
220 lines
5.4 KiB

#ifndef QCONSOLE_H
#define QCONSOLE_H
#include <QAbstractScrollArea>
#include <QVector>
struct ConsoleLine {
QString text;
QStringList fragments;
int maxColumns;
enum class ConsoleCaretType {
using PConsoleLine = std::shared_ptr<ConsoleLine>;
using ConsoleLineList = QVector<PConsoleLine>;
* @brief The RowColumn struct
* column and row are 0-based
struct RowColumn {
int column;
int row;
* @brief The LineChar struct
* line and ch are 0-based
struct LineChar {
int ch;
int line;
class QConsole;
class ConsoleLines : public QObject{
explicit ConsoleLines(QConsole* console);
void addLine(const QString& line);
void RemoveLastLine();
void changeLastLine(const QString& newLine);
QString getLastLine();
QString getLine(int line);
QChar getChar(int line,int ch);
QChar getChar(const LineChar& lineChar);
* @brief getRows
* @param startRow 1-based
* @param endRow 1-based
* @return
QStringList getRows(int startRow, int endRow);
LineChar rowColumnToLineChar(const RowColumn& rowColumn);
LineChar rowColumnToLineChar(int row ,int column);
RowColumn lineCharToRowColumn(const LineChar& lineChar);
RowColumn lineCharToRowColumn(int line, int ch);
int rows() const;
int lines() const;
bool layouting() const;
int maxLines() const;
void setMaxLines(int maxLines);
void clear();
int getMaxLines() const;
public slots:
void layout();
void layoutStarted();
void layoutFinished();
void needRelayout();
void rowsAdded(int rowCount);
void lastRowsRemoved(int rowCount);
void lastRowsChanged(int rowCount);
int breakLine(const QString& line, QStringList& fragments);
ConsoleLineList mLines;
int mRows;
bool mLayouting;
bool mNeedRelayout;
int mOldTabSize;
QConsole* mConsole;
int mMaxLines;
class QConsole : public QAbstractScrollArea
explicit QConsole(QWidget* parent = nullptr);
int historySize() const;
void setHistorySize(int historySize);
int tabSize() const;
int columnsPerRow() const;
int rowsInWindow() const;
int charColumns(QChar ch, int columnsBefore) const;
void invalidate();
void invalidateRows(int startRow,int endRow);
void invalidateRect(const QRect& rect);
void addLine(const QString& line);
void removeLastLine();
void changeLastLine(const QString& line);
QString getLastLine();
void clear();
void commandInput(const QString& command);
ConsoleLines mContents;
QStringList mCommandHistory;
int mHistorySize;
int mHistoryIndex;
QString mCommand;
QString mCurrentEditableLine;
// bool mIndex;
int mRowHeight;
int mTopRow; // 1-based
int mRowsInWindow;
int mColumnsPerRow;
int mColumnWidth;
bool mReadonly;
LineChar mSelectionBegin;
LineChar mSelectionEnd;
int mCaretChar;
QColor mBackground;
QColor mForeground;
QColor mSelectionBackground;
QColor mSelectionForeground;
QColor mInactiveSelectionBackground;
QColor mInactiveSelectionForeground;
int mTabSize;
std::shared_ptr<QImage> mContentImage;
int mBlinkTimerId;
int mBlinkStatus;
QTimer* mScrollTimer;
int mScrollDeltaY;
void fontChanged();
void recalcCharExtent();
void sizeOrFontChanged(bool bFont);
int clientWidth();
int clientHeight();
* @brief setTopRow
* @param value 1-based
void setTopRow(int value);
int maxScrollHeight();
void updateScrollbars();
void paintRows(QPainter& painter, int row1,int row2);
void ensureCaretVisible();
void showCaret();
void hideCaret();
void updateCaret();
LineChar caretPos();
RowColumn caretRowColumn();
QPoint rowColumnToPixels(const RowColumn& rowColumn);
QRect getCaretRect();
void paintCaret(QPainter &painter, const QRect rcClip);
void textInputed(const QString& text);
void loadCommandFromHistory();
LineChar selectionBegin();
LineChar selectionEnd();
void setCaretChar(int newCaretChar, bool resetSelection);
bool caretInSelection();
QString removeSelection();
bool hasSelection();
int computeScrollY(int Y);
RowColumn pixelsToNearestRowColumn(int x,int y);
private slots:
void doScrolled();
void contentsLayouted();
void contentsRowsAdded(int rowCount);
void contentsLastRowsRemoved(int rowCount);
void contentsLastRowsChanged(int rowCount);
void scrollTimerHandler();
// QWidget interface
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) override;
void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event) override;
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override;
bool event(QEvent *event) override;
// QWidget interface
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override;
// QObject interface
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override;
// QWidget interface
void inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *event) override;
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;
#endif // QCONSOLE_H