/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef CPPPARSER_H #define CPPPARSER_H #include #include #include #include #include "statementmodel.h" #include "cpptokenizer.h" #include "cpppreprocessor.h" class CppParser : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit CppParser(QObject *parent = nullptr); CppParser(const CppParser&)=delete; CppParser& operator=(const CppParser)=delete; ~CppParser(); void addHardDefineByLine(const QString& line); void addProjectFile(const QString &fileName, bool needScan); void addIncludePath(const QString& value); void removeProjectFile(const QString& value); void addProjectIncludePath(const QString& value); void clearIncludePaths(); void clearProjectIncludePaths(); void clearProjectFiles(); QList getListOfFunctions(const QString& fileName, const QString& phrase, int line); PStatement findScopeStatement(const QString& filename, int line); PFileIncludes findFileIncludes(const QString &filename, bool deleteIt = false); QString findFirstTemplateParamOf(const QString& fileName, const QString& phrase, const PStatement& currentScope); PStatement findFunctionAt(const QString& fileName, int line); int findLastOperator(const QString& phrase) const; PStatementList findNamespace(const QString& name); // return a list of PSTATEMENTS (of the namespace) PStatement findStatement(const QString& fullname); PStatement findStatementOf(const QString& fileName, const QString& phrase, int line); PStatement findStatementOf(const QString& fileName, const QString& phrase, const PStatement& currentScope, PStatement& parentScopeType, bool force = false); PStatement findStatementOf(const QString& fileName, const QString& phrase, const PStatement& currentClass, bool force = false); PStatement findStatementOf(const QString& fileName, const QStringList& expression, const PStatement& currentScope); PStatement findStatementOf(const QString& fileName, const QStringList& expression, int line); PStatement findAliasedStatement(const PStatement& statement); /** * @brief evaluate the expression * @param fileName * @param expression * @param currentScope * @return the statement of the evaluation result */ PEvalStatement evalExpression(const QString& fileName, QStringList& expression, const PStatement& currentScope); PStatement findTypeDefinitionOf(const QString& fileName, const QString& aType, const PStatement& currentClass); PStatement findTypeDef(const PStatement& statement, const QString& fileName); bool freeze(); // Freeze/Lock (stop reparse while searching) bool freeze(const QString& serialId); // Freeze/Lock (stop reparse while searching) QStringList getClassesList(); QStringList getFileDirectIncludes(const QString& filename); QSet getFileIncludes(const QString& filename); QSet getFileUsings(const QString& filename); QString getHeaderFileName(const QString& relativeTo, const QString& headerName, bool fromNext=false);// both void invalidateFile(const QString& fileName); bool isIncludeLine(const QString &line); bool isIncludeNextLine(const QString &line); bool isProjectHeaderFile(const QString& fileName); bool isSystemHeaderFile(const QString& fileName); void parseFile(const QString& fileName, bool inProject, bool onlyIfNotParsed = false, bool updateView = true); void parseFileList(bool updateView = true); void parseHardDefines(); bool parsing() const; void resetParser(); void unFreeze(); // UnFree/UnLock (reparse while searching) QSet scannedFiles(); bool isFileParsed(const QString& filename); QString prettyPrintStatement(const PStatement& statement, const QString& filename, int line = -1); bool enabled() const; void setEnabled(bool newEnabled); const QSet &filesToScan() const; void setFilesToScan(const QSet &newFilesToScan); void setOnGetFileStream(const GetFileStreamCallBack &newOnGetFileStream); int parserId() const; const QString &serialId() const; bool parseLocalHeaders() const; void setParseLocalHeaders(bool newParseLocalHeaders); bool parseGlobalHeaders() const; void setParseGlobalHeaders(bool newParseGlobalHeaders); const QSet& includePaths(); const QSet& projectIncludePaths(); const StatementModel &statementList() const; ParserLanguage language() const; void setLanguage(ParserLanguage newLanguage); const QSet &projectFiles() const; QList namespaces(); signals: void onProgress(const QString& fileName, int total, int current); void onBusy(); void onStartParsing(); void onEndParsing(int total, int updateView); private: PStatement addInheritedStatement( const PStatement& derived, const PStatement& inherit, StatementClassScope access); PStatement addChildStatement( // support for multiple parents (only typedef struct/union use multiple parents) const PStatement& parent, const QString& fileName, const QString& aType, // "Type" is already in use const QString& command, const QString& args, const QString& noNameArgs, const QString& value, int line, StatementKind kind, const StatementScope& scope, const StatementClassScope& classScope, StatementProperties properties); // TODO: InheritanceList not supported PStatement addStatement( const PStatement& parent, const QString &fileName, const QString &aType, // "Type" is already in use const QString &command, const QString &args, const QString &noNameArgs, const QString& value, int line, StatementKind kind, const StatementScope& scope, const StatementClassScope& classScope, StatementProperties properties); PStatement addStatement( const PStatement& parent, const QString &fileName, const QString &aType, // "Type" is already in use const QString &command, int argStart, int argEnd, const QString& value, int line, StatementKind kind, const StatementScope& scope, const StatementClassScope& classScope, StatementProperties properties); void setInheritance(int index, const PStatement& classStatement, bool isStruct); bool isCurrentScope(const QString& command); void addSoloScopeLevel(PStatement& statement, int line, bool shouldResetBlock=false); // adds new solo level void removeScopeLevel(int line); // removes level int indexOfMatchingBrace(int startAt) { return mTokenizer[startAt]->matchIndex; } void internalClear(); QStringList sortFilesByIncludeRelations(const QSet &files); bool checkForKeyword(KeywordType &keywordType); bool checkForNamespace(KeywordType keywordType); bool checkForPreprocessor(); // bool checkForLambda(); bool checkForScope(KeywordType keywordType); bool checkForStructs(KeywordType keywordType); bool checkForTypedefEnum(); bool checkForTypedefStruct(); bool checkForUsing(KeywordType keywordType); void checkAndHandleMethodOrVar(KeywordType keywordType); QString doFindFirstTemplateParamOf(const QString& fileName, const QString& phrase, const PStatement& currentScope); QString doFindTemplateParamOf(const QString& fileName, const QString& phrase, int index, const PStatement& currentScope); void fillListOfFunctions(const QString& fileName, int line, const PStatement& statement, const PStatement& scopeStatement, QStringList& list); QList getListOfFunctions(const QString& fileName, int line, const PStatement& statement, const PStatement& scopeStatement); PStatement findMacro(const QString& phrase, const QString& fileName); PStatement findMemberOfStatement( const QString& phrase, const PStatement& scopeStatement); QList findMembersOfStatement(const QString& phrase, const PStatement& scopeStatement); PStatement findStatementInScope( const QString& name, const QString& noNameArgs, StatementKind kind, const PStatement& scope); PStatement findStatementInScope( const QString& name, const PStatement& scope); PStatement findStatementInNamespace( const QString& name, const QString& namespaceName); //{Find statement starting from startScope} PStatement findStatementStartingFrom(const QString& fileName, const QString& phrase, const PStatement& startScope); /** * @brief evaluate the expression (starting from pos) in the scope * @param fileName * @param phraseExpression * @param pos * @param scope * @param previousResult the result of evalution for expression from 0 to pos-1 * @param freeScoped if the expression left is * @return */ PEvalStatement doEvalExpression(const QString& fileName, QStringList& phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement& scope, const PEvalStatement& previousResult, bool freeScoped); PEvalStatement doEvalPointerArithmetic( const QString& fileName, QStringList& phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement& scope, const PEvalStatement& previousResult, bool freeScoped); PEvalStatement doEvalPointerToMembers( const QString& fileName, QStringList& phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement& scope, const PEvalStatement& previousResult, bool freeScoped); PEvalStatement doEvalCCast( const QString& fileName, QStringList& phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement& scope, const PEvalStatement& previousResult, bool freeScoped); PEvalStatement doEvalMemberAccess( const QString& fileName, QStringList& phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement& scope, const PEvalStatement& previousResult, bool freeScoped); PEvalStatement doEvalScopeResolution( const QString& fileName, QStringList& phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement& scope, const PEvalStatement& previousResult, bool freeScoped); PEvalStatement doEvalTerm( const QString& fileName, QStringList& phraseExpression, int &pos, const PStatement& scope, const PEvalStatement& previousResult, bool freeScoped); bool expandMacro(QStringList& phraseExpression,int &pos, const PStatement& macro); PEvalStatement doCreateEvalNamespace(const PStatement& namespaceStatement); PEvalStatement doCreateEvalType(const QString& fileName,const PStatement& typeStatement); PEvalStatement doCreateEvalType(const QString& primitiveType); PEvalStatement doCreateEvalVariable( const QString& fileName, const PStatement& varStatement, const QString& baseTemplateParams, const PStatement& scope); PEvalStatement doCreateEvalFunction(const QString& fileName, const PStatement& funcStatement); PEvalStatement doCreateEvalLiteral(const QString& type); void doSkipInExpression(const QStringList& expression, int&pos, const QString& startSymbol, const QString& endSymbol); bool isIdentifier(const QString& token) const { return (!token.isEmpty() && isIdentChar(token.front()) && !token.contains('\"')); } bool isIdentifierOrPointer(const QString& term) const { switch(term[0].unicode()) { case '*': return true; case '\"': case '\'': return false; default: return isIdentChar(term[0]); } } bool isIntegerLiteral(const QString& token) const { if (token.isEmpty()) return false; QChar ch = token.front(); return (ch>='0' && ch<='9' && !token.contains(".") && !token.contains("e")); } bool isFloatLiteral(const QString& token) const { if (token.isEmpty()) return false; QChar ch = token.front(); return (ch>='0' && ch<='9' && (token.contains(".") || token.contains("e"))); } bool isStringLiteral(const QString& token) const { if (token.isEmpty()) return false; return (!token.startsWith('\'') && token.contains('"')); } bool isCharLiteral(const QString& token) const{ if (token.isEmpty()) return false; return (token.startsWith('\'')); } bool isKeyword(const QString& token) const { return mCppKeywords.contains(token); } bool tokenIsIdentifier(const QString& token) const { //token won't be empty return isIdentChar(token[0]); } bool tokenIsTypeOrNonKeyword(const QString& token) const { return tokenIsIdentifier(token) && (mCppTypeKeywords.contains(token) || !mCppKeywords.contains(token) || token=="const"); } PStatement doParseEvalTypeInfo( const QString& fileName, const PStatement& scope, const QString& type, QString& baseType, PStatement& typeStatement, int& pointerLevel, QString& templateParams); int getBracketEnd(const QString& s, int startAt); StatementClassScope getClassScope(const QString& text); StatementClassScope getClassScope(KeywordType keywordType); int getCurrentBlockBeginSkip(); int getCurrentBlockEndSkip(); int getCurrentInlineNamespaceEndSkip(); PStatement getCurrentScope(); // gets last item from last level QString getTemplateParam(const PStatement& statement, const QString& filename, const QString& phrase, int index, const PStatement& currentScope); int getTemplateParamStart(const QString& s, int startAt, int index); int getTemplateParamEnd(const QString& s, int startAt); void getFullNamespace( const QString& phrase, QString& sNamespace, QString& member); QString getFullStatementName( const QString& command, const PStatement& parent); PStatement getIncompleteClass( const QString& command, const PStatement& parentScope); QString getScopePrefix(const PStatement& statement); StatementScope getScope(); QString getStatementKey(const QString& sName, const QString& sType, const QString& sNoNameArgs); PStatement getTypeDef(const PStatement& statement, const QString& fileName, const QString& aType); void handleCatchBlock(); void handleEnum(bool isTypedef); void handleForBlock(); void handleKeyword(KeywordType skipType); void handleLambda(int index, int endIndex); void handleOperatorOverloading( const QString& sType, const QString& prefix, int operatorTokenIndex, bool isStatic, bool isFriend); void handleMethod( StatementKind functionKind, const QString& sType, const QString& sName, int argStart, bool isStatic, bool isFriend); void handleNamespace(KeywordType skipType); void handleOtherTypedefs(); void handlePreprocessor(); void handleScope(KeywordType keywordType); bool handleStatement(); void handleStructs(bool isTypedef = false); void handleUsing(); void handleVar(const QString& typePrefix,bool isExtern,bool isStatic); void internalParse(const QString& fileName); // function FindMacroDefine(const Command: AnsiString): PStatement; void inheritClassStatement( const PStatement& derived, bool isStruct, const PStatement& base, StatementClassScope access); PStatement doFindStatementInScope(const QString& name, const QString& noNameArgs, StatementKind kind, const PStatement& scope); void internalInvalidateFile(const QString& fileName); void internalInvalidateFiles(const QSet& files); QSet calculateFilesToBeReparsed(const QString& fileName); int calcKeyLenForStruct(const QString& word); // { // function GetClass(const Phrase: AnsiString): AnsiString; // function GetMember(const Phrase: AnsiString): AnsiString; // function GetOperator(const Phrase: AnsiString): AnsiString; // function GetRemainder(const Phrase: AnsiString): AnsiString; // } void scanMethodArgs( const PStatement& functionStatement, int argStart); QString splitPhrase(const QString& phrase, QString& sClazz, QString& sOperator, QString &sMember); QString removeTemplateParams(const QString& phrase); bool splitLastMember(const QString& token, QString& lastMember, QString& remaining); bool isSpaceChar(const QChar& ch) const { return ch==' ' || ch =='\t'; } bool isWordChar(const QChar& ch) const { return ch.isLetter() || ch == '_' || ch == '*' || ch == '&'; } bool isIdentifier(const QChar& ch) const { return ch.isLetter() || ch == '_' || ch == '~' ; } bool isIdentChar(const QChar& ch) const { return ch.isLetter() || ch == '_'; } bool isDigitChar(const QChar& ch) const { return (ch>='0' && ch<='9'); } bool isInvalidFunctionArgsSuffixChar(const QChar& ch) const { // && switch(ch.unicode()){ case '.': case '-': case '+': case '/': case '%': case '*': case '|': case '?': return true; default: return false; } } /*'(', ';', ':', '{', '}', '#' */ bool isSeperator(const QChar& ch) const { switch(ch.unicode()){ case '(': case ';': case ':': case '{': case '}': case '#': return true; default: return false; } } /*';', '{', '}'*/ bool isblockChar(const QChar& ch) const { switch(ch.unicode()){ case ';': case '{': case '}': return true; default: return false; } } /* '#', ',', ';', ':', '{', '}', '!', '/', '+', '-', '<', '>' */ bool isInvalidVarPrefixChar(const QChar& ch) const { switch (ch.unicode()) { case '#': case ',': case ';': case ':': case '{': case '}': case '!': case '/': case '+': case '-': case '<': case '>': return true; default: return false; } } /*'{', '}' */ bool isBraceChar(const QChar& ch) const { return ch == '{' || ch =='}'; } bool isLineChar(const QChar& ch) const { return ch=='\n' || ch=='\r'; } bool isNotFuncArgs(int startIndex); /** * @brief Test if a statement is a class/struct/union/namespace/function * @param kind * @return */ bool isNamedScope(StatementKind kind) const; /** * @brief Test if a statement is a class/struct/union/enum/enum class/typedef * @param kind * @return */ bool isTypeStatement(StatementKind kind) const; void updateSerialId(); int indexOfNextSemicolon(int index, int endIndex=-1); int indexOfNextPeriodOrSemicolon(int index, int endIndex=-1); int indexOfNextSemicolonOrLeftBrace(int index); int indexOfNextColon(int index); int indexOfNextLeftBrace(int index); int indexPassParenthesis(int index); int indexPassBraces(int index); int skipAssignment(int index, int endIndex); void skipNextSemicolon(int index); int moveToEndOfStatement(int index, bool checkLambda, int endIndex=-1); // int moveToNextAssignmentOrEndOfStatement(int index, bool checkLambda, int endIndex=-1); void skipParenthesis(int index); QString mergeArgs(int startIndex, int endIndex); void parseCommandTypeAndArgs(QString& command, QString& typeSuffix, QString& args); private: int mParserId; ParserLanguage mLanguage; int mSerialCount; QString mSerialId; int mUniqId; bool mEnabled; int mIndex; bool mIsHeader; bool mIsSystemHeader; QString mCurrentFile; // stack list , each element is a list of one/many scopes(like intypedef struct s1,s2; // It's used for store scope nesting infos QVector mCurrentScope; QVector mCurrentClassScope; StatementClassScope mClassScope; StatementModel mStatementList; //It's used in preprocessor, so we can't use fIncludeList instead CppTokenizer mTokenizer; CppPreprocessor mPreprocessor; QSet mProjectFiles; QVector mBlockBeginSkips; //list of for/catch block begin token index; QVector mBlockEndSkips; //list of for/catch block end token index; QVector mInlineNamespaceEndSkips; // list for inline namespace end token index; QSet mFilesToScan; // list of base files to scan int mFilesScannedCount; // count of files that have been scanned int mFilesToScanCount; // count of files and files included in files that have to be scanned bool mParseLocalHeaders; bool mParseGlobalHeaders; bool mIsProjectFile; int mLockCount; // lock(don't reparse) when we need to find statements in a batch bool mParsing; QHash mNamespaces; // namespace and the statements in its scope QSet mInlineNamespaces; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 15, 0) QRecursiveMutex mMutex; #else QMutex mMutex; #endif QMap mCppKeywords; QSet mCppTypeKeywords; }; using PCppParser = std::shared_ptr; class CppFileParserThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit CppFileParserThread( PCppParser parser, QString fileName, bool inProject, bool onlyIfNotParsed = false, bool updateView = true, QObject *parent = nullptr); private: PCppParser mParser; QString mFileName; bool mInProject; bool mOnlyIfNotParsed; bool mUpdateView; // QThread interface protected: void run() override; }; using PCppParserThread = std::shared_ptr; class CppFileListParserThread: public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit CppFileListParserThread( PCppParser parser, bool updateView = true, QObject *parent = nullptr); private: PCppParser mParser; bool mUpdateView; // QThread interface protected: void run() override; }; void parseFile( PCppParser parser, const QString& fileName, bool inProject, bool onlyIfNotParsed = false, bool updateView = true); void parseFileList( PCppParser parser, bool updateView = true); #endif // CPPPARSER_H