTabWidget
cbCompilerSet btnFindCompilers btnAddCompilerSetByFolder btnAddBlankCompilerSet btnRenameCompilerSet btnRemoveCompilerSet settingTabs chkAutoAddCharset cbEncoding cbEncodingDetails chkStaticLink chkForceEnglishOutput chkPersistInAutoFind chkUseCustomCompilerParams txtCustomCompileParams chkUseCustomLinkParams txtCustomLinkParams optionTabs dirTabs txtCCompiler btnChooseCCompiler txtCppCompiler btnChooseCppCompiler txtMake btnChooseMake txtDebugger btnChooseGDB txtGDBServer btnChooseGDBServer txtResourceCompiler btnChooseResourceCompiler rbPreprocessingOnly rbCompilationProperOnly rbGenerateExecutable txtPreprocessingSuffix txtCompilationSuffix txtExecutableSuffix cbBinarySuffix