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# General Development Notes
Red Panda C++ need Qt 5.15 to build.
Recommended development environments:
1. Visual Studio Code.
* Better performance.
2. Qt Creator.
* (Almost) zero configuration.
* Built-in UI designer.
* Debugger integration with Qt.
To setup development environment in Visual Studio Code:
0. (Windows only) Enable Developer Mode in Windows Settings, and enable `core.symlinks` in Git (`git config core.symlinks true`).
1. Install [xmake](https://xmake.io/) and [XMake extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=tboox.xmake-vscode).
2. Install [C/C++ extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.cpptools) for language and debugging support.
3. Optionally install [clangd](https://clangd.llvm.org/) and [clangd extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd) for better analysis.
4. Config workspace:
- Compile commands: `.vscode/compile_commands.json` (“C/C++: Edit Configurations (UI)” from the Command Palette);
- “Clangd: Arguments”: `--compile-commands-dir=.vscode`;
- “Xmake: Additional Config Arguments”: `--qt=/usr` for example.
5. Run “XMake: UpdateIntellisense” (Command Palette) to generate compilation database.
\* Note: xmake was introduced for compilation database generation and feature matrix test. It is not fully functional yet.
# Windows
For Windows 7 or later:
| Library + Toolchain \ Target | x86 | x64 | ARM64 |
| ---------------------------- | --- | --- | ----- |
| MSYS2 + GNU-based MinGW | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
| MSYS2 + LLVM-based MinGW | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
| Qt.io + MinGW | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
| Qt.io + MSVC | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
| vcpkg + MSVC | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ |
qmake variables:
- `PREFIX`: where `$MAKE install` installs files to.
- `WINDOWS_PREFER_OPENCONSOLE=ON` (make phase): prefer UTF-8 compatible `OpenConsole.exe`.
- `OpenConsole.exe` is a part of Windows Terminal. UTF-8 input support was added in version 1.18.
- `OpenConsole.exe` requires ConPTY, which was introduced in Windows 10 1809.
Notes for Windows on ARM:
- Red Panda C++ can be built for ARM64 ABI only on Windows 11 ARM64, while it is supposed (but not tested) to run on Windows 10 ARM64.
- ARM64EC (“emulation compatible”) host is not supported, i.e., Red Panda C++ cannot be built with ARM64EC toolchain.
- ARM64EC target is (theoretically) supported, i.e. Red Panda C++ will build ARM64EC binaries if upstream toolchain supports ARM64EC.
- With the [ARM32 deprecation in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25905](https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2023/07/12/announcing-windows-11-insider-preview-build-25905/), ARM32 support will never be added.
For legacy Windows (NT 5.1 – 6.0):
| Library + Toolchain \ Target | x86 | x64 |
| ---------------------------- | --- | --- |
| Qt 5.6 from [patched source](https://github.com/redpanda-cpp/qtbase-5.6) + MinGW | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Notes for legacy Windows:
- Supported Windows versions:
- Windows XP SP3 or later;
- Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition (a.k.a. Windows XP x64 Edition) SP2 or later.
- Windows 7 x64 or later required as build host.
- Here is [a script](packages/windows/build-qt5.6-mingw-static.sh) for building Qt 5.6 from source alongside official Qt installation (with Qt.io MinGW GCC 8.1.0).
## MSYS2 Qt Library with MinGW Toolchain (Recommended)
Red Panda C++ should work with any MinGW toolchain from MSYS2, including GCCs and Clangs in three GNU-based environments (MINGW32, MINGW64 and UCRT64), and Clangs in three LLVM-based environments (CLANG32, CLANG64 and CLANGARM64; see also [MSYS2’s document](https://www.msys2.org/docs/environments/)), while the following toolchains are frequently tested:
- UCRT64 GCC (recommended for x64)
- CLANGARM64 Clang (the only and recommended toolchain for ARM64).
Official distributions of Red Panda C++ are built with MINGW32 GCC and MINGW64 GCC.
0. Windows 8.1 x64 or later, or Windows 11 ARM64.
1. Install MSYS2.
2. In selected environment, install toolchain and Qt 5 library:
pacman -S $MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX-toolchain $MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX-qt5-static
To build:
1. In selected environment, set related variables:
SRC_DIR="/c/src/redpanda-src" # “C:\src\redpanda-src” for example
BUILD_DIR="/c/src/redpanda-build" # “C:\src\redpanda-build” for example
INSTALL_DIR="/c/src/redpanda-pkg" # “C:\src\redpanda-pkg” for example
2. Navigate to build directory:
rm -rf "$BUILD_DIR" # optional for clean build
mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR" && cd "$BUILD_DIR"
3. Configure, build and install:
$MSYSTEM_PREFIX/qt5-static/bin/qmake PREFIX="$INSTALL_DIR" "$SRC_DIR/Red_Panda_CPP.pro"
mingw32-make -j$(nproc)
mingw32-make install
## Qt.io Qt Library with MinGW Toolchain or MSVC Toolchain
0. Windows 7 x64 or later. ARM64 is not supported.
1. Install Qt with online installer from [Qt.io](https://www.qt.io/download-qt-installer-oss).
- Select the library (in _Qt_ group, _Qt 5.15.2_ subgroup, check at lease one of _MinGW 8.1.0 32-bit_, _MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit_, _MSVC 2019 32-bit_ or _MSVC 2019 64-bit_).
- For MinGW toolchain, select the toolchain (in _Qt_ group, _Developer and Designer Tools_ subgroup, check _MinGW 8.1.0 32-bit_ or _MinGW 8.1.0 64-bit_, matching the library).
- Optionally select Qt Creator (in _Qt_ group, _Developer and Designer Tools_ subgroup; recomended for MSVC toolchain for parallel build support).
2. For MSVC toolchain, install Visual Studio 2019 or later, or Visual Studio Build Tools 2019 or later, with _Desktop Development with C++_ workload.
- In _Installation Details_ panel, under the _Desktop Development with C++_ workload, select at least one _MSVC x86/x64 build tools_ and one _Windows SDK_.
To build:
1. Launch Qt environment from Start Menu.
2. In Qt environment, set related variables:
rem no quotes even if path contains spaces
set SRC_DIR=C:\src\redpanda-src
set BUILD_DIR=C:\src\redpanda-build
set INSTALL_DIR=C:\src\redpanda-pkg
rem for MSVC toolchain
set VS_INSTALL_PATH=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community
rem for MSVC toolchain; or x86
set VC_ARCH=amd64
rem for MSVC toolchain; keep unset if Qt Creator is not installed
set QT_CREATOR_DIR=C:\Qt\Tools\QtCreator
3. Navigate to build directory:
rem optional for clean build
rmdir /s /q "%BUILD_DIR%"
mkdir "%BUILD_DIR%" && cd /d "%BUILD_DIR%"
4. Configure, build and install. For MinGW toolchain:
qmake PREFIX="%INSTALL_DIR%" "%SRC_DIR%\Red_Panda_CPP.pro"
mingw32-make -j%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%
mingw32-make install
windeployqt "%INSTALL_DIR%\RedPandaIDE.exe"
For MSVC toolchain:
call "%VS_INSTALL_PATH%\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" -arch=%VC_ARCH%
qmake PREFIX="%INSTALL_DIR%" "%SRC_DIR%\Red_Panda_CPP.pro"
set JOM=%QT_CREATOR_DIR%\bin\jom\jom.exe
if "%QT_CREATOR_DIR%" neq "" (
"%JOM%" install
) else (
nmake install
windeployqt "%INSTALL_DIR%\RedPandaIDE.exe"
## Advanced Option: vcpkg Qt Static Library with MSVC Toolchain
0. Windows 7 x64 or later. ARM64 is not supported.
- For a fresh installation of Windows 7, install following components in order:
1. SHA-2 code signing support (prerequisite of .NET Framework 4.8),
2. .NET Framework 4.8 (prerequisite of Windows Management Framework 5.1 and Visual Studio; also optional dependency of Git for Windows),
3. Windows Management Framework 5.1 (prerequisite of vcpkg bootstrapping).
1. Install Visual Studio 2017 or later, or Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 or later, with _Desktop Development with C++_ workload.
- In _Installation Details_ panel, under the _Desktop Development with C++_ workload, select at least one _MSVC x86/x64 build tools_ and one _Windows SDK_.
2. Install [standalone vcpkg](https://vcpkg.io/en/getting-started).
- As of 2023.08.09, [a patch](./packages/windows/vcpkg-win7-2023.08.09.patch) is required for Windows 7 to use compatible version of Python. Affected files will change over time, so manually edit them to apply the patch.
3. Install Qt with vcpkg.
$TARGET = "x64-windows-static" # or "x86-windows-static"
vcpkg install qt5-base:$TARGET qt5-svg:$TARGET qt5-tools:$TARGET
To build with VS 2019 or later in PowerShell (Core) or Windows PowerShell:
1. Set related variables:
$SRC_DIR = "C:\src\redpanda-src"
$BUILD_DIR = "C:\src\redpanda-build"
$INSTALL_DIR = "C:\src\redpanda-pkg"
$VCPKG_ROOT = "C:\src\vcpkg"
$VCPKG_TARGET = "x64-windows-static" # or "x86-windows-static"
$VS_INSTALL_PATH = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community"
$VC_ARCH = "amd64" # or "x86"
$JOM = "$VCPKG_ROOT\downloads\tools\jom\jom-1.1.3\jom.exe" # check the version
2. Navigate to build directory:
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "$BUILD_DIR" # optional for clean build
(New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force "$BUILD_DIR") -and (Set-Location "$BUILD_DIR")
3. Configure, build and install:
Import-Module "$VS_INSTALL_PATH\Common7\Tools\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll"
Enter-VsDevShell -VsInstallPath "$VS_INSTALL_PATH" -SkipAutomaticLocation -DevCmdArguments "-arch=$VC_ARCH"
& "$VCPKG_ROOT\installed\$VCPKG_TARGET\tools\qt5\bin\qmake.exe" PREFIX="$INSTALL_DIR" "$SRC_DIR\Red_Panda_CPP.pro"
& "$JOM" install
To build with VS 2017 or later in Command Prompt:
1. Launch proper VC environment from Start Menu.
2. Set related variables:
rem no quotes even if path contains spaces
set SRC_DIR=C:\src\redpanda-src
set BUILD_DIR=C:\src\redpanda-build
set INSTALL_DIR=C:\src\redpanda-pkg
set VCPKG_ROOT=C:\src\vcpkg
rem or x86-windows-static
set VCPKG_TARGET=x64-windows-static
rem check the version
set JOM=%VCPKG_ROOT%\downloads\tools\jom\jom-1.1.3\jom.exe
3. Navigate to build directory:
rem optional for clean build
rmdir /s /q "%BUILD_DIR%"
mkdir "%BUILD_DIR%" && cd /d "%BUILD_DIR%"
4. Configure, build and install:
"%VCPKG_ROOT%\installed\%VCPKG_TARGET%\tools\qt5\bin\qmake.exe" PREFIX="%INSTALL_DIR%" "%SRC_DIR%\Red_Panda_CPP.pro"
"%JOM%" install
# Linux
See also [more build instructions for freedesktop.org-conforming (XDG) desktop systems](./docs/detailed-build-xdg.md).
## Alpine Linux, Arch Linux, Debian and Its Derivatives, Fedora, openSUSE
1. Setup build environment (documentation for [Alpine](https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Abuild_and_Helpers), [Arch](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Makepkg), [Debians](https://wiki.debian.org/BuildingTutorial), [RPM](https://rpm-packaging-guide.github.io/#prerequisites)).
- For Debians:
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends build-essential debhelper devscripts equivs
2. Call build script:
- Alpine Linux: `./packages/alpine/buildapk.sh`
- Arch Linux: `./packages/archlinux/buildpkg.sh`
- Debians: `./packages/debian/builddeb.sh`
- Fedora: `./packages/fedora/buildrpm.sh`
- openSUSE: `./packages/opensuse/buildrpm.sh`
3. Install the package:
- Alpine Linux: `~/packages/unsupported/$(uname -m)/redpanda-cpp-git-*.apk`
- Arch Linux: `/tmp/redpanda-cpp-git/redpanda-cpp-git-*.pkg.tar.zst`
- Debians: `/tmp/redpanda-cpp_*.deb`
- Fedora, openSUSE: `~/rpmbuild/RPMS/$(uname -m)/redpanda-cpp-git-*.rpm`
4. Run Red Panda C++:
Note that some of these scripts check out HEAD of the repo, so any changes should be committed before building.
Alternatively, build in container (rootless Podman preferred; Docker may break file permissions):
podman run --rm -v $PWD:/mnt -w /mnt <image> ./packages/<distro>/01-in-docker.sh
# Arch Linux for example
podman run --rm -v $PWD:/mnt -w /mnt docker.io/archlinux:latest ./packages/archlinux/01-in-docker.sh
The package will be placed in `dist/`.
## Statically Linked Binary for Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 (NOI Linux 2.0)
The package `redpanda-cpp-bin` is roughly “AppImage repack”. The binary is actually built in a container. Thus the build host is not necessarily Ubuntu 20.04; any Linux distribution with Podman and dpkg should work.
1. Install Podman, and dpkg if build host is not Debian or its derivatives:
sudo apt install podman
WARNING: DO NOT install packages with dpkg on non-Debians, or your system will be terminated.
2. Call build script:
The package will be placed in `dist/`.
## Linux AppImage
podman run --rm -v $PWD:/mnt -w /mnt quay.io/redpanda-cpp/appimage-builder-x86_64:20240304.0 ./packages/appimage/01-in-docker.sh
Dockerfiles are available in [redpanda-cpp/appimage-builder](https://github.com/redpanda-cpp/appimage-builder). Available architectures: `x86_64`, `aarch64`, `riscv64`.
# macOS
## Qt.io Qt Library
0. macOS 10.13 or later.
1. Install Xcode Command Line Tools:
xcode-select --install
2. Install Qt with online installer from [Qt.io](https://www.qt.io/download-qt-installer-oss).
- Select the library (in _Qt_ group, _Qt 5.15.2_ subgroup, check _macOS_).
1. Set related variables:
2. Navigate to build directory:
rm -rf "$BUILD_DIR" # optional for clean build
mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR" && cd "$BUILD_DIR"
3. Configure, build and install:
~/Qt/5.15.2/clang_64/bin/qmake PREFIX="$INSTALL_DIR" "$SRC_DIR/Red_Panda_CPP.pro"
make -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)
make install
~/Qt/5.15.2/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt "$INSTALL_DIR/bin/RedPandaIDE.app"