770 lines
22 KiB
770 lines
22 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QStringList>
#include "syntaxer/syntaxer.h"
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QVector>
#include <memory>
#include <QFile>
#include "miscprocs.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "qt_utils/utils.h"
namespace QSynedit {
int searchForSegmentIdx(const QList<int> &segList, int minVal, int maxVal, int value);
int calcSegmentInterval(const QList<int> &segList, int maxVal, int idx);
int segmentIntervalStart(const QList<int> &segList, int minVal, int maxVal, int idx);
QList<int> calcGlyphStartCharList(const QString &text);
void expandGlyphStartCharList(const QString& strAdded, int oldStrLen, QList<int> &glyphStartCharList);
class Document;
using SearchConfirmAroundProc = std::function<bool ()>;
* @brief The DocumentLine class
* Store one line of the document.
* The linebreak is not included.
* When the line is displayed on the screen, each mark is called a glyph.
* In unicode, a glyph may be represented by more than one code points (chars).
* DocumentLine provides utility methods to retrieve the chars corresponding to one glyph,
* and other functions.
* Most of the member methods are not thread safe. So they are declared as private
* to prevent ill-usage. It shoulde only be used by the document internally.
class DocumentLine {
using UpdateWidthFunc = std::function<QList<int>(const QString&, const QList<int> &, int &)>;
explicit DocumentLine(UpdateWidthFunc updateWidthFunc);
DocumentLine(const DocumentLine&)=delete;
DocumentLine& operator=(const DocumentLine&)=delete;
* @brief get total count of the glyphs in the line text
* The char count of the line text may not be the same as the glyphs count
* @return the glyphs count
int glyphsCount() const {
return mGlyphStartCharList.length();
* @brief get list of start index of the glyphs in the line text
* @return start indice of the glyph.
const QList<int>& glyphStartCharList() const {
return mGlyphStartCharList;
* @brief get list of start position of the glyphs in the line text
* @return start positions of the glyph (in pixel)
const QList<int>& glyphStartPositionList();
* @brief get start index of the chars representing the specified glyph.
* @param i index of the glyph in the line (starting from 0)
* @return char index in the line text (start from 0)
int glyphStartChar(int i) const;
* @brief get count of the chars representing the specified glyph.
* @param i index of the glyph in the line (starting from 0)
* @return
int glyphLength(int i) const;
* @brief get the chars representing the specified glyph.
* @param i index of the glyph in the line (starting from 0)
* @return the chars representing the specified glyph
QString glyph(int i) const;
* @brief get start position of the specified glyph.
* @param i index of the glyph in the line (starting from 0)
* @return start position in the line (pixel)
int glyphStartPosition(int i);
* @brief get width (pixels) of the specified glyph.
* @param i index of the glyph of the line (starting from 0)
* @return
int glyphWidth(int i);
* @brief get the line text
* @return the line text
const QString& lineText() const { return mLineText; }
* @brief get the width (pixel) of the line text
* @return the width (in width)
int width(bool forceUpdate=false);
* @brief get the state of the syntax highlighter after this line is parsed
* @return
const SyntaxState& syntaxState() const { return mSyntaxState; }
* @brief set the state of the syntax highlighter after this line is parsed
* @param newSyntaxState
void setSyntaxState(const SyntaxState &newSyntaxState) { mSyntaxState = newSyntaxState; }
void setLineText(const QString &newLineText);
void updateWidth();
void invalidateWidth() { mWidth = -1; mGlyphStartPositionList.clear(); }
QString mLineText; /* the unicode code points of the text */
* @brief Start positions of glyphs in mLineText
* A glyph may be defined by more than one code points.
* Each lement of mGlyphStartCharList (position) is the start index
* of the code points in the mLineText.
QList<int> mGlyphStartCharList;
* @brief start columns of the glyphs
* A glyph may occupy more than one columns in the screen.
* Each elements of mGlyphStartPositionList is the columns occupied by the glyph.
* The width of a glyph is affected by the font used to display,
* so it must be recalculated each time the font is changed.
QList<int> mGlyphStartPositionList;
* @brief state of the syntax highlighter after this line is parsed
* QSynedit use this state to speed up syntax highlight parsing.
* Which is also used in auto-indent calculating and other functions.
SyntaxState mSyntaxState;
* @brief total width (pixel) of the line text
* The width of glyphs is affected by the font used to display,
* so it must be recalculated each time the font is changed.
int mWidth;
UpdateWidthFunc mUpdateWidthFunc;
friend class Document;
typedef std::shared_ptr<DocumentLine> PDocumentLine;
typedef QVector<PDocumentLine> DocumentLines;
typedef std::shared_ptr<DocumentLines> PDocumentLines;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Document> PDocument;
class BinaryFileError : public FileError {
explicit BinaryFileError (const QString& reason);
* @brief The Document class
* Represents a document, which contains many lines.
class Document : public QObject
explicit Document(const QFont& font, QObject* parent=nullptr);
Document(const Document&)=delete;
Document& operator=(const Document&)=delete;
* @brief get nesting level of parenthesis at the end of the specified line
* It's thread safe.
* @param line line index (starts from 0)
* @return
int parenthesisLevel(int line);
* @brief get nesting level of brackets at the end of the specified line
* It's thread safe
* @param line line index (starts from 0)
* @return
int bracketLevel(int line);
* @brief get nesting level of braces at the end of the specified line
* It's thread safe
* @param line line index (starts from 0)
* @return
int braceLevel(int line);
* @brief get width of the specified line
* It's thread safe
* @param line line index (starts frome 0)
* @return
int lineWidth(int line);
* @brief get width of the specified text / line
* It's thread safe.
* If the new text is the same as the line text, it just
* returns the line width pre-calculated.
* If the new text is not the same as the line text, it
* calculates the width of the new text and return.
* @param line line index (starts frome 0)
* @param newText the new text
* @return
int lineWidth(int line, const QString &newText);
* @brief get block (indent) level of the specified line
* It's thread safe.
* @param line line index (starts frome 0)
* @return
int blockLevel(int line);
* @brief get count of new blocks (indent) started on the specified line
* @param line line index (starts frome 0)
* @return
int blockStarted(int line);
* @brief get count of blocks (indent) ended on the specified line
* @param line line index (starts frome 0)
* @return
int blockEnded(int line);
* @brief get index of the longest line (has the max width)
* It's thread safe.
* @return
int maxLineWidth();
* @brief get line break of the current document
* @return
QString lineBreak() const;
* @brief get state of the syntax highlighter after parsing the specified line.
* It's thread safe.
* @param line line index (starts frome 0)
* @return
SyntaxState getSyntaxState(int line);
* @brief set state of the syntax highlighter after parsing the specified line.
* It's thread safe.
* @param line line index (starts frome 0)
* @param state the new state
void setSyntaxState(int line, const SyntaxState& state);
* @brief get line text of the specified line.
* It's thread safe.
* @param line line index (starts frome 0)
* @return
QString getLine(int line);
* @brief get count of the glyphs on the specified line.
* It's thread safe.
* @param line line index (starts frome 0)
* @return
int getLineGlyphsCount(int line);
// /**
// * @brief get position list of the glyphs on the specified line.
// *
// * It's thread safe.
// * Each element of the list is the index of the starting char in the line text.
// *
// * @param line line index (starts frome 0)
// * @return
// */
// QList<int> getGlyphPositions(int index);
* @brief get count of lines in the document
* It's thread safe.
* @return
int count();
* @brief get all the text in the document.
* Lines are concatenated by line breaks (by lineBreak()).
* It's thread safe.
* @return
QString text();
* @brief set the text of the document
* It's thread safe.
* @param text
void setText(const QString& text);
* @brief set the text of the document
* It's thread safe.
* @param text
void setContents(const QStringList& text);
* @brief get all the lines in the document.
* It's thread safe.
* @return
QStringList contents();
void putLine(int index, const QString& s, bool notify=true);
void beginUpdate();
void endUpdate();
int addLine(const QString& s);
void addLines(const QStringList& strings);
int getTextLength();
void clear();
void deleteAt(int index);
void deleteLines(int index, int numLines);
void exchange(int index1, int index2);
void insertLine(int index, const QString& s);
void insertLines(int index, int numLines);
void loadFromFile(const QString& filename, const QByteArray& encoding, QByteArray& realEncoding);
void saveToFile(QFile& file, const QByteArray& encoding,
const QByteArray& defaultEncoding, QByteArray& realEncoding);
QString glyph(int line, int glyphIdx);
QString glyphAt(int line, int charPos);
int charToGlyphStartChar(int line, int charPos);
//int columnToGlyphStartColumn(int line, int charPos);
* @brief calculate display width of a string
* The string may contains the tab char, whose width depends on the tab size and it's position
* @param str the string to be displayed
* @param left start x pos of the string
* @return width of the string, don't including colsBefore
int stringWidth(const QString &str, int left) const;
int stringWidth(const QString &str, int left, const QFontMetrics &fontMetrics);
int glyphCount(int line);
* @brief get start index of the chars representing the specified glyph in the specified line.
* It's thread safe.
* @param line index of the line in the document (starting from 0)
* @param glyphIdx index of the glyph in the line (starting from 0)
* @return char index in the line text (start from 0)
int glyphStartChar(int line, int glyphIdx);
* @brief get count of the chars representing the specified glyph in the specified line.
* It's thread safe.
* @param line index of the line in the document (starting from 0)
* @param glyphIdx index of the glyph in the line (starting from 0)
* @return
int glyphLength(int line, int glyphIdx);
* @brief get start column of the specified glyph in the specified line.
* It's thread safe.
* @param line index of the line in the document (starting from 0)
* @param glyphIdx index of the glyph in the line (starting from 0)
* @return the column (starting from 1)
int glyphStartPostion(int line, int glyphIdx);
* @brief get width (in columns) of the specified glyph in the specified line.
* It's thread safe.
* @param line index of the line in the document (starting from 0)
* @param glyphIdx index of the glyph in the line (starting from 0)
* @return
int glyphWidth(int line, int glyphIdx);
int glyphWidth(const QString &glyph, int left) const;
* @brief get index of the glyph represented by the specified char
* It's thread safe.
* @param line index of the line (starting from 0)
* @param charIdx position of the char in the line text (starting from 0)
* @return glyph index in the line (starting from 0)
int charToGlyphIndex(int line, int charPos);
* @brief get index of the glyph displayed on the specified column
* It's thread safe.
* @param line index of the line (starting from 0)
* @param column the column (starting from 1)
* @return glyph index in the line (starting from 0)
int xposToGlyphIndex(int line, int xpos);
int charToGlyphStartPosition(int line, int charPos);
int xposToGlyphStartChar(int line, int xpos);
int charToGlyphStartPosition(int line, const QString newStr, int charPos);
int xposToGlyphStartChar(int line, const QString newStr, int xpos);
int updateGlyphStartPositionList(
const QString& lineText,
const QList<int> &glyphStartCharList,
int startChar, int endChar,
const QFontMetrics &fontMetrics,
QList<int> &glyphStartPositionList,
int left, int &right, int &startGlyph, int &endGlyph) const;
bool getAppendNewLineAtEOF();
void setAppendNewLineAtEOF(bool appendNewLineAtEOF);
NewlineType getNewlineType();
void setNewlineType(const NewlineType &fileEndingType);
bool empty();
int tabSize() const {
return mTabSize;
int tabWidth() const {
return mTabSize * spaceWidth();
int spaceWidth() const {
if (mForceMonospace)
return mCharWidth;
return mSpaceWidth;
void setTabSize(int newTabSize);
const QFontMetrics &fontMetrics() const;
void setFont(const QFont &newFont);
bool forceMonospace() const;
void setForceMonospace(bool newForceMonospace);
public slots:
void invalidateAllLineWidth();
void changed();
void changing();
void cleared();
void deleted(int startLine, int count);
void inserted(int startLine, int count);
void putted(int line);
void maxLineWidthChanged();
QString getTextStr() const;
void setUpdateState(bool Updating);
void insertItem(int line, const QString& s);
void addItem(const QString& s);
void putTextStr(const QString& text);
void internalClear();
void beginSetLinesWidth();
void endSetLinesWidth();
void setLineWidth(int line, const QString& lineText, int newWidth, const QList<int> glyphStartPositionList);
void emitMaxLineWidthChanged();
void updateLongestLineWidth(int line, int width);
void setIndexOfLongestLine(int line);
int glyphWidth(const QString& glyph, int left,
const QFontMetrics &fontMetrics,
bool forceMonospace) const;
int xposToGlyphIndex(int strWidth, QList<int> glyphPositionList, int xpos) const;
int charToGlyphIndex(const QString& str, QList<int> glyphStartCharList, int charPos) const;
QList<int> calcLineWidth(const QString& lineText, const QList<int> &glyphStartCharList, int &width);
QList<int> calcGlyphPositionList(const QString& lineText, const QList<int> &glyphStartCharList,
const QFontMetrics &fontMetrics,
int left, int &right) const;
QList<int> calcGlyphPositionList(const QString& lineText, const QList<int> &glyphStartCharList, int left, int &right) const;
QList<int> calcGlyphPositionList(const QString& lineText, int &width) const;
QList<int> getGlyphStartCharList(int line, const QString &lineText);
QList<int> getGlyphStartPositionList(int line, const QString &lineText, int &lineWidth);
bool tryLoadFileByEncoding(QByteArray encodingName, QFile& file);
void loadUTF16BOMFile(QFile& file);
void loadUTF32BOMFile(QFile& file);
void saveUTF16File(QFile& file, QTextCodec* codec);
void saveUTF32File(QFile& file, QTextCodec* codec);
DocumentLines mLines;
DocumentLine::UpdateWidthFunc mUpdateDocumentLineWidthFunc;
//SynEdit* mEdit;
QFontMetrics mFontMetrics;
int mTabSize;
int mCharWidth;
int mSpaceWidth;
//int mCount;
//int mCapacity;
NewlineType mNewlineType;
bool mAppendNewLineAtEOF;
int mIndexOfLongestLine;
int mUpdateCount;
bool mForceMonospace;
int mSetLineWidthLockCount;
bool mMaxLineChangedInSetLinesWidth;
QRecursiveMutex mMutex;
QMutex mMutex;
friend class QSynEditPainter;
enum class ChangeReason {
Caret, //just restore the Caret, allowing better Undo behavior
Selection, //restore Selection
Nothing // undo list empty
class UndoItem {
ChangeReason mChangeReason;
SelectionMode mChangeSelMode;
BufferCoord mChangeStartPos;
BufferCoord mChangeEndPos;
QStringList mChangeText;
size_t mChangeNumber;
unsigned int mMemoryUsage;
UndoItem(ChangeReason reason,
SelectionMode selMode,
BufferCoord startPos,
BufferCoord endPos,
const QStringList& text,
int number);
ChangeReason changeReason() const;
SelectionMode changeSelMode() const;
BufferCoord changeStartPos() const;
BufferCoord changeEndPos() const;
QStringList changeText() const;
size_t changeNumber() const;
unsigned int memoryUsage() const;
using PUndoItem = std::shared_ptr<UndoItem>;
class UndoList : public QObject {
explicit UndoList();
void addChange(ChangeReason reason, const BufferCoord& start, const BufferCoord& end,
const QStringList& changeText, SelectionMode selMode);
void restoreChange(ChangeReason reason, const BufferCoord& start, const BufferCoord& end,
const QStringList& changeText, SelectionMode selMode, size_t changeNumber);
void restoreChange(PUndoItem item);
void addGroupBreak();
void beginBlock();
void endBlock();
void clear();
ChangeReason lastChangeReason();
bool isEmpty();
PUndoItem peekItem();
PUndoItem popItem();
bool canUndo();
int itemCount();
int maxUndoActions() const;
void setMaxUndoActions(int maxUndoActions);
bool initialState();
void setInitialState();
bool insideRedo() const;
void setInsideRedo(bool insideRedo);
bool fullUndoImposible() const;
int maxMemoryUsage() const;
void setMaxMemoryUsage(int newMaxMemoryUsage);
void addedUndo();
void ensureMaxEntries();
bool inBlock();
unsigned int getNextChangeNumber();
void addMemoryUsage(PUndoItem item);
void reduceMemoryUsage(PUndoItem item);
size_t mBlockChangeNumber;
int mBlockLock;
int mBlockCount; // count of action blocks;
int mMemoryUsage;
size_t mLastPoppedItemChangeNumber;
size_t mLastRestoredItemChangeNumber;
bool mFullUndoImposible;
QVector<PUndoItem> mItems;
int mMaxUndoActions;
int mMaxMemoryUsage;
unsigned int mNextChangeNumber;
unsigned int mInitialChangeNumber;
bool mInsideRedo;
class RedoList : public QObject {
explicit RedoList();
void addRedo(ChangeReason AReason, const BufferCoord& AStart, const BufferCoord& AEnd,
const QStringList& ChangeText, SelectionMode SelMode, size_t changeNumber);
void addRedo(PUndoItem item);
void clear();
ChangeReason lastChangeReason();
bool isEmpty();
PUndoItem peekItem();
PUndoItem popItem();
bool canRedo();
int itemCount();
QVector<PUndoItem> mItems;
using PUndoList = std::shared_ptr<UndoList>;
using PRedoList = std::shared_ptr<RedoList>;