
64 lines
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Version 0.6.0
- fix: old data not displayed when editing code snippets
- fix: shift-tab for unindent not work
- fix: can't save code snippets modifications
- fix: errors in code snippet processing
- change: auto open a new editor at start
- enhancement: todo view
- add: about dialog
- implement: correctly recognize clang (msys2 build)
- enhancement: don't add encoding options when using clang to compile (clang only support utf-8)
- enhancement: find occurence in project
- implement: rename symbol in file
- enhancement: replace in files
- enhancement: rename symbol in project (using search symbol occurence and replace in files)
- fix: search in files
- implement: register file associations
- implement: when startup , open file provided by command line options
- implement: open files pasted by clipboard
Version 0.5.0
- enhancement: support C++ using type alias;
- fix: when press shift, completion popu window will hide
- enhancement: options in debugger setting widget, to skip system/project/custom header&project files when step into
- fix: icon not correctly displayed for global variables in the class browser
- enhancement: more charset selection in the edit menu
- fix: can't correctly get system default encoding name when save file
- fix: Tokenizer can't correctly handle array parameters
- fix: debug actions enabled states not correct updated when processing debug mouse tooltips
- enhancement: redesign charset selection in the project options dialog's file widget
- fix: can't correctly load last open files / project with non-asii characters in path
- fix: can't coorectly load last open project
- fix: can't coorectly show code completion for array elements
- enhancement: show caret when show code/header completions
- fix: correctly display pointer info in watch console
- implement: search in project
- enhancement: view memory when debugging
- implement: symbol usage count
- implement: user code snippet / template
- implement: auto generate javadoc-style docstring for functions
- enhancement: use up/down key to navigate function parameter tooltip
- enhancement: press esc to close function parameter tooltip
- enhancement: code suggestion for unicode identifiers
- implement: context menu for debug console
- fix: errors in debug console
- fix: speed up the parsing process of debugger
- ehancement: check if debugger path contains non-ascii characters (this will prevent it from work
Version 0.2.1
- fix: crash when load last opens
Version 0.2
- fix : header file completion stop work when input '.'
- change: continue to run / debug if there are compiling warnings (but no errors)
- enhancement: auto load last open files at start
- enhancement: class browser syntax colors and icons
- enhancement: function tips
- enhancement: project support
- enhancement: paint color editor use system palette's disabled group color
- fix: add watch not work when there's no editor openned;
- enhancement: rainbow parenthesis
- enhancement: run executable with parameters
- add: widget for function tips
- enhancement: options for editor tooltips
- fix: editor folder process error