402 lines
13 KiB
402 lines
13 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Roy Qu (royqh1979@gmail.com)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef EDITOR_H
#define EDITOR_H
#include <QObject>
#include <utils.h>
#include <QTabWidget>
#include "qsynedit/SynEdit.h"
#include "colorscheme.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "parser/cppparser.h"
#include "widgets/codecompletionpopup.h"
#include "widgets/headercompletionpopup.h"
struct TabStop {
int x;
int endX;
int y;
using PTabStop = std::shared_ptr<TabStop>;
class SaveException: public std::exception {
explicit SaveException(const QString& reason);
explicit SaveException(const QString&& reason);
// exception interface
const QString& reason() const noexcept;
const char *what() const noexcept override;
QString mReason;
QByteArray mReasonBuffer;
class Editor : public QSynedit::SynEdit
enum class LastSymbolType {
ScopeResolutionOperator, //'::'
ObjectMemberOperator, //'.'
PointerMemberOperator, //'->'
PointerToMemberOfObjectOperator, //'.*'
PointerToMemberOfPointerOperator, //'->*'
TildeSign, // '~'
AsteriskSign, // '*'
AmpersandSign, // '&'
enum MarginNumber {
LineNumberMargin = 0,
MarkerMargin = 1,
FoldMargin = 2,
enum MarkerNumber {
enum class QuoteStatus {
enum class WordPurpose {
wpCompletion, // walk backwards over words, array, functions, parents, no forward movement
wpEvaluation, // walk backwards over words, array, functions, parents, forwards over words, array
wpHeaderCompletion, // walk backwards over path
wpHeaderCompletionStart, // walk backwards over path, including start '<' or '"'
wpDirective, // preprocessor
wpJavadoc, //javadoc
wpInformation // walk backwards over words, array, functions, parents, forwards over words
enum class TipType {
Preprocessor, // cursor hovers above preprocessor line
Identifier, // cursor hovers above identifier
Selection, // cursor hovers above selection
None, // mouseover not allowed
Error //Cursor hovers above error line/item;
struct SyntaxIssue {
int col;
int endCol;
int startChar;
int endChar;
CompileIssueType issueType;
QString token;
QString hint;
using PSyntaxIssue = std::shared_ptr<SyntaxIssue>;
using SyntaxIssueList = QVector<PSyntaxIssue>;
using PSyntaxIssueList = std::shared_ptr<SyntaxIssueList>;
explicit Editor(QWidget *parent);
explicit Editor(QWidget *parent, const QString& filename,
const QByteArray& encoding,
bool inProject, bool isNew,QTabWidget* parentPageControl);
//tell the compiler to prohibit copy/moving editor objects ( we should only use pointers to the editor object)
Editor(const Editor&) = delete;
Editor(const Editor&&) = delete;
Editor& operator=(const Editor&) = delete;
Editor& operator=(const Editor&&) = delete;
const QByteArray& encodingOption() const noexcept;
void setEncodingOption(const QByteArray& encoding) noexcept;
const QByteArray& fileEncoding() const noexcept;
void convertToEncoding(const QByteArray& encoding);
const QString& filename() const noexcept;
bool inProject() const noexcept;
bool isNew() const noexcept;
void loadFile(QString filename = "");
void saveFile(QString filename);
bool save(bool force=false, bool reparse=true);
bool saveAs(const QString& name="", bool fromProject = false);
void activate();
QTabWidget* pageControl() noexcept;
void setPageControl(QTabWidget* newPageControl);
void updateCaption(const QString& newCaption=QString());
void applySettings();
void applyColorScheme(const QString& schemeName);
void copyToClipboard() override;
void cutToClipboard() override;
void copyAsHTML();
void setCaretPosition(int line,int aChar);
void setCaretPositionAndActivate(int line,int aChar);
void addSyntaxIssues(int line, int startChar, int endChar, CompileIssueType errorType, const QString& hint);
void clearSyntaxIssues();
void gotoNextSyntaxIssue();
void gotoPrevSyntaxIssue();
bool hasPrevSyntaxIssue() const;
bool hasNextSyntaxIssue() const;
PSyntaxIssueList getSyntaxIssuesAtLine(int line);
PSyntaxIssue getSyntaxIssueAtPosition(const QSynedit::BufferCoord& pos);
int gutterClickedLine() const;
void toggleBreakpoint(int line);
void clearBreakpoints();
bool hasBreakpoint(int line);
void addBookmark(int line,const QString& description);
void removeBookmark(int line);
bool hasBookmark(int line);
void clearBookmarks();
void removeBreakpointFocus();
void modifyBreakpointProperty(int line);
void setActiveBreakpointFocus(int Line, bool setFocus=true);
QString getPreviousWordAtPositionForSuggestion(const QSynedit::BufferCoord& p);
void reformat();
void checkSyntaxInBack();
void gotoDeclaration(const QSynedit::BufferCoord& pos);
void gotoDefinition(const QSynedit::BufferCoord& pos);
void reparse();
void reparseTodo();
void insertString(const QString& value, bool moveCursor);
void insertCodeSnippet(const QString& code);
void print();
void exportAsRTF(const QString& rtfFilename);
void exportAsHTML(const QString& htmlFilename);
void resetBreakpoints();
bool notParsed();
void insertLine();
void deleteWord();
void deleteToWordStart();
void deleteToWordEnd();
void deleteLine();
void duplicateLine();
void deleteToEOL();
void deleteToBOL();
QStringList getOwnerExpressionAndMemberAtPositionForCompletion(
const QSynedit::BufferCoord& pos,
QString& memberOperator,
QStringList& memberExpression);
QString getWordForCompletionSearch(const QSynedit::BufferCoord& pos,bool permitTilde);
QStringList getExpressionAtPosition(
const QSynedit::BufferCoord& pos);
const PCppParser &parser();
void tab() override;
void renamed(const QString& oldName, const QString& newName, bool firstSave);
void fileSaved(const QString& filename, bool inProject);
private slots:
void onStatusChanged(QSynedit::StatusChanges changes);
void onGutterClicked(Qt::MouseButton button, int x, int y, int line);
void onTipEvalValueReady(const QString& value);
void onLinesDeleted(int first,int count);
void onLinesInserted(int first,int count);
void onFunctionTipsTimer();
bool isBraceChar(QChar ch);
void resetBookmarks();
QChar getCurrentChar();
bool handleSymbolCompletion(QChar key);
bool handleParentheseCompletion();
bool handleParentheseSkip();
bool handleBracketCompletion();
bool handleBracketSkip();
bool handleMultilineCommentCompletion();
bool handleBraceCompletion();
bool handleBraceSkip();
bool handleSingleQuoteCompletion();
bool handleDoubleQuoteCompletion();
bool handleGlobalIncludeCompletion();
bool handleGlobalIncludeSkip();
bool handleCodeCompletion(QChar key);
void initParser();
void undoSymbolCompletion(int pos);
QuoteStatus getQuoteStatus();
void showCompletion(const QString& preWord, bool autoComplete);
void showHeaderCompletion(bool autoComplete, bool forceShow=false);
bool testInFunc(int x,int y);
void completionInsert(bool appendFunc=false);
void headerCompletionInsert();
bool onCompletionKeyPressed(QKeyEvent* event);
bool onHeaderCompletionKeyPressed(QKeyEvent* event);
bool onCompletionInputMethod(QInputMethodEvent *event);
TipType getTipType(QPoint point, QSynedit::BufferCoord& pos);
void cancelHint();
QString getFileHint(const QString& s);
QString getParserHint(const QStringList& expression,const QString& s, int line);
void showDebugHint(const QString& s,int line);
QString getErrorHint(const PSyntaxIssue& issue);
QString getHintForFunction(const PStatement& statement,
const QString& filename, int line);
void updateFunctionTip(bool showTip);
void clearUserCodeInTabStops();
void popUserCodeInTabStops();
void onExportedFormatToken(QSynedit::PHighlighter syntaxHighlighter, int Line, int column, const QString& token,
QSynedit::PHighlighterAttribute &attr);
void onScrollBarValueChanged();
QByteArray mEncodingOption; // the encoding type set by the user
QByteArray mFileEncoding; // the real encoding of the file (auto detected)
QString mFilename;
QTabWidget* mParentPageControl;
bool mInProject;
bool mIsNew;
QMap<int,PSyntaxIssueList> mSyntaxIssues;
QColor mSyntaxErrorColor;
QColor mSyntaxWarningColor;
QColor mActiveBreakpointForegroundColor;
QColor mActiveBreakpointBackgroundColor;
QColor mBreakpointForegroundColor;
QColor mBreakpointBackgroundColor;
QColor mCurrentHighlighWordForeground;
QColor mCurrentHighlighWordBackground;
int mSyntaxErrorLine;
int mLineCount;
int mGutterClickedLine;
QSet<int> mBreakpointLines;
QSet<int> mBookmarkLines;
int mActiveBreakpointLine;
PCppParser mParser;
std::shared_ptr<CodeCompletionPopup> mCompletionPopup;
std::shared_ptr<HeaderCompletionPopup> mHeaderCompletionPopup;
int mLastIdCharPressed;
bool mUseCppSyntax;
QString mCurrentWord;
QString mCurrentDebugTipWord;
TipType mCurrentTipType;
QString mOldHighlightedWord;
QString mCurrentHighlightedWord;
QDateTime mHideTime;
bool mSaving;
bool mCurrentLineModified;
int mXOffsetSince;
int mTabStopBegin;
int mTabStopEnd;
int mTabStopY;
bool mCanAutoSave;
QString mLineBeforeTabStop;
QString mLineAfterTabStop;
QList<PTabStop> mUserCodeInTabStops;
QSynedit::BufferCoord mHighlightCharPos1;
QSynedit::BufferCoord mHighlightCharPos2;
std::shared_ptr<QHash<StatementKind, std::shared_ptr<ColorSchemeItem> > > mStatementColors;
QTimer mFunctionTipTimer;
int mHoverModifiedLine;
// QWidget interface
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override;
void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) override;
void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event) override;
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
// SynEdit interface
void onGutterPaint(QPainter &painter, int aLine, int X, int Y) override;
void onGetEditingAreas(int Line, QSynedit::EditingAreaList &areaList) override;
// SynEdit interface
bool onGetSpecialLineColors(int Line, QColor &foreground, QColor &backgroundColor) override;
// SynEdit interface
void onPreparePaintHighlightToken(int line, int aChar, const QString &token, QSynedit::PHighlighterAttribute attr, QSynedit::FontStyles &style, QColor &foreground, QColor &background) override;
// QObject interface
bool event(QEvent *event) override;
// QWidget interface
void setInProject(bool newInProject);
bool useCppSyntax() const;
void setUseCppSyntax(bool newUseCppSyntax);
const std::shared_ptr<QHash<StatementKind, std::shared_ptr<ColorSchemeItem> > > &statementColors() const;
void setStatementColors(const std::shared_ptr<QHash<StatementKind, std::shared_ptr<ColorSchemeItem> > > &newStatementColors);
const QDateTime &hideTime() const;
void setHideTime(const QDateTime &newHideTime);
bool canAutoSave() const;
void setCanAutoSave(bool newCanAutoSave);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
void inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *) override;
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
// QWidget interface
void showEvent(QShowEvent *event) override;
void hideEvent(QHideEvent *event) override;
// QWidget interface
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
QString getWordAtPosition(QSynedit::SynEdit* editor,
const QSynedit::BufferCoord& p,
QSynedit::BufferCoord& pWordBegin,
QSynedit::BufferCoord& pWordEnd,
Editor::WordPurpose purpose);
#endif // EDITOR_H