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165 lines
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# Dependancy
Red Panda C++ need Qt 5 (>=5.12) to build.
# Windows
I build Red Panda Cpp with the latest gcc and mingw-w64, distributed by msys2 mingw-w64. Visual C++ and other version of gcc may not work.
- Install msys2 (https://www.msys2.org)
- Use msys2's pacman to install mingw-w64-x86_64-qt5 and mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
- Install qtcreator
- Use qtcreator to open Red_Panda_CPP.pro
# Linux
- Install gcc and qt5
- Optionally install fcitx5-qt for building with static version of Qt
- Open `Red_Panda_CPP.pro` with Qt Creator
qmake variables:
- `PREFIX`: default to `/usr/local`. It should be set to `/usr` or `/opt/redpanda-cpp` when packaging.
- `LIBEXECDIR`: directory for auxiliary executables, default to `$PREFIX/libexec`. Arch Linux uses `/usr/lib`.
- `XDG_ADAPTIVE_ICON=ON`: install the icon file following [freedesktop.org Icon Theme Specification](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/icon-theme-spec-latest.html) for adaptiveness to themes and sizes. Required by AppImage; recommended for Linux packaging if `PREFIX` set to `/usr`.
- `LINUX_STATIC_IME_PLUGIN=ON` (make phase): link to static ime plugin. Recommended for building with static version of Qt; **DO NOT** set for dynamic version of Qt.
## Debian and Its Derivatives
### “deb” Package for Current OS
1. Install dependency:
sudo apt install \
build-essential debhelper \
libqt5svg5-dev qtbase5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools qttools5-dev-tools
2. Build the package:
3. Install the package:
sudo apt install /tmp/redpanda-cpp_*.deb
4. Run Red Panda C++:
### Build Packages for Multiple Architectures and Versions in Containers
Extra requirements for Windows host:
- Docker uses WSL 2 based engine, or enable file sharing on the project folder (Settings > Resources > File sharing);
- PowerShell (Core) or Windows PowerShell.
* Linux host:
DOCKER=docker # or podman
SOURCE_DIR=/build/RedPanda-CPP # source directory *in container*
MIRROR=mirrors.kernel.org # leave empty for default mirror
PLATFORM=linux/amd64 # or linux/386, linux/arm64/v8, linux/arm/v7, linux/riscv64
IMAGE=debian:12 # or Ubuntu (e.g. ubuntu:22.04)
$DOCKER run --rm -e MIRROR=$MIRROR -e SOURCE_DIR=$SOURCE_DIR -v $PWD:$SOURCE_DIR --platform $PLATFORM $IMAGE $SOURCE_DIR/packages/debian/01-in-docker.sh
* Windows host:
$DOCKER = "docker" # or "podman"
$SOURCE_DIR = "/build/RedPanda-CPP" # source directory *in container*
$MIRROR = "mirrors.kernel.org" # leave empty for default mirror
$PLATFORM = "linux/amd64" # or "linux/386", "linux/arm64/v8", "linux/arm/v7", "linux/riscv64"
$IMAGE = "debian:12" # or Ubuntu (e.g. "ubuntu:22.04")
& $DOCKER run --rm -e MIRROR=$MIRROR -e SOURCE_DIR=$SOURCE_DIR -v "$(Get-Location):$SOURCE_DIR" --platform $PLATFORM $IMAGE $SOURCE_DIR/packages/debian/01-in-docker.sh
### Manual Install
1. Install compiler
apt install gcc g++ make gdb gdbserver
2. Install Qt 5 and other dependencies
apt install qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5svg5-dev git qterminal
3. Fetch source code
git clone https://github.com/royqh1979/RedPanda-CPP.git
4. Build
cd RedPanda-CPP/
qmake Red_Panda_CPP.pro
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
5. Run
## Arch Linux
A reference PKGBUILD is available at `packages/archlinux`. Build RedPanda C++ with [makepkg](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Makepkg) and then install.
Enter `RedPandaIDE` to launch RedPanda C++.
Note that makepkg checks out HEAD of the repo, so any change should be committed before building.
## AppImage
1. Install dependency: Docker or Podman.
Extra requirements for Windows host:
- Docker uses WSL 2 based engine, or enable file sharing on the project folder (Settings > Resources > File sharing);
- PowerShell (Core) or Windows PowerShell.
2. Prepare build environment. Linux host:
ARCH=x86_64 # or aarch64, riscv64
DOCKER=docker # or podman
$DOCKER build -t redpanda-builder-$ARCH packages/appimage/dockerfile-$ARCH
Windows host:
$ARCH = "x86_64" # or "aarch64", "riscv64"
$DOCKER = "docker" # or "podman"
& $DOCKER build -t redpanda-builder-$ARCH packages/appimage/dockerfile-$ARCH
3. Build AppImage. Linux host:
$DOCKER run --rm -v $PWD:/build/RedPanda-CPP -e CARCH=$ARCH redpanda-builder-$ARCH /build/RedPanda-CPP/packages/appimage/01-in-docker.sh
Windows host:
$ARCH = "x86_64"
$DOCKER = "docker"
& $DOCKER run --rm -v "$(Get-Location):/build/RedPanda-CPP" -e CARCH=$ARCH redpanda-builder-$ARCH /build/RedPanda-CPP/packages/appimage/01-in-docker.sh
4. Run Red Panda C++.
./dist/RedPandaIDE-x86_64.AppImage # or *-aarch64.AppImage, *-riscv64.AppImage
## Emulated Native Build for Foreign Architectures
It is possible to build Red Panda C++ for foreign architectures using targets’ native toolchains with QEMU user space emulation.
Note: Always run emulated native build **in containers**. Mixing architectures may kill your system.
For Linux host, install statically linked QEMU user space emulator (package name is likely `qemu-user-static`) and make sure that binfmt support is enabled.
For Windows host, Docker and Podman should have QEMU user space emulation enabled. If not,
* For Docker:
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:register
* For Podman, whose virtual machine is based on Fedora WSL, simply enable binfmt support:
wsl -d podman-machine-default sudo cp /usr/lib/binfmt.d/qemu-aarch64-static.conf /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
wsl -d podman-machine-default sudo cp /usr/lib/binfmt.d/qemu-riscv64-static.conf /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register