582 lines
18 KiB
582 lines
18 KiB
#ifndef SETTINGS_H
#define SETTINGS_H
#include <QSettings>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <QColor>
#include "qsynedit/SynEdit.h"
* use the following command to get gcc's default bin/library folders:
* gcc -print-search-dirs
#define SETTING_DIRS "Dirs"
#define SETTING_EDITOR "Editor"
#define SETTING_ENVIRONMENT "Environment"
#define SETTING_EXECUTOR "Executor"
#define SETTING_COMPILTER_SETS "CompilerSets"
#define SETTING_COMPILTER_SET "CompilerSet_%1"
#define SETTING_EDITOR_DEFAULT_ENCODING "default_encoding"
#define SETTING_EDITOR_AUTO_INDENT "default_auto_indent"
extern const char ValueToChar[28];
class Settings;
typedef struct {
QString name; // language table index of "Generate debugging info"
QString section; // language table index of "C options"
bool isC;
bool isCpp; // True (C++ option?) - can be both C and C++ option...
bool isLinker; // Is it a linker param
int value; // True
QString setting; // "-g3"
QStringList choices; // replaces "Yes/No" standard choices (max 30 different choices)
} CompilerOption;
using PCompilerOption = std::shared_ptr<CompilerOption>;
using CompilerOptionList=std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CompilerOption>>;
class Settings
class _Base {
explicit _Base(Settings* settings, const QString& groupName);
void beginGroup();
void endGroup();
void saveValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value);
QVariant value(const QString &key, const QVariant& defaultValue);
bool boolValue(const QString &key, bool defaultValue);
int intValue(const QString &key, int defaultValue);
QColor colorValue(const QString &key, const QColor& defaultValue);
QString stringValue(const QString &key, const QString& defaultValue);
void save();
void load();
virtual void doSave() = 0;
virtual void doLoad() = 0;
Settings* mSettings;
QString mGroup;
class Dirs: public _Base {
enum class DataType {
explicit Dirs(Settings * settings);
QString app() const;
QString data(DataType dataType = DataType::None) const;
QString config(DataType dataType = DataType::None) const;
// _Base interface
void doSave() override;
void doLoad() override;
class Editor: public _Base {
explicit Editor(Settings * settings);
QByteArray defaultEncoding();
void setDefaultEncoding(const QByteArray& value);
bool autoIndent();
void setAutoIndent(bool value);
bool addIndent() const;
void setAddIndent(bool addIndent);
bool tabToSpaces() const;
void setTabToSpaces(bool tabToSpaces);
int tabWidth() const;
void setTabWidth(int tabWidth);
bool showIndentLines() const;
void setShowIndentLines(bool showIndentLines);
QColor indentLineColor() const;
void setIndentLineColor(const QColor &indentLineColor);
bool enhanceHomeKey() const;
void setEnhanceHomeKey(bool enhanceHomeKey);
bool enhanceEndKey() const;
void setEnhanceEndKey(bool enhanceEndKey);
SynEditCaretType caretForInsert() const;
void setCaretForInsert(const SynEditCaretType &caretForInsert);
SynEditCaretType caretForOverwrite() const;
void setCaretForOverwrite(const SynEditCaretType &caretForOverwrite);
QColor caretColor() const;
void setCaretColor(const QColor &caretColor);
bool keepCaretX() const;
void setKeepCaretX(bool keepCaretX);
bool autoHideScrollbar() const;
void setAutoHideScrollbar(bool autoHideScrollbar);
bool scrollPastEof() const;
void setScrollPastEof(bool scrollPastEof);
bool scrollPastEol() const;
void setScrollPastEol(bool scrollPastEol);
bool scrollByOneLess() const;
void setScrollByOneLess(bool scrollByOneLess);
bool halfPageScroll() const;
void setHalfPageScroll(bool halfPageScroll);
QString fontName() const;
void setFontName(const QString &fontName);
int fontSize() const;
void setFontSize(int fontSize);
bool fontOnlyMonospaced() const;
void setFontOnlyMonospaced(bool fontOnlyMonospaced);
bool gutterVisible() const;
void setGutterVisible(bool gutterVisible);
bool gutterAutoSize() const;
void setGutterAutoSize(bool gutterAutoSize);
int gutterDigitsCount() const;
void setGutterDigitsCount(int gutterDigitsCount);
bool gutterShowLineNumbers() const;
void setGutterShowLineNumbers(bool gutterShowLineNumbers);
bool gutterAddLeadingZero() const;
void setGutterAddLeadingZero(bool gutterAddLeadingZero);
bool gutterLineNumbersStartZero() const;
void setGutterLineNumbersStartZero(bool gutterLineNumbersStartZero);
bool gutterUseCustomFont() const;
void setGutterUseCustomFont(bool gutterUseCustomFont);
QString gutterFontName() const;
void setGutterFontName(const QString &gutterFontName);
int gutterFontSize() const;
void setGutterFontSize(int gutterFontSize);
bool gutterFontOnlyMonospaced() const;
void setGutterFontOnlyMonospaced(bool gutterFontOnlyMonospaced);
int gutterLeftOffset() const;
void setGutterLeftOffset(int gutterLeftOffset);
int gutterRightOffset() const;
void setGutterRightOffset(int gutterRightOffset);
bool copySizeLimit() const;
void setCopySizeLimit(bool copyLimit);
int copyCharLimits() const;
void setCopyCharLimits(int copyCharLimits);
int copyLineLimits() const;
void setCopyLineLimits(int copyLineLimits);
bool copyRTFUseBackground() const;
void setCopyRTFUseBackground(bool copyRTFUseBackground);
bool copyRTFUseEditorColor() const;
void setCopyRTFUseEditorColor(bool copyRTFUseEditorColor);
QString copyRTFColorScheme() const;
void setCopyRTFColorScheme(const QString ©RTFColorScheme);
bool copyHTMLUseBackground() const;
void setCopyHTMLUseBackground(bool copyHTMLUseBackground);
bool copyHTMLUseEditorColor() const;
void setCopyHTMLUseEditorColor(bool copyHTMLUseEditorColor);
QString copyHTMLColorScheme() const;
void setCopyHTMLColorScheme(const QString ©HTMLColorScheme);
int copyWithFormatAs() const;
void setCopyWithFormatAs(int copyWithFormatAs);
QString colorScheme() const;
void setColorScheme(const QString &colorScheme);
bool completeSymbols() const;
void setCompleteSymbols(bool completeSymbols);
bool completeParenthese() const;
void setCompleteParenthese(bool completeParenthese);
bool completeBracket() const;
void setCompleteBracket(bool completeBracket);
bool completeBrace() const;
void setCompleteBrace(bool completeBrace);
bool completeComment() const;
void setCompleteComment(bool completeComment);
bool completeSingleQuote() const;
void setCompleteSingleQuote(bool completeSingleQuote);
bool completeDoubleQuote() const;
void setCompleteDoubleQuote(bool completeDoubleQuote);
bool completeGlobalInclude() const;
void setCompleteGlobalInclude(bool completeGlobalInclude);
bool overwriteSymbols() const;
void setOverwriteSymbols(bool overwriteSymbols);
bool removeSymbolPairs() const;
void setRemoveSymbolPairs(bool value);
bool syntaxCheck() const;
void setSyntaxCheck(bool syntaxCheck);
bool syntaxCheckWhenSave() const;
void setSyntaxCheckWhenSave(bool syntaxCheckWhenSave);
bool syntaxCheckWhenLineChanged() const;
void setSyntaxCheckWhenLineChanged(bool syntaxCheckWhenLineChanged);
QByteArray mDefaultEncoding;
// indents
bool mAutoIndent;
bool mAddIndent;
bool mTabToSpaces;
int mTabWidth;
bool mShowIndentLines;
QColor mIndentLineColor;
// caret
bool mEnhanceHomeKey;
bool mEnhanceEndKey;
bool mKeepCaretX;
SynEditCaretType mCaretForInsert;
SynEditCaretType mCaretForOverwrite;
QColor mCaretColor;
bool mAutoHideScrollbar;
bool mScrollPastEof;
bool mScrollPastEol;
bool mScrollByOneLess;
bool mHalfPageScroll;
QString mFontName;
int mFontSize;
bool mFontOnlyMonospaced;
bool mGutterVisible;
bool mGutterAutoSize;
int mGutterLeftOffset;
int mGutterRightOffset;
int mGutterDigitsCount;
bool mGutterShowLineNumbers;
bool mGutterAddLeadingZero;
bool mGutterLineNumbersStartZero;
bool mGutterUseCustomFont;
QString mGutterFontName;
int mGutterFontSize;
bool mGutterFontOnlyMonospaced;
bool mCopySizeLimit;
int mCopyCharLimits;
int mCopyLineLimits;
int mCopyWithFormatAs;
bool mCopyRTFUseBackground;
bool mCopyRTFUseEditorColor;
QString mCopyRTFColorScheme;
bool mCopyHTMLUseBackground;
bool mCopyHTMLUseEditorColor;
QString mCopyHTMLColorScheme;
QString mColorScheme;
//Symbol Completion
bool mCompleteSymbols;
bool mCompleteParenthese;
bool mCompleteBracket;
bool mCompleteBrace;
bool mCompleteComment;
bool mCompleteSingleQuote;
bool mCompleteDoubleQuote;
bool mCompleteGlobalInclude;
bool mOverwriteSymbols;
bool mRemoveSymbolPairs;
//Auto Syntax Check
bool mSyntaxCheck;
bool mSyntaxCheckWhenSave;
bool mSyntaxCheckWhenLineChanged;
// _Base interface
void doSave() override;
void doLoad() override;
class Environment: public _Base {
explicit Environment(Settings * settings);
QString theme() const;
void setTheme(const QString &theme);
QString interfaceFont() const;
void setInterfaceFont(const QString &interfaceFont);
int interfaceFontSize() const;
void setInterfaceFontSize(int interfaceFontSize);
QString language() const;
void setLanguage(const QString &language);
QString mTheme;
QString mInterfaceFont;
int mInterfaceFontSize;
QString mLanguage;
// _Base interface
void doSave() override;
void doLoad() override;
class Executor: public _Base {
explicit Executor(Settings * settings);
bool pauseConsole() const;
void setPauseConsole(bool pauseConsole);
bool minimizeOnRun() const;
void setMinimizeOnRun(bool minimizeOnRun);
// general
bool mPauseConsole;
bool mMinimizeOnRun;
void doSave() override;
void doLoad() override;
class CompilerSet {
explicit CompilerSet(const QString& compilerFolder = QString());
explicit CompilerSet(const CompilerSet& set);
CompilerSet& operator= (const CompilerSet& ) = delete;
CompilerSet& operator= (const CompilerSet&& ) = delete;
void addOption(const QString& name, const QString section, bool isC,
bool isCpp, bool isLinker,
int value, const QString& setting,
const QStringList& choices = QStringList());
PCompilerOption findOption(const QString& setting);
char getOptionValue(const QString& setting);
void setOption(const QString& setting, char valueChar);
void setOption(PCompilerOption& option, char valueChar);
void setProperties(const QString& binDir);
bool dirsValid(QString& msg);
bool validateExes(QString& msg);
const QString& CCompiler() const;
void setCCompiler(const QString& name);
const QString& cppCompiler() const;
void setCppCompiler(const QString& name);
const QString& make() const;
void setMake(const QString& name);
const QString& debugger() const;
void setDebugger(const QString& name);
const QString& profiler() const;
void setProfiler(const QString& name);
const QString& resourceCompiler() const;
void setResourceCompiler(const QString& name);
QStringList& binDirs();
QStringList& CIncludeDirs();
QStringList& CppIncludeDirs();
QStringList& libDirs();
const QString& dumpMachine();
void setDumpMachine(const QString& value);
const QString& version();
void setVersion(const QString& value);
const QString& type();
void setType(const QString& value);
const QString& name();
void setName(const QString& value);
QStringList& defines();
const QString& target();
void setTarget(const QString& value);
bool useCustomCompileParams();
void setUseCustomCompileParams(bool value);
bool useCustomLinkParams();
void setUseCustomLinkParams(bool value);
const QString& customCompileParams();
void setCustomCompileParams(const QString& value);
const QString& customLinkParams();
void setCustomLinkParams(const QString& value);
bool autoAddCharsetParams();
void setAutoAddCharsetParams(bool value);
CompilerOptionList& options();
//Converts options to and from memory format
QByteArray iniOptions() const;
void setIniOptions(const QByteArray& value);
//load hard defines
void setDefines();
int charToValue(char valueChar);
// Initialization
void setExecutables();
void setDirectories(const QString& folder);
void setUserInput();
void setOptions();
QString findProgramInBinDirs(const QString name);
QByteArray getCompilerOutput(const QString& binDir, const QString& binFile,
const QStringList& arguments);
// Executables, most are hardcoded
QString mCCompiler;
QString mCppCompiler;
QString mMake;
QString mDebugger;
QString mProfiler;
QString mResourceCompiler;
// Directories, mostly hardcoded too
QStringList mBinDirs;
QStringList mCIncludeDirs;
QStringList mCppIncludeDirs;
QStringList mLibDirs;
// Misc. properties
QString mDumpMachine; // "x86_64-w64-mingw32", "mingw32" etc
QString mVersion; // "4.7.1"
QString mType; // "TDM-GCC", "MinGW"
QString mName; // "TDM-GCC 4.7.1 Release"
QStringList mDefines; // list of predefined constants
QString mTarget; // 'X86_64' / 'i686'
// User settings
bool mUseCustomCompileParams;
bool mUseCustomLinkParams;
QString mCustomCompileParams;
QString mCustomLinkParams;
bool mAutoAddCharsetParams;
// Options
CompilerOptionList mOptions;
typedef std::shared_ptr<CompilerSet> PCompilerSet;
typedef std::vector<PCompilerSet> CompilerSetList;
class CompilerSets {
explicit CompilerSets(Settings* settings);
PCompilerSet addSet(const CompilerSet& set);
PCompilerSet addSet(const QString& folder=QString());
void addSets(const QString& folder);
void clearSets();
void findSets();
void saveSets();
void loadSets();
void saveDefaultIndex();
void deleteSet(int index);
CompilerSetList& list();
int size() const;
int defaultIndex() const;
void setDefaultIndex(int value);
PCompilerSet defaultSet();
void savePath(const QString& name, const QString& path);
void savePathList(const QString& name, const QStringList& pathList);
void saveSet(int index);
QString loadPath(const QString& name);
void loadPathList(const QString& name, QStringList& list);
PCompilerSet loadSet(int index);
CompilerSetList mList;
int mDefaultIndex;
Settings* mSettings;
explicit Settings(const QString& filename);
explicit Settings(Settings&& settings) = delete;
explicit Settings(const Settings& settings) = delete;
Settings& operator= (const Settings& settings) = delete;
Settings& operator= (const Settings&& settings) = delete;
void beginGroup(const QString& group);
void endGroup();
void saveValue(const QString& group, const QString &key, const QVariant &value);
void saveValue(const QString &key, const QVariant &value);
QVariant value(const QString& group, const QString &key, const QVariant& defaultValue);
QVariant value(const QString &key, const QVariant& defaultValue);
Dirs& dirs();
Editor& editor();
CompilerSets& compilerSets();
Environment& environment();
Executor& executor();
QString filename() const;
QString mFilename;
QSettings mSettings;
Dirs mDirs;
Editor mEditor;
Environment mEnvironment;
CompilerSets mCompilerSets;
Executor mExecutor;
extern Settings* pSettings;
#endif // SETTINGS_H