231 lines
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231 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QKeySequence>
#include <QList>
#include <memory>
#include "gutter.h"
#include "qt_utils/utils.h"
namespace QSynedit {
// NOTE! If you add an editor command, you must also update the
// EditorCommandStrs constant array in implementation section below, or the
// command will not show up in the IDE.
// "Editor Commands". Key strokes are translated from a table into these
// I used constants instead of a set so that additional commands could be
// added in descendants (you can't extend a set)
// There are two ranges of editor commands: the ecViewXXX commands are always
// valid, while the ecEditXXX commands are ignored when the editor is in
// read-only mode
enum class EditCommand {
None = 0, // Nothing. Useful for user event to handle command
Left = 1, // Move cursor left one char
Right = 2, // Move cursor right one char
Up = 3, // Move cursor up one line
Down = 4, // Move cursor down one line
WordLeft = 5, // Move cursor left one word
WordRight = 6, // Move cursor right one word
LineStart = 7, // Move cursor to beginning of line
LineEnd = 8, // Move cursor to end of line
PageUp = 9, // Move cursor up one page
PageDown = 10, // Move cursor down one page
PageLeft = 11, // Move cursor right one page
PageRight = 12, // Move cursor left one page
PageTop = 13, // Move cursor to top of page
PageBottom = 14, // Move cursor to bottom of page
EditorStart = 15, // Move cursor to absolute beginning
EditorEnd = 16, // Move cursor to absolute end
GotoXY = 17, // Move cursor to specific coordinates, Data = PPoint
BlockStart = 18, // Move cursor to begin of block
BlockEnd = 19, // Move cursor to end of block
// Maybe the command processor should just take a boolean that signifies if
// selection is affected or not?
Selection = 100, // Add this to ecXXX command to get equivalent
// command, but with selection enabled. This is not
// a command itself.
// Same as commands above, except they affect selection, too
SelLeft = Left + Selection,
SelRight = Right + Selection,
SelUp = Up + Selection,
SelDown = Down + Selection,
SelWordLeft = WordLeft + Selection,
SelWordRight = WordRight + Selection,
SelLineStart = LineStart + Selection,
SelLineEnd = LineEnd + Selection,
SelPageUp = PageUp + Selection,
SelPageDown = PageDown + Selection,
SelPageLeft = PageLeft + Selection,
SelPageRight = PageRight + Selection,
SelPageTop = PageTop + Selection,
SelPageBottom = PageBottom + Selection,
SelEditorStart = EditorStart + Selection,
SelEditorEnd = EditorEnd + Selection,
SelGotoXY = GotoXY + Selection, // Data = PPoint
SelBlockStart = BlockStart + Selection, // Move cursor to begin of scope
SelBlockEnd = BlockEnd + Selection, // Move cursor to end of scope
Copy = 201, // Copy selection to clipboard
SelWord = 202,
SelectAll = 203, // Select entire contents of editor, cursor to end
ExpandSelection = 204, // expand selection
ShrinkSelection = 205, // shrink selection
ScrollUp = 211, // Scroll up one line leaving cursor position unchanged.
ScrollDown = 212, // Scroll down one line leaving cursor position unchanged.
ScrollLeft = 213, // Scroll left one char leaving cursor position unchanged.
ScrollRight = 214, // Scroll right one char leaving cursor position unchanged.
InsertMode = 221, // Set insert mode
OverwriteMode = 222, // Set overwrite mode
ToggleMode = 223, // Toggle ins/ovr mode
MatchBracket = 250, // Go to matching bracket
ContextHelp = 490, // Help on Word, Data = Word
DeleteLastChar = 501, // Delete last char (i.e. backspace key)
DeleteChar = 502, // Delete char at cursor (i.e. delete key)
DeleteWordEnd = 503, // Delete from cursor to end of word
DeleteWordStart = 504, // Delete from cursor to start of word
DeleteBOL = 505, // Delete from cursor to beginning of line
DeleteEOL = 506, // Delete from cursor to end of line
DeleteLine = 507, // Delete current line
ClearAll = 508, // Delete everything
LineBreak = 509, // Break line at current position, move caret to new line
InsertLine = 510, // Break line at current position, leave caret
Char = 511, // Insert a character at current position
DuplicateLine = 512, // Duplicate current line
MoveSelUp = 513, // Move selection up
MoveSelDown = 514, // Move selection down
ImeStr = 550, // Insert character(s) from IME
DeleteWord = 551, // Delete current Word
Undo = 601, // Perform undo if available
Redo = 602, // Perform redo if available
Cut = 603, // Cut selection to clipboard
Paste = 604, // Paste clipboard to current position
BlockIndent = 610, // Indent selection
BlockUnindent = 611, // Unindent selection
Tab = 612, // Tab key
ShiftTab = 613, // Shift+Tab key
Comment = 614,
Uncomment = 615,
ToggleComment = 616,
ToggleBlockComment = 617,
UpperCase = 620, // apply to the current or previous word
LowerCase = 621,
ToggleCase = 622,
TitleCase = 623,
UpperCaseBlock = 625, // apply to current selection, or current char if no selection
LowerCaseBlock = 626,
ToggleCaseBlock = 627,
String = 630, //Insert a whole string
ZoomOut = 631, //Increase Font Size
ZoomIn = 632, //Decrease Font Size
LineBreakAtBegin = 651, //add a line break at the begin of the line
LineBreakAtEnd = 652,
TrimTrailingSpaces = 653,
//### Code Folding ###
Collapse = 700,
Uncollapse = 701,
CollapseLevel = 702,
UncollapseLevel = 703,
CollapseAll = 704,
UncollapseAll = 705,
//### End Code Folding ###
UserFirst = 1001, // Start of user-defined commands
class EditKeyStroke
explicit EditKeyStroke();
EditKeyStroke(const EditKeyStroke&)=delete;
EditKeyStroke& operator=(const EditKeyStroke&)=delete;
QKeySequence keySequence() const;
void setKeySequence(QKeySequence& keySequence);
int key() const;
void setKey(int key);
Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyModifiers() const;
void setKeyModifiers(const Qt::KeyboardModifiers &keyModifiers);
int key2() const;
void setKey2(int key2);
Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyModifiers2() const;
void setKeyModifiers2(const Qt::KeyboardModifiers &keyModifiers2);
EditCommand command() const;
void setCommand(const EditCommand &command);
int mKey; // Virtual keycode, i.e. VK_xxx
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mKeyModifiers;
int mKey2;
Qt::KeyboardModifiers mKeyModifiers2;
EditCommand mCommand;
using PEditKeyStroke = std::shared_ptr<EditKeyStroke>;
using EditKeyStrokeList = QList<PEditKeyStroke>;
class EditKeyStrokes {
explicit EditKeyStrokes();
EditKeyStrokes(const EditKeyStrokes&)=delete;
EditKeyStrokes& operator=(const EditKeyStrokes&)=delete;
PEditKeyStroke add(EditCommand command, int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers);
PEditKeyStroke findCommand(EditCommand command);
PEditKeyStroke findKeycode(int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers);
PEditKeyStroke findKeycode2(int key, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers,
int key2, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers2);
PEditKeyStroke findKeySequence(const QKeySequence& keySeq);
void clear();
void resetDefaults();
void setExtraKeyStrokes();
EditKeyStrokeList mList;